Su Bai also learned a new piece of news. For unknown reasons, the Mercenary Guild publicly announced that they were undergoing internal reorganization and would not provide assistance to any party this time.

This news could not be said to be good or bad. If neither side could obtain support from the Mercenary Guild, then it would be a 50-50 split.

The foreseeable enemy, the Order Alliance, was a mortal enemy, needless to say. The enemy of the Sakura Empire and even the Iron Blood, if he married Akagi, he would never be able to take off the hat of a bed-taker in his lifetime.

How to explain it? It was impossible to explain. At that time, Su Bai was so angry that he forced Nanyun to hand over Akagi Kaga. Was he really so righteous just to salvage the boat? You were salvaging the boat? You were just greedy for her body, which was despicable!

Okay, even if Governor Yamamoto didn't bother with me, it would be strange if those otakus in District 11 could let me go. The Iron Blood chose to retreat because of the Siren invasion last time, but this time it might not let me go easily.

Su Bai always felt that there might be more enemies than this one, and he had to find external aid.

In Xingzhou Islands, Su Bai's helicopter landed at the airport, and Oda Nobuko led the commanders of the Green Light Alliance to greet him at the airport.

"The Lord Demon has come, and our Green Light Alliance is honored. Please come to the hall to chat!"

Oda Nobuko's smile was very sweet, but the resentment in her eyes was still captured by Su Bai sharply.

In the hall, everyone else was sent out. Su Bai sat in the main guest seat, Oda Nobuko sat in the main seat, and the Minotaur Kane accompanied her on the other side. Wine, food and fruits were soon served. The hospitality was very warm and the attitude was very attentive, but Su Bai's heart sank, he knew that Oda Nobuko was unreliable.

The problem was obvious, Oda Nobuko did not regard herself as the lord, but as a guest. If she was willing to surrender, Su Bai should be sitting in the main seat at this time. Su Bai did not move his chopsticks, he said lightly,"Miss Oda Nobuko, it seems that no matter what I say, there will be no satisfactory result?"

"Lord Demon, please understand that I am not alone here, this is a new alliance. I personally appreciate Lord Demon's kindness and am willing to help you, but other members of the alliance may not be willing."

"Of course, I have signed a subordinate agreement with the Demon King, and I will definitely fulfill the agreement. First, I will declare that I stand on the same front with the Demon King and issue a warning to the Order Alliance."

"In the battle in the Solomon Sea, I will personally lead my own fleet, gather 20 main battleships, and wait for the Lord Demon's dispatch! As for the others, I can't force them. They joined this alliance because of me, and I don't want to go against their wishes."

Su Bai cursed in his heart, bah! These are all your bootlickers, it's easy for you to influence their decision. Why are you pretending to be a white lotus in front of me! How much combat power can your twenty broken ships have? What

Oda Nobuko said makes sense, and it is not wrong to single it out. However, this is based on the premise that she does not want to support. If she really wants to help, she can send a full fleet of fifty warships.

Woman, woman, just because Su Bai once ignored her and did not give her face, she finally felt resentment.

Su Bai did not want to say much. He saved the Xingzhou Islands twice and helped her upgrade the meeting hall, but this was the result. If he accepts this result humbly, then don't be a demon king, just be a turtle king.

Su Bai stood up suddenly,"Ms. Oda Nobuko, the subordinate treaty signed that year was a bit unreasonable on my part. Now the Green Light Alliance is strong and growing, and it is not appropriate to be a subordinate of our Demon King Alliance. I have decided that the subordination treaty between our two families will be annulled from today. From now on, you are you and I am me."

Oda Nobuko was startled, but the teacup in her hand had already fallen to the ground. Su Bai's domineering and resoluteness had completely caught her off guard. She was just trying to adjust her attitude and raise her own status. If she really wanted to betray Su Bai, she didn't have the courage to do so.

"Lord Demon King, that's not what I meant. Please listen to me."

Su Bai waved his hand to stop Oda Nobuko from speaking,"Miss Nobuko, it doesn't matter what you mean. What matters is my attitude, understand? You take care of yourself. Even if we can't be friends, I don't want us to face each other on the battlefield. This is my last kindness."

Su Bai left, leaving behind Oda Nobuko with a look of surprise and her loyal cowboy Kane.

Kane said angrily,"This Su Bai really thinks of himself as a demon king. Does he think he has the final say in this world? Your Highness Nobuko, I suggest that we cooperate directly with the Order Alliance to overthrow him completely!"

