Su Bai carried Hood back to the bedroom, bandaged her wounds personally, and took good care of her. Hood, who was originally full of anger, regained her elegant and quiet side.

It's just a Rubik's Cube. You are an enterprise and you are powerful. I won't compete with you. Anyway, the next one will be mine.

After Su Bai settled Hood, he was ready to leave.

Hood gently held his hand,"Su Bai, you haven't come to me for several days."

Su Bai smiled apologetically,"I'm sorry, I've been busy conquering the limited-time sea area these days and ignored you. I'll accompany you tonight. You have a good rest and wait for me!"

The battle was over, but there were still many things to do.

The first thing was to write a report about Siren and report it to the Governor's Office. The war was imminent and we had to be prepared. The second thing was to keep working! It was not enough for all members to be level 95. At least all members should be level 96 and the main force should be level 97. After careful calculation, Su Bai found that as long as he didn't slack off, the experience of EX-2 was still very high.

The third thing was more critical. He had to find a way to reduce the pressure of public opinion on the use of nuclear bombs.

Su Bai found the heads of Hawaii TV stations and several newspapers. Under his financial offensive, several media outlets promised to portray Su Bai as a positive hero.

For these media outlets, as long as they are paid enough, you can ask them to say that their biological mother is a virgin.

The media is just a voice without moral integrity.

Of course, money is not omnipotent. He can deal with the media in the North Pacific region, but he cannot control the media in other regions.

Some unscrupulous media in Iron Blood and Sakura Empire portrayed Su Bai as a devil who would do anything to win. In particular, the Sakura Empire media, known as the Pig Factory, used extremely scary headlines to attract attention.

"Shocking news! Demon King Su Bai used nuclear weapons for the first time in war!"

"Sad! Pandora's box has finally been opened. Where will humanity go?"

"The devil has come, and the horrific nuclear explosion destroyed the nameless island and tens of thousands of fishmen. Who will be the target of the next 21 nuclear explosions?"

Su Bai looked at these reports and secretly complained in his heart: Sakura people, if you continue to behave improperly and try to provoke a world war, then the past of the nuclear explosion in the original world will continue in this world.

The world forum and the commander chat room have exploded.

The viewpoints supporting Su Bai are very clear. The Sirens are not human beings, but the mortal enemies of human beings! It is the right choice to use any weapon against them. Nuclear bombs are just weapons with greater power. They must be used when they should be used.

Most of those who oppose Su Bai use tricks such as sophistry and personal attacks.

Su Bai has no time to talk nonsense with these people. He led the fleet to enter the EX-2 waters again. He not only has to brush experience, but also has to make some civilian versions of the strategy for others. Idiots who can't lead are not counted. Those who can liver the fleet to level 95 have room for salvation.

The war with the Sirens must be a protracted and fierce battle. , to defeat the Sirens and surround their homeland, it is impossible for his fleet of a hundred ships to accomplish it independently.

Su Bai has already brushed EX-2 to pieces, and he has also made a lot of strategy guides and put them in the boutique area of the world forum.

The most civilian one, there is no rare limited battleship, it is the simplest combination of Hu Guangqi, Dad Ma Tower, and other common ship girls.

Su Bai tried it himself, and this combination can definitely pass EX-2.

Su Bai stood on the deck of the Hood, looking at the sea that was already glowing green. Now there is no danger in brushing experience here. The location of the Sirens refresh and the strength of the fleet are already known. You just need to arrange the fleet properly and refresh it.

Hood walked out of the cabin. Today she was wearing a white dress. After last night's nourishment, Hood is now beautiful.

Su Bai stared at her stupidly and swallowed secretly.

"Are you stunned? It's not the first time we've met."Hu De's face was slightly red, and he stood side by side with Su Bai.

"Miss Alice didn't go out to sea today, and I don't know what she will be like after she awakens. It is said that the ship girl awakened by the black cube is extremely powerful."

Su Bai certainly knows this,"Blackened is twice as strong, whitened is three points weaker, this kind of thing is like this everywhere"

"Su Bai, this month's rings have been distributed. Who are you going to give them to?"

"Ahem, can I not marry you? You are enough for me."

"Really? I don't think so. Some people would give away an island for Montana. Is it just for one more ship girl? Do you believe it yourself? You put Miss Tirpitz under house arrest and played the prisoner play. Don't you have other ideas?"

