Faced with Hood's firm attitude, Su Bai had to compromise,"Constantine, you can join the battle, but you must wait until Tirpitz's legs are broken. Please obey orders!".


Hearing Su Bai calling her name in the public voice, Hood smiled. She certainly understood that Su Bai was trying to protect her. He gave her the opportunity to kill her enemy's sister without taking any more risks. The

Ark Royal's Golden Swordfish Squadron was tasked with breaking Tirpitz's leg. She stood on the deck and watched the carrier-based aircraft take off.

"Come on, guys, let the iron-blooded cubs often use the power of magnetic torpedoes! -"

The serious inmate is extraordinary and full of charming charm. She knows her responsibility. Whether she can kill Tirpitz depends on her - here.

Golden Swordfish, the hero machine 818 squadron, our slogan is to help you solve the trouble of moving too fast.

Breaking your dog legs is our greatest happiness!

Brothers, throw torpedoes.

One after another, the Golden Swordfish flew over the sea and dropped torpedoes. A total of more than 40 torpedoes swam towards Tirpitz from all angles. It was just like a piranha pouncing on a traveler who fell into the water.


Three torpedoes hit Tirpitz accurately, piercing her steering gear and blowing off her bow.

The ship's mother Tirpitz stood up in a mess. Damn White Eagles and Royals, even if I only have one shell left, I will fight you to the end! Tirpitz was left with only a few escorting cruisers, Admiral Hipper, Blücher, and Prince Eugen. Her fall was only a matter of time. Tirpitz's only hope was to take a few more people with her before she died.

"You want to trade with me, and take my shipgirl away before the deadline. Are you thinking about peaches?"

Su Bai sneered. Whether Tirpitz is beautiful or not, we have to wait and see. He is thinking too much.

"Ark Royal, Enterprise, Glory, Liaoning, Shandong, carrier-based aircraft attack, increase the intensity!"

"Hood, Montana, reputation, wait until the trash is cleared, and then take advantage of T to fire from Tirpitz's blind spot."

"The cruiser squadron is responsible for the outer patrol mission. Yudachi, prepare for the night battle. After the superstructure of Tirpitz is completely destroyed, you will complete the decapitation."

Su Bai skillfully issued a series of orders. After many naval battles, he is no longer the otaku who would tremble all over when standing on the bow. Now Su Bai is indeed an excellent naval commander.

The fleet followed Su Bai's instructions and began to act separately. The Royal Ark successfully completed the leg-breaking task. Not only Tirpitz, she also broke the legs of Hipper, Eugen and other battleships.

"If you can stand well, it will be my biggest failure!"The Royal Ark snapped his fingers. Ah, this battle is really boring.

However, the battle has just begun. The BOSS version of Tirpitz has been strengthened by the system. Her vitality is ten times that of the normal Tirpitz, and her firepower is much stronger. The battleships around her, such as Hipper, Eugen, and Blücher, also have more health than ordinary battleships.

Su Bai was not in a hurry to let Hood and others join the battle, but patiently waited for carrier-based aircraft to expand the results. Soon, the Enterprise and Shandong made meritorious deeds one after another. The specially made 2,000-pound heavy bombs accurately hit the Admiral Hipper and the complacent Blücher. The two ships set fire to the fire respectively, and the huge explosion made them fall quickly. Now only Tirpitz and Prince Eugen are left.

Su Bai ordered the battleships and battlecruisers to join the battle. Hood and Montana, who had been holding back for most of the day, poured down the barrage frantically.

What is the trigger probability? When I When you don't want to act, the chance is 100%!

Hood and Montana, which trigger barrages 100%, are such terrible existences. After all, Prince Eugen is just a heavy cruiser. After ten rounds of barrages, he finally sank to the bottom of the sea unwillingly.

I'm sorry, Tirpitz, I can't protect you. I can't protect your sister, nor can I protect you. It's really funny.

Tirpitz couldn't laugh at all. Now her speed is not even four knots. The turtle swims much faster than her in the sea, and throwing a piece of wood and drifting with the waves is faster than her.

The three powerful battleships, Hood, Renown, and Montana, poured tons of ammunition on Tirpitz.

Ah! It hurts so much. Tirpitz, who was commanding the battle, was knocked to the ground by the shock wave of the explosion and fell heavily to the ground.

I won't give up! Tirpitz stood up stubbornly, drew the sword at his waist, and pointed straight ahead,"Iron-blooded warriors, we are warriors who would rather die than surrender!"

After saying this passionate words, Tirpitz suddenly remembered that the soldiers on the ship were all mechanical sailors. What am I doing?

Maybe I have been staying at home alone in the cold wind of Norway for too long. Sister, where are you? I want to see you so much.

Another round of barrage came whistling.

Hood's handsome face became a little distorted, and his usual elegance was replaced by a murderous expression,"Fire! Fire! Firrrrrreeeeeeeeeee!!!!"

