On August 24, the Chinese Valentine's Day, the first batch of rings came to the commanders' hands.

As the only baron among all the commanders in the entire governor's district, Su Bai's wedding attracted many people to attend.

The wedding was held in the cathedral on Atlans Island. The Temple of All Souls sent a bishop to preside over the wedding for the two newlyweds.

The guests who attended the wedding included Nimitz, the governor of the North Pacific Governor's District, Antonidas, Su Bai's magic teacher, the Duke of Buckingham who came on behalf of the royal family, officials from the north representing General Stalin, officials from other governor's districts, and Youyouzi, the representative of Princess Youlan of Ghost Island, and even Admiral Yamamoto, the governor of the hostile camp, sent someone to send a gift.

As for the other commanders of the Grand Fleet, they all attended the wedding and sent gifts, and Miss Oda Nobuko of the Green Light Alliance also came in person to congratulate the Demon King, but her expression was a bit complicated.

This wedding can be said to be full of guests, with many guests and a lot of poker.

The whole wedding was divided into two parts. The first part was the wedding held in the Atlans Cathedral, and the second part was the grand wedding banquet held in the Demon King's Castle Petelius.

The wedding was presided over by Bishop Alphonse, and the choir sang melodious hymns on the side. Relatives, friends, and guests from all parties took their seats in the church one by one.

Su Bai and Enterprise stood under the two huge statues on the main stage of the church. Bishop Alphonse looked at the newlyweds with a smile.

Su Bai was wearing a full set of baron's formal attire, and he looked unusually energetic. After more than half a year of commander's life, Su Bai was no longer the frustrated social animal and otaku.

Now he is the commander ranked first in the North Pacific Governor's District, the winner of the initial level of Ship Qi Hegemony achievement, the holder of the initial level of liver emperor honor, the baron who was personally awarded the title by the Queen, the Imperial Navy Rear Admiral, the first in collection rate, the first in the number of expeditions, the first in fleet strength, the leader of the Demon King Alliance Fleet, Demon King Su Bai!

Haha, it sounds very impressive.

Opposite Su Bai was Enterprise in a formal dress. Today, Enterprise has taken off her military uniform, washed off the dust of war, and exudes charming feminine charm.

Her blue eyes, like the sea, can't hide her shyness and charm, as if she is telling her joy and expectation. Her long silver-gray hair, drooping like a waterfall, and wearing a small diamond-studded platinum crown on her head, makes Enterprise so different and elegant.

Light 21 gauze gathers silver threads, gold pendants hang on her ears, and a white dress perfectly sets off her proud figure. The usual military uniform hides her proud curves, but under the low-cut dress, the proud curves will also make her enemies feel ashamed.

Two white shoulder pads, spread out like angel wings, make Enterprise look even more sacred and inviolable.

At this time, Enterprise looks like a goddess from heaven descending to the earth. Su Bai feels as if he is dreaming. Is such a dreamy and beautiful woman really going to marry him?

"Baron Subai, do you want to marry Miss Alice as your wife? Do you want to love her unconditionally and be faithful to her forever, no matter good or bad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad?"

"I do!"

Su Bai's voice was trembling. God, I am finally no longer a single dog, and my wife is the legendary ship girl, Enterprise Alice!

"Miss Alice, are you willing to marry the man in front of you as a legal couple, whether he is healthy or sick, poor or rich, young and beautiful or old, you are always willing to love him, depend on him, support him, and never leave him for the rest of your life, are you willing?"

Enterprise nodded seriously,"I do!"

"Very good, now there is the most important step, please ask the two newlyweds to swear an oath to the two creation gods!"

"I swear that I will face all the storms with Su Bai/Alice until the end of my life!"

When the two swore, two holy lights descended from the sky and enveloped them, which meant that the gods had recognized their marriage and blessed them.

No one has the right to break up a marriage blessed by the gods. You know, every couple will swear to the gods when they get married, but only one in ten thousand can get the blessing of the gods.

Seeing the arrival of the holy light, all the guests were surprised. In this world, being blessed by the gods is not only an honor, but also a real attribute improvement.

The infusion of these two holy lights has greatly improved the basic attributes of the two people, and the luck of the enterprise has also increased from 93 to an incredible 100.

After the blessing of the gods, the marriage contract officially took effect. From this moment on, Miss Alice officially became the wife of the Demon King Su Bai.

"Now, Mr. Su Bai, you can kiss your wife."

Su Bai took out the oath ring from his pocket. The platinum ring setting and the huge diamond sparkled with charming light. This is a oath ring that is worth as much as three of the latest aircraft carriers.

