All good things must come to an end. There was still one last day for Su Bai's wedding, but most of the guests had already left.

Most of the people who appeared at the buffet were just naughty shipgirls and staff members who were just eating for free.

The fleets for the expedition and the expedition have been sent out one after another. Because of the adjustment of the level system, the experience required to reach the maximum level is now more than ten times the original design, so the leveling tasks of each shipgirl have increased more than ten times.

The expedition has never stopped for 24 hours. Except for a short break when conquering the ghost island, the expedition is always running non-stop. The expedition will not take a holiday unless the Azure explodes; the expedition will not rest until the world is restarted!.

This is the requirement of the Demon King Su Bai for all the shipgirls in the expedition team. The shipgirls can take turns to rest, but the expedition must not stop.

Of course, the shipgirls with other arrangements can take a temporary rest for a while.

A small castle in the city of Petrius, this is Irene's residence. Su Bai knocked on the door and walked in.

The room was a little dark, so Su Bai had to turn on the light.

Irene was wearing a bridal gown, lying on a bamboo chair with her eyes closed.

Su Bai came to Irene, knelt on one knee, and held her cold hand.

"You're here. Remember, don't say those three words! I don't want to hear it."

Yeah, sorry or something, go to hell

"Irene, you have been with me since I came into this world and met you on that beach full of coconut trees. I have long been accustomed to your presence and ignored your feelings. Let's put everything in the past aside. From now on, I am willing to accompany you through this life, okay?"

"No, I don't want to. I'm an elf and a vampire. I will definitely live longer than you. Do you want to be buried with me when you die?"

Seeing Su Bai's stunned expression, Irene finally couldn't help laughing,"Okay, don't be so depressed. How can I bear to embarrass you? I agree, where is my ring?"

Su Bai smiled and took out the fourth oath ring and gently put it on Irene. However, Irene's favorability is only 0 now. Although the ring can be worn, it will not increase any attributes, nor will it conclude a vow. It is just a decoration.

Irene pulled Su Bai up. Her hands were very cold, like a piece of cold jade. The two came to the top floor of the castle together, feeling the sea breeze and looking at the sea view.

"The unpleasantness of the past has ended with those three cuts. From now on, you have to 597 bring me happy memories, okay?"

"Yes! I will definitely do it"

"In the future, you have to take some time to be alone with me, okay?"

"Okay! I will do it."

Irene lay on the soft big bed,"Come up, my Lord Demon, what are you waiting for?"

Su Bai rushed over and lay down beside Irene,"It's still daytime, it feels a little strange"

"What's so strange about that? Hey, what are you thinking about? Do you want to do anything to a ship girl you have zero affection for?"

Irene rested her head on Su Bai's chest,"That's great, I can feel your heartbeat!"

Su Bai leaned over and kissed her, and Irene began to unbutton his clothes.

Yes, Irene had put on her wedding dress and was waiting for him in her castle. She had already tacitly agreed to marry him, so what was there to hesitate about?

I would like to use my warmth to soothe your cold heart....

On August 30, Su Bai came to the courtyard where Akagi was. It was a small courtyard in the style of the Japanese cherry blossoms, with cherry blossoms planted inside and the houses were also traditional Japanese-style buildings.

He did not see Akagi, but saw Kaga who was practicing kendo.

""Clang!" The sword energy passed through the tip of his nose.

"Oh, it's the Admiral, I didn't notice you!" Kaga had a smile on his face, but the -200 favorability still made Su Bai completely speechless.

"Are you here to see your sister? Come in!"

Today is my sister's big day, so I'll spare you, you bastard admiral."

Walking into the room, I saw Akagi sitting on the tatami, wearing the traditional Sakura Empire dress"Deep Red Poppy".

The pure white background is embellished with bright red trims, and two tassels hang down gently. The simple and elegant design makes Akagi, who originally had a yandere temperament, look particularly peaceful. Her red eyes are no longer so eye-catching, but instead look playful and cute.

The design inspiration of this dress comes from the white wedding dress worn by the bride in the traditional Shinto wedding ceremony of Sakura Empire. It symbolizes the purity and flawlessness of the married person.

In the traditional culture of the East, white is a special color for funerals. The bride-to-be wears a white wedding dress, which has another meaning, which is that the past self is dead, and the bride will usher in a new life after the wedding.

