Su Bai was confused. What was going on? Was there something wrong with this book?

Su Bai picked up the book helplessly and read a few pages. He was speechless. What was going on? The passage Chicheng read was the one where the famous military strategist, King Cao Cao of Wei, summoned Zhang Xiu's aunt to his account.

Is it so weird?

The description of this passage was originally nothing, but for Chicheng, it was easy for her to remember the humiliation of being forcibly abducted.

Su Bai smiled bitterly. When people are unlucky, even drinking cold water will get stuck in their teeth. This is probably the only passage in the entire Romance of the Three Kingdoms that describes Cao Cao sleeping with other people's wives. As a result, Chicheng saw it.

Oh my God, is there anyone who can help me calm these three bombs!..

With the real estate development license, the construction of the base quickly got on track. With the blessing of a professional construction team and magic, all kinds of buildings popped up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Yes, it literally popped up.

A building drawing was thrown into the foundation pit, and then the building materials were withdrawn, spells were chanted, and fast building tools were used to speed up the construction. Then a seven-story building rose from the ground. If this is not popping up, what else can it be?

Every time Su Bai saw these magical construction scenes, he felt full of disobedience, especially when he saw a group of architects wearing safety helmets casting magic there, he felt a severe toothache.

Every once in a while, Su Bai would doubt one thing, is this ghost place a game world or the real world?

However, whether you accept it or not, the whole world is moving forward on a fixed trajectory and will never stop because of your doubts.

After several weeks of hard work, the transformation materials were gathered and the first batch of transformed ships completed the transformation. Little Swan, Suffolk, Goddess of Destiny, and Harman have all completed the transformation

"Although the transformation of"Five Six Zero" has improved the strength of these four ship girls to varying degrees, it has not changed the overall structure of the fleet.

No matter how powerful the Suffolk modification is, it is still slightly inferior to the gold-skinned Kaohsiung and Atago. What really greatly improved the strength of the fleet was the upgrade of the Grand Fleet Base. With the upgrade of the meeting hall, many secondary buildings were unlocked.

There are four new buildings: Magic University, Trans-dimensional Store, Naval Academy, and Magic Fort.

The function of the Magic University is to provide magic scrolls.

The proprietress of the Trans-dimensional Store is Akashi, where you can buy a lot of good things. Of course, Akashi's price is not ambiguous at all.

The Naval Academy is a good place to train newly acquired ship girls. The upgrade speed here is very fast. Of course, the gold coins consumed are also very touching.

The magic turret is a brand new defense Defense units can provide powerful magic cannons to enhance the defense capabilities of the base.

In this world, maybe magic is not omnipotent, but without magic, nothing can be done.

The news that the Demon King Alliance has opened up the Beta-I Sea and opened the second-level building was soon known to all commanders. Inspired by this good news, the top commanders of other large fleets also decisively entered the Beta-I Sea again.

Don't hesitate, hesitation will lead to defeat!

Unfortunately, if you don't have strength, the more decisive you are, the faster you will lose.

Do you have a true fleet? Do you have a level 92 battleship? Do you have a Hood that has 100% trigger barrage and is equipped with an MK-7 main gun? Do you have a Glorious Enterprise with all hero machines?

If not, then what is it but sending your head.

Aimeier's black face is back, and Oda Nobuko is also crying. Tears are back. This copy is not for people to play. Only the devil can pass it!

What to do? They can only ask the devil for help.

Except for the Order Alliance, which can't bring itself to ask the devil for help, other large fleets have to go to the Atlans Islands in a humble manner and ask the devil for help.

Help? Sure, just pay!

Su Bai accepted the commissions of all large fleets except the Order Alliance. Needless to say, the Order Alliance is his mortal enemy, the kind that is absolutely impossible to resolve. In this case, he must make the Green Light Alliance and the melon eaters on the Melon Eater Island friendly to him.

Especially the melon eaters. Their individual strength is very weak, but when they are together, they are indeed an existence that cannot be underestimated.

The commission charged by Su Bai is not expensive. Compared with the gains of these people, it can even be said to be negligible.

Su Bai tried Other combinations, such as Irene, Liaoning, Shandong and three front-line phantom gods, such as the front row replaced with Belfast, Edinburgh and Kaohsiung, have all been successful.

As long as the equipment is good and the level is high, this is not a problem.

The people of the Order Alliance suddenly found that they were the only one in the world who had not upgraded the meeting hall!

