Youyouzi couldn't stand it any longer, she threw herself on Su Bai's back, tears falling,"Stop hitting me, hit me if you want to!"

Su Bai woke up slowly, he pushed Youyouzi away,"Your Highness, there are still twenty sticks, please continue."

Princess Youlan sneered,"I'm really afraid of beating you to death here, that would be a diplomatic incident. You two dogs can go now! Come on, take Youyouzi to her room to pack up!"

Youyouzi looked at Princess Youlan angrily,"No need, there's nothing here worth my attachment!"

"Oh, you are still so stubborn, it's true that girls can't be kept when they grow up. Well, the contract is terminated, you can go away!"

Youyouzi carried Su Bai on her back, wiped away her tears, and left without looking back.

The helicopter landed at the airport on Atlans Island. After receiving the news, Guanghui, who was at the base, rushed over to pick her up.

She imagined countless possibilities of Su Bai's appearance, but when Su Bai was carried out by Youyouzi like a dead dog, she was still dumbfounded.

Guanghui was also a person who had experienced all kinds of storms, and had seen all kinds of scenes. But the scene in front of her was something she had never seen before!

What happened? She went to beg for mercy and was beaten like this. Moreover, what was the situation with Youyouzi, and what did she mean by coming? Guanghui looked at Youyouzi vigilantly, always feeling that something was unusual. Su Bai was unconscious, so Guanghui arranged for Youyouzi to stay in the largest hotel on Atlans Island and asked her not to walk around casually.

The specific handling of the matter would have to wait until Su Bai woke up to make the decision.

The matter was indeed unusual, and what happened to Princess Youlan spread quickly. Although some people in the ghost camp were a little unhappy, according to the law, they could not hold Youyouzi responsible.

Good news never comes out. Bad news spreads fast. The gossip that Su Bai was nearly beaten to death for the ghost clan member Youyouzi's desperate plea quickly spread among the commanders of several camps.

And Youyouzi has become a curious existence. What kind of ship girl is it that can make the cold-blooded demon king do such a thing?

In the demon king's castle, Youyouzi faced Enterprise and others without saying a word. She was told to prepare for the welcome dinner in the evening.

Welcome dinner? It sounds good, but why are these ship girls looking at her so unfriendly?

Before the dinner, Su Bai, whose wounds were basically healed, met with the ship girls waiting to join the fleet.

Raiden, Dian, York, Exeter, Ark Royal, Firefly, Yudachi, and Yuyuko joined Su Bai's fleet. Raiden sisters, petite and cute destroyers of Sakura Empire; York, Exeter Firefly, Royal Kiln, a member of the Royal Navy.

Ark Royal! Ahem, this woman with strange hobbies. Yudachi, the nightmare of thousands of non-Africans, the new favorite of the European emperor, the super rare destroyer of Sakura Empire, the ceiling of lightning strike in the current version.

"Welcome to join the fleet of Ship Qi Hegemony!"

After communicating with the seven ship girls, only Youyouzi was left. Su Bai looked at her 100 points of full favorability and felt complicated.

"Youyouzi, there are only two of us here, can I ask why?"

Youyouzi bit her lip,"I won't tell you, just think of it as a little girl admiring the Demon King."

"Ahem, don't say that kind of thing outside. By the way, what level is your battleship? I want to see if the shipyard can build it."

"My battleship is the Montana, the lead ship of the Montana class."


"This is a level 10 ship. My shipyard doesn't have the capacity to build it yet. What can I do? By the way, how come you are a Montana-class ship?"

"Lord Su Bai, I am not a member of the Ghost Clan. I am a Chinese child from Montana, White Eagle Country. However, due to family changes, I was sold to Princess Youlan of the Ghost Clan. Princess Youlan accidentally obtained the blueprints of the Montana-class battleship, so my battleship is the first ship of the Montana-class."

I see,""Then I can only ask you to use another battleship for the time being."

"It doesn't matter. There is also an unbuilt Montana in the South Dakota class. If the commander has the blueprints of this class, you can build it first and replace it with me after the Montana class is installed."

"That’s fine. By the way, what’s your real name?"

"Do you really want to know? Then I will only tell you one person, my name is Li Huamei."

Ahem, this seems to be someone who traveled through time from the Age of Discovery. Never mind, maybe they just have the same name.

"Well, let's go to the welcome dinner first and build a battleship for you tomorrow. From now on, your battleship will be the fifth South Dakota-class ship, the Montana!"

"Yes, Commander, from now on, I don't want to be called Youyouzi anymore. Let this slave name go."

