Su Bai signaled everyone to disperse, and he also left the bedroom and prepared to go to the meeting hall. Hood followed quietly and said sourly,"Commander, your skills in picking up girls are getting better and better."

"Oh, you are still angry, you don't even call me husband, you have reduced me to the level of a stranger".

"Humph, some people lose their souls when they see beautiful women!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, am I that kind of person?"

Su Bai thought of his disgraceful past of robbing Akagi Kaga, oh, I really am that kind of person.

Sure enough, Hood chuckled,"Mr. Su Bai, do you still remember how you forced Admiral Nanyun to hand over Akagi Kaga?"

Hood coughed lightly, put one hand on his waist, and pointed to the front with the other hand.

"Nanyun, I have never seen anyone as stupid as you. If you drive Akagi and Kaga into the sea and let them come to me, won't everything be fine?"

"If you hand over Akagi Kaga to me, we can talk about anything! Otherwise, let's continue! I'll give you ten minutes to make a choice!"

Hood said with a smile,"How is it, is my acting like it?"

Su Bai's face almost turned green, can we get over this,"Okay, it's my fault, I won't dare to do it again. So this time I didn't force Miss Tirpitz to join. This is not a matter of liking someone"

"Really? Then does someone dare to swear to the gods that he will never marry Tirpitz?"

Su Bai clenched his fist without hesitation and put it on his chest,"I, Su Bai, swear to the gods......"

Hood covered his mouth with his hand,"Hey, are you crazy? How dare you swear on such a thing? Cheating the gods is a serious crime and will be punished by the gods. Okay, okay, I know what you mean, don't deceive yourself. Have you heard of the true fragrance theorem?"


"The harsher the words, the faster you will be slapped in the face in the future. Just now, Tirpitz swore that she would never join our"843" fleet. Humph, wait and see, it won't be long before she really likes it!"

Maybe that's the case.

Belfast brought a brand new dress for Tirpitz,"Miss Tirpitz, I am Belfast, the royal maid, and I will also be your supervisor for a period of time in the future. I hope we can cooperate happily. Here are your new clothes, put them on."

Tirpitz took a look. This is a maid outfit! How can I, a tough officer, wear a maid outfit? I don't want to die!

Belfast's expression became serious,"Miss Tirpitz, although the commander has given you some freedom, I believe you must understand your situation. Don't make it difficult for me."

Ah, so shameful! Tirpitz was very resistant in her heart, but thinking about the consequences of resistance, she shyly took the maid outfit and began to change clothes under Belfast's gaze.

"Miss Belfast, could you please turn around a little? I'm a little uncomfortable."

Belfast smiled and turned her back, watching Tirpitz's clumsy movements in the mirror.

"Forget it, let me help you, or you will be late for lunch later."

In the restaurant of the Demon King's Castle, when Belfast appeared with Tirpitz in a maid outfit, everyone was stunned.

Who is this! She is so tall, with delicate features like a sculpture, and looks a bit like Enterprise, with such a weird expression.

Oh my God, Tirpitz, that iron-blooded otaku, is actually wearing a maid outfit! Is this the cold, lonely otaku?

Everyone is used to seeing the Royal Maid Corps' ship girls wearing maid outfits, which is not surprising at all, but Tirpitz's maid outfit makes them bright.

The ship girls in the restaurant talked about it.

"Little Swan, who is this? I have never seen him before."

"You must have gone crazy from running expeditions. I heard from the neighbors of my uncle's second sister's cousin's family that it was the Iron-blooded Ship Lady Tirpitz. I heard that she was Bismarck's sister."

"Wouldn't Bismarck's sister be severely punished by Miss Hood?"

"Yes, yes, I heard that she was hung on the beam and beaten by Miss Hood as soon as she arrived. If the commander hadn’t come back quickly, she would have been beaten to death!"

"Hush, keep your voice down, Miss Hood is watching you"...

Hood Enterprises accompanied Su Bai into the restaurant. When Su Bai saw Tirpitz's outfit, he almost vomited blood.

Is this you, the iron-blooded otaku? This is not a contrast at all, this is simply terrifying.

Su Bai waved his hand and asked Belfast and Tirpitz to come over.

"Belfast, Tirpitz is our guest. Don't force her to do anything she doesn't like. And try not to restrict her activities in Petelius."

"Yes, Lord Su Bai"

"Tirpitz, are you getting used to coming here?"

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord Demon. I am fine."Tirpitz answered respectfully. After all, he was a prisoner. He should have the awareness of a prisoner and not pretend to be noble at this time.

"Then let's sit here and have dinner together."Su Bai sat down nonchalantly and said to Tirpitz.

