Su Bai was not in a hurry to enter EX-3. He led his fleet to EX-2 to continue leveling. The experience here is very high, very suitable for continuing to grind.

This time, Su Bai's goal is to grind several core members to level 97. At Hood's strong request, Su Bai set up the flagship on the Hood.

"Constantine, just say whatever you want to say."Of course, Su Bai could see that Hood was a little upset, and the word unhappy was written on his face.

"Su Bai, are you really going to use that thing?"


"I'm not a fool, you don't need to beat around the bush, just tell me the result."

Su Bai pondered for a moment,"I can only promise not to use this weapon as much as possible, I can't guarantee anything else.".

Hood's face flushed red,"Su Bai, how could this be? Since when did you become so cold-blooded? When that nuclear bomb is dropped, at least tens of thousands of Sirens will die under the nuclear bomb."

Su Bai looked at the sea indifferently,"Have you been to the underwater city? Have you imagined the ending after these fishmen occupy the continent? This is a war between races! This war is the same as the war between our ancestors and the Neanderthals and Danes when they walked out of Africa. There is no victory or defeat in this war, only life and death."

The blood faded from Hood's face. Is this still the man who desperately saved her from the cold sea?

"I am not against the use of nuclear bombs, but I don't want your hands to be stained with blood."

Su Bai looked at Hood and smiled,"Constantine, some things are inevitable. Can you find someone to replace me? I have to do these things when I am in this position. Colonel Tibbets might have hesitated before dropping the bomb, but he still pressed the button."

Hood felt a little better. What really scared her was Enterprise. All the"587" people would be entangled, but Enterprise would not. If it can kill the enemy, then use it. Facing Enterprise's eyes that often turned red, Hood was really scared.

Su Bai led the team to level up in the EX-2 sea area. Until the third day, news came from the base that the Purifier could not hold on, and she finally confessed. Su Bai happily led the team back to the base.

The Purifier was not tortured, but seventy hours of fatigue interrogation was enough to make her collapse.

Su Bai looked at the Purifier with a dazed face,"Why bother, wouldn't it be better for everyone if she confessed earlier."

The Purifier wrote down the deployment of the mysterious island and the strength of the Siren troops.

With this deployment map, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he really didn't have to open Pandora's box. He didn't want to be the first person in the world to use a nuclear bomb in actual combat.

After spending a lot of money in the mercenary guild and black merchants and making full preparations, Su Bai led a huge fleet into the EX-3 waters.

This time the attack was very smooth. The outer patrol fleet was no match for Su Bai at all and was quickly defeated.

The difficult landing battle started again. This time, Su Bai took out a huge amount of money and hired nearly 100,000 mechanical warriors to participate in this offensive..

Although Hood repeatedly invited Su Bai to board her ship, Su Bai still chose to command the battle on the Enterprise.

His reason was that it was more convenient to command the battle in the air, but Hood knew very well that if the situation could not be broken, Su Bai would definitely use nuclear bombs. He was unwilling to face himself in that situation.

Hood looked at the platypus attack aircraft hovering in the air with some sadness. Perhaps, the ideas of Enterprise and the commander are the closest. Hood turned his inner resentment into a barrage of bullets, continuously bombing the island to provide cover for the landing troops. The landing troops established a beachhead and advanced steadily.

Su Bai and Enterprise looked at the battlefield in the air and kept issuing orders.

"Su Bai, how do you plan to deal with the Purifier?"

"I'm also having a headache. If I keep her captive, I'm worried that she'll run away. Killing her directly doesn't seem appropriate either. Do you have any suggestions?"

Enterprise smiled."Not killing prisoners is humanitarian. The biggest question now is whether the Sirens are considered human beings and whether they fall within the scope of humanitarianism.""

"Or in other words, if one day on our planet, a group of monkeys suddenly evolved into intelligent life, how should humans treat them?"

Su Bai shook his head,"This is a question that philosophers should consider. My idea is very simple, let's think about it from their perspective, if the Sirens win, how will they treat the remaining humans?"

Enterprise nodded,"There is no answer to this question, I hope we don't need to use the little girl."

Su Bai watched as the landing troops gradually surrounded the last camp of the Siren army. The battle was coming to an end.

Just when Su Bai and Enterprise thought they had won, the light of a teleportation array flashed in a valley on the island, and countless elite Siren troops rushed in and rushed towards the mechanical mercenaries.

This sudden attack caused the landing troops to become chaotic. The mercenary leader tried his best to maintain the formation, but he was still retreating.

