The Swordfish squadron that took off from the Ark Royal finally threw out the torpedo, accurately hitting the battleship of the tester Alpha. The Swordfish attack skill was activated, and two torpedoes accurately hit the tester's steering gear.

Perfectly stuck!

The tester's speed dropped from thirty knots to twelve knots, and it was unable to turn.

This is not over yet, Montana also activated the leg-breaking skill, and the barrage accurately hit the tester, and her speed dropped directly from twelve knots to four knots.

With such a pitiful speed, not even a swimmer can swim faster.

The tester was so angry that his veins popped out, and his mission failed again! This battleship could not be saved, and he could only choose between being bombed and sinking.

Sink it! Fortunately, this battleship is equipped with sea valves from Iron Blood, the same type as Bismarck.

She still vaguely remembered the scene when she cooperated with Iron Blood Conscience Technology.

"I heard that your Tiexue Technology is the best in the world. Is this sea valve of high quality?"

"Of course there is! Please read the instructions. This sea valve made by Sewer Brand is the best in the world! A 50,000-ton ship can sink itself in 19 minutes. It can fill with water and sink in one go. It is the best sea valve!".

"Great, that's it! I'll have the tester place an order directly with you later."

The testers ordered an astonishing number of sewer-brand sea valves from Iron Blood Conscience Technology. There was nothing they could do about it. They would not allow their warships to fall into human hands.

In addition to the sea valves, they also purchased Kamikaze-brand self-destruct devices from Sakura Empire as backup self-destruct devices. The testers watched the huge battleship sinking little by little, and they were filled with emotion. Iron Blood Technology was indeed as powerful as they boasted. They would test the power of Kamikaze later!

The testers, who were obsessed with the self-destruction test, did not notice that Su Bai had changed the flagship. He followed the light cruiser Cleveland and was approaching her battleship.

Su Bai was looking at the leader of the Siren in the command room. She looked so pleasing to the eye with her charming figure, pretty face, and long silver hair. What a pity. Those who are not of my kind must have different hearts. These damn sea creatures, how nice it would be for you to enjoy your life in the seabed. Why do you have to fight us to the death!

Su Bai looked at the tester coldly, and he went down He was determined to capture the leader of the Siren alive. Her status was not low, and he would definitely be able to get something out of her.

The tester was about to leave. The dense shells and the constantly falling bombs and torpedoes had caused the tester's warship to capsize. The tester filmed this video and then jumped into the sea to escape.

As long as we enter the sea, it is the world of our Siren clan. Foolish human, see you next time!

Bang! The tester hit the sea surface heavily, or to be more precise, the frozen sea surface.

Su Bai had already accumulated a full amount of fifth-level ice magic, the Ice Sealing Spell. At the moment the tester fell into the water, he activated the magic and froze a small area of the surrounding sea. Therefore, the tester did not fall into the water, but lay on the ice.

The tester was confused. What was going on? Although it was October and the temperature of the sea water had indeed dropped a lot, it would not freeze in an instant!

Bang! Cleveland shot the tester with a shot, and the anesthetic bullet took effect quickly, and the tester fainted on the ice.

"Commander, my marksmanship is pretty good, isn't it? I am the most powerful knight on the sea!"

"Very good, quickly organize people to fish her out."

Su Bai showed a cruel smile on his face,"She will definitely regret coming to this world."

Cleveland looked at Su Bai's hideous face and was a little scared. She carefully pulled Su Bai's sleeve,"Commander, what's wrong with you."

Su Bai patted Cleveland on the shoulder,"Oh, nothing, don't worry, I'm fine. My sea knight, you continue to command the battle, I will arrange manpower to welcome this Siren guest."

Su Bai was reluctant to face Cleveland's innocent and bright eyes. Let me bear some cruel sins.

The interrogation room was set up in a closed cabin on the Enterprise.

The tester had her hands and feet tied and injected with special drugs to prevent her from having the strength to resist.

Her limbs were locked with iron chains, and the closed cabin was also connected to the poison gas switch, which could suppress her counterattack at any time.

The tester slowly woke up and found herself tied in a closed cabin.

There was nothing here, empty.

The tester was very panicked.

She knew that she has been arrested.