Sure enough, romance also needs a material foundation.

Su Bai's hands were trembling. He held Enterprise's hand and put the ring on her ring finger.

Enterprise said gently,"Su Bai, I have crossed countless battlefields and welcomed countless separations. I carry countless wishes and wills on my body. Su Bai, are you ready to take on all of this?"

"Yes, no matter what storms we face, I am willing to experience them with you; no matter which battlefield we face, I am willing to fly with you side by side; from today on, we will no longer be apart, but only be together."

"Then let's go on together until the end of our lives!"

Enterprise closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembling slightly, Su Bai leaned over and kissed him.

This is the taste of happiness, soft and sweet happiness.

After the wedding, surrounded by all the guests, Su Bai and Enterprise walked out of the cathedral. In the square in front of the door, a gorgeous carriage stopped here, and four white unicorns pulled the carriage.

Su Bai and Enterprise took this luxurious carriage to the Demon Castle Petelius to attend the grand wedding banquet.

Su Bai's wedding banquet was of a very high level, because he was the only baron among the three hundred commanders of the North Pacific Governor's District. Although the baron is not a high-level title, it is also a well-known noble.

The most important thing is that the Demon King Su Bai is very powerful. He has the most powerful fleet and the best base. He has close trade relations with Ghost Island. Su Bai's wealth is very amazing.

He will not let his and Enterprise's wedding banquet be shabby.

The wedding banquet was unusually lively.

The dishes of the wedding banquet are divided into table fixed dishes , There are two parts: set dishes and buffet dishes.

There are 49 regular dishes in total, ranging from pork, beef, lamb, chicken, duck, fish to quail, xingxian, Dongshan, rice bear and other dishes commonly used in royal banquets, as well as grouper, earth dragon palm, salt-baked sea snake, stir-fried thunder bird, fresh fish soup, magic fire frog, stewed catfish, mantis shrimp skewers, etc.

There are all kinds of rare foods.

On the stage in the middle of the banquet hall, artists from all over the world perform on stage, including rope skills, pole jacking, juggling, magic , magic, sword dancing, wrestling, singing and dancing, etc.

Of course, because there are many clergymen attending the banquet, the dance is generally conservative, and the sexy dance that the people love to see did not appear.

The banquet lasted until the afternoon, and the buffet held at other locations at the same time would last for seven days. When the seven-day buffet was over, the wedding was officially over.

By the time Su Bai and Enterprise sent away the ship girls and commanders who were making trouble in the bridal chamber, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

"Alice, come on, I'll take you to a good place!"

Qiye was a little surprised, but she still obediently extended her hand to Su Bai and walked with him.

"Do you remember the first time we flew in the sky side by side?"

"Of course I remember that time you were almost paralyzed by fear."

"Let's fly in the sky again, okay?"

Enterprise looked at Su Bai in surprise and nodded.

The Enterprise aircraft carrier was moored at the port of Atlans Island. The two came to the aircraft carrier, and the mechanical warrior on duty saluted them.

"After the modification, the aircraft carrier has been equipped with catapults, arresting cables and night landing lights. Our vehicles can now take off and land at night. Come on, let's take off!"

The last time, two Platypus attack aircraft were purchased on the black market of the super-time and space. One of them was damaged in the battle of Midway Island, and now there is only this one left.

The spacious cockpit has been carefully decorated with red wedding characters. After the modification, the rest room in the back row has added a steel double bed and covered with velvet bedding. The bright red bed looks particularly festive.

Seeing all this, Enterprise was surprised and her face turned red.���The plane began to roar, and as the catapult was activated, the platypus soared into the air. After stabilizing its flight attitude, Su Bai set the route and switched the flight mode to automatic cruise.

"Alice, the fuel is full, and we can fly for ten hours. These ten hours belong to us completely!"

Enterprise looked at Su Bai with a smile,"We are already husband and wife, what should you do now?"

Su Bai's face turned red, and he grabbed Enterprise's hand a little awkwardly. The two of them lay side by side on the bed, looking at the twinkling lights outside the window, enjoying this quiet time.

"Alice, I never thought that this fighter plane can not only detect and kill enemies, but also witness our love!"

"We went from strangers to familiarity, starting from flying together. Su Bai, I like the place you chose very much. Lying here, every moment we spent together appears in my mind. It's great to have you here."

Su Bai turned over and kissed her gently.

Enterprise closed her eyes, her skin was so delicate and white, like a piece of white jade.

