Carefully cleaning up the small fish, Su Bai led the fleet to advance step by step.

Who is the BOSS of this sea area, the Purifier?

This time, Su Bai guessed correctly, it was the hardworking Purifier herself. The Purifier of the Azure World is just like the flax head next door. As long as there is a large-scale event, she will often show up.

Su Bai saw the Purifier from afar on the Irene. The veins on his forehead bulged, and he remembered the humiliation of being imprisoned and whipped by the Purifier. The two days in the underwater city were simply a nightmarish memory. The reason why Su Bai was particularly cruel to the Siren captives was largely because he had suffered a great loss at their hands..

"Honey, what's wrong with you?"Eileen noticed Su Bai's abnormality.

"Nothing, an old rival. The bastard who caught me on the bottom of the sea last time is right across from me. I just don't know if it's her real body or an illusion."

"No matter if she's real or an illusion, just kill her."

"No, I want to capture her alive and kill her with my own hands!"Su Bai's hands were shaking. This was the biggest loss he had ever suffered since coming to this world.

"Calm down, don't let hatred blind your eyes."Even if you want revenge, you have to defeat her first."

That's right, you have to win first. Under the Purifier, there are more than a dozen elite warships of various types, and they are very powerful. She herself is at level ninety-six.

The Purifier stood proudly on Cambridge. She also saw Su Bai. This human commander could actually escape from her once. This time, he will never have any chance again!

The Purifier connected to the public channel,"Lord Demon, how are you? You are so anxious to come here. Do you miss the underwater city?"

Su Bai sneered,"Purifier, you laugh now, I think you can still laugh later. Tonight, you should stay with Elena and Beta."

The Purifier was shocked. These two capable men had been missing for some time. They were originally believed to have died in battle, but now it seems that they have fallen into the hands of the Demon King. The Purifier felt pity. Falling into the hands of this devil, the end might be worse than death.

The Purifier shouted:"Master Demon King, if you can let them go, we can put aside our hatred for you and let you go.""

"Let me go, you are so arrogant, tonight I will chop off your shark fins and make soup!"

The Purifier stopped talking, she released a flare into the sky, and more than a dozen warships ambushed on the side opened a passage from the bottom of the sea and appeared on the sea.

Su Bai was horrified, what kind of magic was this, which could hide the fleet under the sea and pull it out when needed.

If this kind of magic is universal, then there is no way humans and sirens can fight, as they will be completely defeated by the sirens in terms of mobility.

Irene grabbed Su Bai's sleeve,"Don't worry, such a heaven-defying magic, the casting conditions and media must be very complicated, otherwise humans would have been finished long ago."

The battle started soon. Talking nonsense is just fun and venting anger. To decide the winner, bombs, torpedoes and shells are needed.

Irene crossed her hands in front of her chest and began to cast a spell. As she chanted, the command skill was activated, and the attributes of the entire fleet, such as artillery, lightning, air defense, and maneuverability, were comprehensively improved.

This is the power of the command ship. It can improve the combat effectiveness of up to thirty-six warships.

This is why Azure World replaced the warships given away at the start of the service from Unicorns to command ships. In this world, most commanders are strength parties. They say that someone is my true love, but when they give out rings, they basically give them out according to the strength list. There are many scum commanders who say Lafite is my wife and then give the first ring to Enterprise.

The strength of Su Bai's fleet far exceeds that of the Purifier. As expected.

Especially Su Bai’s wives, almost all of them have been blessed by the gods, and their combat effectiveness far exceeds the theoretical value.

The performance improvement brought by the fourth-level technology, the panel improvement brought by the attribute transformation, and the level of Su Bai’s fleet is not inferior to the Siren Fleet at all.

After the battle began, the Chuanqi Hegemony Fleet gained the upper hand. Dozens of warships started fighting. All military tactics and tactics are virtual, and only artillery shells are the most real.

The Purifier turned pale. Why is this human fleet so powerful? This is not scientific at all!

The aircraft carriers are all full-hero squadrons, and they bought brand-new fighters from the super-time and space black market. The artillery team is all MK-7 main guns, and the cruisers are also equipped with golden servos and golden maintenance devices, which greatly improves their survivability.

Under the crushing of equipment and combat effectiveness, Su Bai's The fleet quickly gained the upper hand.

The Purifier's fleet could neither defeat nor escape. The Royal Ark, which had become serious, was extremely powerful. She used her dog-beating stick technique to the fullest, constantly blowing up the servos of the Purifier's fleet.