Akagi took great pains to choose this dress. Of course, Su Bai did not understand these. In his eyes, the advantages of this dress are that it is very beautiful; the exposed skin is very white; the pair of proud existences is very big!

"Admiral, you are finally here"

"Akagi, uh, sorry, I don't know your real name yet."

"Nakahara Mai, from now on, when it's just the two of us, you can call me Mai. If we follow tradition, after I marry you, I think I will have to change my name to Suyuan Mai."

"No need to change, I like you now."

Su Bai took out the fifth ring from his pocket. This was the reward he got yesterday when he led the main fleet to clear the mission level. In the entire Governor's District, there were only a handful of people who could get the fifth ring.

He came to the tatami and knelt down, sitting face to face with Nakahara Mai.

"Mai, you came to me and suffered a lot. But that's all in the past. From today on, I hope you won't cry for the rest of your life. Are you willing to forget the past, stay with me for the rest of your life, and accompany me to see the beauty of the world and experience the ups and downs of life together?"

Mai Nakahara's nose twitched, and tears flowed down her face. Hum, why was I moved by a word from this bastard?

"Sue......"Su Bai, don't say that. If you hadn't taken me away, I might have been living in dire straits now. I have lived here for several months, and I know how good you are to me. Although you are a bastard, I am willing!"

Su Bai was a little helpless. How could I be a bastard! He hugged Akagi into his arms and kissed her gently.

Akagi's voice sounded softly in his ears,"Do you know what 床-取者 means?"

How embarrassing! Can we not talk about this topic?

"This, I know a little bit"

"So what are you waiting for?"After saying this, Chi Cheng blushed, closed his eyes, and posed for you to pick.

Su Bai swallowed his saliva, and the flame of desire completely engulfed him.......

Everything is so beautiful. If there is no sound of swords breaking through the air in the courtyard, maybe it will be better.

Kaga cut off the thick wooden stake with one sword and left with a look of disappointment. My sister married the admiral, I should be happy for her, but why do I feel heartbroken? I only hope that you will be happy.

Admiral, let me put an end to your Shura field with this sword!


A week later, the system issued an announcement that after the maintenance on September 1st, the new Chapter 6 map will be opened. The first three seas are still independent dungeon spaces for each commander.

The fourth sea area, the Solomon Final Sea, is the third public sea map to be opened.

Because there were too many warships participating in the last Battle of Midway, the consumption of thousands of warships was too great, which violated the original intention of the two gods.

Therefore, in the public naval battles after September 1st, the upper limit of warships dispatched by each large fleet was reduced to 50 to 100 ships according to the level.

This decision was unanimously supported by all commanders. If each battle was fought on the scale of the last time, it would not take long for everyone to go bankrupt.

Of course, the reduction in the upper limit of the number of participating ships does not mean that the intensity of the war has decreased. On the contrary, they are all elite warships, and the battle will be more intense. It can be foreseen that the Solomon Final Sea will become a new bloody place after the Midway Sea.

In order to deal with the upcoming war, each large fleet held a pre-war meeting to discuss countermeasures.

The commanders of the Demon King Alliance gathered in the meeting hall. Su Bai was a little worried about his image being damaged. After seven days of madness, his eye circles were a little dark, his eye bags were a little heavy, and his steps were floating.

There was no way, the Yuanyang Boy's Kung Fu that he had practiced for more than 20 years was broken, and his waist was still a little sore. The ship girl was so irritating, it was a completely happy trouble.

But looking at the commanders in the meeting hall, it seemed that they were not much better than me. Everyone looked at each other, it turned out that everyone was the same, haha! The commanders showed���A smile that every man understands, a smile that is extremely vulgar.

Hehe, on weekdays, everyone puts on a sanctimonious face, it seems that everyone is like this.

Su Bai coughed,"This is a preparatory meeting before the war, everyone, don't get sidetracked!"

Yes, yes, what he said is true, but it's a pity that the dark circles under his eyes and the weak voice still betrayed him. The majestic Demon King in the past is now just a pervert like everyone else.

Wu Mingxi from the technical team spoke first,"Demon King! We must attack and take over this sea area. In the last battle in the Beta-I sea area, the power of level suppression has been fully demonstrated. According to my calculations, the difficulty of upgrading after level 90 is now ten times greater than before, but the attribute improvement it brings is also nearly ten times!"

