Su Bai continued his career as a hardworking player at sea.

Because he had a new discovery, when he personally led the fleet to level up, his own mental power continued to grow, and his efficiency even exceeded that of reading and meditation.

This discovery made Su Bai ecstatic, and he became more addicted to leveling up, unable to extricate himself. In the original world, he had achieved the achievement of the Sword God of Shilipo, and here, he also wanted to be a Solomon Hardworking God. On

September 20, the enterprise arrived at the final sea of Solomon.

"Su Bai, when I was chatting with Akagi, I heard a surprising news. Is it true?"

"Ahem, this is true."Of course Su Bai knew what the enterprise was talking about. It was no longer a secret that he was planning to give away the sixth oath ring, but it was the first time that the enterprise had asked him directly for confirmation.

"So you have this hobby, sister donburi? Is this an oriental cultural tradition?"

"No, that's not the case. Some things are just beyond our control. Ai Yi is also very pitiful."

"Ai Yi! Are you so close to her? I can't tell, the commander's skills in picking up girls have improved again."

Looking at the half-smile on the face of Enterprise, Su Bai felt unprecedented panic, no, Enterprise was not like this before.

Finally, Enterprise couldn't hold it anymore and laughed first,"Okay, let's not talk about this. Before you marry her, I will help you teach Miss Ai Yi a lesson. By the way, is she really big and white?"

"Well, yes. But it's still far behind Alice."Su Bai blurted out, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, this is another life-threatening question!

Enterprise no longer dwelled on this issue, she talked about another thing,"Su Bai, for things like leveling, there is no need to do everything yourself, we can just lead the fleet out separately. You can take some time to go back, since you promised Kaga, just find a good day to get things done. Although according to the law you can only marry three legal"four-nine-zero" wives, there is no such restriction on concluding a covenant with a ship girl."

Su Bai pointed to an enemy battleship that was refreshed not far away,"Alice, did you see that destroyer?"

"I see, I don't need to clean it up, Lafite has already passed"

""Let me deal with it!"

Su Bai concentrated and chanted a spell quickly. Soon, a huge fireball fell from the sky and hit the enemy destroyer directly.

The deck was a sea of fire. The mechanical warriors were swept by the fire and fled in all directions. Then, another huge rock fell and smashed a big hole in the deck.

Enterprise looked at all this in surprise,"Su Bai, has your magical ability reached this level?"

"Remember to keep it a secret for me."

Qiye happily took Su Bai's hand,"Yes, I know. My Su Bai is the best!"

"Also, your wedding with Miss Ai Yi will be held at the end of this month. I will prepare for you."

Su Bai held Qiye's hand tightly. This world is so good....

No, this world is not good at all. For many people, this world can even be considered bad.

Take the Order Alliance for example.

Their mentality is about to explode. They are the only large fleet in the entire Governor's District without Yudachi, not one.

Because Su Bai has already said that unless a new public sea area is opened, the Order Alliance will bid farewell to the Solomon Final Sea.

All commanders in the entire Governor's District were allowed by Su Bai to enter the Solomon Sea to salvage ships. Although the number of people is limited, there is still a chance after all. But the people in the Order Alliance don't have this opportunity. They also tried to fight back, but after a disastrous defeat, their levels were collectively reduced by one, so they gave up.

Just when the leader of Aimeier was distressed, an uninvited guest came to the door.

It was Koror, the president of the third largest chamber of commerce, the Heart of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce.

"President Kroll, please take a seat."

"Mr. Aimeer, you look very unwell."

"To be honest with President Kroll, our Order Alliance may not be able to hold out. Without Yudachi, many commanders are about to explode."

"It's not difficult to get Yudachi. I can solve this problem for Mr. Aimeier."

"Could it be that the President has a way to allow us to enter the Solomon Ultimate Sea?"

"I don't have the ability to do that. The decision made by Demon King Su Bai may not be changed even by your governor."

Aimeier was a little unhappy,"Then are you making fun of me, President?"

"Of course not. You are an important customer of our Ocean Heart Chamber of Commerce."

"So what do you mean, President?"

"Mr. Aimeier, your thinking is limited. If you can't find Yudachi in the North Pacific Governor's District, you can go somewhere else! Besides, I still have channels to buy Yudachi."

"Mr. President, you can't say that. We in the Azure camp are a civilized world. Human trafficking is a crime."

"Hehe, there are always loopholes in the law. Who said you can buy and sell people? A ship girl retired over there, and you took her in out of kindness. This is a good thing! You are doing charity, who dares to say it is not right."

Aimeier's dark face finally relaxed, and he laughed,"President, you are really an excellent businessman"

"No, no, capital never sleeps. I remember a philosopher once said that capital hates a vacuum the most. As long as there is profit, I am always at your service!"......

