"Mr. Su Bai, I just received a notice from the police station and learned that you were attacked this afternoon. I am very sorry about this incident."

"You don't have to say that. This attack is directed at me personally and has nothing to do with your country. I know this very well."

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details."

Su Bai hesitated for a moment, and briefly recounted his experience of going deep into the Siren City. Of course, the embarrassing scenes of being imprisoned and beaten were automatically blocked by Su Bai.

Governor Yamamoto's face changed several times, and he sighed,"We humans are really in danger this time!"

Governor Yamamoto's words made Su Bai feel compassionate. Yes, although there are conflicts between the White Eagles and the Sakura Empire, they are all human beings, and they can still sit down and talk. Even if there is a war, it will not lead to genocide.

But if humans lose to the Sirens, it will be a disaster of genocide. The fishmen will sweep across the continent, and humans will have no place to stay..

"Mr. Su Bai, do you need me to do anything for you?"

"Governor Yamamoto, I had a history with the assassin���I put a magic mark on her, but I guess she also put a mark on me. So, she and I can roughly sense each other's position."

Governor Yamamoto smiled,"I have an idea. I want to personally invite Mr. Su Bai to return home a few days later and enjoy the hot spring bath in my Sakura Kingdom. What do you think?"

"Thank you Governor Yamamoto for your hospitality!"

The two smiled at each other and said no more. They had already decided to trap this dangerous assassin.

On the way back to the hotel, Montana finally couldn't help it,"Su Bai, do you know? Just now you and Yamamoto were like two treacherous foxes."

"It's unfair, I'm not a fox, I'm a loyal and honest person! Just think about it, in order to get you back from Princess Youlan's"Zero Seven Seven", I not only lost an island, but also got beaten half to death. Where in the world is there such a fox?"


Montana snorted to express her dissatisfaction, but when she thought of everything Su Bai had done to save her, her face flushed again. Yes, the commander may have many calculations about others, but he is sincere to his own ship girl, and that is enough.

The next day, the commanders returning to Honolulu boarded the plane in batches, and Su Bai, at the invitation of Governor Yamamoto, came to Kusatsu Onsen in Gunma Prefecture, northwest of Tokyo.

Kusatsu Onsen is one of the three most famous springs in the Sakura Empire and has a long history. Its spring volume ranks first in the entire Sakura Empire. The total natural outflow can reach more than 30 tons per minute, and it keeps gushing out from more than a hundred outflows.

Another major feature of Kusatsu Onsen is that it uses natural hot springs from a steady stream of sources without any heating, boiling, diluting, cooling or recycling. 100% close contact with nature.

This hot spring is a famous strongly acidic hot spring containing sulfur, aluminum, sulfates, chlorides, and is very effective against It is very good for health.

On the way to the hot spring, Akagi Kaga nestled on both sides of Su Bai like two happy little birds. And Miss Nagato, who was in charge of the guide, was introducing this world-famous hot spring to Su Bai.

Although Su Bai had no intention of traveling, he was also fascinated by this world-famous hot spring.

It's a pity that he had to kill in such a beautiful place, which was a bit sorry for this place.

Nagato originally had a lot of complaints about Akagi Kaga marrying Su Bai. She not only despised Akagi Kaga's speed of surrendering to the enemy, but also despised Su Bai's character. But looking at Akagi Kaga's happy look, she was a little confused. Maybe they were in true love with this devil-like man. After all, some things can't be pretended.

Nagato is a child after all, and she can't hide things. She asked a little embarrassedly,"Mr. Su Bai, although we haven't been together for a long time, you don't look like a bad person. Why do you have such a bad reputation?" Su

Bai coughed twice. What kind of words are these!

"Ahem, well, that's it. The tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. I just have a unique style."

"No, Miss Nagato, I think you may have misunderstood. My commander is a Hentai, but he is a special Hentai."

"Hey, what are you talking about? Are you still my wife?"...

After more than an hour of trekking, they finally arrived at their destination. Governor Yamamoto had his own villa here, which had a private hot spring bath.

Miss Nagato welcomed Su Bai and his party into the villa, arranged accommodation for them, and then took everyone to dinner.

The light Japanese cuisine, plus the tea after the meal, was a good dinner. Although Su Bai, a rough man, had no idea about the charm of the tea ceremony, using these things to entertain him was like a cow chewing a peony.

