The morning sun dispelled the gloom of the night. Su Bai slowly opened his eyes and Irene was lying lazily on his chest. The body temperature of the vampires is generally between 25 and 30 degrees, and the slightly cool skin feels particularly comfortable to the touch.

When entangled together, the feeling is completely different from that of a human woman. Every time he touched this cool body, he would think of his mistakes at that time. Thinking of this, Su Bai gently stroked Irene's back with an apologetic look.

Irene also woke up. She felt Su Bai's love and smiled,"My dear, it's dawn, do you still want it?"

"Ahem, time is running out, we have to set off!"

Irene sat up, stretched, showing her perfect curves to her lover, she took the clothes from the side and began to dress.

Yes, it's time to set off, no matter what monsters EX-3 has, we have to conquer it after all.

The mercenary marines hired 70,000 people, and there is no need to say much about landing ships. It is not the first time that Su Bai has commanded a landing operation, and he is very clear about how to deploy troops.

The dock.

Other commanders of the fleet and the ship girls came to see Su Bai's fleet off.

Su Bai boarded the Irene command ship with pride, turned around and waved to the crowd.

Lying drunk on the lap of a beauty, holding a murderous sword when awake, commanding an army of 100,000 to fight against the Sirens, this is the life a commander should have.

Glancing at the shy Irene beside him, Su Bai gave the order,"Let's go!"

The huge fleet ran over EX-1 and EX-2 and arrived directly at the EX-3 sea area. On the dark blue sea, the enemy fleet was also gathering. These strangely shaped warships were obviously the Siren troops.

On that island, which Siren boss was it, the phantom or the real body? The answer should be revealed this time.

It was not difficult to deal with the outer fleet. Su Bai calmly commanded the fleet, eating up these Siren warships one by one, and annihilated the enemy at the lowest cost.

Several injured warships were pulled to the back to be repaired by the repair ship. Akashi and the goddess of the kitchen became the support base for the army's operations.

Hood and Enterprise sent messages respectively,

"The battleship squadron is ready!"

"The aircraft carrier squadron is ready!"

"Very good, start fire suppression!"

With Su Bai's order, the main guns of more than a dozen main battleships began to fire continuously, and shells exploded on the island one by one, and many fishmen were blown up.

The army of the Siren is very different from that of humans, because the minerals on the seabed are different from those on the ground. Iron ore is a rare mineral, so they use fewer mechanical warriors, and mainly rely on the warriors of the fishmen to act as front-line warriors.

Su Bai's face was cold, without the slightest hesitation. Compassion in war is the most absurd.

Beta's escape and explosion made Su Bai's heart cold again. His pity and trust in the enemy in exchange for a BOOM at night, it is true that those who are not of my kind must have different hearts.

Dead Siren is a good Siren.

This is what a certain White Eagle officer said about the people of Chongying in World War II, and it is also applicable here.

Su Bai looked at the mess on the island and estimated the strength of the garrison on the island and their ability to resist.

After four hours of bombing, Su Bai felt that it was almost done and issued an order for a general attack.

"Enterprise, Hood, listen to me, no one of you is allowed to go ashore during this attack, this is a military order"


Although they were a little unhappy, the two still understood Su Bai's painstaking efforts. This war was not a simple game of pushing maps and killing NPCs. There were many real Siren troops mixed in on this island. If they fell into the hands of these people, their fate would definitely be much worse than that of Elena and Beta.

The mercenary marines began to land.

Landing battles have always been cruel, and this time was even more so. Compared with the last attack on Ghost Island and Atlans Island, the enemy's strength this time was obviously stronger and the firepower was more fierce. For a whole hour, they were unable to establish a stable beachhead position on the beach.

As the battle progressed, more than 5,000 of the 70,000 mechanical mercenaries had been damaged, and they finally barely established a position on the beach.

"Heavy troops, go!"

The tanks that Su Bai bought from the black market of super time and space began to rush down from the tank landing ship and rushed to the beach.

Looking at all this through the telescope, Su Bai showed a smile on his face,"The heavy equipment has landed, this battle is stable!"

When Irene was about to congratulate Su Bai, something strange happened. The defenders on the island started firing anti-tank guns that they didn't know where they got from.

The dozens of tanks on the island were cleared out in a short time.

The voices of Liaoning and Shandong came from the communication channel,"Commander, let the carrier-based aircraft go as well. Relying solely on ship guns can no longer suppress the enemy's firepower."

In the previous battle, because the firepower of the enemy's anti-aircraft positions was too strong, Su Bai was always hesitant about sending out carrier-based aircraft. Now he can no longer feel sorry for the loss of carrier-based aircraft.

"The carrier squadron obeyed the order and launched all the carrier-based aircraft, targeting the enemy's air defense positions and anti-tank artillery positions."

"Enterprise and Glory, the two of you must listen to me carefully. You are not allowed to fly fighter planes to die!"...

