Beta's easy surrender made Su Bai's gloomy mood slightly better, and he led the fleet to sweep the entire activity map.

Z19, Z20, Z21, Z46, Admiral Hipper, Deutschland, Scharnhorst, and Gneisenau were all fished out.

Returning to the base, he casually bought three hundred Rubik's Cubes at the shipyard, and successfully brought the Zeppelin aircraft carrier home.

And the black-hearted super-time and space black market boss Akashi, after a series of long tests and tsundere, also chose to join the fleet.

All the new ship girls in this event, except Tirpitz who was still a prisoner, the other ten joined the fleet one after another. The total number of ship girls in the fleet has also increased to one hundred and forty-nine.

The grand welcome dinner and the celebration banquet of the heterochromatic battle were combined into one and grandly held in the central banquet hall of the Demon King's Castle.

Su Bai walked up to the podium and waved for everyone to be quiet.

"First of all, let us welcome the ten new ship girls with applause and cheers. You have come to the right place, here are the best commanders in the world, the best fleets in the world, and the highest salaries!"

Warm applause and cheers rang out.

The three captives stood in the corner speechless. The best commander in the world, can you still ask for some more?

The tester sisters and Tirpitz felt very upset. They thought that with their super high level of level 95 and the ten times attribute blessing of the BOSS level, it would be easy for them to move freely in different color grids. Who knew that they all fell into Su Bai's hands.

Tirpitz was even more speechless when he saw the other sisters of the Iron Blood joining the fleet. Are you still Iron Blood soldiers? Just surrender like this? I think you look like people from the Iris Country!

Su Bai praised all the ship girls on the stage. For the performance in the battle The outstanding ship girls were praised by name and rewarded on the spot. Juno, Montana, Akagi Kaga and others who participated in a large-scale event battle for the first time received generous praise.

The three captives looked at Juno's flushed face and secretly complained that even if the devil asked Juno to fight to the death now, Juno would not hesitate at all. This bastard is so good at winning people's hearts! Humph, we see through your tricks and will never be fooled.

Su Bai came to Juno and solemnly took out a medal,"Juno, this is the Medal of Courage, which is specially made for you by the fleet. I hope you can achieve better results in future operations."

Su Bai carefully pinned the medal on Juno's chest. Juno's little face flushed red, and tears could not stop falling. She went to find the commander. She did not expect to obtain the position of the main force in the battle. Who knew that she could not only participate in the war, but also won such an honor.

The commander took care of her; forbade her to participate in exercises, and did not allow her to sink herself to save teammates. The past scenes came to her mind, making the little angel Juno secretly determined that even if she was broken into pieces, she would contribute to the fleet and the commander.

Su Bai walked in the hall, and he knew the contributions made by each ship girl like the back of his hand. He praised their outstanding contributions in battle, logistics, and expeditions.

The three captives were even more surprised. If they said that they were buying people's hearts before, what about now? Being able to remember the achievements of each ship girl and giving souvenirs and gifts casually is definitely not a show, because people who show off don't have the time to remember so many things.

Su Bai returned to the rostrum

"Comrades, let's enjoy this moment of victory. By the way, remember to switch shifts with the girls of the expedition team, so that they can enjoy this happy time too!"

The three captives looked at each other. As expected, the devil is the devil. He would not allow the expedition to stop at a time like this. Humph!

Su Bai finally came to the table of the captives and Miss Belfast. He first greeted Miss Bell, and then greeted the captives cordially,"Three, are you used to being here?"

The three of them were cursing in their hearts. How could they get used to it? But they still smiled,"Thank you for your concern, Lord Demon. I'm fine.‖ "

"I know you are all cursing me in your hearts, but there is nothing I can do about it. No one would feel good if they were arrested. But this is a war, you are my enemy, and it is reasonable for me to arrest you, right?"

The three of them nodded quickly. Who dared to say it was not true?

"I know you all miss home, Tirpitz. Once the Battle of the Heterochromatics is over, I can let you go home."

"But in this case, your fleet will be missing an illustration."