Su Bai and Enterprise looked at each other. The purifiers of this teleportation array didn't know either. It was a secret known only to the real high-level Siren. They would rather expose this secret than send reinforcements. There must be something on this island that must be protected.

No matter what secret you want to protect, it will be reduced to ashes under the equality of all beings.

""Execute the peace plan!"

Su Bai gave the order, and a B-25 was ejected from the Enterprise. Because the nuclear bomb had a small equivalent and weighed only two and a half tons, the modified B-25 could carry it.

B-25 Flying over the sky above the Siren military camp, a huge bomb was dropped with a parachute.

Su Bai and Enterprise put on sunglasses and watched everything happening in the distance.

The mushroom cloud rose from the ground, and thousands of mechanical warriors and tens of thousands of fishmen warriors who did not have time to withdraw were destroyed.

Hood stood on the deck, silent. All this happened after all. Pandora's box was opened after all. No one knew what the future would be like, but now this was the only way to resolve the battle.

Guanghui also looked at the huge mushroom cloud. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so, but she chose to firmly support Su Bai's decision.

Irene, Akagi, and Kaga looked at all this indifferently. This was a racial war. There was no victory or defeat, only life and death.

A cold system voice came,"Congratulations to Commander Su Bai for defeating the enemy of the nameless island in the hidden level of EX-3. At the same time, he obtained the two achievements of the Light of the Different Color Grid and the Nuclear Peace Guardian."

Su Bai looked at the destroyed island through the telescope expressionlessly.

"What is that!"

At the site of the Siren military camp, a black light shot up into the sky, and something was wrong.

Mechanical warriors were sent in to look for clues. Soon, the object that caused the black light was found, a pure black Rubik's Cube.

The size of this Rubik's Cube was slightly larger than the Mind Cube, and it emitted a strange black light. After the Rubik's Cube was de-radiated, it was taken away as a trophy.

The fleet returned to the Demon King's Castle, and the dock was crowded with people, all of whom came to welcome the fleet's triumphant return.

Su Bai did not have too much joy, after all, such a victory was a bit cruel. He exchanged a few pleasantries with Lachar and others, and then returned to the castle with his ship girls.

In the banquet hall, Su Bai still made an enthusiastic victory declaration, and generously praised the participating ship girls.

When he returned to his table, Su Bai opened a bottle of wine, which was rare. He was indeed in a difficult mood, and maybe it would be better to get drunk.

At a small dining table in the corner of the banquet hall sat the Royal Ark and three captives, Tirpitz, Elena and Purifier. Tirpitz was not too surprised by Su Bai's victory. Li, after all, she had heard too many stories about this man these days. Elena was not too surprised, she no longer had any expectations of leaving here.

But the Purifier was really confused, because she knew the strength of the army on the nameless island, and also knew about the teleportation array. Although she drew a defense map, she did not tell about the teleportation array.

She originally thought that Su Bai would definitely suffer there. How could he defeat the Queen's direct guard? The Purifier could not eat anything at all, her heart was completely confused.

How could the Queen's direct guard lose to this human!

Su Bai was drunk, and he was carried back to the bedroom. Anyway, EX-3 was also cleared, so he might as well indulge himself.

The next day, Su Bai woke up from a hangover, with Enterprise on his left and Hood on his right. Oh my God, this is so happy, this is the life a commander should have.

No, these two people never accompany her with other women. Only Akagi Kaga has ever accompanied him, what's wrong with these two guys? Sure enough, it was wrong

, there seemed to be an electric current jumping between the eyes of Enterprise and Hood when they looked at each other.

"Su Bai, can you give me that black Rubik's Cube?"

"No, give me the black Rubik's Cube!"

Su Bai's head began to hurt.

"Wait, ladies, it’s okay for any of you to hold this Rubik’s Cube, but can you tell me what it is used for?"

"This cube is for awakening."Hood said lightly.

Enterprise looked at Hood. Yes, it is indeed for awakening, or more precisely, it is a prop for blackening.

There are two ways to awaken a real ship girl. The first is to use the black mind cube to blacken, and the second is to complete a series of god-given tasks after reaching the maximum level, get the blessing of the gods, and complete the awakening.

"Hey, it shouldn't be that serious. You two can't fight like this just for an awakening item?"

Su Bai was speechless."Forget it, why don't you just roll the dice and whoever has the higher score gets it."

Enterprise said unconvinced,"This thing has given me a huge improvement!"

