Su Bai was teleported to the teleportation array under the Solomon's final sea area. He did not dare to neglect it and swam upwards desperately. Finally, he rushed out of the sea when he was almost suffocated.

Phew, the feeling of fresh air is so good.

Ahaha, whose fleet is salvaging the boat? Hey, it's my own fleet! That aircraft carrier, is it Akagi?

Just as Su Bai was observing the situation, a familiar figure jumped down from the deck of the aircraft carrier. It was Akagi!

Akagi swam quickly towards Su Bai, and the two quickly approached.

"Mai, I finally see you!"

Pah! Akagi slapped Su Bai hard, her eyes filled with tears, and she trembled as she said,"Asshole, where have you been!"

Su Bai's wounds were soaked in sea water and began to hurt severely. He frowned,"I'm sorry for making you worry. This matter is complicated, let's go back and talk about it!"

Akagi saw the scars on Su Bai's face and body, and felt even more heartbroken. She hugged Su Bai and kissed him heavily,"Is this better?"

This was the first time Akagi took the initiative to kiss him. Su Bai felt his bones were soft,"It doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt at all!".

Returning to the Akagi aircraft carrier, the ship girls who were salvaging Yudachi in this sea area all came to the Akagi aircraft carrier.

Hood, Glory, Enterprise, Irene and others are all here.

Su Bai certainly understands that it is not necessary to send so many main forces here to salvage a mere Yudachi. Everyone is worried about him.

Seeing the tragic injuries on Su Bai's body, several ship girls secretly shed tears. Fortunately, they were all flesh wounds. After the doctor treated him, Su Bai rested in the captain's room.

Several wives gathered around and asked about his condition.

Su Bai briefly recounted what he had experienced. After learning the news about the Sirens, everyone was extremely surprised. Have these deep-sea monsters developed to this extent?

Su Bai and several of his most trusted ship girls held a brief meeting in the captain's room of the Akagi aircraft carrier.

Glory was the first to propose,"Su Bai, this matter is of great importance. It is not something that our fleet can handle. In any case, this matter must be reported!"

"You are right, but there is no evidence for this. Although there was a Siren fleet in the last Battle of Midway, everyone has always believed that the Sirens are just mutated marine life and did not take it seriously. Who would have thought that they already have a huge city and a population base on the seabed? This is a huge threat to the entire human race! I am going to write a secret letter and give it to Governor Nimitz."

Su Bai glanced at the others,"Is there anything else during the three days I was away?"

"Yes, first of all, we have gathered all the shipgirls in the Solomon Sea, but we have not yet built warships for them, nor held a commissioning ceremony. All of this will have to wait for you to return and preside over it."

"Wait, Yudachi was also fished out?"

Enterprise smiled slightly,"Yes, without the burden of a certain grassland chief, I led the team to salvage the ship, and it was delivered by passing the map."

Several ship girls laughed, and Su Bai couldn't hold back his face. Well, you are lucky and you are awesome.

Since Su Bai has returned to the fleet, there is no need to keep so many warships here. Leave some of the main forces here to continue leveling up, and the others will accompany Su Bai back to Atlantis.

After the others dispersed, Enterprise came over quietly,"Dear, while you were away, I received a very strange letter. It was sent by a woman named Youyouzi, and there were only two words in the letter, save me!"

Why is there a hint of danger in Enterprise's smile?

"Ahem, Miss Youyouzi led the fleet to support us last time without the princess's permission. After the princess comes back, she might be angry with her. I have to go to Ghost Island."

"No, this is too dangerous. If Princess Youlan has other ideas, you will be in danger!"

"Alice, I must go this time. Youyouko promised to support us, and I can't go back on my promise to her!"

"Then I'll go with you."

"No, you can't go. If I go alone, the most dangerous thing is that I will be detained by the princess. At that time, I will need you to organize a rescue for me. If we are all caught, the fleet will be in trouble!"

Enterprise nodded helplessly and agreed.

The reason why Su Bai didn't let Enterprise go with him was very simple. When Princess Youlan was detained by him, it was Enterprise who organized the interrogation. If she went with him, it would stimulate the princess.

Hey, Princess Youlan, what do you want to do to force Youyouzi to ask for help from you. You will never understand a woman's mind.

Su Bai returned to Atlans, changed into clean clothes, and took a helicopter to Ghost Island.

Youyouzi, don't really get into trouble, otherwise I will never feel at ease for the rest of my life. Su Bai's heart was full of apologies. When he asked Youyouzi for help, he said something nonsense that the princess would not be angry, which really pitted this poor ship girl.