Enterprise, who had already walked to the boarding ladder, heard this and walked back to the island angrily. Although she was unhappy, she still had to carry out the order.

It was already evening, and Juno, who was scouting outside, sent a message back,"Commander, an enemy fleet appeared in the northwest, and it is very large! Please be prepared in advance."

What, there is an ambush fleet at this time!

Su Bai cursed inwardly. All the carrier-based aircraft had been launched. At this time, they could only rely on the battleship division, cruisers, and destroyers to resist the enemy.

The enemy's fleet was led by the Purifier herself, and there were about thirty warships of various types. The Purifier stood on the bridge of the flagship. She was very happy. She finally had the opportunity to teach the devil Su Bai a lesson.

"Hahaha, Demon King Su Bai, let me see what tricks you have this time?"

Su Bai was too lazy to talk to her,"Have you heard of the Thirty-Six Stratagems? I'm going to use my final trick now!"

"What ultimate trick!"

The Purifier was a little panicked. It was not the first time that she suffered at the hands of Su Bai. This time, when she heard Su Bai say that he was going to use the ultimate trick of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, she was still a little nervous. She immediately ordered the fleet to keep a distance and observe Su Bai's movements.

Su Bai smiled contemptuously. A stupid shark is a stupid shark. Of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, running away is the best strategy. Of course, the ultimate trick is to run away!

Under Su Bai's order, the human cadres of the mercenary team returned to the landing ship, and the mechanical warriors who could get back also boarded the ship.

Su Bai gathered the troops and ordered a smoke evacuation.

The Purifier watched for a long time and finally realized that Su Bai's fleet was going to run away. This is your ultimate trick!

Too asshole, this is the ultimate trick of the famous Demon King Su Bai? The Purifier felt like a fool. She was fooled by this human with just one sentence. She ordered in shame and anger,"Chase!"

Su Bai was waiting for this opportunity. Chase, I asked you to chase. I was just afraid of being surrounded on the beach, but you dared to chase me out!

The Purifier's recklessness brought her a huge disaster. The Purifier did not notice that Su Bai's fleet kept changing its formation during the retreat and had surrounded her.

It was already night, and the Purifier, driven by anger, forced the pursuit, turning her fleet into a classic long snake formation.

Su Bai, who liked to read military works in the original world, almost laughed out loud when he saw this formation.

There are really not many people who can control the long snake formation.

This formation is originally very Okay, the whole formation is divided into three parts: the head, the tail, and the core.

When the formation changes, both true and false are used.

Hit the head of the snake, the tail moves, and it curls; hit the tail of the snake, the head moves, and it bites; the snake's body collides sideways, the head and tail come together, and it strangles!

However, for the long snake formation to be effective, the requirements for the commander are too high.

This broken formation has been played by someone a long time ago.

Attack the tail at the same time, so that the head and tail cannot be taken care of at the same time, and then hit the snake's gallbladder fiercely to resolve the battle.

Hood and Montana attacked from the head and tail of the Purifier fleet at the same time. All carrier-based aircraft took off. Yes, most of them could not return at night. But what about it? , the pilots are all mechanical warriors, just consumables.

Would the Purifier dare to fight like this? Of course she wouldn't, as most of the pilots under her command were from the fishmen. If she dared to give such an order, she wouldn't have to go to a military court, as the angry pilots would tear her apart directly.

This is the difference. Only a quarter of the carrier-based aircraft of the Purifier fleet took off, while all the carrier-based aircraft of Su Bai's fleet took off.

When the number of warships on both sides is basically the same, the difference in the number and quality of carrier-based aircraft determines the outcome of the battle.

As the Broken Leg Squadron of the Royal Ark aircraft carrier showed its power, Montana's deceleration barrage took effect. The speed of some warships in the Purifier's fleet slowed down, while the speed of some warships remained the same. In the chaotic night battle, the fleet had long been unable to maintain its formation and fell into the dilemma of fighting alone.

This time, Su Bai quietly followed the Ajax. The outcome of the battle had already been determined. What he had to do was to capture the Purifier alive, so he chose the small and fast Ajax. Ajax stood beside Su Bai. She was so excited that her hands were shaking. This was the first time that the commander had set up the flagship on her warship. Ajax, who was usually a little arrogant, couldn't even speak clearly at this time,"Commander, what should we do?"

Su Bai saw her nervousness, held her hand, and comforted the nervous little girl,"Don't be nervous, we will keep an eye on the Purifier's flagship, and sink it with a torpedo while the chaos is going on, and then we can capture her."

After Su Bai held Ajax's slender hand, she was indeed not nervous anymore, because her whole body was numb.

Ah, the commander's hands were so warm, no wonder those older sisters were trying to get close to the commander. Alas, it was a pity that it was at night, and the commander would not notice her beautiful legs in black stockings.