It's over. The tester was disheartened. Falling into the hands of the human race, could there be any chance of survival?

Of course not. After seeing the tester wake up from the observation window, the observer immediately notified Su Bai.

Demon King Su Bai entered the sealed cabin with several interrogators. Su Bai did not bring the ship girls with him, because the interrogation process was doomed to have nothing to do with peace and friendship. It is better to keep these lovely girls away from these evils.

Su Bai looked at the tester coldly,"I don't know who you are, but let me remind you first, your best ending is not so painful to die. I hope you can cooperate with me, I will arrange for you to die decently."

The tester's hand trembled involuntarily. What kind of evil person is this? Interrogators usually use the hope of survival to lure the captives. How can you sentence someone to death right away like this? She snorted and turned her head away.

Su Bai walked over, pinched her chin with both hands, and straightened her face,"You look okay, I suddenly changed my mind. Among us humans, some nobles have very peculiar XP. Maybe I should sell you to a sex shop, so that you can survive and I can make some money. It's a win-win situation for both of us, right?"

The tester felt as if a bucket of ice water was poured over her head. Is this what a human would do? It's too vicious, even more vicious than us marines. She tried hard to hold back her tears. She was still a girl. Thinking of the unfortunate ending she might encounter, she began to tremble.

Su Bai looked at the tester with satisfaction. She was too tender. Maybe she was just a child.

In this case, she could not be let off. We must intensify our efforts.

"By the way, judging from your expression, you don't seem to like this ending? Never mind, after all, I'm not a devil, I'm a kind person. I'll give you another choice, tell me everything you know, and then I'll treat you as a prisoner of war, and when the war is over and the two sides exchange prisoners of war, you can go home."

"You should know who I am."

The tester finally spoke, and it was a soft girl's voice,"You are the Demon King Su Bai, the biggest devil in the world!"

Su Bai's face darkened,"You know the policy, these three will have fun with you later, I hope you can take the initiative to explain and strive for leniency. It is a sin for a girl like you to go to the battlefield."

Su Bai shook his head and turned away. The three interrogators came over with a grin and walked towards the tester.

I'm so scared, I want to go back to the deep sea, who will save the poor tester.


Su Bai led the fleet back to Atlans Island, and the tester was also taken to the dark prison under the Demon King's Castle.

The reason why Su Bai was able to escape from the Siren's prison was mainly due to the negligence of the Purifier.

If he had been more serious, ten Su Bais would not have been able to escape.

Of course, the tester did not have such good luck.

What awaited her was endless torture.

Su Bai's order to the three interrogators was to break down the psychological defenses of the Siren captives as quickly as possible.

The interrogator completed all this very efficiently and coldly. By noon the next day, the tester's mentality had exploded. According to the interrogator, if you ask her to confess how old she was when she wet the bed and how old she started to think about men, she will tell you honestly.

Su Bai came to the cell and walked up to the tester,"Why bother, tell me earlier, I promise you won't suffer again, and you will have a chance to go home when the war is over, how good it is."

The tester's eyes were dull, his pupils were lifeless, and he said nothing.

Su Bai was also a little helpless. I'm sorry, this is a war, a racial war between humans and sirens, don't blame me for being cruel.

"Tell me, who are you, why are you here in the different colored grid, and the target of the Siren. The more you tell me, the better treatment you will get."

The tester finally came to her senses. She covered her chest with horror and looked at Su Bai,"You devil, Lord Poseidon will not let you go!"

"Poseidon? It seems you have more questions to answer. Also, stop covering your face. I have no sexual interest in a fish."

The tester's face flushed red. She hated the man in front of her, but what happened last night made her shudder.

"You don't want to talk? Never mind, let the interrogator talk to you."

"No! I will tell you everything I can tell you."

"Who is Poseidon!"

"The god of the sea is the great Lord Poseidon, he is the lord of the four seas and is invincible."

"Invincible? If he was really invincible, would you still be hiding in the sea?"

"You are not allowed to insult Lord Poseidon. This time we Sirens will definitely defeat you damned naked apes. Humph"

"Who will win and who will lose will be clear in due time. Okay, continue answering the questions. Who are you?"

