Leaving the Tactical Academy, we arrived at the dock.

Lucy came up to us and said,"Commander, the daily supplies have arrived. Now we can carry out one special construction or two light ship constructions."

"Two light ships are being built. Go and arrange it."

Su Bai felt that he was getting more and more into the role of commander. He no longer trembled when speaking and no longer breathed hard when walking.

Soon, Lucy came to report,"One of them is Juno, and the other one... I don't know whether I should congratulate the commander or say that the commander is unlucky."

"Tell me, who is it?"

"It's Jinkela, oh no, it's Santiago!"

Hood and Irene smiled bitterly.

Jinkela is indeed a super rare golden boat, but in the current version, it is just a pure vase that can only eat but not do anything.

Su Bai didn't have any expression,"Lucy, use the quick construction scroll."

"Commander, it only takes a little more than an hour."

"It's okay, use it. There are a lot of these things in the back. I believe the two ship girls must want to meet everyone earlier."

Juno and Santiago came to Su Bai

"Commander... Juno has been waiting for you here.……"

"I, I'm the Atlanta-class Juno. I joined the aircraft carrier task force because of its strong air defense, but I'm actually afraid of being hit... It's a pity that I couldn't return to Espiritu Santo Island……"

"Okay, no need to memorize the lines. Juno, will you join my fleet?"

"Of course I am willing to do that. I am best at restoring the lives of their ship girls after being sunk."

Su Bai shook his head,"You will not be a tool with Pearl Tears in my place. This is the commander's promise to you."

Juno's tears remained. No matter which commander she was with, she would always be used as a submarine. Only this commander really treated her as a surface ship.

"Thank you, Commander. Juno is willing to die for you."

"Silly child, don't say such things."

After comforting Juno, Santiago on the other side came up timidly. She was even worse off than Juno.

Juno could at least be a tool, but she could only open an illustrated guide and then was sent to the headquarters by plane.

But she still mustered up the courage to face the commander,"I'm Santiago! I heard that I'm the ship that got the second most stars in the war after the Enterprise. Although I don't quite understand what the stars are, it seems very powerful!"

"I know, it's a seventeen-star meritorious ship. Santiago, are you willing to join my fleet?"

Santiago looked at Su Bai in disbelief,"Commander, aren't you going to send me to the headquarters?"

"Why should we send you to the headquarters? Ridiculous, you are the first and rarest light cruiser in the port area!"

"But, but, my strength is limited."

Su Bai said seriously,"Believe me, one day, you will grow into a real Nanbowa!"

Santiago wiped his tears and said,"Commander, I am willing to join. Santiago will serve you."

"Okay, both of you, today is your first time to come to my fleet, so I'll give you half a day off to get familiar with the port area. At 7pm, meet at Victory Square in front of the Commander's Mansion."

Leave the dock and continue forward.

Irene grabbed Su Bai,"Commander, were you really a dead otaku without a girlfriend before you came to the Azure World?"

"Well, although it's a bit embarrassing to say, it's true."

Irene said faintly,"But why do I feel that the commander is good at teasing girls?"

"Is there? Maybe it's just because I treat the ship girl as a real girl."

Su Bai was silent. In the original world, I also wanted to treat her as my favorite girl, or even my goddess.

Unfortunately, she just treated me as a spare tire.

If you don't want to be a licking dog, then you can only be a dead house. This is really a heavy memory.

Hood saw that Su Bai was in a bad mood. She glared at Irene with dissatisfaction,"Commander, we have almost finished touring the port area. Let's go back. Darjeeling black tea has just arrived today. Let's go drink tea together."

Hood took the commander's hand and let his softness gently touch him.

Su Bai felt that softness, and there was no more worries in his heart.

Such a considerate Hood, even if he is an actor every day, what's the harm


The logbook of the Ship Qi Hegemony Fleet:

January 2, Year 1 of the Azure Calendar.

Today's major events in the port area: Juno and Santiago joined the fleet.

Major events in the expedition: 25 expeditions completed in total.

Major events in the expedition: 240 battles completed in total, 355 in total.

When Su Bai was about to close the logbook, it suddenly lit up and the system prompt sounded.

"All commanders, please take note. From today, the logbook has a new function, the commander chat room. The specific functions and usage have been sent to the logbook."

Oh my god, this logbook has this function, it can be used as a mobile computer.

Su Bai couldn't wait to log in to the commander chat room, and found that the chat room was already boiling.

"Hi, I'm Commander Thompson from Earth."

"I am Commander Lin Xi from Earth"

"I am Commander Castel from the Chiron system!"...

Su Bai looked at the avatars of these people. Oh my god, how come there are elves, centaurs, and even dragons and demons among these commanders!

Since warships can become girls, it seems that there is nothing that centaur commanders cannot accept.

Su Bai quickly accepted this fact. He looked at the commanders from various galaxies in the chat room with interest.

What is going on in this blue world?

I can't care so much. Maybe it's just a dream. Since I'm here, I'll enjoy my commander career.

Su Bai didn't participate too much in the discussion, because those centaurs and elves have nothing to do with humans. They soon started to chat in their own language.

The language of the centaurs is very interesting. The first word of each sentence is a centaur emoticon package, expressing their emotions, and then they will follow the text.

The language of the elves is much more casual, and it looks like a choir performance.

Why can the commander understand the language of other races? Uh, such a powerful logbook, it's not too much to come with an automatic translation function.

The new features launched on the third day, as well as all the sea areas in the first chapter, and the exercise mechanism.

The exercises will not result in casualties, and can greatly increase the experience points of the ship girls and the merit points of the commander.

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