Su Bai's face turned black instantly. Although some of these dark histories can be explained, robbing the ship girl is a stain on his life.

Yes, now Akagi Kaga is married to him and is living a happy life, but this does not mean that robbing the ship girl is just and legal. If it is really just, the gods will not change the rules and restrict such behavior.

Lai Yuanli also knew that he had said the wrong thing, and he was frightened and knelt down to beg for mercy. Su Bai felt even more uncomfortable. Have I really become a demon king?

He was a little depressed,"Get up, maybe you are right, my morality is not very good, but you have done too much. You should reflect on yourself more in the future and be a human being."

He said this to Lai Yuanli and to himself.

He has always been unscrupulous for the survival and growth of the fleet. There is nothing he dare not do. Except for the gods and the law, he has no scruples. Maybe he really went too far.

There is nothing wrong with doing everything to make the fleet strong, but people should have a bottom line. It is right to interrogate prisoners, but to torture people like this is no different from those demons.

Su Bai waved his hand to tell Lai Yuanli to get out. He walked up to the tester and grabbed her hand,"I'm sorry for making you suffer. From today on, you don't have to suffer this anymore."

The tester smiled with relief. Are you finally going to kill me?

Su Bai knew that the poor Siren girl had misunderstood his meaning. He said to Guanghui,"Take her out and let Belfast take care of her. The treatment will be the same as Tirpitz."

Su Bai turned and left. He stood alone on the top of the mountain, looking at the sea in the distance, feeling a lot of emotion. It took him less than ten months to turn from a dead otaku into a demon king. From today on, how long will it take for me to be a normal person?

Tester Alpha was brought to Belfast. When she knew that she didn't have to die, she was completely dumbfounded.

Is this the Demon King's castle? Are these the Demon King's men? Can I survive? The Siren girl was petrified on the spot.

Belfast smiled and said,"Of course, you must swear an oath to the gods, and I will give you a potion 21. If you try to escape from here, you will be turned into fireworks in an instant. This is a constraint on you, I hope you understand."

Tester Alpha's tears flowed down his face,"I know, I will swear now. Great Lord Poseidon, I, tester Alpha Elena swear to you that while I am a captive in the Demon King's Castle, I will fully obey Miss Belfast's arrangements and abide by the obligations of a captive. I will never walk around or look around, and I will never be a spy. If I break my oath, I will be punished by God!"

"Very good, come with me, take a shower first, check your physical condition, and then I will take you to dinner."

After Elena changed into the maid outfit, she was still a very beautiful girl, and Belfast's eyes lit up,"Great, you look much better in this than Tirpitz. Let's go, it's time for dinner, let's go to the restaurant."

Lunch time came, and when Elena followed Belfast into the restaurant, all the ship girls were really dumbfounded. What is going on! It's okay for Tirpitz to enter the restaurant openly, after all, he is still a human being, and now even the Siren is here!

The Demon King is really capable.

Belfast took Elena to the dining table of Su Bai and his wife.

"Yi, Yiliana has met the Lord Demon and the Lady Demon."

Su Bai smiled,"Okay, you can live here for the time being. Food, lodging and daily necessities are provided free of charge. This is the compensation for your suffering some time ago. I hope you can keep your oath and don't do anything stupid."

"No, you have to believe me." Elena showed a look of horror on her face and shook her head quickly.

Su Bai almost invited Elena to sit down again, but just as he was about to say it, he remembered that this was a special dining table for ladies, so he quickly changed his words,"Okay, from now on you will follow Miss Belfast, and she will arrange everything for you."

After sitting down, Irene looked at Su Bai with a smile,"My dear, I think you are tired of human women, and you want to taste the fishy smell?"


"Absolutely not! Am I that perverted?"

Qiye and others looked at Su Bai and nodded at the same time,"Yes!"


So, the Siren girl Elena also became a captive like Tirpitz, whose freedom was restricted. The two girls were captured one after another and had worked together before. It can be said that they sympathized with each other. After they met, they first hugged each other and cried, and then told each other about their experiences. The common fate made their relationship heat up quickly.

In this devil's lair, it is a rare warmth to have such a friend who can talk to you.

From the information squeezed out of Elena, Su Bai can roughly infer several pieces of information.

