Before the commanders of the Demon King Alliance set off, Su Bai left a message on the public screen of the Grand Fleet: Please be careful with the strategy, don't be the first waste to give yourself up!

The Demon King's advice is always so simple and straightforward. The members of the Demon King Alliance have great confidence in Su Bai's strength and judgment. As a result, this most powerful force, in this event, is far behind in progress.

The latest issue of the fleet strength list.

Su Bai is still the first without any suspense, and the second place is more than twice as far away. The Demon King is the Demon King. You can like him or hate him, but you can never ignore him.

Lachar from the Demon King Alliance ranks second. This blood clan master is also a well-known liver emperor.

Aimeer from the Order Alliance ranks third. This elf master replaced Andre's previous position and became the light of hope for the elves. The fourth-ranked strong man is unexpectedly the liver emperor of the melon-eating party from the Melon-eating Islands, Heinrich. This is a fat otaku from Germany in the original world. He came to the blue world because he was electrocuted when he smashed a computer screen.

The fifth strongest person is Barto of the Demon King Alliance, the little prince of the demon clan.

The sixth strongest person is another unexpected person, Oda Nobuko of the Green Light Alliance. Since she was confronted by Su Bai once, she has changed a lot. She no longer deals with men, but has become a female master who pursues strength. The seventh strongest person is Nefario, the dragon master of the Demon King Alliance.

The eighth strongest person is Lin Tianzuo, the human master of the Order Alliance.

The ninth strongest person is Yu Buqun, the human master of the Demon King Alliance.

The tenth strongest person is Kane, the licking bull of the Green Light Alliance.

These ten masters are also recognized as the strongest people who are most likely to break through the heterochromatic grid. They are in fierce competition. Whoever can break the heterochromatic grid first can sell intelligence and make a fortune. Didn't the demon king Su Bai do this last time?

With this idea in mind, many commanders rushed into the D area as soon as possible in the afternoon of the second day. However, this time, the D area taught these commanders a lesson.

The enemies in D1 start from level 91, which has exceeded the average level of the fleets of most commanders. The strong enemies in the D area are so terrifying.

The first casualty of the ship girl appeared, and the first commander to die also appeared. An African commander from the African Governor's District of the Bloody Axis camp was the first to die in the D1 road. It is said that this African named Wumu Mulu was directly hit by a shell from the main gun of the battleship, and it broke on the spot and flew up instantly.

On the world forum, everyone knew that this unfortunate commander became the first commander to die in a different color grid.

At the end of the fierce battle on the second day, only a very few people barely broke through D1, but four commanders died in battle.

On the night of Solomon, the sea breeze brought a bit of coolness. Su Bai stood on the deck, looking at the stars in the distance, feeling the wind blowing with a little fishy smell. The death of the four commanders made Su Bai feel a little uncomfortable. He didn't know any of these four people, but after all, they were comrades in the trench, and they were gone just like that.

This different color grid is indeed a bit too difficult.

Enterprise and Hood accompanied him on the left and right to enjoy the night view of the sea.

"It may take another month, or even longer, before we can finish leveling. Thank you for accompanying me for a whole month."

"Dear, you are the one who works the hardest. We can take turns to rest, but you are really tired."

"Haha, it's okay, I'm not afraid of being tired, I'm just afraid that being tired is meaningless. With you guys around, my life has meaning."

Hood smiled, she lifted her long hair and let it flutter in the wind, Hood raised his head,"Look, the moon is so round tonight."

When the three of them looked up, their faces changed. The moon was indeed very big and round, but in the bright moonlight, there were actually a few scarlet spots.

What's going on!

I've never heard of such an astronomical phenomenon. Su Bai opened the logbook. On the world forum, many commanders also discovered this phenomenon. What on earth is going on?

Soon, a textual research emperor found the information. It is said that before the full-scale war between humans and Sirens fifty years ago, the moon gradually turned blood red.

In the past, blood moons had appeared in the fierce battles hundreds of years ago and thousands of years ago.

The blood moon foreshadows war!

Su Bai was in a very bad mood. He understood what the blood moon foreshadowed best. The war between the Sirens and humans will definitely begin. The Sirens have been planning for a long time and have accumulated strength for fifty years. What about humans? How much preparation have humans made? What exactly has Governor Nimitz done?