Su Bai opened the logbook. He had seldom visited forums and chat rooms recently. This time when he was online, he clicked on the recent hot posts.

"Shocking! The forbidden love between the demon king Su Bai and the ghost girl Youyouzi"

"Shocking news! A few things that Demon King Su Bai, Youyouzi, and Princess Youlan have to say."

Pfft, you damned headline-grabbing people!

"Breaking news, breaking news, the second C2 Comic Expo is scheduled to be held on October 4th at the Chigua Islands. Commanders, please make preparations in advance!"

Oh, this is good news. There are new fan fictions coming out. Su Bai was very happy, but he was speechless when he thought that he might become the new fan fiction king.

You bastards, can't you draw something else, like the anti-pornography sisters Kaohsiung and Ai Da Gou?

Oh, the ship-showing post has been updated? Go and have a look.

The first post on the ship-showing post was naturally from the devil Su Bai. His speech was very simple. He posted the pictures with the highest collection rate and the full collection. Apart from that, there is no separate collection of ship girls.

That's enough. The world of the strong is so simple, boring and plain.

Among the top ten, a new face appeared, Aimeier.

Aimeier, the leader of the Order Alliance, does he have Yudachi? Wait, how can he have Yudachi! Where did he get it from?

Su Bai was a little surprised, but soon he was relieved. If he can't get it, he can buy it. Little Swan and Glory proposed this method at the last meeting. Commander A retired a certain ship girl, and then commanded Official B took the retired shipgirl over and put her back into service.

There was no violation of the rules, and a human trafficking operation was completed. Aimeier, you guys are really good at it.

Su Bai and Kaga's wedding was held simply according to Kaga's own request, and was only held in the Demon King's Castle. The guests invited were limited to the shipgirls and staff in the port area, as well as other commanders in the Grand Fleet.

Despite this, there were thousands of participants.

The simple handling mentioned by the rich is actually not simple at all.

This wedding was held in accordance with the traditional"God-front Wedding Ceremony" of the Sakura Empire. Speaking of which, it was much more grand than Akagi's wedding last time.

The early morning of September 25th arrived in Kaga's nervousness and expectation. Before the first ray of dawn came, she couldn't sleep.

Akagi was also woken up. She looked at her nervous sister and laughed,"I remember someone once said that even if he died, he would not marry this devil admiral!"

Kaga's pretty face flushed,"Sister! Humph, didn't you say that yourself?"

Akagi stretched out her hand and pinched Kaga's face,"Okay, I'll do your makeup. Today, you have to be the most beautiful woman in the world!"

The snow-white powder was evenly applied on Kaga's face, and her originally fair skin was as dazzling as snow. Apply red lips, draw black eyebrows, tie up long hair, and make a traditional bridal bun.

Put on a bra, put on cloth socks, and change into a dress improved from the white wedding dress,"Clivia of the Pure World".

This dress is all white on the outside, all blue on the inside, and has gold-plated pendants, which makes it look pure and charming. It is a perfect match with Kaga, who has white hair and blue eyes.

Kaga looked at herself in the mirror in disbelief. Is this woman who is like a fox demon and seduces everyone really herself?

Akagi was also stunned,"Sister, you are so beautiful today. The admiral will definitely not let you sleep for a minute tonight."

Kaga's face flushed red. She was still a virgin, so how could she withstand Akagi's fierce words,"What nonsense are you talking about, sister."

Akagi touched Kaga's breasts mischievously,"Tsk, this touch, this elasticity, do you think the admiral will let you go? By the way, do you know nothing? Do you want your sister to teach you?"

"Sister! You're talking nonsense again"

"Aiyi, when you and I jumped into the sea and swam aboard the Enterprise, did we ever think that this day would come? The encounters in life are truly indescribable."

Yes, the encounters in life are so wonderful. Su Bai also changed into a men's kimono with the characteristics of the Sakura Empire today, wearing white socks and wooden clogs, which is a respect for Kaga.

The sisters Akagi and Kaga came to the port with humiliation and pain, but now it is all over. What belongs to the future will be happiness and smiles. Su Bai wore traditional costumes of the Sakura Empire to attend the wedding, and also expressed his apology and love to Kaga. On the hill of Atlans Island, there is a Sakura Empire-style shrine. This is because there are more and more Sakura Empire ship girls in the fleet, and it was specially built to make them feel more at home.

Today, this shrine has also become the place where Su Bai and Kaga held their wedding. Some of the priests and shrine maidens of the shrine were hired from the Sakura Empire, and some of the shrine maidens were guest-starred by ship girls in the fleet. On such an important day as today, the shrine has already prepared everything and quietly waited for the arrival of the Demon King and Kaga.

Surrounded by a group of relatives and friends, Su Bai took Kaga's hand and walked into the shrine with his head held high. After a series of short and grand ceremonies, the two walked hand in hand into the hall of the shrine....

