The level 92 Purifier was not at all weak even when facing the six warships under Su Bai.

Because of the level crushing, the front-line father and mother towers could no longer approach the Purifier, unless they felt that their lives were a burden.

Under the new level system, a level 92 fighting a level 90 was actually equivalent to a level 120 fighting a level 100. The attribute crushing + high level-jumping penalty, plus the caliber of the secondary guns equipped by the Purifier was 200MM, at this time, going forward was tantamount to seeking death.

So, the father and mother towers retreated directly and left the front battlefield, responsible for guarding against the small boats that might appear.

Guanghui and Enterprise pulled away, increased their speed to the maximum, and released the carrier-based aircraft into the wind. At this time, there was no need to hold back, and all the carrier-based aircraft on the two aircraft carriers were dispatched. The front battlefield became a one-on-one duel between Hood and the Purifier.

Su Bai and Guanghui stood in the command room on the island, watching the fierce artillery battle in the distance, and were very nervous.

Magical damage control is not omnipotent. If Hood himself is killed by a single shot, he is dead. If a secondary explosion occurs like the Battle of Denmark Strait, he is still hopeless.

Although there are a large number of carrier-based aircraft attacking frantically, it is still Hood himself who decides the outcome of the battle.

The Purifier began to release barrages frantically. Her prototype is the deep-sea monster hammerhead shark, and the Purifier's warship has a larger displacement and more main guns than the Hood.

There are two types of barrages for the Purifier, one is laser jet, and the other is rotating barrage. After the shells are fired, they return to the warship.

Hood's barrage is much simpler, just a few rows of magic shells whizzing in.

In the barrage, although Hood has shown her best level, each round of shelling is accompanied by a complete barrage, but she is still slightly at a disadvantage.

Su Bai is also a little anxious. What is Hood waiting for? Why is the new main gun of the MK-7 White Eagle battleship installed on her warship reluctant to fire?

Of course Hood was waiting, waiting for the moment when the Purifier's legs were broken.

The Swordfish formation that took off from the Glory did not make her wait too long. This type of aircraft that specialized in breaking legs played its role. The torpedo accurately hit the Purifier, causing the arrogant Siren leader to panic.

"Why can’t I walk anymore? Ah, my legs!"

The Purifier gnashed her teeth and shouted, her beautiful face becoming extremely hideous.

"Even if my legs are broken, can your 381 scraping cannon penetrate my thick armor? Hood! I'm standing right here. I don't believe you can kill me with one round of main gun. If you can do it, I will eat this battleship!"

Hood laughed, and her cold voice spread throughout the sea from the communication broadcast,"Stupid shark, prepare your face to receive the shells!"

"Load the Mark 8 super-heavy shells and prepare for salvo fire!"

"What super-heavy shells, Qiaodou sacks, don't you only have 381 guns? Where did you get these things!"

""Stupid, face the anger of gold coins!"

The triple-mounted MK-7 main gun roared, and more than a ton of shells whizzed away.

The Purifier battleship, which had lost its maneuverability, was hit by two shells, and the other shell formed a cross-fire.


Hood elegantly flicked his long golden hair, drew his sword, and pointed it directly at the Purifier.

I don't care what fancy barrage you have, I'll knock you down with one shot!

In front of the powerful main gun, what's the use of armor?

The thickest armor, the most poisonous blow. Since ancient times, how many people who stacked armor have a good end?

A mere Purifier, can your armor compare to the flax head?


With a huge roar, the ammunition depot of the Purifier battleship exploded and broke into two pieces. The Purifier was blown up more than a hundred meters by the shock wave. She roared in the air in embarrassment:

"Hood, just wait for me, I will be back, ah!!!"

As the Purifiers escaped, the system broadcast sounded,"Commander Su Bai, we defeated the Beta-I sea area and obtained the precious item for upgrading the meeting hall of the Grand Fleet Base to level 10, a first-level real estate development license!"

Poof! What kind of names are these? Can you be more serious? But if you think about it, there seems to be nothing wrong with it. Upgrading the meeting hall of the base and carrying out renovation and expansion, isn't that real estate development?

Without the approval of the Governor's District, wouldn't it be an illegal building, which is obviously not allowed.

Returning to the Grand Fleet base, Su Bai slammed the real estate development license on the table, and the commanders of the Grand Fleet began to cheer.

"The devil is awesome!"

"Long live the Devil!"...

With the license, the subsequent construction will be a natural process, and there will naturally be professionals to take charge. In the large fleet, there was a commander who was a professional architectural designer before he traveled through time, so the planning and construction of the entire base were handed over to him.

Su Bai, Lachar and other fleet leaders only put forward requirements and would not interfere with his work in detail.

·· ·Request flowers····· ········

This is the characteristic of the Demon King Alliance. They fully trust the ability of each member. For example, the people in the scientific research department can decide how to research and plan.

The leader only needs to put forward the requirements and control the overall situation.

"This is the kind of leader that is qualified!"

"Su Bai, actually you are just lazy!"

"Haha, yes, the beaches in Hawaii are my favorite!"......

Su Bai actually has quite a lot to do. Cultivating his mental strength and improving his magic abilities are his most important tasks. In addition, he also has to appease the three time bombs of Irene, Akagi, and Kaga.

As long as a ship girl's favorability has reached -200, it will be about five times more difficult to improve it than usual, while it will be much easier to reduce it. Sometimes, saying the wrong thing will make these glass-hearted ship girls' favorability return to -200 again.


Simply sending some gifts, eating, drinking and having fun together, will never bring the favorability back above 0.

Just like Irene said, it is easy to break the heart, but it is difficult to put it back together.

Su Bai sat at the desk, and Akagi Kaga was behind him, massaging his shoulders from left to right.���

Humph, since it's too difficult to improve favorability, I won't try so hard to do anything, just let it go. The goodwill between men and women can't be gained by being humble, and those bootlickers will never understand this.

Before traveling through time, Su Bai didn't want to be a bootlicker, so even though he graduated from a prestigious school and had a good job, he still didn't have a girlfriend and remained a bachelor all his life.

If you're too nice to the two girls from Sakura Empire, Akagi and Kaga, they will feel uncomfortable, so just be normal.

Irene, ugh! Every time Su Bai thinks of this name, he wants to slap himself, because because he made a mistake in the order of confession, Irene's heart was completely chilled, and to this day, her favorability is still -199.

"Admiral, what book are you reading?"

Although Akagi has become a member of the White Eagle camp, he still can't change his name. Su Bai doesn't try to correct him. Admiral is admiral. You can call him whatever you like.

"Oh, it's Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

"Wow, Admiral, I've heard of this book. It's one of the four great masterpieces of Donghuang. Let me have a look!" Akagi took the book, flipped through a few pages, and then a frost quickly covered his smiling face. He threw the book on the table, turned around and left.

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