"It's better to be less, maybe there will be another chance in the future. It's enough to force a ship girl to join the fleet once. I booked a flight for you to return to Berlin at the end of November. You can go home after a stopover in Los Angeles."

"Elena, Beta, your situation is somewhat different from hers. You may not be able to go back early. You can only leave after the war between humans and Sirens is completely decided."

Beta was a little angry,"Master Demon, what if the war is not over in ten years?"

"Then I will take care of your food for ten years. I am not short of money."

Beta was furious. Is this a matter of food? She was about to say something else, but Su Bai looked at her coldly,"Tester Beta, have you forgotten your identity?"

"Belfast, after the banquet, teach her some rules."

Beta herself regretted it, bah, what's wrong with me, I still want to return home after falling into the hands of the devil! She also drank the potion that would self-destruct if she left the island, so she had no idea of resisting.

Su Bai instantly switched to a smiling face, and after slapping her in the face, he naturally had to give her two sweet dates to comfort her,"Of course, if the war between humans and Sirens can end soon, you can return home very early."

"Humph, you humans are doomed to fail."

"You'd better pray that we win, otherwise I will send you to hell before I die!"

Su Bai left the table, walked around the banquet, and returned to his seat. This table was reserved for him and his wives.

"So, is Beta much tougher than Elena?"

"What kind of toughness? It's just that I didn't get beaten as much. Forget it. I'm too lazy to bother with these smelly marine creatures."

"Husband, don't be angry. Come, have a drink!"

Akagi filled a glass of sake for Su Bai and brought it over.

Su Bai was not polite and drank it all. He sighed softly,"Have a good rest for a day, and then we should explore the hidden sea."

Enterprise saw that Su Bai was a little depressed, and she chuckled,"Dear, don't worry too much. As long as it is an enemy, there is a solution!"

Hood also comforted Su Bai,"Yes, we are so far ahead of others. If we still worry, will others live?"

Su Bai cheered up. Yes, if you complain about yourself, how can others live?

How can you live? You can't live. Since the battle of the heterochromatic grid started, more than fifty commanders have lost their lives. Some of them can return to the original world, some will be lost in the endless starry sky, and some will become a thing of the past.

On the forum, the call for Su Bai to release the D4 strategy is getting louder and louder.

Su Bai finally posted

"Commanders above fleet level 95, send me a private message to get free strategies and information"

"Commanders above level 93, hurry up and level up, there is still a chance"

"Commanders of fleets below level 93, please pray to the gods, human power can no longer save you."

The forum exploded instantly.

"No, I'm only level 92, I don't want to die!"

They have reason to despair, because by the end of November, the Iron Blood Phantom will directly attack their base. How desperate it is to face an enemy that you can't afford to provoke and can't beat.

Su Bai has no sympathy for these people. It has been nearly a year, and some people have not realized that this is not a game world, but a cruel world where the strong prey on the weak. Such people are really not worthy of commanding a fleet.

Su Bai led a powerful fleet and set off. The fourth-level technology has just unlocked the achievement of the super fleet, allowing him to lead six full fleets into the activity sea area, and there is no restriction on the type of ship.

So Su Bai pulled up all the main battleships, battlecruisers and aircraft carriers. This is the first time that such a neat battle activity level has been launched.

After the tester Beta was madly killed three hundred times in the eighth sea area, the color of the sea water began to turn red. Every time it was killed, the sea water would become a little redder.

The experience value provided by the eighth sea area is higher than that of the Solomon public sea area, so Su Bai simply led the fleet to level up here without asking anything else.

After Beta was killed four hundred times , the color of the sea water is close to blood color.

In the sea of blood, a lonely fleet is constantly refreshing the testers and accumulating experience.

Five days later, Beta was killed a thousand times.

These thousand kills, to the last few hundred times, have become a completely procedural slaughter. Swordfish waited in the air. As soon as Beta refreshed, the leg was broken at the first time, and the Montana barrage followed, and another club was hit, and then the carrier-based aircraft bombarded wildly, and the battleship main gun followed.