Whether it is dangerous or not, how could she not know after following the princess for so many years? He was so arrogant.

The beautiful Ghost Island is picturesque, and Su Bai's mood is really heavy. He went directly to the princess's mansion and found the secretary to ask to see Princess Youlan.

"Oh, it's the Demon King. The princess knew you would come. Please wait here for a moment. I will go and inform Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Su Bai sat down nervously. He didn't have much experience in dealing with such a high-ranking existence as the princess.

Although the princess generously supported him last time, the benefits of leaving were not less. Atlans Island has a special zone of 30 square kilometers and a large number of trade concessions. This Princess Youlan is not that kind of naive.

Su Bai secretly warned himself not to think that he was so charming. He must be careful when dealing with such a royal woman. Princess Youlan appeared in gorgeous clothes.

Su Bai quickly stood up and bowed.

""Su Bai has met Princess Youlan!"

Princess Youlan smiled in surprise,"My Lord Demon, this is the first time you have saluted me so respectfully. The first time I saw you, you pointed a gun at me, took me away, and then locked me up in jail; the second time I saw you, although you came to ask for help, you were neither humble nor overbearing, and even a little arrogant; the third time I saw you, you came to my water prison to take a hot spring bath, but you were not so polite to me."

Princess Youlan chuckled,"When you are polite to others, you must have something to ask for. Tell me, Lord Demon, what do you want to ask me for?"

Su Bai knew that if he directly asked Princess Youlan to release people, it would probably get into trouble. He could only say it another way,"Your Highness, I am here to thank you for the help of your fleet in the last war. Also, I want to thank General Youyouzi who led the fleet last time in person!"

Princess Youlan smiled with her lips pursed,"You want to thank me? No need to be so polite, we are allies, and I have received so many benefits from you, so what if I help you once. As for Youyouzi, I'm afraid you won't be able to see her anymore."

Su Bai's face suddenly changed, and the teacup fell to the ground and broke into pieces,"Your Highness! What happened to her?"

"She mobilized the army without authorization. According to our country's laws, she has been imprisoned for treason. After the trial, she will probably be sentenced to death." Su Bai's face turned pale, and he looked at Princess Youlan in disbelief. It was actually a death sentence!

"Wait, Your Highness, although she led the fleet out to sea without authorization, it was for your benefit after all, so she doesn't deserve the death penalty!"

"Lord Demon, although we are allies, the laws of our country stipulate that without the order of the master, if the ship girl mobilizes the army without authorization, it is equivalent to treason. Youyouzi mobilized a total of 50 main battleships and nearly 100,000 mechanical warriors. This is an unforgivable crime."

Princess Youlan looked at Su Bai with a smile,"Lord Demon, I can't believe that you have such great charm that a ship girl from another camp would give up her life for you."

Su Bai's face was pale. No wonder Youyouzi struggled so hard before making up her mind. He didn't know why Youyouzi treated him so well, but he had to protect her.

"Can I see her?"

"Yes, but if I don't let you see each other for the last time, you won't be willing."

Walking in the dark dungeon, Su Bai felt heartbroken,"Princess, why is this dungeon so gloomy, why not lock her up in the water dungeon last time?"

Princess Youlan said helplessly:"Are you a fool? Whose cell would be made into a hot spring? That is a special treatment for you. Youyouzi is a serious criminal, so naturally she is on death row."

Seeing Youyouzi curled up in the corner of the cell with handcuffs and shackles, Su Bai felt extremely painful in his heart

""Youyouzi, get up. Lord Demon has something to say to you. I won't disturb you any more."

Youyouzi woke up slowly,"Lord Demon, you are here."

Su Bai knelt outside the cell, his lips trembling,"Youyouzi, are you okay? Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you. You have to hold on."

Youyouzi shook her head,"Don't do stupid things for me. Treason is a serious crime. There is no salvation."

"Don't lose heart. I am not familiar with the laws of your ghost camp. I will ask you a few questions. Please answer them seriously."

Su Bai talked to Youyouzi for a few words. Su Bai had a general understanding of the laws of the Ghost Alliance. He repeatedly persuaded Youyouzi and felt more confident.

On the way back to the mayor's residence, Princess Youlan stopped talking with a cold face. She was also angry. The ship girl who had been with her for so many years actually took the fleet out to help a man when she was not at home!

This made her extremely angry. She didn't want to kill Youyouzi, but the matter had become a big deal. The top leaders of the Ghost Alliance also knew about it. She couldn't protect her ship girl. She also had some resentment towards Su Bai, but ignorance is not a crime, and she couldn't vent her anger on this bastard.

