"Youyouzi, thank you! Now I need your help, I want to wipe out all these cubs!"

"Lord Demon King, just give the order."Youyouzi was actually panicking inside. He mobilized the fleet to fight without asking the princess. Whether he won or lost, he would be in big trouble. God knows why he helped this notorious guy. This bastard had sunk him a hundred times.

When the princess often mentioned Demon King Su Bai, she still admired him. So there should be nothing wrong with my decision? I hope so.

"Lord Su Bai, please let our brothers go for the sake of the fact that we are all in the White Eagle camp!"

"Oh, then when you were firing at me just now, why didn't you remember that we were all in the White Eagle camp? My friend, the water in the Pacific Ocean is not too cold, it's very suitable for snorkeling, let me give you a ride!"


Hood's barrages were one after another, covering the sky. What does it mean to have a Hood with 85 points of luck? Are you afraid of a Hood with a 100% trigger barrage and a 60% critical hit rate? Are you afraid of a Hood equipped with a golden MK-7 main gun? The current Hood punches the Flaxhead and steps on the Musashi; if Montana doesn't come out, who can compete with it? This is the complete Hood.

Hood is like a tank driving into a corn field, ruthlessly crushing the remaining forces of the Emon fleet.

The mowing maniac Enterprise is commanding his own heroic squadron, ruthlessly harvesting merits.

Looking at the fierce battlefield, Enterprise's eyes turned red again. She kept giving orders. If she hadn't taken into account Su Bai's presence, she would probably go down to harvest in person.

Su Bai held Enterprise's hand with some concern,"Alice, calm down, what's wrong with you?"

Enterprise smiled,"Dear, I don't know why, every time the battle is fierce, my blood seems to boil. But don't worry, I will calm down after the battle."

Su Bai was powerless to complain. How could I not worry about this? A good and energetic girl, don't let her become a sickly girl like Akagi.

Akagi? Alas, I snatched her back, I don't know how many enemies I made and how much trouble I caused.

But do you regret it?

Of course not, because it's really big and white!

Amon's large fleet basically collapsed. After Su Bai communicated with Youyouzi, they decided to leave some warships with less maneuverability, and the warships with a speed of more than 28 knots, and they went full speed ahead, heading straight to the north to rescue Lashar and others who were beaten up.

Barto couldn't hold on any longer. He changed flagships twice in a row. Finally, when he was swimming in the sea, he was hit by a machine gun and died on the spot.

Now only Lashar and Nefario are struggling to hold on.

Su Bai's fleet finally arrived, or to be more precise, it was the carrier-based aircraft formation that arrived. More than 700 carrier-based aircraft of the Ship Qi Baiye and Ghost Fleet rushed up like locusts.

The commanders of the Iron Blood camp were the first to collapse. After the real Bismarck was seriously injured, they began to panic.

Hood saw the figure of Bismarck and approached Bismarck at an incredible speed. Facing the Bismarck with a broken leg, Hood showed no mercy. After five consecutive salvos, the Mark 8 super-heavy shell accurately hit the Bismarck, and Bismarck exploded into the sky.

Hood breathed a sigh of relief. The great hatred of being sunk in hundreds of cutscenes that year was avenged today. Don't appear in front of me in the future, otherwise you will sink every time I see you!

After the flagship was destroyed, the Iron Blood camp chose to withdraw from the battle.

The admirals of the Sakura Empire were also panicked. Should they leave or fight?

Admiral Chuichi Nagumo shouted frantically,"The rise and fall of the Sakura Empire depends on this one move, charge, charge, charge!"

Although these admirals of the Sakura Empire were at a disadvantage, they still launched a very crazy attack.

In the melee, Nefario was unfortunately killed. In the fierce battle, planes crashed into the sea and warships caught fire and fell silent.

The high-level and powerful fleet of the Sakura Empire, with an average level of over 90, made Su Bai feel pressured.

"Su Bai, it's our turn to attack!"

"Okay, remember, it's Nagato and Atago!"

Enterprise certainly knew that the flagships of these Sakura Empire admirals were most likely on these two battleships.

Sure enough, the guess was correct. Enterprise and Su Bai drove the Platypus attack aircraft and passed through the anti-aircraft fire network. Two missiles accurately hit the middle of the Nagato, instantly sinking the powerful battleship.

At this moment, Mutsu near Nagato suddenly exploded, and the two sisters went into the sea hand in hand.

Several battleships disappeared and were taken away by the system.