Finally, the admiral's anger was launched, and a huge ghost warship appeared from the void and smashed Beta directly.

Finally, after a thousand refreshes, the sea completely turned into a sea of blood. Su Bai ordered the sailors to draw a bucket of water. He reached in and touched it. It was completely sticky blood, and it also exuded this fresh bloody smell.

Even the dumbest people know that this thing is definitely not simple. So much blood, is it true or false, is it a spell or an entity. What does this terrible scene mean.

A cold voice sounded,"Human, are you determined to enter the hidden area? Even if this is hell, you still want to come?"

Finally here!

Su Bai was refreshed. He was a little tired after brushing the same place for a thousand times in a row.

"¨. Hahahaha, what a joke, if it were really hell you wouldn't say that! Of course I'm going"

"I am only responsible for opening the door, you can do whatever you want with the rest."

In the depths of the sea, a huge black door opened, and no one could see what was hidden behind this huge door.

Who cares? After all, this is a copy opened by the gods, and it will give people a glimmer of hope.

Thirty-six warships lined up and slowly sailed through the dark door and entered the new area.

Coming from the hellish sea of blood to the new sea, although the background is still red, it feels a lot more refreshed.

The system voice sounded again,"Welcome Commander Su Bai to the EX-1 sea area, here you can choose 15 warships to participate in the battle, and you can also choose a friend's secretary ship to cooperate in the battle."

"During the battle, the durability of the ship girl can only be repaired by elite damage control or repair ships. In each round of challenge, you need to defeat 10 mirror images, and you will get Pt points for each mirror image defeated."

"The progress of the challenge will be saved automatically. From the next day, players will have one chance to reset the challenge every day. Commander Su Bai, are you ready?"

Su Bai laughed,"Sorry, I'm not, goodbye."

After saying this, Su Bai took the fleet away. The system was dumbfounded, why don't you play by the rules?

Nonsense, I didn't even bring a repair ship, why am I making a fuss?

After returning, Su Bai reorganized the participating fleet and brought Akashi and the goddess of the kitchen. Moreover, he continued to level up with all the main fleets.

October passed like this. Although the October oath ring was issued, he was in no mood to waste time in the Shura field.

What's the point of getting married, level up first!

After Akashi also reached level 93, Su Bai entered the mirror sea again.

It was indeed a mirror. The enemy fleets that appeared here were all mirror images of the players. But there is a rule in this mirror sea that the player's own mirror fleet will not appear. After knowing this rule, Su Bai laughed out loud.


System, are you kidding me? All the other fleets except me are nothing in front of me!

Mirror Sea, flop!

The system announced in anger,"Commander Su Bai, you have cleared the EX-1 Mirror Sea. Do you want to go to the second sea?"

"Of course I have to go, open the door for me!"

Another tall dark door.

Su Bai returned to the port to reorganize the fleet and led his main force into the hidden sea area.

EX-2. The enemy level is generally between level 95 and 96. This is the elite fleet of the Siren. There are no trash, all are elite, and the combat effectiveness of many of the enemy's elite warships can be compared with Hood and Enterprise.

Su Bai couldn't suppress the horror in his heart when commanding the battle. Is this really a sea area for people to fight? Except for him, other human commanders who enter here are simply here to give their heads!

The difficulty of this limited-time event is completely different from the last house-like event.

Su Bai carefully commanded the fleet to deal with the Siren fleet. I don't know whether the Siren fleet here is real or fake, but it is certain that the strength of these fleets can reflect the powerful strength of the Siren from one side. The elite of the Siren is far more powerful than humans!

In the past fifty years, humans have been intoxicated with a life of luxury and have long lost the fighting spirit that they were proud of back then.

Su Bai finally understood why commanders were summoned from other worlds and why there are so few native commanders in this world, because they are really rotten!

The old soldiers who stayed in the last war were either old or became high-ranking officials like Governor Nimitz. It was difficult for them to go to the battlefield again. The future of mankind actually rests in the hands of these new commanders. For the first time ,

Su Bai felt that the responsibility was so heavy.

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