Atlans Island, the headquarters of the Demon Alliance, Enterprise told Lachar and Barto the news of Su Bai's disappearance.

Although they were a little worried, they still comforted Enterprise,"Don't worry, the Demon Lord may be injured, or drifted to a small island, and then lost the logbook, and can't contact you. He will be back soon!"

Enterprise returned to the Demon Castle. She comforted the other ship girls. After everyone dispersed, only Irene, Glory, Hood and Akagi were left.

The five people looked at each other, completely confused, where would the commander go?

Hood thought for a long time and finally spoke,"Su Bai is not such an unstable person. No matter what problems he encounters, he will definitely find a way to solve them. We don't have any way now, we can only maintain order in the fleet and wait for the commander to return."

Commander, what are you doing?

I'm being beaten, and I want to go home, but I don't have a ticket home.

In the Siren dungeon, Su Bai was hung up by iron chains, looking haggard.

The Purifier held a whip soaked in salt water and whipped Su Bai hard. This human really annoyed her..

"Su Bai, I advise you to bow your head sooner and suffer less physical pain. Doesn't it hurt to be whipped by this whip?"

"Of course it hurts."

"So what will it take for you to surrender?"

"Chop off your shark fins and make me a plate of shark fin soup, and I will surrender!"

"You are looking for death!" The Purifier's face turned green. Her true form is a shark. Although she has awakened her intelligence and has long since transformed into a human form, what she hates most is when someone mentions her origin. This human must want to die, and he actually dared to poke her scar!

The Purifier's eyes were red, and she whipped Su Bai with a whip. Su Bai groaned and got another scar.

Finally, the Purifier was tired of beating Su Bai. She was also afraid that she would not be able to explain to the Queen if she beat Su Bai to death, so she left angrily.

Is there still a chance to escape? Maybe.

Su Bai never revealed that he could use low-level magic.

Even Enterprise didn't know about this.

This was his only trump card to slip away.

It might not be difficult to wait for an opportunity to escape from this cell, but how to escape from this underwater city is the key.

This city must have a huge The waterproof cover system, if he leaves rashly, not to mention whether he can get out of the city, even if he gets out, he will definitely be crushed on the spot by the huge water pressure.

He can only leave through the teleportation array, or find another way.

If that doesn't work, he can only commit suicide and be reborn.

But the risk of suicide is too great. If this is not a public sea area, then he will really die.

The Purifier is such a bastard that Su Bai is about to lose his mind due to the pain. If you fall into my hands in the future, I will make you regret coming to this world!

After a while, the soldier who delivered the meal finally came. He couldn't bear it and brought the bowl to Su Bai's mouth. Su Bai ate a few mouthfuls of rice in a hurry and asked weakly,"Brother, you don't look like a Siren to me. Why do you live here?" 〃?"

"Siren? That's a noble person. We are small pawns. It is said that we are from the land.......Damn, you are the one who talks too much. You can't stop eating, right?"

The soldier realized that he had said something wrong, threw away Su Bai's bowl, picked up the whip and whipped him a few times, and then his anger was slightly calmed down.

"You naked ape! You don't know what's good for you. If you keep being so stubborn, be careful that His Highness the Purifier will peel off your skin!"

The soldier took Su Bai off the chain and prepared to add a pair of shackles to him. At this moment, the soldier felt a shock in his head and fainted.

Su Bai stunned the soldier with a mental shock, and used mental power to control him, took the key from his waist, opened his handcuffs, and then took off the dagger worn by the soldier.

Su Bai hesitated for a moment, and stabbed a dagger into the soldier's heart. This was the first time he killed a humanoid being face to face. Although he had achieved countless victories with the company before, after all, there was not much feeling when using thermal weapons to shoot from a distance.

The first time he killed someone, Su Bai felt nauseous. He retched a few times and finally calmed down. He had no idea who this soldier was. He killed a stranger without hesitation. It seemed that he had really changed and was no longer that useless otaku.

Su Bai put on The soldier took off his clothes and walked out with his head down. The guard guarding the gate yawned lazily.

Su Bai walked over and stabbed him in the back, helping him completely solve the problem of sleepiness.

Go to sleep, don't blame me, we are enemies!

Su Bai knew that the cells would definitely be rotated, and he didn't have much time. He quickly left the dungeon and sneaked into a residential house. He needed to change into a set of clothes and then inquire about some information.

A remote hut was the best choice. Su Bai sneaked into the house, where a young woman was telling stories to her daughter.

Damn, I can't do it. Killing the guards is fine, but if I kill women and children, I will really become a beast.

No matter what, do it!

Su Bai rushed in directly, knocked the woman unconscious with a palm, and put the dagger on the little girl's neck.

"Little girl, don't make any noise. I'll ask you a few questions, and you and your mother will both survive."

"Uncle, you really won't kill us?"

The little girl was about to cry. Her eyes were dark and bright, so Su Bai didn't dare to look directly at her.

"¨. I, Su Bai, swear to the gods that as long as the little girl in front of me answers a few questions, I will never lay a hand on them. If I break this oath, I will be punished by the gods!"The little girl breathed a sigh of relief,"Uncle, you ask"

"I ask you, what kind of life are you, what place is this, how do you leave, where is the teleportation array?"

"We are the people under the rule of the Great Queen, the Tide Clan. It is said that we are the most orthodox human beings. The land is now occupied by naked apes, and we are forced to enter the Great��"

What the hell, what naked ape, we are the orthodox human beings, you fishmen cubs!

After all, the little girl was only six or seven years old, so he could only ask some basic questions, and could not get any more information. Su Bai gently slapped her with his palm, and the little girl fell into a deep sleep.

How to go out on the street? Su Bai looked through the closet, fortunately, this fishman woman had a strong figure, and the size of her clothes was too big. Su Bai simply took a women's robe and put it on. Many fishmen women walked on the street with veils on their faces, which just helped to conceal their identities.

((Wang Ma Hello)

Su Bai bent his waist, covered himself with a veil, changed into a woman's robe, and walked out carefully. This time his luck was not too bad, and he finally slipped out.

The moment he stepped into the teleportation array, Su Bai's heart almost jumped out of his throat, don't let anything weird happen!

Groups of soldiers rushed into the teleportation hall,"Quickly close the teleportation array! There is a spy!"

Su Bai was so angry that he wanted to cry. It can't be so weird, he clenched the dagger in his hand, it seems that he has only one way to commit suicide.

But this time, the goddess of luck did not abandon him. The person who hurriedly pressed the switch of the teleportation array turned out to be a temporary worker. In a panic, he pressed the wrong button and quickly started the teleportation array.

Su Bai escaped from death in this way!

The Purifier yelled in frustration,"Su Bai, you wait. If you fall into my hands again, I will make you suffer!"

Su Bai also cursed,"Purifier, you bitch, wait until you fall into my hands and see how I will play with you!".

Added by: Naruto789

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