Ah! This is my wife, my Alice!...

The sea tonight is turbulent; the moon tonight is shy to show its face; the stars tonight are sometimes bright and sometimes dim.

Enterprise rests in Su Bai's arms, like a happy little bird

"Su Bai, it's still early and I can't sleep."......

"Su Bai, I'm not sleepy yet"......

"Su Bai, it's not dawn yet"......

Originally, Su Bai was going to hold a wedding with Hood the next day, but he still overestimated himself.

Enterprise squeezed him completely dry until he begged and said,"I don't have a drop left." Enterprise reluctantly let him go.

So, Su Bai had to rest for a day before he could continue his wedding with Hood.

August 26th, the second wedding.

The guests who attended Su Bai and Enterprise's wedding did not leave, because everyone knew that the Oath Ring had just been opened, and the commanders' weddings were naturally one after another.

Five Oath Rings, one is given for free, and another one is given after using it, and then you can buy two from the profiteer Akashi at a 30% discount in the Super Space Store. These are the four rings that everyone can get. The fifth one requires the commander and the ship girl to go out to sea together to defeat the naughty destroyer and snatch back a ring, which most commanders cannot do.

Su Bai's second wedding was held with the glory of the Royal Navy, Miss Hood.

Today's Hood is unusually beautiful. She is the beautiful bride of the Royal Navy today.

Hood, who took off his uniform and washed off the dust of war, was extremely beautiful, and his perfect figure, which was usually covered by the uniform, was also perfectly displayed.

It was still the familiar wedding process, and the bishop finished reading that paragraph.

Su Bai answered loudly,"I do!"

The kind bishop looked at Hood,"Miss Constantine, what about you?"

Hood lowered her head shyly, and said in a low but firm voice,"I do!"

"Very good, now let’s move on to the next step. Please have the two newlyweds swear an oath to the two creation gods!"

"I swear���I, 680, will face all the storms with Su Bai/Constantine until the end of our lives!"

When the two took the oath, another ray of holy light descended from the sky and enveloped them. This showed that the gods had also recognized them and blessed them.

Seeing the coming of the holy light, the guests were stunned. What did this mean? Was this family so exaggerated? The blessing of the gods was really a rare thing, but it was like a joke here. Everyone got a share?

This time, the infusion of holy light directly enveloped the two of them at the same time, which brought a significant improvement to their basic attributes. Hood's luck also increased from 75 to 85.

With the blessing of the gods, from this moment on, Hood Constantine became the second wife of the Demon King Su Bai.

Bishop Alphonse said solemnly,"Okay, Mr. Su Bai, you can kiss your wife."

Su Bai took out the vow ring from her pocket, held Hood's hand, and put the ring on her ring finger.

Today's Hood is elegant and beautiful. Her long golden hair was curled into waves and drooped gently. The Rose Love Poem wedding dress made by the royal tailor perfectly matched her elegant temperament. Her blue eyes revealed deep love and endless tenderness. The exquisite platinum crown gave Hood a noble temperament. The white veil draped over her head gave Hood a mysterious beauty.

A pair of sapphire earrings, set off against her fair skin, made Hood's icy skin so smooth, what a classical beauty.

The low-cut dress made Hood's proud curves perfectly presented in front of her lover, and Su Bai secretly swallowed his saliva.

Hood said gently,"Haha, you look nervous.

If you are so nervous in front of a lady, you won't be able to convey your feelings smoothly.

Su Bai, although you look a little embarrassed, I have already felt your heart.

The moment you rescued me from the cold deep sea, the god of fate connected us tightly together.

In the future, are you willing to walk side by side with me?"

"Yes, Constantine, you are the goddess of my dreams, and the most perfect and elegant existence in my heart. It is the god of fate that allows us to meet in advance, and it is also the god of fate that allows you and me to hold hands here. No matter the wind and rain, I am willing to walk side by side with you until the end of my life!"

Hood closed her eyes, and two lines of tears flowed down. At this moment, she was the happiest girl in the world. Su Bai leaned over and kissed her.

This is the taste of happiness, the taste of sweetness.

After the wedding, there was another lively wedding banquet, but the people attending the wedding banquet didn’t really care about this delicious meal. They were witnessing a love.

In the crowd, Qiye smiled and watched the two people holding hands happily. Guanghui quietly came to her side.

"Alice, aren't you jealous?"

"Maybe a little, but it is such a precious fate that we can meet each other. If you think about it this way, there is nothing to be jealous of. Andrea, how about you?".

Transcript: Naruto789

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