There was a large hot spring in Governor Yamamoto's villa, and Miss Nagato brought Su Bai and others here.

"Mr. Su Bai, you and them can take a hot spring bath here. By the way, this is mixed hot spring.......

Montana and Reputation both said that they needed to be on guard outside, so they would not soak in this hot spring. Although Kaohsiung and Atago were eager to soak in the hot spring, they were too embarrassed to go in. Others were couples and families soaking in the hot spring, and you two were just going to be the light bulbs?

So, in such a large hot spring pool, only Su Bai and Akagi Kaga were soaking.

Moreover, Su Bai was always sensing the approach of the magic mark, so how could he enjoy it. Looking at the bright moon above his head, Su Bai sighed helplessly. Such a beautiful scene, such a beautiful woman, but he was not in the mood to enjoy it. This Siren assassin really deserved to die!

Akagi Kaga also knew the current situation, but just stayed with Su Bai obediently and helped him massage and relax.

The executioner was approaching rapidly, and she was also very angry. The first assassination failed, which was the first time in so many years.

The observer suggested that she close the net, because continuous attacks were very irrational behavior. However, the executioner had indeed lost her mind, and she had to use Su Bai's head to save her face.

Humph, he actually still has the mood to travel and soak in hot springs. Such an unvigilant person, no matter how strong he is

, what can he do? This time, the executioner prepared a poisoned blowgun. As long as it can hit the target, Su Bai can be poisoned to death in a very short time. Demon king, demon king, your death is imminent!

The executioner climbed over the courtyard wall and approached the hot spring bath, but this time she really miscalculated, or all her actions were within Su Bai's calculations.

When she sneaked towards the hot spring bath, a gunshot rang out, and a bullet accurately hit her thigh. Montana walked out of the shadows and fired four shots, injuring all four of her limbs.

The executioner lay on the ground in despair. What went wrong!

Montana picked up the executioner and hit her with a knee strike, completely destroying the executioner's dantian. Ignoring her screams, he smashed her to the ground like a dead dog.

"Tell the truth, and you can die comfortably."

Governor Yamamoto, who received the news, came overnight, and with him came the most professional interrogator of the Governor's Office.

Governor Yamamoto glanced at the executioner and said to Su Bai,"Don't worry, even if she is a piece of stone, these professionals can make her speak. Please trust the professionals." That

's right, professionals are different. The executioner lasted for half a night and finally confessed everything he knew, just asking for a quick death.

Looking at the result of the interrogation, Yamamoto and Su Bai were dumbfounded. Has the Sirens planted so many secret stakes in human society? It's terrible. The executioner's body was evenly divided into two halves. Yamamoto kept one for himself, and the other was taken back by Su Bai for research. In the

Demon King's Castle, Su Bai summoned Enterprise, Hood, Glory and others, and also called Lachar, Barto, Nefario, Yu Buqun and other core forces of the large fleet.

Su Bai briefly introduced the process of his trip to Sakura. The two assassination experiences and the half body of the executioner made everyone in the hall shudder.

"Let the technical department analyze the composition of the body, and then prepare a report and submit it to the Governor's Office. When submitting the report, take a part of the body and attach it together."

Su Bai continued,"Although there is no clear conclusion, it is basically certain that this is Siren's person. You can smell the fishy smell of marine life from her. Tell me what you think."

Lachar was the first to speak,"Alliance leader, the overall strategy to fight against Siren is formulated by the top leaders. We can't intervene in this. What we can do is to strengthen our own strength. However, we should not expand the secrets of Siren at will, which will cause panic. I suggest that the commanders of the Grand Fleet be encouraged to strengthen their leveling in the form of material rewards."

Bato added,"At the same time, a lower limit should also be set. For example, those who cannot reach level 90 in the main fleet next month are not worthy of being my brothers and must leave the Grand Fleet, etc."

Ahem, the ugly faces of the two capitalists!

"Okay, I'll do as you say. You guys can decide the details. Another thing is that the Siren's threat this time is not aimed at our family, but at all of humanity. The Sakura Empire has already known about this. Think of a way to spread the news so that more people know about this."

"Another thing, when we level up here, don't occupy all of the Solomon Sea, give half to other large fleets. All of you remember this clearly, if humans win, we can all survive; if humans lose, we will all go to the sea to feed the fish. At this time, we must put aside the little hatred in the past!"

"Got it!"