In the reception room, Su Bai finally spoke,"Your Highness, I have a way to let Youyouzi get away with the crime legally, but I don't know if the princess is willing."

Princess Youlan was a little surprised,"Tell me about it?"

"I have learned some laws of your country. In your legal system, the status of ship girls is roughly equivalent to that of higher-level slaves, is that right?"

"You can understand it this way"

"Sell her to me!"

""What are you talking about, you shameless pervert!" Princess Youlan was furious. She had heard that Su Bai was lustful and ridiculous, but she didn't expect that he would actually reach out to the ship girl under her command.

"This is the only way to save her. If you sell Youyouko to me, she will be my ship girl. The laws of your country cannot be applied to the ship girls of my Azure camp. Your Highness, Youyouko has not yet gone to court. Theoretically, she is not a criminal yet and can still be traded!"

Princess Youlan pondered for a moment. Yes, according to the law, the nobles of the Ghost Alliance have the right to trade their slaves. But why did she feel so uncomfortable? It's not that she was reluctant to part with Youyouko. After all, after so many years of getting along, it's better to let Youyouko survive than to be sentenced to death!

"Your proposal is very good, but there is one thing. Someone in our country's top management already knows about Youyouko. If I sell it to you like this, where is my dignity?"

Su Bai was anxious and was about to speak when he suddenly realized that, yes, for these royal families, their face is much more valuable than a ship girl.

"Princess, I am willing to pay any price to save your reputation."

"Really? I'm curious, what is your relationship with Youyouzi? Why is she willing to risk her life for you, and you're willing to do anything for her? What's going on between the two of you?"

"Princess, Miss Youyouzi and I only have a friendship forged on the battlefield, and we have no personal relationship."

"Forget it, I don't care about these things. I have two conditions, one can save my face, and the other can let you take Youyouzi away"

"Princess, please tell me. I will agree to all ten conditions."

"Tsk, don't agree so soon. I'll be frank with you. First, I can't sell Yuyouko to you. I can only give her to you, but there must be a reasonable reason. Got it! The reason is that you hooked up with my ship girl, and then I ordered you to be beaten up, and then I saw that you were pitiful, so I gave her to you!"

"Poof! What a ridiculous plot!"

"Is this a melodrama? I recently read a romance novel about you humans. Aren't all humans like this? I don't care. This is my first condition. If you don't even want to be beaten, why should I give you Youyouzi?"

"Fine, do as you please, just don't kill me."

"Second, give me a small island from your Atlantis Islands as my private territory!"

"this......The territory of Atlantis Island is not my private property, and the transfer of territory is a diplomatic matter, which is not something I, a baron, can decide."

"You are stupid, you are stupid. Who asked you to cede the territory? You can just give me the right to use this land."

Su Bai was speechless,"I can agree to your request, but why? Except for Atlans Island, the other islands are very small, how can they compare to Ghost Island!"

"Because the story of exchanging territory for beauty will make your love story more perfect. I will also arrange for a bard to sing the story."

"Princess, there is nothing between Youyouko and me. Please respect your ship girl."

"Come on, stop talking nonsense. If you agree, I will bring Youyouzi up now. After a hundred beatings with military sticks, you can live together!"...

Youyouzi was taken out of the dungeon, and her handcuffs and shackles were removed. Although her face was a little pale, she was still fine and had not been tortured.

Princess Youlan sighed softly, with an indescribable expression on her face,"Youyouzi, your wild man was willing to be beaten with a hundred military sticks for you, and then exchanged an island for you. I am very touched."

When Youyouzi heard this, she was stunned,"Your Highness, there is no relationship between me and Su Bai!"

"I said there is, and it is! Come on, do it!"

Youyouzi was forced onto a chair. Su Bai was pulled onto a wooden stool and his shirt was taken off.

Princess Youlan looked at the scars and scabs on Su Bai's back and said,"My Lord Demon King, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I was just joking with my wife."

Princess Youlan certainly didn't believe this nonsense, but she didn't ask any more questions,"Go ahead, but be careful not to kill anyone!"

Bang! Bang!

The two officers on the left and right picked up the officers and started the execution.

"one two three......"The prison officer's cold voice sounded, and he began to count for Su Bai. Oh, it hurts so much, it's really a bad luck, after being whipped, I was beaten with a military stick, but it was worth it to have one more ship girl and save Youyouzi!

Su Bai's eyelids were heavy, and he finally fainted.

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