Ai Meier and Lin Tianzuo faced Su Bai's fleet, and more than a dozen warships sank in an instant. They could not stand it anymore and were forced to call for support.

On the sea, a fleet appeared, flying the banner of Iron Blood.

"The knights from Bavaria are here to fight the Demon King. We must kill the Demon King and rescue the trapped Miss Akagi!"

Su Bai was so angry that he cursed,"Fuck you, what does this have to do with you iron-blooded bastards! You still think of yourself as a knight, bah!"

Enterprise smiled with his lips pursed,"You robbed a wife and offended the whole world. Is it a loss or a profit?"

Su Bai said nothing with a dark face. He pressed the button to launch the missile. An anti-ship missile whizzed towards the Order Alliance fleet below and instantly blew the destroyer Z23 into two.

Although it is now one against three, Su Bai still did not summon Youyouzi to join the battle, because......Princess Youlan still hasn't come back.

This little girl is probably not worth counting on. His combat goal must be changed. Now the only goal is to kill Aimeier and Lin Tianzuo.

Let's deal with Aimeier first. Needless to say, he will never change in his life. His flagship must be Saratoga, which has outstanding appearance and can run horses on its chest. This is the stubborn aesthetic that the elves cannot change.

Go to hell, steel plate control!

Two anti-ship missiles approached Aimeier's flagship Saratoga at a superb speed close to Mach 1.

Aimeier's face turned black. Before the war, someone advised him to change his flagship, but he arrogantly refused."This battle, I can't lose, and no one can threaten me. I will never change my flagship. Saratoga is my wife!"

Unfortunately, this touching love story could not move the whistling missiles.

Aimeier"400" died.

After Aimeier's death, at least seven warships disappeared out of thin air, and there were less than 30 warships left in the Order Alliance.

On this side of the battlefield, the eighteen super warships under Su Bai's command fought against more than twenty warships of the Order Alliance and forty warships of the Iron Blood Camp.

Although the number was at an absolute disadvantage, Su Bai's fleet was at an absolute advantage in terms of combat power.

On the other side of the battlefield, the sixty warships of the Sakura Empire faced the remaining thirty-two warships of the Demon King Alliance. There were many otakus in the Sakura Empire, and most of the warships that came were above level ninety, with quite good combat power.

On this side, Lachar, Barto and others were in a tough battle, but these two people were resolute in character, and they were holding on even though they knew they were defeated. They all knew that the key to this battle was whether they could kill the two leaders of the Order Alliance. As long as they defeated the main force of the Order Alliance, even if the whole army was annihilated, it would not be considered a loss.

The hope of the whole village was here with Su Bai.

And the hope of Su Bai's fleet was here with Enterprise. The more desperate the situation, the more you can see the difference of Enterprise. Driving a fighter plane to shuttle through the battlefield, Enterprise with a luck value of 100 points was like turning on a cheat, and all the shells would leave obediently from another angle.

Su Bai had long been accustomed to cooperating with Enterprise. He was an observer and bombardier, while Enterprise was an ace pilot. Every time they worked closely together, they would destroy an enemy warship.

On the sea, the number of warships flying the banner of the Order Alliance was decreasing. Platypus had also used up all its ammunition and returned to the aircraft carrier to resupply ammunition.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Su Bai and Enterprise took a short rest and set off again.

While in the air, he connected to all the fleet's communications, calmly distributed command, and issued orders.

"Irene, you can activate your skills now. Attention, entire fleet, start charging. In this round of battle, don't worry about the damage to the warships. Once a warship is severely damaged, abandon the ship and escape immediately. We have only one goal, to annihilate the fleet of the Order Alliance. Other than that, the outcome will be decided by God!"

Irene's cold voice sounded,"All troops, advance!" She activated the bloodthirsty and violent skill, and the damage of the entire army increased by 30% in a short period of time. Her squadron was the first to rush into the enemy camp.

Hood drew his sword and pointed it directly at the enemy,"Royal Navy, fight every enemy, advance!"Four admiral-class battlecruisers lined up, looking for fighters and starting to fire in salvos.

Liaoning and Shandong did not speak, but silently released all the carrier-based aircraft, and the two of them personally flew their fighters into the air, organized the formation in the air, and began a wave of assaults. The few carrier-based aircraft of the Glorious aircraft carrier are all hero squadrons. Glorious personally piloted the A-6E Intruder as the spearhead of the formation and began the assault.