Oda Nobuko glanced at Kane. In her eyes, this tall and burly minotaur was even smaller than a goblin. Are you really so awesome and tough? Why didn't you fart when the Demon King was here just now? Now that others have left, you dare to come out and shout. You are such a loser.

Oda Nobuko thought helplessly, maybe I did something wrong. Because of a dispute over egos, I lost the care of the Demon King. Am I going to rely on these licking dogs to lick the cows? After all,

Oda Nobuko is not a fool like Kane. She chose to remain neutral. By doing so, at least she would not completely anger the Demon King, and there would still be room for recovery in the future. If she directly joined Order Alliance, then if you win, you win everything, and if you lose, you lose everything.

Su Bai left Xingzhou Island angrily and went directly to Ghost Island. He didn't want to come here in his heart, and he was even more unwilling to visit Princess Youlan as a helper again. Although the water prison is a good place to soak in hot springs, it is embarrassing.

However, he didn't even have the chance to embarrass himself here, because Princess Youlan was not there at all.

Youyouzi, the ship girl under Princess Youlan's command, received Su Bai.

The beautiful and cold girl said politely,"My Lord Demon King, the princess had to return to the country for an urgent matter, and she didn't leave any contact information. I'm not sure when she will be back."

Su Bai was a little anxious. Youyouzi shouldn't be lying to him. Is it that weird?

Youyouzi said,"My Lord Demon King is very busy. I believe he came here in person for something. Why don't you tell me, maybe I can help you?"

Su Bai had no choice but to explain his purpose.

"This is a big deal, I dare not make the decision. However, based on my understanding of the princess, if she were here, she would most likely agree. I have a suggestion. On the day of the war, I will lead the ghost fleet of fifty main battleships and lurk in the outer sea area. If Princess Youlan can return in time, we will launch an attack."

"If she can't return, I will show up and attract the attention of some enemies. This is the limit of what I can do. I hope you can understand, Demon Lord."

Su Bai looked at Youyouzi, who had fought bloody battles on the battlefield all night, and he was a little surprised that he could make such a decision.

"Thank you, Youyouzi!"

"It is not necessary to do so. Lord Demon King, please pray that the princess can come back in time."

After expressing his gratitude again, Su Bai returned to Atlans Island. This world is really unpredictable. The Green Light Alliance, which had shown favors many times, betrayed him, and Youyouzi, who was once his enemy, helped him as much as possible.

Su Bai did not think about why Youyouzi was willing to help him. Was it Princess Youlan's intention or Youyouzi's own idea? He had received favors from others, and he must remember it in his heart.

The sea area would be opened the next day, and the fleets were seizing the time to level up and make final preparations.

The final crazy charge was carried out in the sea area of 5-4. Level, until he was forcibly sent back to the port by the maintenance force, Su Bai had no choice but to rest.

Under his command, there are a total of 18 warships over level 90.

Enterprise, Hood, Glory, Irene, Liaoning, Shandong, level 92; Akagi, Kaga, Lexington (battlecruiser), Anson, Howe, Rodney, Cleveland, Helena, Wichita, Renown, level 91. In addition, there are level 90 Belfast and Edinburgh.

Of the 60 warships participating in the battle of the Demon King Alliance, Demon King Su Bai himself provided 18, and the rest of the warships were provided by other livers. Provided by the emperors, the unified requirement is above level 90.

This battle determines the future development. No one dares to neglect it. They all sent out their most capable ship girls and led the army to fight in person.

Before the oath of departure, Su Bai's right eye began to twitch wildly, which made his heart sink. It is not terrible that the enemy is strong, but it is the enemy hiding in the dark that makes him unable to resist. In the last naval battle, he had intelligence in hand, but was caught off guard by the unexpected appearance of the Sakura Empire fleet. If it were not for the reversal after the appearance of the Sirens, the outcome would not be certain.

This time, several There is almost no reinforcement. If Princess Youlan does not come back in time, we will have to rely on these 60 warships to fight to the death.

And what about the enemy? The 50 warships of the Order Alliance. The level and combat effectiveness of these people are not worth mentioning, but the combat effectiveness of the reinforcements of the Sakura Empire and the Iron Blood is much higher. If it were just these enemies, my right eyelid would not be twitching. Those unknown enemies hiding in the shadows are the most terrifying.

Of course, Su Bai would not show these emotions. He still enthusiastically carried out a pre-war mobilization at the dock, and then led the fleet to set off.