When watching other commanders in the commander chat room discussing what magic scrolls the Magic University should produce and what good things the Super Space Store had refreshed, the commanders of the Order Alliance finally realized that they had fallen behind the whole world.

Is it right or wrong to fight against the Demon King?

Su Bai didn't have time to pay attention to these things, because something was coming, the oath system would be implemented on August 24!

For all commanders, this is a very happy thing, because they can marry a wife legitimately!

Many commanders were standard single dogs before coming to this world. When they thought about marrying a beautiful and lovely ship girl home, these people were so happy that they couldn't sleep.

Recently, there is only one hottest topic on the forum, which is which ship girl would you marry?

In the popularity survey, Hood, Tejas, Enterprise, command ship, Kaohsiung, Atago, Belfast, Akagi, Kaga and other ship girls with high appearance, strong strength and broad"mind" occupied the top few places in the popularity list.

However, in the popularity survey, the most selected option is the last one: I want them all!

I want them all, this is the roar of the true inner thoughts of the otaku!

But Su Bai just wants to escape from this world. The atmosphere in the port area has become more and more wrong recently. Many ship girls began to look at the commander with strange eyes. Enterprise and Hood began to avoid Su Bai, and Tejas was often nowhere to be found.

The three bombs often surrounded Su Bai, but the three creepy eyes always made Su Bai feel chilly.

When he saw Irene, Akagi and Kaga, the first thing he did was to check the favorability.

-190, that's fine.

-200, my aunt, what happened today? You should be careful when you speak, and don't offend anyone.

It's enough to be slashed by your own ship girl three times in a row. If you get slashed by a hatchet again, you will be too ashamed to face others.

"Ai, Ailin, ahem, what are you doing?"

"I'm practicing swordplay. I just got a book of swordplay, which is said to be the swordplay of the Wind Sword Master. I'm practicing the Seven-Strike Combo now."

"Ahem, that, this doesn't seem to be of much use."

Irene glanced at Su Bai and said,"Who knows, sometimes three consecutive kills may not be enough to kill someone, maybe seven consecutive kills would be better."

"Irene, can we ever go back to the way we were before?"

"You mean, like when we first met on the beach?" Irene looked at Su Bai with a half-smile.

"Yes, let's start from scratch."

"Yes, I'll tell you the method. You kill me now, then click on the command ship construction in the dock, and you can get a command ship in its original state again. The disadvantage is that the level of the ship girl will return to level 1, but the advantage is that you don't have to face a madman like me anymore."......

"How is this possible! How can you forgive me?"

Irene turned her head,"Suppose you are Irene and I am Su Bai, tell me how to forgive?" Su Bai was speechless. He put the command ship that he had known since childhood and accompanied him in his growth in the fourth place, and even said something about forgiveness or not. He felt ashamed. Irene looked at Su Bai dimly.

"When you came to this world, I was the first one to see you, the first one to go out to sea with you, and I was with you in everything that the commander wanted. Miss Hood came, and you liked her elegance, beauty, and aristocratic temperament. I tolerated it because you pulled her out of a cutscene. Miss Enterprise appeared, she was tough on the outside but gentle on the inside, she was powerful, and she could fly with you in the sky. You liked her, and I had nothing to say."

"Then, Miss Guanghui came, and you fell in love with her. You didn't even have much interaction with her, but you were still obsessed with her broad mind. Do you like women with big breasts so much? On the day you proposed to Guanghui, I chose to commit suicide. I couldn't accept it, but it was a pity that the god of death refused to take me."

Irene pulled up her sleeves, and the glaring scar on her wrist made Su Bai feel ashamed.

"You tell me, should I stab you three times?"

Yes, I should, even a few more times is what I deserve.

"Original���I should have died before you came that day. When you proposed to Guanghui, I had already lost the courage to live. In the eyes of Su Bai, whom I love, I am not even worthy of the status of a mistress. But I couldn't bear not to see you for the last time, so I used a secret method before I died and transformed myself into a vampire."

Su Bai hugged Irene tightly in his arms. Because of his stupidity, he almost lost Irene forever.

"Don't cry, there's nothing wrong with being a vampire, at least you don't age that fast."

Su Bai's heart ached, and when he looked at Irene again, he found that the favorability rating above her head had finally returned to 0.

"Okay, your wish has been fulfilled. We are starting from scratch now. This time, you have to be nicer to me, understand?"

"I swear to God, I will never let you suffer any injustice again!"