After being slowed down, the overall speed of the fleet was reduced to more than ten knots, and Montana's barrage also covered the entire sea area without any hesitation. The

Purifier's fleet was completely slow.

The Purifier's face was livid. She could neither escape nor defeat. Since she had cultivated into a human form, she had never suffered a few losses. However, these times were all at the hands of Su Bai. Last time, Su Bai broke her nose with a blow, and she finally recovered. This time, she took the initiative to come and kill this damn human. Who would have thought that this would be the result.

The Purifier roared unwillingly. She issued one command after another in vain, trying to resist.

But how could a group of lame warships be Su Bai's opponent?

In naval warfare, mobility is not everything, but it basically determines the outcome of the battle.

The powerful Beiyang Fleet, with its powerful firepower and thick armor, was destroyed by the high-speed warships of the Sakura Empire, such as Yoshino, Akitsuzou, and Naniwa.

Today's naval battle reproduced the scene of that year. Warships such as Hood seized the T advantage at high speed and concentrated their firepower to kill the Siren fleet one by one.

Carrier-based aircraft were like bloodthirsty vultures, circling in the sky, looking for opportunities to devour people at any time.

There is no mercy in war, and this is even more true for the battle between the two major races.

The main gun played the prelude to the harvest of the god of death; the bombs whistled down and brought an invitation to death; the torpedoes swam rapidly under the sea, and every explosion was like a heavy hammer hitting the heart of the purifier.

Failed again, she smiled bitterly, she still underestimated this human. The weakness of other human commanders made her mistakenly believe that all human commanders were like this, and this defeat was not unfair at all.

Now the Purifier only has two things to do, that is, to ensure that the warships are not captured and to ensure that they are not captured alive.

The testers all knew the fate of falling into Su Bai's hands, but they were still captured. The Purifier did not want to follow the footsteps of her two subordinates. The Purifier ordered all warships to open the sea valves and abandon the ships, but she herself did not jump into the sea from the deck. She escaped from the seabed door cleverly.

The Purifier's caution saved herself. Su Bai had prepared countless plans to capture the Purifier and also designed a plan on how to concoct her.

But all this failed because of the Purifier's early escape.

After defeating the Purifier fleet, the system prompt sounded,"Congratulations Commander Su Bai, you have cleared the EX-2 hidden sea area. After defeating the Purifier phantom ten times, you will be able to open the EX-3 hidden sea area." Defeat ten times? Even a hundred times can't stop me.

Su Bai chose to reset the sea area and continue to start the strategy. Everything is difficult at the beginning. The second attack on this sea area will be much easier. After the sea surface turns green, you can sleep in the command room and let the fleet exercise self-discipline.

Su Bai looked at the Purifiers that were defeated again and again, and thought carefully about the actions of the Sirens. The two testers are just grassroots cadres in the Siren camp. Their rights are roughly the commander of a squadron in the human camp, and the information they know is indeed limited.

It's a pity that the Purifier ran away. Not only did they not get any information from her, but they also exposed their own combat effectiveness. This battle seems to be won on the surface, but it is actually a bloody loss.

I hope EX-3 can obtain more intelligence and means of improvement.

It feels so uncomfortable to know that the enemy is going to launch an attack, but you don't know the time and method of the attack.

EX-2 After ten raids, the last level of the hidden sea is unlocked.

The fleet entered the hidden sea, the dark blue sea was calm, Su Bai ordered the fleet to maintain formation and released reconnaissance planes.

The enemy finally refreshed, and it was actually level 96. The core of Su Bai's fleet was level 96, and most of the warships were still level 95. Facing the level 96 enemy, the level was crushed.

Relying on high-tech bonuses, the enemy's small boats were not difficult to deal with. But where is the BOSS, and who are they?

Su Bai kept clearing out the enemy's miscellaneous warships, waiting for the BOSS to refresh, but the enemy's BOSS never refreshed.

Finally,���The reconnaissance plane brought back intelligence that a small island was discovered fifty kilometers ahead.

It was the same routine again. Could it be that, like last time, this small island was not originally the target of the activity, but there would be extra rewards for taking it down?

After Su Bai obtained the intelligence, he chose to evacuate. It was already late, and there were too many variables in night combat, so it was not worth the risk. Moreover, it was very difficult to attack an island with strong enemy defenses, so he still had to go to the mercenary guild for help.