Hood was also unconvinced,"It has given me a huge improvement too!"...

What's going on? Am I in the wrong place? Isn't Hu De usually very humble? Why is he arguing with the company like this?...

Su Bai didn't dare to speak. In such an occasion, he could only play dumb.

Enterprise looked at Hood and sneered,"My dear, why don't you just stay out of this matter. Ms. Hood and I will solve it using the communication method between ship girls."

Hood responded unwillingly,"Okay! I agree."

Su Bai was stunned. What the hell is this communication method between ship girls? Why haven't I heard of it! Forget it, you guys solve it yourselves.

Slip away, I don't want to get involved in such things.

Su Bai felt relieved after leaving the vortex. He first went to the Royal Ark to visit the three captives who were under house arrest. The Purifier was a little flustered, but still tried hard to hide his thoughts. Su Bai didn't bother with her. Since you are all captives, I want to see what tricks you can play.

Su Bai patted Tirpitz on the shoulder. The Aryan girl had a slender figure and was only two or three centimeters shorter than Su Bai. She lowered her head a little embarrassedly after being patted by Su Bai.

"Tirpitz, you can go home at the end of next month. How are you living these days?"

Tirpitz hesitated.

"Just tell me what you have to say. You are a prisoner of war, not a criminal."

"Um, I heard that you have the comic books from the previous two comic exhibitions. Can I have a look? I'm very curious."

Well, you still have this bad taste.

Su Bai didn't think much about it,"Okay, no problem, but you can only look at it at my place, you can't take it away. When you want to go, just apply to the Royal Ark or Belfast."

After visiting the three prisoners of war, Su Bai strolled in the castle humming a little tune. When he walked out of the castle, he met Guanghui.

Guanghui hurried over,"Dear, I just saw Enterprise and Hood going to the back mountain together. I saw that their expressions were not right, what happened to them?"

"It's nothing, just a dispute over the black cube. You also said that it should be solved by communication between ship girls, let them solve it themselves."

Glorious' face changed,"You actually agreed?"

"Yes, it will offend anyone anyway, let them solve it themselves."

Glorious was so angry that he could hardly speak,"You want to have one less wife, right? Do you know what the communication method between ship girls means? It means duel!"

Su Bai was dumbfounded, hey, what are you ship girls thinking about all day long, how can this be a duel?

"Hurry up, or something bad will happen if you go too late."

When Su Bai and Guanghui rushed to the back mountain, something had already happened.

The conflict between Hood and Enterprise has a long history. Hood knew Su Bai first, but Enterprise took away his position as the first wife. Hood had long been resentful, but he just had no place to speak. In this battle to capture the nameless island, Su Bai and Enterprise quickly reached a consensus, which made Hood feel marginalized again.


She wanted the black mind cube to awaken, but Enterprise wanted the same thing. Enterprise's domineering attitude made Hood extremely angry, and she naturally accepted Enterprise's request for a duel.

However, in a duel, getting angry is useless, and strength is the key to determining victory or defeat.

Enterprise's swordsmanship has reached the realm of simplicity and simplicity. Although Hood is proficient in swordsmanship, how could he be Enterprise's opponent.

People who are proficient in kendo like Akagi Kaga, the two sisters combined are not enough to beat Enterprise, so Hood is no match for Big E.

Fortunately, Enterprise showed mercy and did not use any cruel force. She just injured Hood's wrist with a sword and knocked her sword away.

Enterprise's sword stopped in front of Hood's throat, and the outcome was very clear.

"Alice, stop it!"

Su Bai rushed to the valley panting. What he saw almost frightened him to death. He was really afraid that Qiye would stab him with a sword. Looking at Qiye's red eyes, Su Bai himself felt terrified.

"Okay, I'll give you the Rubik's Cube! Don't bully Hood anymore."

Looking at Hood's pitiful tearful look, Su Bai also felt distressed.

"Why do you want to duel with Enterprise when you can't beat her?"

Hood said while wiping tears,"But I also want the black Rubik's Cube, I also want to awaken!"

Su Bai picked up Hood by the waist and hugged her like a princess,"Okay, my little princess Hood, don't cry, I will definitely give you the next Rubik's Cube! It won't look good if you cry again"......

Enterprise and Guanghui watched in silence as Su Bai picked up Hood and left. They felt their teeth were about to fall out and a chill ran through their bodies. Little

Princess Hood, why is it so disgusting!

Alas, in this world, people who cry are loved more.

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