"Okay, from today on, you are the ship girl under my command, and no longer a slave. Outside, everyone will call you Montana!"

The grand welcome dinner lasted until late at night. Montana and other eight new ship girls were also allocated their own dormitories and identity documents. The financial department also paid them a one-time bonus salary of three months.

Since occupying Atlans Island, Su Bai's financial situation has improved greatly. In his fleet, all the ship girls receive double wages. One is the basic salary of the ship girls issued by the Governor's Office, and the other is the bonus salary provided by the Demon King Su Bai.

Since Akagi Kaga joined the fleet, there has been a new regulation. In order to help new ship girls quickly adapt to life, three months of bonus salary will be paid when they join the fleet.

Loyalty is maintained by money. No one can work on an empty stomach. The ship girls also have their own lives. They naturally need money to buy clothes, cosmetics, toys, jewelry and even things like notebooks. The dock of the shipyard was clanging with the sound of jingles, and the eight newly joined ship girls all received their own new ships.

Su Bai said to Li Huamei apologetically,"I'm sorry, I can only make do with the South Dakota class for now. Believe me, I will definitely get the blueprints of the real Montana-class battleship, and then I will give you a new ship."

"That's enough!" Montana smiled,"Although the performance of the battleship is slightly worse, I don't have to be a slave here, I'm very happy!"

Just as Su Bai was happily awarding battleships to the ship girls, the email he secretly sent also arrived at the desk of the Governor's Secretary.

"Oh, it's Su Bai, the kid, and he even got an envelope with confidential documents. You are just a small commander, what kind of secrets can you have?"

The secretary opened the envelope carelessly, took out the letter and looked at it for a few times, and his face suddenly became ugly.

The Siren's underwater city, how did he know all this! The secretary's sweat dripped down from his forehead. Damn, those idiots at home, can't they be more careful in doing things? After catching Su Bai, if they can't persuade him to surrender, then kill him!

Purifier, you idiot did a good thing. If this letter didn't fall into my hands and went directly to the governor, everything would be exposed!

Fortunately, I am here, and I, the pretender, will clean up this mess for you. A smile floated across the corner of the secret technique's mouth. He was the leader of the Siren camp, the pretender. He and his lurker team disguised themselves as humans and lurked in human society for more than ten years.

The pretender smiled slightly, took out a piece of official paper, and simply wrote a sentence,"I see.

Please keep it a secret. Burn after reading." Over the years, the pretender had already imitated Nimitz's handwriting to the point of being indistinguishable from the real thing. He carefully packed the letter in a confidential envelope and sent it to Su Bai.

At this time, the secret letter sent by Su Bai was burning in the brazier, leaving only a pool of ashes.

Su Bai soon received a reply from"Governor Nimitz". Seeing the confident answer of the Governor, Su Bai was very happy. After reading the confidential document, he burned it.

Su Bai was in a very good mood. The reply from Governor Nimitz made him feel very good. Montana's admission to the fleet made him feel again. It has been the first in the collection list for the first time.

While waiting for the next event to come, the port area has entered a rare period of long grass. But for Su Bai, the long grass period may be even busier.

The Solomon Sea has become a fish pond contracted by Su Bai. No matter when you come to this sea area, you can see the crazy liver emperor Su Bai.

Since September, Su Bai has been stationed here. The battleships under his command can take turns to rest, but Su Bai will never rest.

When the commander goes out to sea to command in person, the fleet's experience acquisition speed will be greatly enhanced, so the diligent commander will often go out to sea in person and lead the battleship girls to sea to gain high experience.

But there is really no one as crazy as Su Bai.

Twenty-four hours a day, except for six hours of rest, The rest of the time he was commanding the fleet to gain experience.

After a few weeks, all the warships in Su Bai's fleet reached the minimum level of ninety.

A while ago, Arizona was finally able to stand up, and she asked to go to sea with difficulty on crutches. Su Bai agreed to her request. In the recent leveling, Su Bai often sat in charge of the Arizona, and her level was also increasing rapidly. The one under Su Bai's command is the real Arizona, and it is the out-of-print golden Arizona. Her strength and reputation are only slightly inferior to Hood, and are basically the same as Anson, Howe, and Rodney.

Arizona walked onto the deck with a cane. She stood beside Su Bai, looked at his thin face and dark circles under his eyes, and said with some heartache,"Commander, please don't work so hard, okay? The strength of our fleet is more than twice that of the second place. Why are you doing this?""