First, the Sirens and the Iron Blood Camp have a deep cooperation.

Second, the Sirens' plot for human society is definitely not as simple as killing a few people and plundering some wealth. What they want is at least It is also to seize a base on land.

The construction of a city is a long-term task. It is only in the planning stage for the time being, and the improvement brought by the fourth-level technology is indeed immediate.

Two new buildings, the transformation factory and the arsenal, have been added to the construction sequence. The transformation factory can slightly transform existing ships. For example, Hood’s protective armor is relatively weak, so some armor belts can be installed to improve survivability.

Su Bai was very happy. This was the most useful. He immediately threw the warships of the main fleet in for transformation.

This kind of transformation is different from the large-scale transformation that requires a lot of materials. It is just an adjustment and increase of the basic attributes, but it is already very powerful.

Aircraft carriers such as the Glorious and Enterprise can be equipped with arresting cables and catapults.���In this way, medium-sized bombers such as B-25 can be taken off and landed on aircraft carriers. This is a huge improvement for them.

The arsenal can produce some exotic combat equipment, such as landing craft, tanks, amphibious vehicles, etc. In the future, when organizing landing operations, there is no need to buy mercenaries. Maybe it will not be used for the time being, but it will definitely be a very powerful existence in the future.

With the addition of these black technologies, Su Bai is more confident in breaking through D4. Breaking through D4 is not difficult, but the difficult part is the hidden map behind it. Who would believe that there is no hidden map in such a big event?

Breaking through the hidden map in the last event brought huge benefits to Su Bai. It is no exaggeration to say that Su Bai can have today's status. Breaking through the hidden map at that time was the most solid foundation.

If it weren't for taking down the ghost island and capturing the ghost princess, there would be no Su Bai now. The hidden map is very difficult, but the benefits are also very high.

Taking down the hidden map is the beginning of the peak of life!

After completing all the preparations, Su Bai led a powerful fleet to enter the D3 sea area again. Last time, he only completed the first kill. According to the rules of this world, he must pass the level several times before he can be considered to have truly passed the level.

D3 is vulnerable in front of the current fleet, and the problem can be easily solved without dragging it to the night battle.

After defeating the phantom of the Tirpitz five times in a row.

The system prompted Su Bai that the eighth sea area has been opened. Su Bai waved his hand with pride,"Attack!"

This time, Liaoning and Shandong did not go on the expedition. They were replaced by Akagi Kaga, who had completed the attribute transformation.

This is also the first time that Akagi Kaga officially participated in such an event. The two sisters secretly encouraged themselves to perform well in this battle and make a name for themselves. Lest someone always think they are vases.

D4 is no longer the Iron Blood fleet, but the phantom fleet from the Siren camp. The strength of the Siren is still stronger than that of the Iron Blood. Their warships are different from human warships in terms of appearance and performance.

Of course, facing the level 96 Hu Guangqi and the level 95 fleet, the Siren could not gain any advantage.

The Siren probably never dreamed that someone could suppress them in level in the heterochromatic grid activity!

Yes, your fleet is very powerful, but my liver degree is above yours! In this world, level and attributes determine the success or failure of naval battles. A level 100 Akagi aircraft carrier can single-handedly kill the three sisters of Yorktown at level 95.

Soon, the small fish were cleared, and the final BOSS of the D4 sea area, Tester Beta, appeared. This is an extremely powerful battleship, which is obviously stronger than Tester Alpha.

However, her way of action is similar to that of Tester Alpha. So it’s still the old-fashioned leg-breaking style of play.

Royal Ark stood on the deck coolly, commanding the 818 Golden Swordfish Squadron to take off. The serious prisoner is still very strong, and her command is also very appropriate.

Watching the golden swordfishes take off, Royal Ark smiled happily.

That’s right, you have legs���But soon it won't belong to you anymore. Breaking your leg bones is my second greatest joy!

What's the first greatest joy? Of course it's playing with the lovely destroyer. The destroyer is awesome!

Under the cover of fighters, the 818 Squadron of the Golden Swordfish approached the core of the Siren's fleet and threw torpedoes into the sea like dumplings.

Tester Beta instinctively felt the danger, but she didn't care too much. Torpedoes, are these the only means?

