On October 7, the system broadcast sounded around the world:"Attention all commanders, attention all commanders! After the maintenance on October 14 next Thursday, a new limited-time map will be opened, and the battle will be fought in different color grids! Seventeen new seas, a new way of fighting. There are also eleven new ship girls, including the powerful Queen of the North Tirpitz, the iron-blooded aircraft carrier Zeppelin, and the lovely repair room Akashi, who will join your fleet."

"Action is better than hesitation. Hurry up and bring your fleet to participate in the strategy of this limited-time map. For detailed information, please check your logbook."

After receiving this announcement, all commanders became excited. The inactivity period was too long and everyone felt a little bored.

Because peace has been achieved in public waters, most commanders who are not lazy have caught rare ships such as Akagi Kaga and Yudachi.

In the previous version changes, the original level system was completely changed. Now the difficulty and rewards of reaching level 100 are equal to level 190 in the previous version. Such a terrible level of hard work makes most commanders scalp numb, and the main fleet level of most people is below level 90.

Su Bai looked at the activity information given in the logbook and wanted to curse. The BOSS level of the final sea area was 95!

This must be a misunderstanding between the planners and operators. They definitely designed the BOSS according to the old level system. As a result, when the event was released, they forgot to proofread it, and threw out the new version of the ninety-five-level BOSS.

This new level ninety-five is equivalent to the old version of one hundred and fifty!

Among the commanders in the world, only Su Bai's fleet main force level has reached ninety-four, and the other commanders are only ninety-two at most.

The attribute gap between ninety-two and ninety-five is so large, and the damage is so crushing that it can be said to be devastating.

All the commanders were stunned. They couldn't believe the information given by the official in the logbook. Is this an event for people?

Almost all commanders are frantically contacting customer service and raising questions. However, Su Bai did not do such a thing. He carefully selected two main fleets to participate in the event and rushed to the Solomon Public Waters 21, preparing to train the fleet when the event starts. To level ninety-five.

He didn't expect that planning and operation could change anything. You know, this world is dominated by gods. They are gods and it is impossible for them to make mistakes! If you make a mistake accidentally, you will have to execute the wrong result.

Bargaining with gods, are you bored?

The active fleet selected by Su Bai has three fleets.

The first fleet is headed by Hood as the flagship, with Glorious and Royal Ark as the two wings, and Cleveland, Helena and Wichita in the front row.

Mainly responsible for cleaning up the trash.

The second fleet is headed by Irene as the flagship, with Enterprise and Montana as the two wings, and Prince Eugen, Belfast and Edinburgh in the front row.

Mainly responsible for attacking.

The third fleet is headed by Reputation as the flagship, with Liaoning and Shandong as the two wings, and Suffolk, Little Swan Kai, and Yudachi in the front row.

Mainly responsible for support tasks.

Now, Su Bai's task is to put all these main battleships To level 95. And not only that, other warships must also go out to sea in batches to ensure that everyone's level is at least level 93.

In the public waters of Solomon, many hardcore players have each marked out an area here to level up, but no one is so blind as to come up and compete with Su Bai for enemy refreshes.

As Su Bai expected, the communication with the temple did not produce any results, and the envoy of the temple clearly told all commanders.

The design of the final boss of the battle of the different color grid is level 95, which is indeed the fault of the temporary workers, but the gods have been very tolerant to adjust this event from the scheduled end of August to mid-October, and the time of this limited-time event will be adjusted from two weeks to six weeks, so everyone does not have to complain.

The commanders are not willing to do it. To reach level 95 in six weeks, isn't this bullying?

The messenger of the gods said coldly,"If you feel that you can't beat the final boss, you don't have to fight. Anyway, this kind of activity is not necessary."

The arrogance of the messenger of the gods angered the commanders, and some of the grumpy ones proposed to quit the blue world on the spot.

"This is too much of a bully. I came to Azure World to enjoy life with my wives, not to experience the early symptoms of liver cirrhosis! If you don't change it, I'm going to quit the game!"

"Idiot, do you still think this is a game world? This is the blue world ruled by the great gods. If you want to quit, it's easy, just go back and commit suicide, but whether you can return to the original world is not certain!"

No one dared to speak anymore. What does this mean? In other words, the self in the original world is no longer the same person as the self in the blue world? Can't go back?