Chief Architect Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, but still stood up and said,"Alliance leader, although we can spread the news, many people's understanding of the Sirens in their hearts is still stuck in the last war, thinking that they are just a group of creatures that mutated by instinct.... "

"I suggest that we strengthen the defense of Atlans Island. If the situation is critical, it can become the last refuge for other commanders."

Yang Ming was a little nervous. After all, everyone likes to hear good words. He was not sure whether the Demon King would listen to such pessimistic words.

"Very good, it is prudent to consider failure before planning for victory. Mr. Yang, you are responsible for the construction of the defense system."

Su Bai's words made Yang Ming feel grateful for his meeting. Compared with those mean clients and stingy bosses in the original world, Su Bai was simply a wise leader. This unconditional trust encouraged him.

Of course, what Yang Ming didn't know was that Su Bai could delegate so much power, firstly because he knew the principle of trusting people; secondly, he was lazy. Apart from working on the ship and accompanying his wife, he had no time to take care of other things.

After deciding on the action strategy, everyone started to act separately. The executioner's head and a secret letter were also reported to the Governor's Mansion.

After seeing the executioner's head, the pretender felt bad all over. Is this kid named Su Bai so powerful? An assassination expert like the executioner, with the support of intelligence, ended up like this. This is too exaggerated. Although the pretender and the executioner had never met, they were both Siren cadres after all. Her death still made the pretender a little sad.

The pretender concealed the secret letter again and gave Su Bai Made a reply. The pretender thought again and again, and wrote a very solemn letter in the language of the fishmen, then carefully assembled the executioner's head, handed it to his trusted subordinate, and asked him to take it back to Queen Empress.

This war with humans has been prepared for many years, and it should have been a sure win, but these new commanders who have emerged in the past year have given the pretender a headache. These people's way of thinking and style of doing things are incompatible with this world. Their arrival has changed the world.

For example, activities such as comic exhibitions seem to be just the bad taste of a few admirals, but they provide a platform for the commanders of the three major camps to communicate.

It was originally thought that the introduction of the public sea battlefield would cause the commanders to fall into a dead end of killing each other, but Su Bai's sudden appearance completely ruined the wish list.

After the first few naval battles, the human commanders not only did not continue to kill each other, but lived in peace.

Instead, the public���The super high experience in the domain has cultivated a large number of super high-level ship girls. The pretender smiled bitterly, is this considered shooting himself in the foot?

Su Bai led the main fleet into the public waters, because he had helped everyone to open the third-level technology of the large fleet before, and everyone was very grateful to him. Even those who were dissatisfied with him in their hearts had to be respectful on the surface.

When Su Bai's fleet entered the public waters, the passing fleets would blow the whistle to salute him. This kind of respect satisfied Su Bai's vanity a little.

However, these vanities did not mean much to Su Bai, and he had decided to station in this public waters.

The huge fleet needs to be leveled up, and he himself needs to exercise his mental strength. Su Bai's nuclear-powered liver must operate all day long.

In order for him to recover his spirit quickly, several wives took turns to accompany him. Of course, although this can keep Su Bai excited, his energy is quite insufficient.

Today it is Enterprise's turn to accompany Su Bai. Looking at his increasingly thin face and heavy dark circles under his eyes, Enterprise feels particularly distressed

"Su Bai, take a break."

"No, I won't go, I really don't have a drop left!"Su Bai was still in shock. Although he felt refreshed after resting with his wife, he couldn't stand it anymore.

""Okay, I'm not talking about that kind of rest. Come on, I'll give you a massage."

Su Bai lay down on the bed in the captain's room, and Enterprise knelt on his back, gently stroking his shoulders and head.

Oh my God, the commander is only in his twenties, but he has white hair. Enterprise felt distressed. She pressed Su Bai's acupuncture points and whispered,"Take a rest."

"I want to rest, but those bastards at Siren won't allow me to."

"Fighting the Sirens is not just our job. The Governor is the same. He has done nothing. I don't see what he has prepared!"

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, Governor Nimitz is a veteran on the battlefield, he must have a backup plan. What we have to do is to protect ourselves in the chaos and then get more military merits."

Enterprise looked out the window helplessly, the blue sea was still so beautiful, seagulls were flying over the sea, a peaceful scene.

Unfortunately, under this deep sea, there is a force that is eyeing humans.

When will peace come?.

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