The next day, when the morning light came, Miss Aiyi could no longer get up. She felt sore all over. My sister was right. My husband was a hungry wolf. He didn't let me sleep for a minute all night.

This is really a trouble of sexual happiness.

"Oh no, we still have to get up and serve tea to the sisters. It's all your fault. It was my first time yesterday. How could you be so stupid? Ouch, help me up!".

Looking at Kaga's shy look, Su Bai laughed out loud. What a wonderful night! It's so cool to be a commander!

The day after marrying Kaga, Su Bai gave Kaga three days off, and continued to lead the fleet to sea. The life of a hard-working player is so simple, eating, sleeping, and working on the ship.

This time, Hood served as the flagship of the leveling fleet. During Su Bai's crazy leveling process, the levels of the main forces such as Enterprise, Hood, and Glory have reached level ninety-three.

What is the concept? In the Azure World, the experience points and attributes after level ninety have been adjusted. Level ninety-three is equivalent to level one hundred and thirty in the Azur Lane game. It is indeed not an ordinary person to be able to train the fleet to this level in the Solomon Sea.

Hood and Su Bai stood side by side at the front of the deck, feeling the sea breeze and watching the seagulls soaring in the sky.

"My dear, you and Miss Ai Yi are newly married, why don't you spend more time with her? Isn't this a bit too harsh?"

Su Bai looked at Hood's face. There was no impurity in her eyes. This was the Hood he liked the most, always so elegant, noble and kind.

Su Bai did not hesitate to express his concerns about the Siren camp,"Hood, I hope you can understand me. I do this naturally to lead everyone to survive the future war. I also want to live an easy life, but first we have to survive!"

Hood was also a little worried,"Is it really that serious?"

"It's worse than I thought! After I wrote to the Governor, I didn't see any special measures from him. Maybe they all underestimated the threat of Sirens. Yes, the last war between humans and Sirens ended with a complete victory for humans, but that is in the past. If we still treat Sirens as petty thieves, we will definitely suffer a great loss."

Hood hugged Su Bai,"Don't worry, the headquarters will definitely have measures, we just need to build our own fleet."

Su Bai also laughed. Yes, he was just a small port commander. These life-and-death matters were naturally taken care of by the human leaders.

He had only one goal, which was to train all members of the fleet to level 92 or above before the Siren invasion, and to ensure that the main force was at level 93. The technology of the fleet must also be upgraded again.

Now the meeting hall of the fleet base has been upgraded to level 19, and upgrading to level 20 requires another hidden mission.

Many people have already gone in to test it, but of course they all returned in failure. Upgrading the base for the fleet is an important task that only Su Bai can handle.

This time... The lineup for the expedition is a super combination of Hood, Enterprise, and Montana, plus Prince Eugen, Cleveland, and Helena.

This is the strongest lineup that Su Bai can put together. All members are level 93, with perfect equipment and enhancements, a large fleet of top-level technology, and magic damage control equipment. It would be a joke if such a lineup couldn't beat the hidden level.

The scarlet sea surface was unspeakably weird, which made Su Bai feel a little uneasy. In theory, this is just a copy opened by the gods, and what is refreshed are just the phantoms of the Siren Fleet. What danger can there be?

The reconnaissance planes had already been released, and Cleveland and Helena also set out from both sides to explore the way.

"Everyone stay alert and do not let your guard down!"

Finally, the Siren fleet appeared. Although the mass-produced warships were powerful, they were no match for the powerful Chuanqi Baye fleet.

One round of artillery fire meant the destruction of a warship.

Hood flicked his long golden hair, drew his sword, and pointed it directly at the enemy warship,"Fire!"

Hood is invincible when he is serious. The barrage of bullets drowned the mass-produced warships of the Siren like raindrops.

The flagship of the Siren appeared. It was a heavily armored battleship with a displacement of more than 80,000 tons. The commander was the Observer.

Su Bai and Hood both thought that the Observer was just an illusion. However, this time the Observer was the real Siren leader.

The purpose of her coming this time was to observe the strength of the Demon King Su Bai from a close distance. Last time, they set up a dragnet and finally captured the Demon King Su Bai. However, before they could turn Su Bai against the enemy, the damn guy killed two guards and escaped.

No one knew how he escaped from the dungeon and how he knew the location of the teleportation array.

But the Siren's top leaders all understood that Su Bai was a human commander who had been to their base, and his threat far exceeded that of an ordinary commander. The confidential letter he sent to Nimitz was intercepted by the pretender, but the letter had already shocked the Siren's top leaders. This young human commander easily saw through the Siren's ambitions.