"That depends on your performance. By the way, although I can't officially marry you, this vow is not actually a marriage contract. As long as my favorability reaches 100 again, I can still accept the ring.... "

Su Bai understood that this was an opportunity given to him by Irene. Her promise to make a vow with him was equivalent to marrying him in disguise. Looking at this poor girl, Su Bai knelt on one knee in front of her without any hesitation.

"Irene, whether the gods allow us to get married or not, I hope to be with you forever. Are you willing to accompany me?"

Irene smiled slightly,"Get up, I will be with you from the first second you came into this world, and I also hope to be with you to the end of the world."

Su Bai stood up and took Irene into his arms. The girl's body was a little cold, and she had no pulse. She had become a vampire.

But what does it matter, as long as I can accompany her, the form is not important.

Five rings, four have owners, so what about the fifth? Thinking of this, Su Bai felt bad.

It's not the lack of wealth that is worrying, but the uneven distribution! Because of a mistake in the order of proposal, he almost lost Irene forever. The first one proposed to Enterprise, and Enterprise was very happy, and generously allowed him to marry anyone he wanted.

The second one proposed to Hood. Although Hood was a little disappointed, he happily agreed. The third one proposed to Guanghui. Although Guanghui was not angry openly, he was resentful in his heart.

The fourth one was about to propose to Irene, and the result was a three-game winning streak.

The fifth one......Su Bai was not that brave, and he did not want to take risks again.

This kind of thing could not be ranked according to merit points like a title, so would it be given to whoever reached 100 first?

"Ah!! Who should I give this fifth ring to?"

Su Bai, who was standing on the top of a mountain in the port area and feeling the sea breeze, was very distressed and said this sentence unconsciously.

The voice of the secretary ship Akagi floated over,"If the admiral can't think of who to give it to, then give it to me."

Su Bai turned around and looked at the glaring -200 favorability above Akagi's head. His scalp numbed. God knew why the favorability of this sickly girl could never be raised.

No matter whether it was hanging up a secret ship or sending gifts or hanging out at the harem, it was useless. Occasionally it would rise to -190, but it would soon return to -200.

Su Bai glanced at the sword on Akagi's waist. This was the Night Language Black Pupil Katana bought from Mr. Akashi of the Super Time and Space Store. It is said that this is an epic Katana from another time and space, a sword that can cut through iron and steel.

-200 favorability plus this extremely sharp sword, Su Bai now regrets bringing up this topic. He just wants to pray that Akagi's swordsmanship is not so powerful.

If he refuses Akagi, he may face"Evil is killed!", and Cheng Ge's ending is predetermined.

"I was originally the wife chosen by Admiral Nanyun. You snatched me away to be his wife, but you couldn't even give me a ring. Humph!"

Hey, hey, you can talk, but why are you stretching your hand to the hilt of the sword, Qiaodou Madai, I didn't say I wouldn't give it to you 5.9!!

"Ahem! You are right!"

Su Bai stepped forward and held Akagi's hand,"Miss Akagi, are you willing to accept this oath ring and go through the ups and downs with me?"

Akagi suddenly smiled,"The admiral must not have thought that the fifth ring would be given out like this. Did I help you?"

"Yes, that's right."

You are a yandere, you have a sword, whatever you say is what it is!

Uh, after a closer look, the favorability above Akagi's head has finally reached 0. It's finally not -200.

Su Bai saw Akagi following him in wooden clogs for an afternoon, so he considerately asked Akagi to go back and rest first, and he walked towards the pier from another path. The problem was finally solved. Su Bai was in a good mood, humming a little tune as he walked down the mountain.

At this moment, he heard the sound of swords dancing in the grove by the roadside. It turned out to be Kaga, why was she practicing swords here?

Kaga held the sword with both hands. Her katana is also a well-known sword, the legendary demon sword Muramasa.

Kaga shouted lightly, took a step, and rushed a few meters away. Muramasa swept through the air and slashed at the wooden stake seven times. His sword skills were swift and straightforward, without any tricks.

""Clang!" Muramasa sheathed his sword, and the tall wooden stake broke into several pieces and fell to the ground with a bang.

Kaga looked at Su Bai with a smile,"Admiral, how is my swordsmanship?"

Su Bai's smile was a little forced, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead,"Very good!"

"I just heard a few words vaguely. Has the admiral planned to give the fifth ring to my sister?"

Su Bai looked at Kaga with a bad expression, -200 favorable impression, the hand on the hilt, and the uncontrollable murderous aura, and cold sweat broke out.......

Who will save me? I don't want to be a Shura Field, I don't want to be Cheng Ge!.

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