"Hey, who did you learn these lewd words from?"

Hu De said with a smile,"A lustful guy like Su Bai is afraid of marrying more wives, which is really rare."

Su Bai's head was aching. No matter how good things are, he couldn't stand too many. With six wives, if he worked hard, he could take one a day and have one day to rest. If he had more, he would have to work for an adult.

"Miss Li Huamei has done me a favor, so I naturally have to protect her. This has nothing to do with love between men and women. As for Tirpitz, it's even simpler. Since Akagi Kaga, I'm no longer willing to force a ship girl to join the fleet. When this limited-time event is over, I will send her back to Iron Blood."

Hood looked at Su Bai with disdain,"If you really want Tirpitz to go back, you can do it now. Do you dare to say that you have no other thoughts? Do you dare to swear to this god?"

"Well, I have other thoughts as well, because the one we have here is the real Tirpitz, and I certainly don't want her to really go back to Iron Blood. But I don't want to force her anymore, so let her make her own choice next month." The one-day leveling journey finally ended, and Su Bai, who was a little tired, led the fleet back to Atlans.

In the bedroom of the Demon King's Castle, looking at the night sky and stars outside the window, as well as the increasingly red blood moon, Su Bai couldn't fall asleep.

Hood hugged him from behind,"Su Bai, you have a few more white hairs."

"Well, people always have white hair when they get old."

Hu De sat up and said,"Nonsense, my Su Bai doesn't look old at all, you are not allowed to say that."

"Well said, then I will prove to you that I am still young!"

Su Bai threw Hood to the ground. Hood's blue eyes were the brightest stars in the night. It was enough for him to have such a beauty by his side.

Hood closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembling slightly, waiting for the favor of his lover.

The night was so beautiful tonight. The sea breeze blew across the quiet Atlans Island. The sound of the waves was the best accompaniment to this night. It was another warm night....

On the top of the mountain on Atlans Island, there stood a girl with long flowing hair. It was Enterprise. She had completely absorbed the black mind cube. At this moment, her whole body was shrouded in black mist. Her awakening had begun.

It was late at night, and the dark clouds were as black as ink, blocking the light of the blood moon. The black mist on Enterprise's body continued to expand, covering her entire body. The dark clouds that covered most of the sky were as black as ink. The lightning tore through the dark sky with a terrifying sound, swooping down violently, and rushed straight to Enterprise in the black mist!

If someone noticed this at this time, they would definitely be stunned. It was just an awakening, why did it seem like a tribulation.

Enterprise raised her head from the black mist, her red eyes staring at the sky, and the lightning just hit her body and disappeared.

Just used her body to block it?

Enterprise's calm attitude made the tribulation in the dark clouds even more violent.

Enterprise's body merged with the black fog, wrapping up the falling lightning. She chose to eat the thundercloud storm head-on, forcibly absorbing the energy to strengthen herself.

Amid the continuous explosions, the black fog gradually thickened. A girl with flying silver hair and a fairy-like face laughed wildly in the face of the dark clouds and lightning.

"Just come, let me see this divine punishment, what's so great about it."

Thunder and lightning fell one after another, exploding in the sky.

This huge movement awakened the people in the Demon King's castle. Su Bai and Hood, who were turning the tide, were also stunned. What happened? Is the end of the world coming? After hurriedly getting dressed, Su Bai and Hood came to Mount Atlans, and they saw Enterprise on the top of the mountain.

Many ship girls who came to watch were stunned. Although everyone knew that this was a magical world, it was too magical!

Rounds of thunder and lightning kept falling, and Enterprise calmly absorbed the energy of lightning in the black fog. Enterprise knew very well that lightning was just electrical energy, but this energy was too violent for ordinary people to bear.

If it was Enterprise before awakening, it would be dead now. But the super energy brought by the black mind cube allows Enterprise to withstand it.

She sneered and opened her arms,���Bathed in thunder and lightning.

Su Bai was so frightened that his whole body was shaking. If he knew that awakening was so dangerous, he would rather destroy this black cube or hand it over to the headquarters.

Every time a thunderbolt fell, it was like a heavy hammer hitting Su Bai's heart. The power of nature is definitely not something that human power can contend with.