"This person cannot be left alive!"

This was the judgment of Queen Empres III. The task of the observer was to observe Su Bai closely and make an accurate assessment of his strength, and then the pretender would organize an assassination.

The Siren had already had a comprehensive plan to invade the human world, and the appearance of Su Bai was a variable that was not small or large for their plan.

"I don't like variables, Observer, please cooperate with the Executioner and eliminate this variable!"

The Observer thought about the Queen's order in his mind, and didn't understand why she valued this human commander so much. Even if his fleet was strong, it only had more than a hundred warships. In the genocide war between the two races,���What kind of storm can it stir up?

However, the Queen's order must be executed. Although the Observer had some complaints in her heart, she did not dare to disobey the Queen's order.

Su Bai, let me see your strength! The

Observer's warships started to shoot at Hood and Montana, and all the carrier-based aircraft on the Enterprise took off and began air strikes.

Although Montana participated in the fleet's offensive battle for the first time, she was once the deputy commander-in-chief of the Ghost Island Fleet and was very familiar with combat.

Montana, the fifth ship of the South Dakota-class battleship, has stronger attributes than South Dakota.

She has two skills, one of which is the last knight.

When she is in the position of the wingman in the back row of the fleet, the artillery and damage are improved; when she is in the middle position, she sacrifices her own artillery attributes to increase the artillery and damage of the entire team.

The second skill is the barrage skill.

Every once in a while, there will be an 80% chance of triggering three rounds of barrages, which are armor-piercing, high-explosive and normal shells.

Enemies hit by the barrage will be slowed down by 60%.

Montana's real combat power is stronger than the ordinary Hood, but it is still slightly inferior to the real Hood.

In this battle, what is needed is her barrage to slow down. This former deputy commander of the Ghost Fleet did not disappoint everyone and successfully covered the Siren flagship with barrages and broke her leg.

Seeing the broken leg of the Siren flagship, Hood gave the order to fire without hesitation. She stopped Su Bai who was about to release magic,"Husband, use magic less a few times and try not to expose this matter."

Montana's main guns roared at the same time, and the LuckyE of the Enterprise also started, and the Siren flagship fell to the street.

The Observer jumped into the sea from the stern at the moment when the battleship was finished. She was a little horrified. Although Su Bai did not use magic, she had seen Su Bai's movements to prepare for casting. This human commander was actually a magician!

After defeating the Observer, the system prompt sounded:"Congratulations Commander Su Bai, you defeated the Observer and obtained the qualification certificate for upgrading the Grand Fleet Base, the second-level real estate development license!"

Well, it's this name full of disobedience again, but it works.

After returning to the Grand Fleet base, a group of commanders were waiting for Su Bai to return to the port at the dock. He casually handed the license to the professionals to be responsible for the subsequent construction.

In the Grand Fleet, there was a super-talented person who was an architect and actuary before crossing. It was natural for him to become the chief architect and planner of the Grand Fleet.

Let the most professional people do professional things. This is the consistent style of the Demon King Alliance. Soon, under the power of magic, the twenty-ninth-level meeting hall and a large number of technological buildings rose from the ground.

All members of the Grand Fleet have enjoyed the benefits of this upgrade. The Super Space Supermarket and the Mercenary Guild have also updated more powerful props and services. Under the third-level technology, new building radar stations and intelligence centers have been unlocked, where more detailed intelligence can be obtained.

After completing all this, Su Bai set out to sea again and headed to the Xingzhou Group.���

Faced with Su Bai's visit, Oda Nobuko was a little caught off guard. Her last behavior was actually equivalent to betrayal. Why would Su Bai come with a main fleet?

"Lord Demon King, what exactly are you doing here?"

"Very simple, help you complete the base's third-level technology task"

""Huh?" Oda Nobuko was dumbfounded. She almost thought she had heard it wrong.

"What, you don’t need it?"

"Yes, of course I need it! It's just that I offended the Demon King last time, don't you hold a grudge against me?"

Su Bai shook his head,"We are not friends, but I don't want to be enemies either. Maybe in the future you will know why, I don't want to say it now."

Soon, Su Bai, who completed the task, handed the second-level real estate development license to Oda Nobuko, then turned and left, leaving only the Sakura woman with mixed feelings.

Su Bai's second stop was the Chigua Islands. He completed the task for several large fleets on Chigua Islands and left.

The third stop was to the drifting Easter Islands. Faced with Su Bai's visit, Aimeier and Lin Tianzuo were a little dumbfounded. What does it mean that the Demon King comes here?