The priest offered the divine wine to the two. Su Bai and Kaga smiled at each other and drank it in one gulp. The wine of the Sakura Empire is so light and refreshing, and it tastes like rice wine.

The priest led the two to the wind outlet, clapped their hands and prayed in the wind, praying for the gods to bless the two newlyweds.

This was just a formality, but a phantom of a goddess really appeared in the sky, and countless golden lights fell on Su Bai and Kaga. Even Akagi standing next to them was no exception, with golden lights falling on her body.

Su Bai was not polite, and pulled Akagi over and stood on the other side of him. The two sisters snuggled up to Su Bai and accepted the blessing of the gods together.

This is simply a world-famous painting. This famous scene was of course captured by the camera. However, what Su Bai could not imagine was that this would become one of the popular works of the next comic exhibition.

After the blessing, the abilities of the three people were improved, and Su Bai was a little speechless. Why are the ship girls around him so powerful that they can get a blessing from the gods just to get married!

The priest held up the prayer for the gods, and the bride and groom offered wine three times, three cups each time, for a total of nine times.

After that, the bride and groom exchanged vows.

Su Bai and Kaga knelt facing each other, and Su Bai gently held Kaga's hand,"Ai Yi, our meeting was a silent misunderstanding. We have come all the way, from hatred, misunderstanding to indifference, and finally to mutual dependence.���Now, you have become an inseparable part of my life. Can you leave your future life to me?"

Kaga's hands began to tremble, and her eyes turned red. Is this true? There will be a day when she will be loved so much.

This devil used the most severe means to snatch her away, but confessed to her in the most gentle way.

Kaga's tears fell, and she choked and answered,"I do! My future life will completely belong to my husband, Su Baijun!"

Under everyone's gaze, Su Bai took out the oath ring and gently put it on Kaga's ring finger.

Kaga closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling, she raised her face and waited. Su Bai was also a little excited. He took Kaga into his arms and kissed her.

The red lips were soft and sweet. If there was no one else now, Su Bai would immediately and without hesitation execute Kaga on the spot, but there were so many people watching, he could only put away his desires and hugged Miss Kaga.

Finally, the two of them presented branches of the small tung tree wrapped in white tissue paper to the gods. Wedding at the shrine , and it came to an end.

The wedding banquet was still held in the Golden Hall of the Demon King's Castle. In the luxurious hall, there were performers playing traditional Japanese songs, and famous singers singing blessings.

Countless delicacies were served like water, and the guests and hosts were all happy. All of this was arranged by Enterprise. She has always been very strict with the Akagi and Kaga sisters, even with a bit of hostility. This wedding was Enterprise's disguised apology to them.

Enterprise smiled and felt relieved watching all this.

Akagi came to her side unknowingly,"Sister Alice, thank you!"

"You're welcome. We're all family now. No need to be so polite."

"It's just that this isn't like you."

"There is no doubt that Enterprise on the battlefield and Alice off the battlefield are not the same person. I hope you will have a good time here at 0.8. Let's go and take our seats."

Su Bai and Kaga were toasting the guests.

At the first table, Enterprise, Guanghui, Hood, Irene, and Akagi were sitting. Others did not dare to sit over here because this was the exclusive seat for the ladies. Enterprise looked at the table full of beauties and wanted to laugh. If there was a rate of one per month, it would not be long before there would be no room here.

Kaga raised his glass to toast,"Sisters, I'm here to toast you."

Irene smiled mischievously,"Ai Yi, come to think of it, I'm younger than you. Is it okay for you to call me sister?"

Kaga's face flushed red, and he lowered his head and whispered,"It doesn't matter who is older. Those who come in first are sisters. I'll drink first as a sign of respect, sister!"......

After the wedding banquet, there were other small activities that lasted until late at night. Everyone let the two go and sent them to the Japanese-style courtyard in the Demon King's Castle, where the Akagi and Kaga sisters lived.

Tonight, Miss Kaga will officially bid farewell to her girlhood here and officially become a wife.

The night is like water, the candles are slightly red, and the people are like jade. This scene makes Su Bai and Kaga feel unusually warm.

��They knelt on the bed, clasped their hands, and remained silent for a long while.

Finally, Su Bai spoke first,"That's great!"

"What's good about it?"

"It is my greatest luck to be favored by Miss Ai Yi."

"Humph, my husband is a big rapist who steals both my body and my heart! He is a pervert who likes to have sex with others."

"Then do you still want to get married?"

"Who made me fall in love with you, the devil?"

Kaga lay quietly on the bed, looking at Su Bai with his charming eyes, as if asking him,"What are you waiting for!"

Su Bai couldn't wait any longer, he didn't even bother to blow out the candle, and rushed over directly.

Tonight, the moonlight is so beautiful.......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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