"Please look at this set of data. This is the result of my calculation of a level 90 battleship attacking a level 89 target, and a level 91 battleship attacking a level 89 target. By substituting the improved attribute weights, we can get a new calculation formula as follows:......"

Looking at that string of exaggerated formulas, Su Bai felt a headache. What the hell do you know about Azur Lane? Level suppression is enough. What's the point of talking so much? It's not like a postgraduate entrance exam!

However, since it was the result of the technical party, he still took the lead in applauding and supporting it.

"Well, Mingxi is right, we must suppress the level, we must take over this fish pond, and we can't give the Order Alliance any hope of a comeback."

Financial officer Mingmei is a rare female commander in the Demon King Alliance. Although she also married a ship girl, she has no special hobbies. She married a ship girl purely for the improvement of attributes.

Seeing the slightly obscene expressions of the men in the hall, Mingmei was a little unhappy, but work comes first, she endured the disgust and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the financial report of the Grand Fleet for August, you can take a look. Although our base is running very well and trade with other forces has begun to make a profit, the construction in the past two months has consumed a lot of resources, and now we don’t have much money."

Su Bai looked through the report, and sure enough, after the second phase of the meeting hall was built, money was spent like water.

Lachar's cold voice sounded,"First of all, I want to make it clear that Miss Mingmei's work is very good. Secondly, I want to remind everyone here, please think about how much profit we have made after winning the last Battle of Midway. I know that some people hold the small peasant mentality of being content with a small fortune, and think that it is not important to fight for the final waters of the Solomon Islands."

"I tell you, you are totally wrong! If we hesitate, then the people of the Order Alliance will spend money to take over this sea area, and their level will catch up with or even surpass us! It will be too late to regret it by then! By then, not to mention that you can't defend Atlantis, you may even have to run to Green Light to be a licker! Are you willing to do this?"

"I don't want to!"

The commander in the hall roared like thunder. Most of them were frustrated before coming to this world.���Having just experienced an opportunity to show off your masculinity, you are now going back to the days before liberation? No way!

"Deputy leader, you don't need to say anything, we all understand the truth, I am willing to donate all my wealth, if we win this battle, we can all eat delicious food, if we don't win, we can all eat coarse food! I don't believe that those defeated generals will be our opponents, damn it!"

"Well said, I am also willing to contribute money and effort!"

Su Bai stopped the excited commanders,"Don't be so exaggerated, I suggest that everyone do what they can according to their own financial resources.

Moreover, this time, you don't need to donate money, I suggest that you issue a bond in the name of the Grand Fleet for a period of six months.

After six months, not only will the principal be returned, but also a certain amount of interest will be paid.

The specific amount of this bond to be issued and the interest rate will be handled by Miss Mingmei.


"In short, our enemies this time will definitely not accept defeat, and they will definitely spend money and fight for their lives. Humph, do they have more money than us?"


The hall was filled with a cheerful atmosphere. Yes, competing with the Demon King Alliance in terms of money and fleet strength was really a joke.

"Our general principle can be summed up in one sentence: walk in other people's paths, occupy other people's seas, and leave others with no paths to walk and no boats to fish in. Then adjourn the meeting!"

The last domineering summary of the meeting by Demon King Su Bai made the morale of all the commanders of the entire Demon King Alliance high. When everyone walked out of the meeting hall, they were all murderous and their eyes were red. The commanders who were a little decadent because of their obsession with beauty in the previous week finally ignited their fighting spirit.

Without strength, how can we maintain our current life and protect the lovely ship girls!

Of course, the top few people are not as easy to fool as the commanders below. Several unfavorable news are coming. First, there was a struggle for power and profit within the super-time black market. Hale, the former boss who was close to Su Bai, was accused of privately accepting bribes and selling customer information and has been taken away by the procuratorate.

The attitude of the new boss to Su Bai was neither cold nor indifferent, and it was completely a business-like attitude. It was impossible to seek information from him.

The enemy will never be polite to you. If the Order Alliance wants to turn over, it can only fight to the death while the levels of both sides have not been completely crushed.

It can be imagined that they will definitely go bankrupt in one wave. Such opponents are the most terrible.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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