This is too pitfall!

On the commander forum, posts cursing the mothers of planners and operators flew to the clouds one after another.

Su Bai briefly browsed the forum and knew the result. He was not too surprised. The life and death of hundreds of millions of ordinary people could not compare to the face of a god. This result was the most normal.

No matter so much, the liver is done!

He doesn't care, but the ship girls can't ignore it. Several wives considerately prepared various liver-protecting and nourishing foods for him.

The daily staple food is mainly glutinous rice, black rice, sorghum, millet, oats, etc., and each meal is also accompanied by red date porridge, mung bean and pork liver porridge, and wolfberry porridge, which is rich in nutrition.

Soybeans cooked in various ways are rich in potassium Food: kelp, various seafood, all of which are caught directly from the Solomon Sea.

A supply ship went back from the port specifically to deliver mushrooms, white fungus, kelp, seaweed, animal liver, lean meat, fish, shrimp, chicken and duck; as well as fruits such as black wolfberry, blueberry, grapes, black currant, almonds, oranges, raisins, bananas, and plums.

Facing this pile of delicious food every day and Edinburgh and Belfast dressed in maid outfits to serve beside them, Su Bai smiled bitterly and said,"You think this is a dinner party at sea."

October 14th is approaching, and Su Bai's fleet is still some distance away from level 95. He is not in a hurry to return to the port, but continues to level up. An inexplicable sense of crisis made him feel that this heterochromatic grid is not simple at all. As the sun sets, carrier-based aircraft return to the aircraft carrier one after another. Su Bai and Enterprise looked up at the carrier-based aircraft. The western ocean dyed half of the sky red, which was beautiful.

"Su Bai, Juno wants to see you"

"It's Juno, let her come."

A smaller ship girl came to Su Bai,"Commander, Juno has something to say!"

"Don't be so polite, just call me Su Bai, go ahead."

"Commander, Juno has never participated in a major battle since she came to your fleet. Am I really so useless?"

Su Bai smiled bitterly. Of course you are useful. Your biggest role is to fight on the training ground and restore blood for other ship girls, but I don't want to do this.

"I don't want you to get hurt."

"But I don't want to be a freeloader in the fleet and be a mascot. I am an Atlanta-class light cruiser, and my air defense capability is not weak. Commander, I want to participate in the battle, and I will definitely make contributions to the fleet!"

Su Bai looked at the angel-like Juno. Yes, he was always afraid that Juno would trigger the first skill, but he ignored another problem. Juno was also a qualified air defense light cruiser. He couldn't treat her as a vase.

"Good! I approve your joining the main fleet. You will join the fleet now, gain more experience, and prepare for the next limited-time event!"

Juno saluted excitedly,"Yes! I will live up to the commander's expectations."

Looking at Juno's jumping figure leaving, Su Bai shook his head with a wry smile. The fleet is getting bigger and bigger, but there are only so many positions for the main force. There will always be some ship girls who are neglected or even forgotten.

Those who are more ambitious among them will sign up for the expedition team to get more merits and bonuses. Juno is the first one to take the initiative to ask for a main position. Su Bai really can't bear to hurt Juno's expectations.

The event will start soon, so let Juno take on the first few free maps. Maintenance began, and all the liver emperors in the public waters were teleported back to their bases.

After returning to the Demon King's Castle, Su Bai fell down before he walked back to his room. Fell asleep on the side of the road. Several wives hurriedly carried this hardworking guy back to the bedroom. Fortunately, there was maintenance, otherwise this guy might have died of sudden death.

After this maintenance, in addition to the opening of a new activity map, the transformation of Ajax and Langley was also opened. The transformation of Langley is fine, it cannot change the embarrassing status of Teacher Langley, and after the transformation of Ajax, it directly rose to the first-line level and became a powerful front row.

The front row lineup of the originally planned Third Fleet will also be adjusted to Ajax, Juno, and Yudachi.

Su Bai slept for ten hours. When he woke up, it was already dawn. The sun shone through the window screens and filled the wide���She looked up and saw that it was Guanghui who was doing the homework. Unfortunately, she was sleeping too deeply and didn't know anything.

Guanghui also woke up. She stretched lazily, and the whiteness on her chest jumped out of her pajamas.