The next one is you, Atago. Today, my enterprise will crack down on pornography and illegal publications! The admiral commanding on the Atago had an extremely ugly face. A strange plane was like the god of death, reaping lives.

What to do?

There is no way. This is not the Aegis-class Atago of later generations. She is just the fragile torpedo patrol Atago.

"Boom!"Atago sank

"Great!"Enterprise excitedly grabbed Su Bai's hand. Just as she was about to say something, something unfortunate happened. The anti-aircraft missile on the Kaohsiung aimed at the platypus and hit it accurately.

The violent explosion directly blew off the back half of the plane.

Enterprise and Su Bai pulled down the ejection ring without hesitation.

"See you later, be careful!"

Enterprise said to Su Bai carefully before being ejected.

Bang! The canopy exploded, and the two ejected out of the cabin one after another. This area was still okay, and there were no Sakura Empire warships around. Finally, she escaped!

Enterprise landed on the water and cut off the parachute. She found Su Bai's parachute and swam over quickly. Hey, where is Su Bai?

Enterprise was a little panicked, because Su Bai could swim! So what about him? It is certain that Su Bai was not killed. If he died, everyone would be sent back to the base together!

The battle is over, and the Sakura Empire fleet, which lost its flagship, completely collapsed.��The victorious fleet picked Enterprise up.

The other ship girls gathered around,"Hey, where is the commander? Aren't you with him?"

Enterprise couldn't say a word, she just cried, she also wanted to know where this bastard went?...

The moment Su Bai fell into the water, he quickly cut the parachute rope and swam out from under the sea. He immediately saw Qiye who fell into the water and was about to go over to meet her. At this moment, a hand grabbed him, his neck was paralyzed, and his body lost the ability to move. The mysterious man dragged Su Bai into the deep sea

"Help! I'm going to die!"

This was Su Bai's last consciousness.

So, after such a fierce naval battle, Commander Su Bai disappeared just like that!

Where he went became a mystery. Returning to Atlans Island, the ship girls of the fleet of Chuanqi Baye were dumbfounded.

This glorious victory turned into a tragedy because of Su Bai's disappearance.

Commander, where have you been! Come back soon!

Su Bai also wants to know where he is!

At the moment of falling into the water, he swam towards Enterprise. Although it was a bit embarrassing because the fighter plane was destroyed, this war was won.

Unfortunately, life is always like this. Maybe he has been too smooth and free recently, and the gods decided to play a little joke on Su Bai. A slender but powerful hand grabbed him, and a needle pierced up like a mosquito bite, making Su Bai's hands and feet numb in an instant, and the attacker dragged him from behind to swim to the bottom of the sea.

Ah, I'm dead!

Su Bai The last thought was, I am a human, I don’t have gills, it won’t take long for me to sink into the water and I will be unable to get oxygen, and then I will be brain dead.

How angry! I don’t even know who killed me after I died. Fortunately, this is a public sea area, and I will be resurrected at the base after I die, but it will cost me one level to reduce all the ship girls.

In this confused moment, Su Bai was horrified to find that he was not drowned. An unknown mask was forced on him. It felt good to regain oxygen. It seemed that he was kidnapped. Anyway, there was no way to resist, so let’s take a look at the situation first!

Soon, they came to a mysterious teleportation array, and a purple light flashed. The mysterious figure who pulled Su Bai took him to an underwater city.

Su Bai’s eyes almost popped out, this is a Siren! Several wolf-like Siren guards grabbed Su Bai and tied his hands behind his back.

He smiled bitterly, and now he couldn’t even cry. Falling into the hands of the Siren was more terrible than death.

"Let's go, Lord Demon, our Queen wants to see you!"

"Is it the Purification Parent? Can you reveal my ending?"

The Purifier kicked him and said,"Who is the Purification Parent? I am the Purifier! Stop talking so smoothly. Only the Queen can decide your life or death!"

As he walked along the way, Su Bai's shock was beyond words. This underwater city was endless. Walking on the street, both sides were filled with men, women, old and young who looked similar to humans. Their eyes were bulging, and they looked like the legendary fishmen.

What does this show? This shows that the Sirens are by no means a group of petty thieves who robbed houses casually. They are already a mature society, and their descendants are constantly multiplying!

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts. The power displayed by this Siren city may be just the tip of the iceberg of the Sirens' powerful strength.

Su Bai was heartbroken. Curse, what are the top human beings doing for a living! The Sirens have developed to this level, but they are still ignorant!

In the city's palace, the Queen of Siren met Su Bai. This queen was slender and tall, with a beautiful appearance. She looked somewhat similar to Enterprise, and she also had a pair of blood-red eyes.