Of course, Su Bai did not notice Ajax's little thoughts, and his eyes were fixed on the Purifier.

The opportunity has come! Hood's barrage washed the superstructure of the Purifier battleship, and the entire deck fell into darkness!

The Purifier knew that the battle situation was hopeless, and she panicked and ordered to abandon the ship. She did not have time to escape to the lower level where the explosions continued, but came to the edge of the deck, gritted her teeth and jumped down

·· ·Request flowers·· 0

Purifier! You are finally falling into my hands!

Su Bai attacked without hesitation, and the sea surface instantly turned into ice. The Purifier, who jumped from a height of more than ten meters, fell directly on the ice and was injured. She struggled to get up. Why is there ice here! Could it be that man?

That's right, it was the man called the Demon King who took action. The sailors of the Ajax quickly went into the water, subdued the injured Purifier, and tied her to the warship.

The Purifier was pressed on the deck in a mess, kneeling facing Su Bai.

Su Bai suppressed his anger,"Purifier, I said you will pay the price. Have you thought about the consequences of falling into my hands?"

The Purifier trembled and couldn't say a word.

"Fleet, listen to the order, clean up the mess, and return home in formation!"

Although the mysterious island was not captured in this battle, the Purifier's fleet was defeated by a surprise attack. The most important thing is that the Purifier was captured alive.

Captured alive, this is the Queen's direct subordinate. She is not a small leader like the tester. She is the backbone of the Siren camp.

After returning to Atlans Island, Su Bai immediately summoned several interrogators and handed the dead Purifier to them.

"I don't care what means you use, pry her mouth open!" Su Bai roared and gave the order.

For the Purifier, this was definitely a nightmare night. These human interrogators had many tricks. Although they did not use torture, these methods were more effective than any torture.

The Purifier realized that the torture methods of the Siren clan were just a little brother in front of the human race.

Thousands of years of civilization history, in addition to leaving behind a long civilization, also left behind many methods for humans to deal with humans.

..... 0

After dawn, Su Bai couldn't wait to find the biggest black market merchant, Hale.

"Lord Demon, you haven't come to take care of the business of our shop for a while."

"Boss Hale, I won't waste my words with you, this is a big deal."

Hale's eyes lit up,"It's my honor that the Lord Demon is taking care of me, please tell me, what do you need?"

"Nuclear bombs, tactical nuclear bombs will do"

"Hush!"Hale looked around in horror.

"My Lord, Lord Demon, are you making fun of me?"

"I'm not kidding you. A tactical nuclear bomb with a yield of about 5,000 tons, with a full set of delivery equipment. Name your price. Don't say you don't have it."

"Yes, it is true, but this thing really cannot be sold. There is a convention in this world that prohibits the use of nuclear weapons in human wars!"

"Don't worry, I'm not using it against humans."Su Bai said coldly.

"Could it be, Siren?"

"Boss Hale, knowing too much is not good"

"OK, I get it. I made the money! But I can't sell it to you under my own name. I'll give you the contact information of an arms dealer. He's a guy who would even sell his own parents for money."

"Very good, this matter is resolved, but there is one more thing, I need some chlorine bombs."

Hale stood up in fear,"Master Demon, are you really possessed? These things are prohibited by the convention!"

"It is not used against humans."

Haile looked at Su Bai as if he had never known this person. Looking at Su Bai's cold eyes, Haile was a little scared. He finally made up his mind.

"How much do you want?"......

Everything is easy with money. Su Bai quickly got what he needed, a tactical nuclear bomb codenamed Little Girl and a transport ship full of chlorine gas bombs.

After knowing this, Hood felt very uneasy. She privately summoned several wives of Su Bai to discuss this matter.

Akagi was the first to express her opinion,"The husband made the decision, and we should execute it."

Kaga nodded in agreement. Hood was speechless. I shouldn't have asked you two to come. These two guys are simply amazing. When they first came, they wanted to kill Su Bai, but they immediately became yes-men after marrying him.

Guanghui did not approve of the use of such weapons that were harmful to the world.

Irene did not comment.

Hood looked at Enterprise. This big sister was the leader of everyone. If she did not come out to oppose, Su Bai would definitely not change her mind.

Enterprise also looked at Hood,"I oppose the use of banned weapons in the human civil war, including nuclear weapons and chlorine gas bombs."

Hood was a little happy. Enterprise supported her like this, and she finally had confidence.

However, Enterprise quickly added,"But the Sirens are not humans, they are sea monsters, and they are the mortal enemy of humans. If it were them, I would not object to using these weapons.""

"After all, only dead sirens are good sirens!"

Enterprise got up and left.

Hood stared at Enterprise's back as he left, as if he had never known this person.

Hood stood there, feeling that this world was so strange. Su Bai was so cold, Enterprise was so cruel, Akagi and Kaga were two big-breasted and brainless idiots, and Irene was a cynical vampire. Am I the only one who is different? Power.

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