"Do you want it now? Sorry, we have to start preparing for the event soon. Guanghui smiled and pulled Su Bai up, whispering in his ear,"I can wait for you tonight."

Su Bai felt hot all over, but he also knew that it was time to go out.

Putting on a straight major general uniform, Su Bai came to the meeting hall, where all the ship girls and officials had gathered.

"Comrades, the color grid is about to open. I know you all want to get this feat, and so do I. However, haste makes waste, so I decided that we should go to the Solomon Sea to level up first, and when all of you are level 95, I will take you to see the so-called color grid!"

The ship girls were a little disappointed, but when they heard the last sentence, they all started cheering:

"Long live the Commander!"

"Commander, you are the best!"

Just after everyone rushed into the heterochromatic grid, Su Bai led a massive fleet into the Solomon public waters.

Soon, A1-A4 of the heterochromatic grids were breached, and many commanders who had caught Z sisters began to command the battle while showing off their gains.

The European emperors and chieftains began to fight on the forum, the technical emperors were showing off their analysis of the enemy situation in various sea areas, and the rhythm party members were arguing over which tier Ajax should be ranked in.

The world seemed to have forgotten Su Bai's fleet, and Su Bai had forgotten the world. He only thought about two things: whether all members could reach level 95, and was level 95 really enough?

At least the real main force should be upgraded to level 96. It would be enough to enter the event map in the last week. In the last event, Su Bai entered the event waters in the last week, but with his super strength, he completed the hidden task. This time, Su Bai still decided to make an effort in the later stages.

Now , let those inflated commanders go in and explore the way.

By the afternoon, commanders from the Order Alliance and the Green Light Alliance had already entered Area B, and B1-B4 were breached one after another. There was even a European emperor who fished out the German 050 on his first attack, and after showing it off on the forum, he was honored as the"German Emperor".

Near dusk, someone finally broke into Area C, and the difficulty of Area C increased significantly. According to the information marked on the logbook, the enemy fleet should be level 77, but the enemy fleets that were actually refreshed were all above level 80; according to the information on the logbook, the enemy fleet should be the Phantom Iron Blood Fleet, but in the process of the strategy, the commanders discovered the Siren Fleet one after another.

What's going on?

Everyone raised questions to the customer service.

This time, the customer service gave an answer quickly:"The two gods have already given answers to this point. The event has been postponed, so the enemy forces in this sea area have also grown. As for why the Sirens appeared, it was probably because these Phantom Iron Bloods found helpers themselves."

This is also fine���Aren't all the Phantom Fleet NPCs? Do they have their own ideas? Is there any law in this world?

Yes, there is not only law, but also God's will. Since the gods said it is like this, then it is like this.

The first day ended like this. No one dared to open up new land in the night battle. Everyone returned to their bases and prepared to fight again the next day.

Starting from the second day, the powerful Aimeier fleet broke through the C4 area. The enemy forces in the C4 area had reached level eighty-nine to ninety. Even a powerful existence like Aimeier could not pass the level easily. It took a lot of effort to barely pass the level. It was not until then that several commanders discovered a problem. Where is the Demon King Su Bai? What is he doing?

Why didn't he come to participate in this event?

Su Bai is in Solomon, he is leveling up. Of course, he is interested in limited-time events, but no matter how he thinks about it, he knows that this limited-time event is by no means simple.

"Belfast, Edinburgh, follow me to the restaurant and get my nutritious liver-nourishing meal. After eating, continue working!"

"Yes, Commander."Two royal maids, one on the left and one on the right, followed Su Bai elegantly to the officers' dining room on the battleship and continued their day's journey of working hard on the ship.

Except for the shipgirls who took turns to run expeditions, all other warships gathered in the Solomon Sea. This time, this fish pond was really reserved by Su Bai.

The levels of the absolute main forces such as Enterprise, Hood, Glory, Irene, and Montana have exceeded half of level ninety-five. According to Su Bai's calculations, after a month, these main battleships scattered in various fleets with full MVP will have the opportunity to upgrade to level ninety-six. And other shipgirls can also be upgraded to level ninety-five. At that time, it will be time for him to enter the heterochromatic grid.

The world has forgotten Su Bai, and Su Bai has also forgotten the world. What he thinks, thinks, and does is only one thing, which can be summed up in one word: work hard!.

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