Tirpitz said with a chuckle,"Sit, sit here?"

Six eyes stared at Su Bai, and Su Bai broke out in a cold sweat. Oh, he almost forgot that this was a special dining table for himself and his six wives. Even if there were empty seats, no one else would sit here.

The head maid Belfast had obviously taught Tirpitz a lesson, and Tirpitz knew this rule. So when Su Bai said this, Tirpitz's heart exploded.

What does this mean! Oh my God, no way, I'm just a home girl, does he really want to do this? I, I don't want to.

No wonder he treats me so highly, it's over, I'm over, I don't want to marry a devil!

Su Bai smiled awkwardly,"Then who, Tirpitz, go to whichever table you like."

After Tirpitz and Belfast left, Enterprise and others stared at Su Bai,"My husband, it seems that you already have a candidate for this month's oath ring?"

Hood snorted coldly,"No wonder someone treats this prisoner so well, it turns out there is a purpose."

Akagi Kaga looked at Tirpitz's departing back and nodded as if he had realized something. So that's it.

"Don't think about it, it's impossible! The seventh ring definitely didn't think of her!"

"So who are you thinking of?"

"What I'm thinking is......Eat quickly, and then go to do the fourth-level technology tasks."

Su Bai thought, it was a close call, he was almost tricked by the wives again. Anyway, who should the seventh ring be given to? He himself didn't know.

A ring is sometimes heavier than a mountain. Thinking of the past when he was killed three times by Irene because of the wrong order of giving rings, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Liaoning and Shandong had already told him clearly that they came here for a special mission and could leave at any time.

Li Huamei was able to sacrifice her life to help him on Ghost Island, but Su Bai finally gave up an island and was beaten with a hundred military sticks to get her back. If you are greedy for her body, No ghost would believe it if you fooled me!

Miss Reputation and Laffite, these are the ship girls who followed me to fight for a long time, and they already have deep feelings for each other. Could it be that Su Bai has forgotten them?

It's so difficult, I'd better get this ring later!

Su Bai finally decided to conquer the Beta-III waters first, obtain the third-level real estate development license, and upgrade the base's technology to the fourth level. According to Su Bai's estimation, this can increase the overall strength of the fleet by about ten percent.

With Hood as the flagship, Enterprise and Glory on the two wings, and the front row of the parent tower iron triangle combination, this is Su Bai's most powerful single fleet lineup.

Hood Light Enterprise, Daddy Tower, being able to train such a fleet in the early stage is enough to cope with most situations.

All those fancy things are not as practical as a round of barrage plus a LuckyE.

The enemy level in the Beta-III sea area is level 95, which is more difficult than the D3 sea area.

In order to conquer the Beta-III sea area, Su Bai made very thorough preparations.

The magic damage control is equipped with two for each person in the front row and one for each person in the back row.

After all kinds of magic props are fully prepared, the hidden sea area is opened and the fleet sets off.

The Beta-III sea area is calm, but The silence was so terrifying that the sea here didn't look like the sea at all, but like a painting. Seagulls hung in the air, motionless.

What's this routine? Are you trying to scare me to death? Su Bai felt a little creepy. Where is the enemy!

This time, Su Bai placed the flagship on the Hood. Hood stood beside Su Bai, frowned slightly, and suddenly ordered,"Fire!"

Two rows of shells flew out with a large barrage of bullets. The sea surface finally began to shake, and the enemy fleet hidden in the dark began to appear.

Su Bai hugged Hood and kissed him,"Constantine, you are so awesome! How did you do it!"

"Hey, we're at war, be serious."

Hood smiled proudly,"Intuition, this is a lady's intuition. Just like before, my intuition told me that I would be the first to confess to the enterprise and told me that you would definitely marry that nerd girl."

"Ahem! We are at war now, be serious!"

Su Bai quickly changed the subject. This was a life-threatening question. Although the elegant Miss Hood would definitely not stab him, he should not continue this topic.

"Enterprise, Tejas, fly your carrier aircraft! Cleveland, Helena, Wichita, clean up the sea and pack up the boats"


Carrier-based aircraft were launched one after another. The enemy fleet, which had revealed its true form, was ultimately no match for Su Bai's super luxurious fleet. They were hit by bullets and exploded, sinking into the sea. It didn't take long before all the small fry were cleared out, and the boss finally appeared. A stalker from the Siren faction.

Although she could be invisible, Hood had already sensed her existence, and a round of barrage exposed the sneaky guy. The stalker was shocked. How could it be! She was a level 95 existence, how could she see me? Only people with a higher level than me could sense my existence!