Akagi and Kaga were organized into a team, and they simultaneously launched the two skills of First Hand Victory and First Carrier Fighter. After Akagi married Su Bai, the relationship between the two sisters seemed to have become a lot colder, but in the face of a powerful enemy, some resentment could be put aside. Since they joined the White Eagle camp, they have not had any outstanding achievements.

We want to vindicate the First Carrier Fighter! We are not weak, we want to show the world the bond and strength of the First Carrier Fighter.

More than a hundred carrier-based aircraft took off in batches and began to attack...

In the face of such a crazy offensive, the fleet of the Order Alliance began to collapse. Perhaps Lin Tianzuo still had the will to fight to the end, but the grassroots commanders were already powerless in the face of this violent attack.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

This is a fact that these commanders cannot figure out. The only thing they can figure out is that the devil is angry, and these unlucky guys are just in the face of the devil's anger.

You high-level people want to fight for the first place in the world, but we just want to be salted fish in peace!

The Order Alliance began to disintegrate, and many commanders with little ambition have begun to lead the fleet out of the battle. They are unwilling to be the martyrs of these strong men.

Very good! From the movements of these warships, Su Bai can already lock on the squadron where Lin Tianxiang is.

Seven battleships, including two destroyers, one cruiser, two battleships and two aircraft carriers.

I don't believe you will command on a destroyer. It's enough to blow up the aircraft carrier and the battleship!

Enterprise pushed the throttle lever to full afterburner, and with a roar, the tail nozzle of the engine began to spray blue flames, and the platypus broke the sound barrier.

This is it! The Lexington aircraft carrier, this is Lin Tianxiang's flagship, which can be judged from the distribution of personnel on the bridge. In addition to the flagship, there is no need for so many liaison personnel and general staff!

Die, Lin Tianxiang!

Two anti-ship missiles flew out and hit the Lexington aircraft carrier accurately. One of the heavy anti-ship missiles hit the center of the hull directly, and the other hit the command room of the bridge. Lin

Tianxiang died on the spot, and Lexington was blown into two pieces. At the moment when Lin Tianxiang died and left the battlefield, the remaining six warships were also swept away by the system.

Very good, the Order Alliance is doomed!

Su Bai shouted to persuade surrender while starting the final pursuit and suppression.

With the collapse of the Order Alliance fleet, the fleets of Sakura Empire and Iron Blood also hesitated. They came to join the war as reinforcements.

At this point in the battle, it seems that they no longer need to continue fighting. Taking advantage of the advantage to withdraw from the battle seems to be a good choice.

Although they all dislike Su Bai very much, fighting cannot be decided by the commander's preferences. An excellent general must know when to advance and when to retreat, and be sensible. You say that the employer is dead, so why are these mercenaries still fighting?

Just as the two families were hesitating, the sea was turbulent, and suddenly another fleet joined. Where did this fleet come from? It was actually under the banner of the White Eagle.

A message floated across the public screen of the logbook:"Commander and admiral of the Iron Blood and Sakura Empire, please do not leave. I am Eamon from the Governor's District of the South Pacific. I have been commissioned by Mr. Aimeier to take over this war. If they can't afford the commission, I will pay for it. Now, you can start!"

Su Bai was so angry that he was incoherent. Is my popularity so bad?"Eamon, you bastard, you actually colluded with people from other camps to be my enemy, have you thought it through?"

Eamon laughed,"Su Bai, your despicable character is like the protagonist of a Greek drama. Your notoriety is known to everyone from Ireland to Khitan. I want to avenge Miss Akagi Kaga. Stop talking nonsense and see you on the battlefield!"

"Haha, you bastards are just jealous of me. Since you are so eager to die, I will give you a ride."

After Su Bai finished talking tough, he knew that he couldn't hold on. He was fighting three top warriors alone. He really thought he was Lu Bu. Even Lu Bu couldn't hold on.

"Youyouzi, are you there?"

"My Lord Demon King, I am right behind Amon, but I can’t contact the princess, and I dare not give orders on my own!"

"Youyouzi, you are not subject to the orders of the king when you are away from home. You must learn to judge the situation by yourself!"

Youyouzi hesitated for a while, and said as if he had exhausted all his strength,"Master Demon, if you make this decision,���"If the Lord wants to kill me, will you come to save me? If the princess fires me because of this, will you accept me?"

Su Bai answered without hesitation,"The princess won't do that. If she really does that, I will definitely come to save you! If she can't accommodate you there, you are always welcome here!"

In order to get timely rescue, Su Bai didn't care about his moral integrity at all, and he made a bunch of promises casually.

