Su Bai was not in a hurry to participate in the exercise. He arranged his fleet to various sea areas like a miser.

"No more than two ships are allowed to form a team!"

Su Bai roared in Victory Square,"We must maximize the cost-effectiveness of resources!"

"Liaoning, you lead your team to the sea north of Honolulu, where an unknown ghost fleet may attack."

"Shandong, lead your team to Pearl Harbor and repel the attacking fleet. If the enemy launches an air raid, don't worry about Arizona, because even God can't save her. Just salvage as many shipgirls as possible."

"Hood, the Eastern Sea is now yours. This is where the flagship of the unknown fleet is located. Remember, I need your performance, not your performance.’!"

Irene was a little angry,"Commander, what about me, where should I go?"

"You take Santiago to level up around here."

Irene felt wronged. Why should I bring this burden around? Is he looking down on me?

Su Bai looked at her gently."Irene, you are the only one who can command all the fleets in the open sea. When I'm not here, you will be responsible for the fleet dispatch, so you must be in the center of all the fleets."

"Besides, Santiago will surely grow into a top-notch sea legend in the future. Wouldn't you be happy to take her with you?"

"Got it!"

Although Irene couldn't understand why the commander was so optimistic about Jin Kela, the commander's order was everything. The commander's gentle explanation to Irene had already made her no longer angry.

"Let's go!"

Standing in the commander's mansion halfway up the mountain, watching the fleets of shipgirls commanding their warships to file out, I felt a full sense of accomplishment.

I have been in the blue world for three days. I don't have a mobile phone or a computer, only a logbook.

But I have shipgirls!

The current fleet has a total of twelve shipgirls, both in the front and back rows, and their combat effectiveness is quite good. When the level is raised, I will go to the training ground to have a look.

Su Bai stood in the commander's mansion waiting for the return of the fleet.

Liaoning was the first to return to the team, and behind her, there was a string of shipgirls. Among them, the shipgirls who had never appeared before were Fute, Spence, and Fox.

Su Bai first greeted those shipgirls who already had duplicate warships.

"Sorry, everyone, my port already has duplicate shipgirls, and there are no more places for you."

"You can choose to retire at the headquarters and integrate into society, or you can choose to stay in my port and do some logistical work."

The ship girls were a little disappointed, but they were very lucky to be rescued. Most of them chose to report to the headquarters and retire from active service.

Only two or three petite ship girls chose to stay and work in the logistics department of the commander's mansion.

Su Bai summoned the logistics officer Lily,"We must take good care of them and don't let them suffer any grievances."

Foote, Spence, and Fox came to the commander.

"I'm Foote from the Fletcher-class Little Beaver Squadron. It's really troublesome to have such a big family, more than 30 sisters and hundreds of sisters, it's tiring to remember their names……"

"Foote, would you like to join my fleet?"

"Of course!"

"That... Fletcher's Little Beaver Squad... Spence... and my sisters participated in the Mariana Turkey Shoot. A typhoon is coming... Wow, I'm so nervous that I can't remember anything!"

"I am the Royal Navy F-class destroyer Foxhound, also known as Foxhound. Compared with other sisters, I have undergone a special enlargement design for the first time, so I will develop better! Hehe……"

Three new ship girls joined the fleet and were placed in the back house to gain some experience before going on an expedition.

Of course, Su Bai would not say this directly. He said to the three ship girls enthusiastically,"Since you have come to my fleet, you will be a family in the future. You have been working hard wandering outside. Go to the back house to rest first, and remember to gather at Victory Square after dinner."

Soon, Shandong also returned to the team. Downs, Cassin, and Olik came to the commander, and after a routine conversation, they also joined the fleet. The number of fleet members increased to eighteen.

How much will the number of fleet members increase today?

Su Bai saw that it was noon, opened the logbook, and connected to Hood's communication device.

"Hood, Hood, are you okay?"

"Commander, I'm fine. What do you want to talk to me about?"

"It's time to come back"

"No, there is still one ship girl missing, that is Nelson, known as the 29-knot ship, the main force of the Royal Fleet, Renown."

Hood's stubbornness gave Su Bai a headache, gaining reputation is not something that can be accomplished in a day or two.

"Come back soon, the drill is about to begin, we can't do it without you"

"Well, since the commander needs it, Hood will certainly obey your orders!"

Hood led the team back to the ship, and her results were very fruitful. Leander, Omaha, Raleigh, Counterattack, and Long Island were included.

Su Bai talked to the ship girls in turn, and the number of fleet members increased to 23.

At 12 noon, the system broadcast of the start of the exercise sounded simultaneously on each commander's island.

Su Bai stood on the stage of Victory Square, looking at the 23 ship girls standing solemnly below the stage, and his blood was surging in his heart.

This time, his hands no longer trembled.

"Everyone, the exercise has begun. In the near future, I will arrange for everyone to take turns to fight and gain experience. However, today is the first exercise battle of our fleet, and I must send the most suitable ship girl to fight!"

Su Bai avoided using the word"strongest" to avoid hurting the ship girl's heart.


"I am here!"

"In the first exercise, you will be the flagship of the exercise fleet. I look forward to your gorgeous barrage, playing a dirge for the enemy."


Hood's fair face flushed with a touch of red, and that charming look made Su Bai secretly swallow his saliva.

It's still better to be in the blue world. If it were the original world, such a beautiful, chic, and noble goddess would not even look at me.

"Liaoning and Shandong, you will serve as Hood's left and right wings! Your carrier-based aircraft will be the strongest weapon to tear the enemy apart!"


The two ship girls took the task seriously.

Irene looked at Su Bai angrily,"Commander, what about me? I can't go to the front row!"

"You are the command ship, so of course you will accompany me to command in the Commander's Mansion."

Irene was choked and speechless.

"Santiago, Little Swan, Leander, you form the front row!"

Juno raised her hand and asked to speak.

"Juno, what's the matter? Tell me."

"Commander, please let me play! I am willing to sacrifice myself for the team's victory."

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