·· ·Request flowers0 ···

Qiye stood beside Su Bai. Thinking of the madness in the sky that night, Qiye still felt a little embarrassed. She held Su Bai's hand, but found that Su Bai's brows were tightly knitted.

"Su Bai, is there something bothering you?"

"It's nothing. I just remembered that our enemies are far more than those on the surface. God knows how many enemies are hiding in the dark, so I am a little worried."

"Don't worry, no matter how many enemies there are, it will only increase my merits, just leave it to me with confidence!"

Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of, even if the whole world is against me, at least there are Enterprise and others fighting side by side with me. Su Bai was infected by Enterprise's pride and smiled,"With you here, what's the harm in being the enemy of the world!"

It was very easy to break through the first three sea areas. The deep-sea battleships of more than 60 levels were not worth mentioning in front of the powerful fleet. Even ammunition did not need to be consumed. Only magic cannons and magic bombs could solve the battle.

Soon, the fleet arrived at the final sea area of Solomon.

Sixty warships were arranged in a predetermined formation, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Order Alliance.

During this period, two waves of deep-sea fleets were refreshed.

Of course, they were cleaned up without any suspense.

Yudachi did not fall, and no one cared about it.

After all, everyone's goal was not here.

There was fog on the sea, and in the fog, a huge fleet appeared.

It was the fleet of the Order Alliance and the Sakura Empire fleet.

......... 0

In the logbook, the admirals of the Sakura Empire began to flood the screen

"Kill the Demon King Su Bai!"

"Rescue Miss Akagi Kaga!"

"Baka, kill that beast Su Bai!"...

Seeing that the admirals of Sakura Empire had flooded the chat room, Enterprise, who was standing next to Su Bai, smiled and said,"Oh no, I actually married such a rare villain in the world!"

Su Bai broke out in a cold sweat. Although he knew that he must be hated by Sakura Empire, he never expected that he would be hated so much. The damn system had to give him the notoriety of a bed-stealer and announced it to the whole world.

Ah, I am so wronged!

Well, it seems that it is not too unfair.

Su Bai did steal Akagi Kaga.

It's just that because of the lack of favorability, the wedding has not been officially held for the time being, but Su Bai and Akagi have already boarded the ship.

The only thing left is to wait for the favorability to be high enough to buy a ticket.

Akagi is a little unhappy.

���She responded on the public screen,"Hey, everyone from Sakura Empire, I'm Akagi, please go back, I'm willing to marry Mr.

Su Bai!


It would have been better if she hadn't said this, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the Sakura Empire admirals were completely furious.

"Ah! Miss Akagi, you actually married the Demon King!"

"No, I can't accept this news!"

No one expected that the first shot of this war would be fired by the angry Sakura Empire admiral.

The melee began!

Aimeier and Lin Tianzuo of the Order Alliance each led a fleet to try to outflank the Demon King Alliance's large fleet.

However, due to the huge level gap, the combat effectiveness of the two sides was far apart. At least half of the Order Alliance's warships were less than level 90, and they did not upgrade the second-stage meeting hall, and their technological level was still at the most primitive first-order technology.

If the Sakura Empire admirals had not participated in the war, the Order Alliance would have been blown up in an instant. Su Bai made a decision, and Lachar, Barto, and Nefario led their fleets to deal with the Sakura Empire fleet.

Su Bai himself led his fleet to kill the Order Alliance. As long as they could be wiped out, even if he failed, it would only mean that no one would be able to enter the final waters of Solomon within a week. At most, it would be a Both sides will suffer! I don't believe it. You can always invite so many helpers to help you. Let me see how much money you have!

The platypus took off and overlooked the battlefield from the air.

More than 300 carrier-based aircraft took off from six aircraft carriers, including Enterprise, Glory, Liaoning, Shandong, Akagi, and Kaga, and swept across the battlefield like locusts. The battlecruiser squadron headed by Hood, with its super high mobility advantage, seized the T advantage and began a fierce bombardment.

Hood, Anson, Howe, and Rodney launched a combination skill, the Wrath of the Admiral. A million-ton void giant ship appeared from the void and directly crushed over, crushing the four Order Alliance warships into slag. This move can only be launched when four real admiral-class battlecruisers are gathered. It is the only one in the world.

When seeing this move, Aimeier's face turned green. Of course, he knew that the Demon King's fleet had such a cruel move, but he couldn't stop it.

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