"Arizona, do you believe me?"


"Then you just support me, I won't do anything meaningless."

Arizona stopped trying to dissuade him, she threw away her crutches, put her hands on Su Bai's shoulders, and hugged him from behind,"Then I can only pass on my warmth to you."

·· ·Request flowers0 ·······

Su Bai felt the warmth coming from behind, and was touched. It was great to have such a considerate ship girl.

Unfortunately, the warm atmosphere was interrupted by a cough. Kaga looked at the commander and Arizona with a bad face,"Arizona, it's time to change shifts. You can go back to the port to rest. Now it's the commander's turn to sleep on my bed."

Ahem, Miss Kaga, your Chinese is really bad. That's a ship, not a bed! How can you always confuse a ship with a bed?

Su Bai felt a hint of Shura Field, and quickly said goodbye to Arizona and came to the Kaga aircraft carrier.

Kaga, who was standing shoulder to shoulder with Su Bai, smiled and said,"Admiral, you must be very tired. Do you want to go to the captain's room to rest for a while? The battle here is very simple, and you don't need to watch it all the time."

The captain's room, that's Kaga's boudoir. Kaga pulled Su Bai to the captain's room and poured a cup of tea for Su Bai.

"Admiral, please have some tea."

When she first arrived at the fleet, Kaga's favorability towards Su Bai always hovered between -200 and -190. However, as time went by, Kaga gradually forgot her hatred and her favorability began to recover. After Su Bai put the fifth ring of oath on Akagi's hand, Kaga's mind also changed.

It is hard to tell when she began to care about the admiral's every move. Seeing her sister's radiant look, Kaga was both envious and confused. Could it be that there is really love between her sister and the admiral?


No, we sisters are just the admiral's spoils of war, maybe.

Anyway, I won't compete with my sister for a man!

Originally, Kaga thought her heart had calmed down, but a new piece of news made her restless.

Starting from September, you can buy a ring of oath from the Super Space Supermarket every month.

In other words, the official attitude is to allow commanders to marry a ship girl every month. Everyone is cheering for this decision, but Su Bai really wants to jump into the sea.

Even if it is a battle with the Purifier or even the Queen without reservation, it is much easier than making this choice.

Who should this ring be given to?

The mainstay of the fleet, Liaoning, Shandong? Or Anson, Hao, Rodney? Or Lafite, Javelin? Or Kaga, Montana?

In recent days, the eyes of the ship girls at the base looking at the commander are as hot as the eyes of the goblins looking at Tang Seng.

Su Bai came out to lead the team to level up, mostly to prepare for future wars, and a small part of the reason is to escape those hot eyes.

Su Bai's escape made the ship girls even more dissatisfied.

Commander, this ring should be given to me!

Among all the ship girls, only Liaoning and Shandong explicitly refused the rings. Their reason was simple,"We came to this world with a special mission, please don't pay too much attention to us."

Huh, Shura Field Participating Members -2.

Kaga looked at Su Bai tasting tea, and said with a smile,"Admiral, this is the green tea from my hometown, how do you feel about it?"

"The fragrance is refreshing, very good."

Kaga said faintly,"Sister is completely different from before, and her smile can't be hidden. Could it be that having a man worth caring about can make a woman so happy?"

Su Bai's hand trembled, and the teacup almost fell to the ground. Of course, he understood Kaga's hint, but he couldn't respond. He couldn't accept marrying two sisters at the same time.

Kaga seemed to see through his little tricks, lowered his head, and his face flushed slightly,"Admiral, Akagi and I are not sisters, we have no blood relationship. You, you don't have to worry about these."

Su Bai blamed himself a little. Why was he always so indecisive? Kaga had already said so much, should he continue to play dumb? If he still played dumb, it would be a complete harm to Kaga.

Su Bai gritted his teeth and made up his mind,"Kaga, although it sounds sudden, I still want to ask, what is the name of あなた? Can you tell me?"

Kaga looked at Su Bai in a daze. Why was this poor plastic Japanese so pleasant to the ear? He finally asked my name! In this world, there is an unwritten rule that the commander cannot ask the real name of the ship girl casually, unless you decide to marry her.

Therefore, some commanders who are not good at expressing their feelings will stutter and ask,"あなたの名前?"

This sentence is similar to ILoveU, auntie washing the railway.

Kaga shed two lines of tears. Perhaps, her fate with the commander was destined when he forcibly took away the sisters who ate and drank.

But when this moment came, it was still so exciting,"My name is Kayano Ai, please remember it!" Seven.

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