"I am the pioneer of the Siren Ninth Fleet, Tester Alpha."

"What is your purpose in mixing in with the different color grid?"

"There is no purpose. You naked apes and we sirens are enemies, so naturally we have to hinder you."

"Little girl, you are so stubborn. I have to find the best brothel for you. I heard that there are many people with strange XP in Sakura Empire and Iron Blood. They should be very interested in aliens like you."

The tester retreated in fear, with her back pressed against the man. There was nothing this demon in front of her could not do.

Tears welled up in the tester's eyes. She bit her lips tightly and said,"I am just a pawn. I don't know so much."

"Then how much do you know? Write it all down for me. If your value is too low, I will definitely send you to a brothel."

Su Bai roared, his patience was almost exhausted,"Interrogator, give her paper and pen, and serve her well. Remember, do not hurt her face and key parts, otherwise I will hold you responsible if you cannot sell her at a good price!""

Su Bai left angrily. He didn't have time to waste with the tester. Now he had to lead the fleet to the D3 waters.

Although the tester didn't say much, a lot of information could be inferred. This god called Poseidon was the first time he heard of him. This person should be the pillar behind the Sirens. It was because of the support of the gods that they dared to counterattack humans.

This activity is too complicated.

Su Bai no longer hesitated. The other commanders were unreliable, and even the governor was a little confused. To keep his fleet, he had to rely on himself.

Although the heterochromatic grids are dangerous, they are nothing compared to the possible Sirens counterattack on the continent.

If D3 could catch another Siren leader, it would be great.

In the D3 waters, the ocean was slightly reddish, the sky was dim, the wind was howling, and the waves were surging. Su Bai stood on the deck of the Cleveland, silent in the storm.

Cleveland came over and put a raincoat on Su Bai,"Commander, go back to the cabin, it's too windy here"

"Cleveland, the storm is nothing. That's not what I'm worried about."

"No matter what the commander is worried about, your health is the first priority. If you fall ill, what do you plan to do for us?"

Su Bai turned around, and Cleveland's bright eyes were looking at her. What innocent eyes they had.

War is so cruel. If there were no war, these girls in their teens and twenties should all be in college. They should have been enjoying their youth in the ivory tower, but now they are looking for enemies on this ghostly sea.

"The enemy has appeared!"

��As the alarm sounded, the Phantom Iron Blood fleet appeared on the sea in the distance. One warship after another appeared within the range.

The wind and rain were too strong, and it was very difficult for carrier-based aircraft to take off and land. Su Bai ordered the carrier-based aircraft to suspend their actions, and the artillery team and cruiser and destroyer squadrons to deal with the enemy. The enemy's level reached level 94, but it was still a little behind Su Bai's super fleet of level 95.

Hood, Montana, and Reputation, the three main forces frantically poured shells on the enemy's heads, inviting death.

Wichita, Helena, Cleveland, Ajax and other front-line cruisers with strong firepower were also constantly looking for opportunities to break through. When they found the right opportunity, they fired a salvo, constantly harvesting the enemy's destroyers and cruisers.

After half an hour of fierce fighting, the ultimate BOSS of D3, the lonely Queen of the North, the battleship Tirpitz, appeared.

Su Bai decisively ordered the carrier-based aircraft to take off forcibly. As long as the battle can be won, the loss of a few more planes and a few mechanical pilots is nothing.

"I don't want casualties, I just want Tirpitz's head!"

Su Bai roared and issued an attack order to the entire army. Three hundred carrier-based aircraft took off from six aircraft carriers, formed a formation in the air, and rushed towards Tirpitz.

Su Bai was not in a hurry to throw Hood and others into the battle. He remembered very clearly the scene in the Battle of the Denmark Strait when Bismarck shot Hood in the head with one shot, and it was because he looked at Hood more in the crowd that Su Bai rescued Hood and began his unique journey as a commander.

How dare he let Hood face Tirpitz, whose firepower was stronger than Bismarck. Risks that should not be taken should not be taken.

Su Bai's ideas are indeed mature and prudent, but Hood refused to do it. Who are you looking down on?

"Su Bai, I must join the battle!"Hood's voice echoed in the communication. Su Bai smiled bitterly and shook his head. Women.

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