The thing that Hood hated most in her life was being shot in the head by Bismarck in the Denmark Strait and dying on the spot.

Therefore, when she met people and things related to Bismarck, she could no longer maintain her usual elegance and calmness.

At this time, Hood was neither the elegant royal glory nor the lovely royal actor. She was the indifferent royal executioner.

It is better for the enemy's sister to die.

However, Tirpitz's toughness and durability still exceeded Su Bai's expectations. After a whole afternoon of bombardment and the ammunition was exhausted, Tirpitz was still stubbornly floating on the water.

Su Bai was very unwilling. According to the rules of this world, if you cannot pass the checkpoint within twelve hours, you will be forced to leave the sea.

There is only a night battle.

But Tirpitz is the king of air ammunition. Her magic ammunition is unparalleled in the world. Fighting against such a grape at night? This is clearly courting death.

There are only two ways, the Enterprise's night carrier-based aircraft formation, or Yudachi's night battle raid.

Su Bai hesitated for a moment, but still gave the order:

"Enterprise, prepare for night battle. Remember, carrier-based aircraft can go up, but you can't. Obey orders."

"Belfast, Edinburgh, you two set up smoke screens to protect Yudachi as she goes over to lay mines. Remember, run after laying mines, and don't stay!"As the night deepened, Enterprise released the only bomber squadron capable of night combat. She wanted to go into battle herself, but Su Bai knew that she would not stay still, so he came to Enterprise in advance and held her.

Belfast, Edinburgh, and Yudachi advanced quickly, approaching Tirpitz from her blind spot.

The night combat carrier-based aircraft dropped all their bombs, and explosions sounded one after another. The huge shock wave made Tirpitz faint. She was blasted out of the captain's room by the shock wave and thrown directly into the sea.

Yudachi's 76mm gun fired rapidly, which soon triggered Solomon's nightmare. Her torpedoes also rose to more than 800, and five torpedoes were fired side by side. She swam accurately towards the paralyzed Tirpitz.

"Hehe, I am still good at destroying things~"

A huge explosion sounded, and Yudachi's luck was off the charts, hitting the theoretical maximum critical value of night battles, ten times the damage.

The battleship Tirpitz died.

The sharp-eyed Belfast spotted a light floating on the sea,"Go and have a look, it seems to be Tirpitz!" Belfast picked up Tirpitz, who had drunk enough sea water. The royal maid put the poor Tirpitz on the deck of the Enterprise, and the doctor on board took over the poor ship girl who had drowned.

The system broadcast began to broadcast to the world,"The commander of the North Pacific Governor's District from the Azure Alliance camp, Demon King Su Bai, defeated the final BOSS in the D3 waters after a hard battle. Commander Su Bai triggered the easter egg in the battle, and the floating northern homegirl successfully obtained the non-existent Tirpitz in D3. Let us congratulate Commander Su Bai!"

Congratulations? Jealousy is more like it.

The entire world server was about to explode, and countless people were discussing it on the world forum. The focus of the discussion was mainly on two points.

First, how could Su Bai defeat the level 94 Tirpitz, who was a real BOSS that had been strengthened.

Second, what kind of easter egg was this? How could he fish out the D4 ship in the D3 sea area?

There were also many people who hoped that Su Bai could release a strategy, even if it was paid. This time, Su Bai was much more generous. He uploaded the paid strategy on the forum as soon as possible. The fee was not much, just two days' salary for a commander.

In addition, On the one hand, Su Bai handed a more detailed strategy to several large fleet leaders in the North Pacific Governor's District.

Why did this stingy man suddenly become so generous? No one knew the reason, and Su Bai himself was too lazy to say it. Could it be that the Sirens might attack humans? Calm down, you must not say such things. If you cause panic, you should be court-martialed.

As an officer of the alliance, there are some things you can say and some things you can't say casually.

Su Bai gave the ship girls a day off. Before attacking D4, he hoped that everyone could relax and stay in good condition.

Of course, it's the same old saying, Bi The expedition will not take a holiday until the blue explodes; the expedition will not rest until the world restarts!

Expedition is the foundation of a port's survival, so it is impossible to stop.

Su Bai stood on the top of the mountain, feeling the sea breeze. Since his mansion was moved to Atlans Island, the small island No. 300 that was originally assigned to him has completely become his barony. There are more than 300 human residents, more than 1,000 mechanical personnel, and hundreds of retired ship girls on the island.

The tax revenue of this barony is mainly from a small gold mine, which will be mined in about five years. In addition, there is tourism.

The former residence of the Demon King Su Bai has become a place where many people with good intentions often come. Places to visit. Su Bai stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the bustling crowd below, and smiled. In the countless battles, his favorite way to relax was to enjoy the scenery on this hill.

Accompanying him to enjoy the scenery today were Akagi and Kaga, the sisters from the First Air Fleet. The women of Sakura Empire are very strange, when they hate you, they want to kill you with a knife, and when they love you, they are willing to give you everything.