Although the two families are hostile, they are guests after all. Aimeier still welcomed Su Bai into the reception hall with a sullen face.

"Why, Brother Aimeier, you seem a little unwelcome to me?"

"Lord Demon King, you are joking. Do you think I should welcome you?"

"I came here for peace."

"Peace? The word comes out of your mouth���, it's ridiculous!"Lin Tianzuo finally couldn't help it.

"You guys listen to me first. I have two sincerity. First, the Demon Alliance and the Order Alliance will cease fire from today. You can go to the Solomon Final Sea as you like, but don't go with too many people at a time. After all, I also want to level up there."

"Second, I will get you the license to upgrade your fleet base to level three technology!"

Aimeier and Lin Tianzuo looked at each other. Is this what the devil said?

The suffocating silence lasted for a long time, and Lin Tianzuo said with a stammer,"Mr. Su Bai, are you kidding us?"

"Do I look like someone who has eaten too much?"

"However, your kindness has far exceeded our expectations. You Orientals have a saying,"If someone shows kindness without any reason, he is either a traitor or a thief." Mr. Su Bai, please tell us what price you want us to pay."

"There is no price. If there is, I hope you can level up quickly and build more ships, that's all."

Aimeier's mouth twitched, you think we don't want to build ships? It's because you, the bastard, have occupied the Solomon Sea, and we have nowhere to go.

Su Bai stood up,"You two, I don't dare to hope to become your friend, but I don't want us to continue to be hostile, it's that simple. You will understand the specific reasons in the future."

After a while, Su Bai came to Easter Island again and handed the license to the people of the Order Alliance. After Aimeier and Lin Tianzuo thanked him profusely, Su Bai waved and left.

Akagi and Kaga accompanied Su Bai throughout the whole process to complete these tasks

"My dear husband, why are you so eager to help them? Although you want peace, this will only breed more potential enemies for us! Especially Aimeier and Lin Tianzuo, you helped them, but they may not remember this favor in the future."

"They? If they could surpass my strength, I wouldn't have to work so hard. Well, let's not talk about this anymore. We should prepare to attend the second comic exhibition. By the way, you sisters, Kaohsiung, and Atago will accompany me to this comic exhibition, and you can also go back to your hometown to have a look."

Akagi and Kaga looked at each other. They wanted to go back to Sakura Empire, but there didn't seem to be anything there worth staying for.

This comic exhibition was organized by the staff of Governor Yamamoto of Sakura Empire, and commanders from all over the country were invited to participate.

Bringing Akagi and Kaga back to Sakura Empire would be such a hateful thing, but Su Bai was not afraid. The official invitation to this comic exhibition was officially issued by the government, which was a formal diplomatic visit. Anyone who dared to touch him openly would have lived enough.

Su Bai's invitation letter allowed him to bring six ship girls. In addition to Akagi, Kaga, Kaohsiung, and Atago, the other two were Li Huamei (Montana) and Reputation. Although Su Bai himself was very confident in his safety, Enterprise still configured a very luxurious lineup for him.

These six ship girls are all proficient in kendo and fighting. Even if they go ashore, they are top-notch masters. Especially Li Huamei, she was originally the fleet commander of Ghost Island, and she herself is a super master, Su Bai bought her back, and it was definitely a big profit.

Several super airliners departed from Honolulu and flew directly to Tokyo. Almost all the 300 commanders of the North Pacific Governor's District participated in this comic exhibition. This was not only a comic exhibition, but also a good opportunity for the commanders of the major governor's districts to meet.

After Su Bai reconciled with Oda Nobuko and Aimeier, he had become the leader of the North Pacific Governor's District. At least on the surface, no one would compete with him.

The passenger plane landed at Tokyo Haneda International Airport. Because this was the plane that the devil Su Bai took, even Governor Yamamoto went to pick it up in person.

Coming down the boarding ladder, Su Bai was a little flattered to see the welcoming scene. He quickly stood at attention and saluted Governor Yamamoto.

Governor Yamamoto returned the salute and glanced at Akagi Kaga, who was dressed as a woman behind Su Bai, and joked,"I asked you to take good care of them, but it seems that you have taken care of your own family."

Su Bai blushed,"Governor Yamamoto, you are joking. There is no way to talk about things like fate. Anyway, I will treat them well."

"I have never doubted this. Although Mr. Su Bai's behavior is absurd, he is not a cold-hearted person. Please get in the car!".

Comments: Naruto789

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