Su Bai felt that his hands were shaking, and Enterprise's eyes were often turning red. Could it be that she was also changing in this direction? What was the connection between this queen and Enterprise? Thinking of this, Su Bai felt that his blood was about to coagulate, and he felt a deep fear.

"Human, I have no ill will towards you. Let me introduce myself first. I am Arbiter Empres III. You can call me Queen."

"Dear Queen Empres III, I am Su Bai, a human, a humble naval officer."

"Just an insignificant naval officer?"

The Purifier's voice sounded behind him," I won't attack a nameless person.

The number one commander in the North Pacific Governor's District, the winner of the initial ship Qi hegemony achievement, the holder of the initial liver emperor honor, the baron personally awarded by the Queen, the Imperial Navy Rear Admiral, the number one in collection rate, the number one in expeditions, the number one in fleet strength, the leader of the Demon King Alliance Fleet, the sleeper, the chief abuser, the book king, the tyrant, this is you, Demon King Su Bai!

Do you still say that you are a nameless person?"


Su Bai was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak. I shouldn't have said that in the first place! Damn, it's too embarrassing! It's like an execution in front of my eyes. Wait, what's with those words at the end? Which bastard added them to me.

Queen Empress laughed,"So, Mr. Su Bai is also a child with bad character? Haha, what we need is immoral humans like you."

You are immoral, your whole family is immoral. But now that he is in Siren's hands, how dare he be stubborn? He can only smile and say,"Your Majesty, if you have anything to say, just tell me. I will never refuse anything I can do!"

"Well, I hate beating around the bush, so I'll just say it straight. Two things. First, join our Siren camp and go undercover on the human side; second, send Enterprise a letter and ask her to come as well."


As soon as these words came out, Su Bai's heart was filled with murderous intent. A dragon has a reverse scale, and if it is touched, it will die. Su Bai's reverse scale is these lovely ship girls under his command. Enterprise, the girl who has shouldered too much, is the one that he feels the most distressed about.

The war has turned the soft and cute girl Alice into a bloodthirsty killing machine, so how can he not protect her?

Empres didn't pay much attention to Su Bai's reaction. What a joke, there is no human who is not afraid of death. Last time, Rand, facing this scene, directly���I peed. This Su Bai's character is worse than Rand's. He is greedy for money and lustful. How can such a person be a chaste woman? Empres waited for Su Bai's answer.

"What if I don't agree?"

Su Bai knew that it was impossible for him to escape. The only way out was to gamble. He gambled that this place was still below the public waters of Solomon. If he died here, he could be resurrected directly at the base.

If this was not a public waters, then according to the rules set by the gods, he would really die.

If he fell into the hands of the Siren, he would be worse off than a dog. He would only die.

Queen Empres shook her head gently,"Young people are a little stubborn. It seems that you need to be educated. Purifier, go teach Mr. Demon King how to talk."

The Purifier had been holding back his anger at Su Bai for a long time. Upon hearing the Queen's order, he immediately rushed up and hit Su Bai's abdomen with a fierce knee strike.

Ah! The severe pain made Su Bai feel like his stomach was going to explode. He retched and fell to the ground.

Su Bai's hands were tied behind his back and he had no way to resist. He also knew that he would die, so he made up his mind to fight to the end.

Su Bai barely stood up, spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and laughed contemptuously,"Waste is waste. You can almost give me a scrape!"

The Purifier was so angry that he kicked up. Su Bai often practiced swordsmanship with Enterprise, Akagi and others. He was no longer the otaku in the original world. He dodged the Purifier's kick and bumped into him head-on.

The Purifier screamed as Su Bai hit her in the face. Her nasal cavity was injured and blood gushed out. The Purifier was almost crying with anger. She beat a human with his hands tied, but she suffered such a loss!

The Purifier had suffered losses in recent days, basically at the hands of this human named Su Bai. She had never suffered such anger before. She directly drew the sword at her waist and stabbed Su Bai in the chest.

Su Bai did not dodge. Instead, he slightly adjusted his steps to expose the position of his heart. Come on, kill me. When I am resurrected, none of you can escape!


Queen Empres stopped the Purifier, she looked at Su Bai with interest,"You are much more interesting than other humans, I suddenly feel reluctant to kill you, please think carefully about the conditions I proposed, take him away!" The Purifier was a little unwilling, but the Queen's order must be carried out, she angrily took Su Bai and went to the dungeon.

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