Since the two sisters married Su Bai one after another, they have become Su Bai's strongest backing and warmest harbor. There is no trace of yandere in Akagi, but instead a kind of older sister-like tenderness and care.

·· ·Request flowers· ·····

The gentle Akagi now and the Akagi who stabbed him a few months ago, it's hard to tell that they are the same person. The red eyes also turned into a light pink. The power of love is so terrible that even Su Bai himself finds it incredible.

The voice of communication sounded in the logbook

"Commander, I am Belfast. Miss Tirpitz has woken up, but she is a little agitated. Lord Hood and Lord Enterprise have gone to comfort her. Please return to the Demon King's Castle as soon as possible."

When Su Bai returned to the Demon King's Castle, he heard a commotion and crying from a distance.

What's going on!

Sure enough, the room was in a mess, and there was a palm print on Miss Tirpitz's face. It was not known whether it was left by Hood or Enterprise when they"comforted" her. What was worse was that Tirpitz was actually wearing steel handcuffs on her hands.

"What's going on? Tirpitz is the ship girl we brought back. How can you treat her like this? Quickly open the handcuffs."

Enterpitz's handcuffs were opened obediently. This iron-blooded girl looked at Su Bai angrily. She didn't rush over because she knew it was meaningless. She was no match for Enterprise in a one-on-one fight, not to mention Hood.

"Tirpitz, I rescued you seriously. Even if I am not happy, it shouldn't be like this."

Tirpitz was so angry that his nose was almost crooked."How dare you say that? I shouldn't have been rescued in the D3 sea area. Who asked you to save me? I can't die. Now I have to join your fleet. I don't want to be a White Eagle. The blood flowing in my body is Aryan. Woo woo woo."

Tirpitz thought that he would be forced to join the White Eagle fleet and become an enemy of Sister Bismarck from then on. He was so sad that he couldn't help crying.


"So you don't want to join my fleet?"

"I am an iron-blooded man, of course I don't want to join the White Eagle Fleet! Is there anything wrong with this? But according to the rules of the gods, I must join your fleet."

Su Bai smiled bitterly and shook his head,"It seems that you are the real Tirpitz?"

"Yeah, how do you know this?"

"Well, since you don't want to join my fleet, I won't force you."


"of course it's true"

"Then I want to go home!" Tirpitz said happily

"Go home? Miss Tirpitz, if I am not mistaken, according to your regulations, you should be a captain in the navy."


"You are a tough soldier and you participated in the battle with the White Eagle. Now you fell into the water and were rescued. What should be your identity? Don't you have any idea?"

"You mean, I am your prisoner?" Tirpitz looked at Su Bai in disbelief. Is there such a shameless person in the world?

Hood sneered and came up to finish him off,"I think you are just pretending to be confused. Being captured in a war, what else is it but a prisoner? Your iron-blooded navy is used to surrendering. Have you forgotten that being captured in battle is also a prisoner?"

""Hood, stop slandering me out of thin air. Let the prisoners be prisoners! Even if I, Tirpitz, die in prison or get beaten to death, I will never eat your salary or be your running dog. I am an iron-blooded man in life and an iron-blooded ghost in death. Humph!"

Su Bai felt tired when he saw the -200 favorability and hostility signs on Tirpitz's head. He even found out that the ship girl didn't want to join.

Of course, he could force her to join the fleet, and he believed that Tirpitz would gradually like it over time. But since the incident with Akagi Kaga, he was unwilling to force anyone anymore.

""Miss Tirpitz, I have a suggestion. If you give up your military status, you will not be a prisoner and will not have to go to jail. You can be a guest of Iron Blood and move around in the designated area of the Demon King's Castle, but you cannot escape or be a spy. Can you do it?"

Tirpitz looked at Su Bai stupidly. What was going on? She had never heard of this way of dealing with it!

Enterprise and Hood were also dumbfounded. They had seen many scenes of ship girls facing commanders, and even some of them drew their swords on the spot. They had seen all kinds of scenes, but they had never seen this scene!

Tirpitz said with a chuckle,"Is this really okay? Do you believe what I say?"

"Swear to the gods. I hope you will not betray my trust in you."

Tirpitz clenched his fist without hesitation and put it on his chest."I, Tirpitz, swear to the gods that I am willing to give up my military service and become a guest of Lord Su Bai. I swear that during this period, I will not act arbitrarily or engage in espionage. If I break this oath, I will be punished by the gods."

"Very good, from today on, Miss Tirpitz is the guest of our Demon King's Castle. Your range of activities is the living area and the back mountain of the Demon King's Castle. If you want to leave this area, please ask for leave from the management. During your stay here, meals and clothing will be provided free of charge according to the most basic ship girl standards. As for salary, forget it, I can't think of a reason to pay you a salary. If you need anything, just apply to Belfast."...

Everyone was confused. What is this? Is this house arrest or offering to the Buddha


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