Youyouzi gritted her teeth and regained her composure,"Ghost Fleet, listen to the order. I just received an order from Her Royal Highness the Princess, asking us to fully support the Demon King Su Bai's fleet and attack with all our forces!"

Although some captains doubted the authenticity of this order, Youyouzi had been acting in command of the fleet for a long time and had prestige in the fleet, so her order was quickly executed....

Amon was very proud. Three against one, he was from the south, the Iron Blood from the east, and the Sakura Empire from the northwest. They had surrounded the Demon Alliance's fleet. They were sure to win this battle!

Just as he was laughing wildly, a fire suddenly broke out behind him. More than 500 ghost carrier-based aircraft swept in. At this time, Amon had already released his carrier-based aircraft. His aircraft carrier was already a wreck.

"Fxxk, where did this fleet come from?"

Emon was horrified. At this time, he was already caught in the crossfire between the Ghost Fleet and Su Bai's squadron.

The situation suddenly changed drastically, and Emon, who had always been smooth sailing, was at a loss. Before he could give accurate instructions, the Ghost bombers and torpedo planes had already reached the top of the fleet.

Emon fled the command room in a panic, and his flagship, the Lexington, had been engulfed in flames.

"Bastard, if I find out who you are, I will never let you go!"

"Come on, Commander, it's time to abandon ship!"......

Just when Amon was hit, the Iron Blood Sakura Empire also launched a full-scale attack. Su Bai's fleet had already charged southward, and it was impossible to catch up with them. So after discussing, the commanders of the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood vented all their anger on the other fleet of the Demon King Alliance.

Hundreds of Sakura Empire and Iron Blood warships surrounded the fleet of Lachar and others. Although this fleet had 32 warships, its strength was not as good as Su Bai's fleet. After being surrounded by the two families, it gradually couldn't hold on.

Now it's another round of race, and it depends on who will eat up the enemy in the encirclement first. Su Bai and Youyouzi attacked Amon frantically; and the two fleets of Iron Blood and Sakura Empire were also speeding up to deal with Lachar's fleet.

Lachar, the old blood clan yin B who never changed his face, finally showed his iron-blooded side. He knew that no matter what the outcome of this battle was, the Demon King Alliance would at least not lose. Even if the whole army was annihilated, it would only take a few more days of training.

What are you afraid of? Fight to the end!

Nefario of the dragon clan directly transformed into a huge black dragon, flew into the sky, and began to use dragon breath to damage the enemy's ships.

Although the damage of dragon breath is not too high, it can cause great chaos. After all, a giant dragon in the air, such an outrageous thing, is only heard in legends.

Barto, the most bloodthirsty demon, ordered the naval ships to activate the burst skill, and rushed into the fleet of the Sakura Empire. His flagship Rodney directly collided with the flagship Nagato of an admiral in the Sakura Empire camp. After a violent shock, Barto led the mechanical warriors to jump onto the Nagato, and the two sides started a boarding battle that is rarely seen in modern naval battles.

Barto's combat power is like a demon incarnate compared to the little otaku of the Sakura Empire. In the melee, Barto grabbed the little admiral of the Sakura Empire and tore him into pieces.

Five warships of a fleet of the Sakura Empire were instantly recovered by the system. Barto also fell into the water in a mess. His flagship Rodney also lost its maneuverability. Barto climbed onto the Nelson without hesitation and continued his battle. The three generals of the Demon King Alliance were so fierce that they exceeded the expectations of the Sakura Empire and the Iron Blood. Is it really worth it to fight with such a desperate guy?

On the south side of the battlefield, the winner was decided quickly. Although Amon is strong, as a second-generation noble, he has a very poor psychological quality.

Amon, who rarely encountered adversity since childhood, completely lost the basic qualities of a commander. He couldn't even give orders. The whistling bombs and huge explosions made him hysterical.

No, it shouldn't be like this!

The result of this war should be that I, Amon, become a knight, defeat the demon king, rescue Miss Akagi Kaga, and accept their admiring eyes. That's right! Of course, if they are willing to follow Master Amon, then I can also reluctantly accept them.

Why is it like this?!

No one on the battlefield will explain this to him. Only bombs, torpedoes and cannons can teach him how to behave.

The indifferent Amon was in a daze in the command room of the flagship. As a result, he was hit by a volley of fire from Youyouzi's ghost flagship and died on the spot.

With the death of Amon, fourteen warships disappeared. The remaining warships began to beg for mercy and escape. Su Bai ignored these people in the South Pacific region. He would never accept surrender. If he doesn't take ruthless action, you don't know what kind of person the Demon King is!.

Added by: Naruto789

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