Is he old or confused? Although he replied to me twice with great affirmation, he did not take any substantial action. What is the Governor thinking? He is the leading strategist in the entire White Eagle Country. Why is he so inactive?

Su Bai couldn't figure it out. He was very depressed and punched the iron rack next to him.

His status was still too low and his strength was still too weak. It was clearly a heartfelt statement, but no one listened.

On the contrary, Admiral Yamamoto strengthened his defense a lot after receiving his warning and seeing the executioner's body.

Human beings, after fifty years of internal consumption and debauchery, their combat effectiveness is no longer as good as before. Fifty years ago, human captains were all native humans, but now they are basically ship girls.

There is a saying that goes,"When a country is about to perish, there will be ship girls all over the ground." "

Humans are really in danger.

Su Bai embraced Enterprise and Hood,"Maybe I can't do more, but at least I have to protect you!"

Enterprise and Hood smiled slightly and said in unison:"Dear, we are protecting you!"

Su Bai smiled bitterly. Yes, if he wants to protect all the ship girls, he has a long way to go.

Looking at the blood moon in the sky, Su Bai secretly made up his mind, this damn heterochromatic grid, damn Siren, come on, I will definitely protect the people I cherish most.

Starting from the third day, the truly powerful commanders began to march into the BOSS point of D1. The powerful combination of the Z-series team led by Super Z46 and Germany was waiting for the commanders who broke in here.

If it was just such a lineup, many commanders could handle it, but the appearance of Siren changed the situation. The Siren Cruiser Patroller joined the battle. The wild barrage of the level 93 Patroller could quickly tear apart the weak front-line ship girls.

In front of the patrol's airtight barrage, no ship girl could withstand the damage, and she caused huge casualties.

Three more commanders died in the patrol's sweep. There were even more ship girls killed.

Everyone was shocked. The first sea area in area D was so terrible. Is there really a chance in the sea area behind?

This is nothing. At night, the commanders discovered a more terrible fact. The blood color of the blood moon was even thicker. In the D2 sea area, there was a level 94 enemy fleet.

Countless commanders angrily connected the communication and tried to communicate with customer service.

There was only one answer,"You can choose not to go to the different color grid, you don't have to fight."

The meaning of this answer is, if you like to play, play, if you don't want to play, go away.

Many commanders were very angry. If they were in the original world, they would definitely destroy their accounts and delete the game live. Unfortunately, it doesn't work here. This is the blue world. Who dares to guarantee that they can return to the original world after committing suicide?

Moreover, suicide is very painful. Why don't you try it? It's really easy to talk without any pain. Commanders chose to compromise. Even if life rapes you, you still have to greet it with a smile most of the time.

Most commanders chose to return to the port after completing D1. What Z46, Tirpitz, I don't want it anymore, right?

Of course, the strong ones with an average fleet level of more than 92 still chose to brave the D2 sea area.

After a week, only a few people saw the final boss of D2, the Count Zeppelin aircraft carrier and the tester Alpha from Siren. The warriors of the final boss of Kendo were also tortured to death by this terrible boss and had to flee.

What should I do? Can this event still be played? How to play it?

The commanders thought that this event would be difficult, but who would have thought it would be so difficult? Everyone was confused. Some people thought of the demon king Su Bai, and bought the strategy from him.

But where is the demon king?

The demon king is in Solomon, he is working on the ship.

Some commanders with lower ranks also brought their fleets to the Solomon public waters, where they finally met the demon king Su Bai.

"Su Bai, why are you still working here? Aren’t you going to participate in the limited-time event?"

"No rush, I will go when the time is right."

What is the right time? When all members are level 95 and the absolute main force is level 96, it is the right time.

The weaker commanders chose to withdraw from the special color grid limited time event. If you can't afford to provoke me, you can afford to hide from me. This is always OK.���!

Goodbye, lonely Queen of the North Tirpitz; goodbye, lovely Z46 and other Z sisters.

Unfortunately, this world is far more cruel than imagined. Is it over if you don't participate? It doesn't exist. You don't want to participate, but the world will not let you go.

In the second week, a system broadcast ignited all the commanders,"Because some commanders took the initiative to choose salted fish, the two gods are very angry. The gods sent down the decree that commanders who cannot pass the D2 sea area before the end of the event will face the active attack of the welcoming iron-blooded fleet. If you can't defend your port area, you will be forced to withdraw!"