Nonsense, Hood was already level 96, one of the few super powerful beings in the entire fleet who had upgraded to level 96. What was so strange about sensing someone approaching?... After all, stealth does not mean disappearing into the air!

The real strength of the stealth is not as good as that of the purifier, crushing these guys who rely on frontal combat for a living. So, the moment she appeared, her fate was doomed. She was just a mine patrol, and her wishful thinking was to rely on stealth to approach Su Bai's flagship and take Su Bai away in one wave.

When the thief was exposed to the berserker, where was the room for resistance?

Hundreds of carrier-based aircraft and Hood's barrage overwhelmed her. The seriously injured stealth tried to pull away and sneak again, but was soon declared dead under the joint pursuit of the father and mother tower.

This unlucky guy, if Hood hadn't seen her existence, she really had a chance to succeed, but unfortunately there is no if in this world, only consequences.

The system prompt sounded:"Congratulations to Commander Su Bai, you have passed the Beta-III Sea Area and obtained the third-level real estate development license!"

Well, it's a good thing to get it. Su Bai returned to the Demon King Alliance and received a hero's welcome. After all, this technological upgrade is a benefit for everyone. With a thigh like the Demon King holding on, leveling up and activities will be much easier.

This time, Su Bai did not intend to complete the task for other fleets. He had seen too many things like gratitude and hatred.

Su Bai did not think he was a good person. Last time, he was able to help other fleets complete the upgrade task, firstly to eliminate the long-standing hatred, and secondly to improve the strength of the entire Governor's District in the future battle against the Sirens.

This time, he was not obliged to do so again. There were also potential risks in fighting against the stalkers, so it was not worth going again.

He handed the license to the chief architect Yang Ming, whose hands were shaking with excitement.

"Leader, we can build our own city!"

"Huh? What does that mean"

"The third-level real estate development license not only allows the base to be upgraded to level 30, unlocks level 4 technology, and comes with a bunch of buildings, but also allows us to build a city that is completely our own!"

"You mean, a city like Honolulu?"

"Yes! After our city is built, real humans will come to live here."

Su Bai was also very excited. He immediately called a meeting of all members to discuss the issue of city construction. In the end, it was decided to build the city on the plains of the main island of Atlans. It is backed by mountains, with rivers in front and connected to the port. An island city of about 100 square kilometers can be built. When the city is expanded, the city can be further expanded to the entire island.

As for the name of the city, everyone's suggestions are quite outrageous.

"Demon King's City!"

Go cool off, do you still want to attract investment and build a city?


You can go now. Is this any different from the Demon King's City?"

"Azure Star City!"

Can you be more down-to-earth?

Su Bai stopped everyone from talking nonsense,"There's no need to think so much, just keep it simple, the central city of Atlans Island, just call it Atlans City!"

After handing over the city planning and construction to Yang Ming, Su Bai returned to the Demon King's Castle. He wanted to see the poor tester Alpha.

Seeing the tortured girl who was dying, Su Bai couldn't bear it, so he woke up the tester Alpha.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

""Please, let me die!" Tester Alpha cried, she had gone crazy, she didn't even know what she had written. From the time she wet the bed at the age of three to the first time she became interested in the opposite sex, she no longer had any secrets, but these demons still refused to let her go.

Su Bai blamed himself a little. What was the difference between his current behavior and that of the Siren's Purifier and Empres?

Guanghui, who was standing next to Su Bai, couldn't help it,"Dear, don't torture her anymore. If you really can't , just send her off."

At this moment, the warden also came up flatteringly,"My Lord Demon, since you are going to kill her, why don't you let the brothers have some fun first?"

Is this what a human would say? Su Bai was shocked. His team was constantly expanding. All kinds of people were getting in.

"Who are you?"

"Lord Demon, you are a noble person who forgets things easily. I, Lai Yuanli, was recruited by you when you organized a talent recruitment. You also said at that time that you would only recruit people with talent and not ask other questions, so you let me manage the prison."

Lai Yuanli didn't see Su Bai's gloomy face and was still mumbling. Su Bai wanted to kill him with a palm, but this was a native human, and killing him would be a sentence.

"Lai Yuanli, you can go to the finance department to collect double salary now, and you don't need to come to work next month."

"Lord Demon, I, your subordinate, am loyal to you and serve you wholeheartedly. You can't do this."

"Your morality has crossed the bottom line, I can't keep you here."

Lai Yuanli didn't know where he got the courage from. He pointed at Su Bai's nose and roared,"My Lord Demon, are you worthy of the word morality? You robbed other people's ship girls, imprisoned Tirpitz, tortured and extorted confessions, which one of them is not worthy of being called morality?���Virtuous behavior!".

Comments: Naruto789

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