The tester gave an order to let the cruiser squadron escorting her disperse, and she herself flexibly manipulated the warship, constantly evading.

She dodged almost all the torpedoes, but the Royal Ark's deceleration took effect from the moment the torpedo was dropped. The tester felt that her battleship suddenly became unusually heavy, and she panicked and tried to control the battleship, but it was too late.

The torpedo hit the steering gear accurately.

The Royal Ark snapped its fingers, bingo, perfect.

"Commander, it's time to attack!"

"Very good, carrier-based aircraft are dispatched, Montana prepares a barrage of bullets to slow down, and the cruiser division prepares to clear the enemy's small boats. The rest of the personnel, prepare to finish. Attack!"

From the moment the leg was broken, the fate of the tester was doomed, and the rest was just a slow death.

Montana's barrage of bullets enveloped the fleet, and the speed of all warships slowed down again. Now they are almost just targets that can only float.

When the battleship was scarred, the tester Beta chose to jump into the sea to escape without hesitation. Of course, before escaping, she still opened the sewer plate sea valve that could sink a battleship in nineteen minutes.

After Beta jumped off the deck, she felt relieved that she would be safe back in the sea. Unfortunately, her way back to the ocean was full of accidents.

A chain lightning hit Beta, and she was paralyzed and fainted.

"Quick, catch her!"

The robot, which was good at swimming and rescue, quickly entered the sea and fished out the test subject Beta.

The girl was still unconscious and had no idea that she had become a prisoner. Su Bai handed Beta over to the interrogator.

"Try to pry her mouth open, but torture is not allowed, especially corporal punishment that cannot be reversed. Interrogation should be civilized, understand?"

The three interrogators were dumbfounded. They looked at each other. Is this the devil Su Bai? Has he been possessed by someone?

When has he ever treated the captives as human beings ?...

It's horrible that a person can change like this.

The three interrogators said they understood. Since they knew they couldn't use torture to extract a confession, they could only use psychological warfare and fatigue tactics to deal with this unfortunate Siren girl. There was no other way. Who made you fall into the hands of the devil?

The interrogator was interrogating the captive in the secret room, and Su Bai continued to lead the team to fight.

The system broadcast sounded,"All commanders, please pay attention, all commanders, please pay attention.

In the battle to capture the eighth sea area just now, Su Bai, the commander of the North Pacific Governor's District from the Azure Camp, broke through the eighth sea area!

He became the first commander to defeat the tester Beta.

In recognition of Su Bai's merits���, he will be awarded the special achievement of the light of the different color grid, as well as a large amount of resources and gold coins.


This time, although it caused an uproar on the forum, everyone has become numb. What news is Su Bai getting the first kill? If the first kill is not Su Bai, that would be news.

Facing the commanders who asked for strategies. Su Bai said very simply,"The main force level has all reached level 95. If you ask me again, don't go in and give it away if you don't have this level."

Of course, there have always been many people in this world who don't know how to advance or retreat, and who don't know how to live or die. After Su Bai broke through the Eighth Sea, many commanders began to try to capture it. What did Su Bai say, that you don't have to go if you don't reach level 95? You are a demon king and you are powerful, but the fleet of the Sa family is very powerful. Why shouldn't I dare to give it a try!

On that day and the next day, a total of thirty commanders died. People finally realized the seriousness of the loss of control. Such a large-scale death of commanders had only occurred in a certain world war before.

Su Bai was too lazy to care about these people. If everyone needed his help, he would not be able to handle it.

Su Bai came to the secret room where Beta was imprisoned. Looking at the exhausted tester Beta, Su Bai couldn't help but sighed,"Your sister is already a guest at my place. You can see her when you go to my port area. What you need to do now is to explain all the problems obediently and strive to get a big deal."

"You should know that I have many ways to kill you. Are you not afraid of death? I like people who are not afraid of death. I can sell you to those famous custom shops in the mainland. We humans have many perverts, and they won't mind that you are a siren."

"Custom shop, do you understand?"

The tester Beta was dumbfounded. She wanted to hold on, but the result given by Su Bai was too scary. She had no choice but to give in.

"Commander, give me a pen and paper. I will explain the problem immediately.".

This is my mother: Naruto789

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