At this time, almost everyone exploded. Salted fish don't let people be salty? That's right, this is not a game, you won't be allowed to be a salted fish.

Under pressure, all commanders came to the Solomon Sea and began to level up. Even if you are a salted fish, you have to struggle!

Previously, the Solomon Sea had achieved peace. Under the humility of the Demon King Su Bai, everyone could live in peace, level up and salvage ships together. But now it is impossible. Under the pressure of life and death, fights happen here every day.

Looking at these ugly and chaotic scenes, Su Bai frowned. He was too lazy to get entangled with these people. They couldn't hurt Su Bai, but they could disgust him.

How can you level up with so many people crowded here?

Su Bai chose to go to the limited-time event, break through D4, and level up there. Anyway, the goal of level 95 for the entire fleet has been achieved, and it's time to set off.

The main forces of the first fleet are Hood, Glory, and Royal Ark, and the front row is Cleveland, Helena, and Wichita. This is the first time that the combination of Dad and Mom has joined forces to attack, which is worth looking forward to.

The main forces of the second fleet are Irene, Enterprise, and Montana, and the front row is Prince Eugen, Belfast, and Edinburgh.

This is the most powerful combination with firepower.

The front row is covered by smoke, the back row is Irene plus Buff, and Montana is controlled by breaking legs.

All five members protect one, and it is LuckyE of Enterprise that completes the kill.

The main forces of the third fleet are Reputation, Liaoning, and Shandong, and the front row is Ajax, Juno, and Yudachi.

It is mainly responsible for support tasks.

After the reputation Buff is fully stacked, it serves as another main force in the night battle.

The three fleets are very reasonable. The only one with a slightly weaker strength is Juno, but her air defense ability is also quite good. The first three large maps are vulnerable to Su Bai's fleet. Even the ammunition has not been consumed. Only magic ammunition and magic skills can crush everything.

D1, a strong enemy appears. The powerful fleet of level 93 is indeed scary, but in front of Su Bai's powerful fleet of all level 95, it is not even a paper tiger, at best it is a paper cat.

Entering the D2 sea area, Su Bai sat in command on the Enterprise. He was very afraid that Enterprise would fly the plane to rush when the situation was not right. In the previous public sea area melee, the punishment for death was only a level reduction of one. However, if you die in the heterochromatic sea area, you are really dead. You can only be resurrected at a huge price, and your level will be reset to zero after resurrection. This kind of resurrection is no different from death.

Su Bai must hold Enterprise when she loses her mind.

The Count Zeppelin and the Siren's tester Alpha appear. Su Bai didn't want to know the story behind the combination of these two forces. He only had one thing to do, which was to kill the enemy.

"¨. The fleets quickly moved together, released three-quarters of their carrier-based aircraft, and concentrated their firepower to deal with Zeppelin first."

The unfortunate Zeppelin was attacked by at least two hundred carrier-based aircraft. Her air defense capability was mediocre to begin with. Under such a high-intensity air raid, she naturally had no way to resist and soon went to get her lunch box.

The only one left was the tester Alpha. She looked at Su Bai's fleet angrily. At this moment, she really wanted to summon the fleet ambushed nearby to get rid of this damn human directly, but she did not dare to disobey the Queen's order.

Retreat! Alpha issued an order to retreat.

Want to run? Dream on! Su Bai commanded three fleets to surround the tester's warships. The leg-breaking expert Royal Ark and the leg-chopping expert Montana were looking for opportunities to attack the tester's warships.

This arrogant Siren leader was a little She panicked. Although she could jump into the water to escape, if this advanced battleship fell into the hands of the enemy, the Queen would definitely execute her. The tester had to take a gamble and turned around to rush straight to Su Bai's flagship.

The Siren also understood the principle of capturing the king first. A cruel smile appeared on the tester's face. Her battleship was an advanced high-speed battleship. There was no such powerful battleship in the human world for the time being.

In the future, the Iowa, Yamato, Montana and even Elector-class battleships can fight against these deep-sea giants, but not now. Now Su Bai can only use backward ship types to fight against the Siren's advanced battleships.

In terms of battleship technology, the Siren is ahead of an era.

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