After returning to Atlans Island, it was already late at night, and Su Bai could only choose to rest first. The ship girls, who were tired after a day, also returned to their rooms. The one who stayed behind to accompany Su Bai was Irene. Her battleship was the flagship today, and she had been with Su Bai for a whole day. Of course, she could feel that Su Bai was not in a good mood. She lay beside Su Bai, stroking Su Bai's cheek with her cool little hands,"Honey, you've lost weight"

"Really? If you have something on your mind, you will lose weight no matter how much you eat. Once we get through this stage, let's prepare some delicious food to replenish our body."

""My dear, there's no point in worrying about these things. Some things are things that the top management should consider. I feel really bad to see you like this."

Su Bai turned sideways and looked at Irene's sparkling eyes,"I didn't think so much. In fact, I don't have any big ambitions. I just want to live a happy life with everyone. Unfortunately, I'm already at the cusp of the storm. In the eyes of the Sirens, I'm already a thorn in their eyes. Do you remember what happened in Tokyo?"

Irene covered Su Bai's eyes with her hands,"We face these things together. What you have to do now is to rest!"

Su Bai felt the cool feeling from Irene's little hand and closed his eyes. He wanted to rest, but unfortunately a part of his body didn't want to.

Irene felt the change in Su Bai and coughed lightly,"My dear, it seems that I worried about you in vain. It turns out that you are not tired at all."

Su Bai chuckled and rushed over. Just when he wanted to have a hearty meal, a violent explosion was heard on the beach. This abrupt explosion sounded so harsh in the quiet night.

Su Bai got up with a dark face and got dressed. What was going on? Such a thing actually happened in his own base, near the Demon King's Castle. Whether the explosion came from the enemy or from within, it was not a good sign. Su Bai was very angry.

He had wanted to have a good time with his wife Irene, and even thought about the postures, but this kind of thing happened.

He came to the meeting hall angrily, and Enterprise and others had already arrived. After this happened, no one could sleep.

Soon, the results of the investigation came out. Belfast brought Tirpitz and Elena up with the guards, and two people followed behind with a stretcher.

"what happened?"

"Lord Su Bai, the test subject Beta tried to escape, but he was out of the castle and was killed in the explosion. Belfast lifted the white cloth covering the stretcher, revealing a body that was blown to pieces.

Su Bai felt the veins on his forehead bulge. He was such an ungrateful person.���Have I been too gentle recently? Some people have started to take my words as a joke.

"You three live together every day, don't you know that she wants to escape?"

Elena trembled with fear,"My Lord Demon, I am innocent! Sister Beta has already thought about running away. Tirpitz and I have been tied up by her hands and feet, and cloth strips are stuffed in our mouths. There is nothing we can do."

Belfast nodded gently, indicating that she was not lying.

Su Bai waved his hand to let others leave. He was in a very irritable mood these days, and encountering such a thing made him even more unhappy.

But Beta has paid the price of his life, what can he do. Kill Tirpitz and Elena to vent your anger?

Su Bai said coldly,"You two can go back, remember your identities, and don't do stupid things like her!"

Tirpitz and Elena had been scared out of their wits under Su Bai's cold eyes. Now that Su Bai has spared their lives, they finally breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly saluted and left.

"Belfast, send more people to keep an eye on them. I don't want this to happen again."

On the way back to the bedroom, Irene followed Su Bai. Seeing that Su Bai was in a bad mood, she was about to comfort him when Su Bai slowly said,"Tell me, am I really a bad person?"

Irene chuckled,"My dear, you look so aggrieved, just like a child. Only children would label people like good or bad." Irene took Su Bai's hand,"It seems like a bad thing that you robbed Akagi and Kaga; they married you and got a good home, which is much better than staying in Nanyun. Doesn't this seem like a good thing?"

Su Bai smiled bitterly,"Is this really a good thing? To this day, most of my bad reputation is due to this incident."

"Wrong, your bad reputation is not just because of this."

"Oh, what does this mean?"

"It's very simple. If you are not the world's number one commander, but an ordinary nobody, then you can just rob. This kind of shit is too common among nobles. You have become the target of public criticism because you are at the center of the storm."

Su Bai looked at Irene and was stunned for a while."I understand. No matter what I do, there will always be people who talk behind my back. Let them be. What I have to do now is to protect you!"

"You are wrong again. What you need to do now is to pay me back what you owe me!"

"Hey, it's almost dawn."

"I don't care! Who made you provoke me? Even if it's daytime, you have to feed me first!".......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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