This world is too stupid. Shouldn't the awakening of the ship girl use the awakening props, and then play a cutscene of the transformation of the monkey shochu and be done with it? How did it really become a tribulation!

Su Bai's heart was in his throat. If Enterprise really had an accident, he would have no place to cry.

Fortunately, perhaps it was Enterprise's luck against heaven, the thunderclouds gradually dissipated, and the black fog on Enterprise's body gradually dissipated, and the awakening was successful.

Su Bai rushed up excitedly,"I'm glad you're okay, my wife."

Enterprise slowly turned around and looked at Su Bai expressionlessly.

Su Bai was stunned. Is this really Enterprise? Her eyes turned from dark blue to black, and there was no expression on her face. If the enterprises in the past only became killing machines in battle, then the enterprises now are like sharp swords.

"How come you don't even recognize your own wife?"

Enterprise's tone was a little cold, but it was still her.

"Don't scare me, it's just an awakening, why do I feel like a different person?"

"Isn't that better? You've got one more wife."

"Okay, don't stand here, let's go home."

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight sprinkled into the bedroom of the Demon King's Castle. Su Bai was completely dazed. He was sure that this Enterprise was not the same Enterprise as before.

How could he not know what his wife looks like? Not only did her appearance change, but the bright red on the bed sheet said it all.

How can someone be a girl twice!

Su Bai looked at the sleeping Enterprise, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. This black mind cube was too scary. He didn't dare to face this black Enterprise.

Is she Alice? Where is my Alice!

Enterprise finally woke up, she stretched, climbed up, and looked at Su Bai's expression of seeing a ghost, and Enterprise chuckled.

"Were you panicked last night? Were you surprised?"

"Surprise? I was almost scared to death. Who are you, my Alice?"

"I am Alice. There is no doubt that awakening is a transformation of life. My body has been completely reshaped, but my soul is still me."

Enterprise grabbed Su Bai's hand and placed it on his chest,"Listen, she is the same as before. I am still me, but I have become stronger, that's all."

Su Bai thought to himself, not only have you become stronger, but you have also become evil.

Su Bai's hands wandered over Enterprise's body, trying to find that familiar feeling. Enterprise's skin is still as smooth and soft. Well, it doesn't matter whether she is a black enterprise or a white enterprise, as long as she is still my Alice, still my wife.

Enterprise pulled Su Bai back into the bed,"I want more!"......

It was almost noon when Su Bai and Enterprise came to the dock. After awakening, they could rebuild an aircraft carrier as Enterprise's new battleship.

The construction price of the awakened battleship was ten times that of an ordinary battleship. Fifteen thousand supplies and twenty mind cubes were put into the construction pool.

The construction time was twelve hours. It was too long. Let's not wait and use fast construction directly.

With the sound of ding-dong-dong, a brand new aircraft carrier drove out of the dock.

Looking at this aircraft carrier, Su Bai was quite speechless. What kind of aircraft carrier is this!

Seeing the CVN-65 on the hull number, Su Bai didn't know how to complain. But it seems to make sense when you think about it. After the nuclear explosion, the black mind cube appeared, and then the new battleship built by Enterprise became the Nimitz-class Enterprise.

Of course, although it is CVN-65, its attributes have been weakened a lot, and its attributes are roughly equivalent to the Midway-class aircraft carrier.

Although Su Bai has become accustomed to this magical world, such magical things still make him a little unable to adapt.

Su Bai and Qiye boarded the aircraft carrier and looked at the F-14 Tomcat fighter on the deck、F-18 Super Hornet fighter, EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft、E-2."Hawkeye" early warning aircraft, Su Bai is already too tired to complain.

Yes, the attributes have been weakened, but the early warning aircraft is too amazing!

"Honey, it's time for us to go out to sea and see the power of these new guys."

EX-2 The unfortunate Siren Phantoms in the sea area became the first victims of this killer weapon. Su Bai and Enterprise were on the E-2 Hawkeye early warning aircraft, commanding the battle in the air.

Watching the warships being quickly destroyed by the Tomcat and Super Hornet formations, Su Bai didn't know whether to be happy or feel sorry for these unfortunate enemies.

Enterprise's face flushed with excitement, and he watched the battle in the sea area below like a child.

Su Bai looked at Enterprise and said,"As long as my wife is happy, it's fine. What the enemy thinks is not our business.

Added by: Naruto789

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