After Su Bai made the strategy and information of EX-2 public on the forum, other hardcore players gradually began to clear the game.

The commander from the Indian Ocean Governor's District, the commander from the Iron Blood, the admiral from the Sakura Empire, and the hardcore hardcore players from other governor's districts all broke through EX-2.

Of course, EX-3 will only appear once. After Su Bai nukes it, the mysterious island will not refresh the enemy again.

Later commanders can only board the deserted island and admire the devastation left after the explosion of the"little girl". Later commanders naturally did not know that there would be such a heaven-defying prop as the black mind cube.

The event soon came to an end. The originally planned action of the Iron Blood and Siren forces to attack the commander's port was also cancelled because the Siren forward camp was nuked.

At this moment, whether you are used to Su Bai or not, everyone has to thank him because he saved many salted fish commanders. On

December 17th of the first year of the Azure Calendar, the first large-scale limited-time event that lasted for one and a half months ended. During this event, among the tens of thousands of commanders worldwide, only one person cleared EX-3, that is, Su Bai; more than 20 commanders cleared EX-2; more than 100 cleared EX-1; more than 200 cleared D4. There are only a few hundred people who can fish out or build Tirpitz, accounting for about 5% of all commanders.

Among these people, there is one person who is very embarrassed, that is Su Bai.

He said too much, resulting in Tirpitz being in his Demon King's Castle, but not his ship girl.

Su Bai is also helpless. If Tirpitz really leaves, he will lose this illustration and the strongest battleship in the current version.

Su Bai laughed at himself. Do you regret it? You will be struck by lightning for pretending to be generous. No, I don't regret it. The matter of Akagi Kaga is enough once.

Without Tirpitz, my fleet is still the best in the world!

Su Bai held a small farewell dinner, attended by his wives and a group of iron-blooded ship girls.

The dinner was not very long, mainly traditional dishes from the Iron Blood, including various smoked sausages, ham, bread, cheese, wine-pickled carp, roasted game meat with sauerkraut, Baden spotted trout fillet, and wraps.

The side dishes were some vegetable salads.

The wine was large barrels of beer, including dark beer, white beer, and yellow beer. They were all specially ordered from the Iron Blood.

Tirpitz was also very moved to see these hometown dishes.

After Su Bai gave a brief speech, the dinner began.

"Miss Tirpitz, are you really unwilling to stay? Commander Su Bai is the best commander in the world. He is very kind to everyone, and there are many sisters from his hometown here."

Prince Eugen persuaded, she was really reluctant to leave Tirpitz. In the port area, there were few ship girls of the Iron Blood faction, and there was no backbone. After finally coming to Tirpitz, she wanted to run away.

Tirpitz hesitated for a moment, and finally said,"I still want to go back and meet my sister. I haven't seen her for a long time."

Su Bai stopped the other ship girls,"Okay, let's not talk about this today. I didn't call you here to persuade you to surrender. Everyone should eat what they should eat and drink what they should drink. Don't think about such troublesome things. Come on, Tirpitz, let's have a drink!"


Tirpitz raised the big beer glass and drank a whole liter of beer. It had an authentic malt flavor, the taste of home. It seemed that the commander had really put a lot of thought into her.

Tirpitz had been in the Demon King's Castle these days.

Except for the limited freedom, everything else was fine.

She even gained a little weight.

The thousands of fan fictions collected by Su Bai were her favorites.

She couldn't help herself from those exquisite picture books, especially the sister lesbian book of Bismarck and Tirpitz.

She couldn't stop reading it every night.

She couldn't sleep peacefully.

The biggest hobby of the homegirl Tirpitz was to read and draw fan fictions.

During this month, she had nothing to do in the Demon King's Castle.

It also added a few more books to Su Bai's collection.

Facing the impending departure, she was also a little sad. If she just left, there would be an empty space in Su Bai's atlas, and the main fleet would have one less powerful battleship than others.

Tirpitz felt a little uneasy. It was really unfair to Su Bai to leave like this. Although he was a demon king and an absolute bastard, he was really good to the ship girls.

But I really miss home. It's so contradictory.

Su Bai personally cut a piece of ham for Tirpitz, put it in the bread and handed it to Tirpitz,"Miss Tirpitz, don't think so much. Going home is everyone's most sincere wish. I hope you can forget the unpleasantness of falling into the water and go home in a good mood.¨¨ "

Hood's teeth almost soured when he saw Su Bai's attentiveness. What's this? Are you trying to recruit a ship girl or pick up a girl? You really don't even care about your face.

Tirpitz took the bread and her eyes were red. When had this lonely northern homegirl ever felt such warmth?

Stay! It will be good here.

No, you can't stay! You are an iron-blooded soldier, how can you be bewitched by the enemy's means?

The two villains kept fighting in Tirpitz's brain.

The farewell banquet is always the saddest, and the farewell wine is always the easiest to get drunk. Tirpitz drank too much without knowing it, Su Bai also drank too much, and a group of iron-blooded ship girls also drank too much.

Su Bai didn't know how he left the banquet hall. He only vaguely remembered that he seemed to have volunteered to send Miss Tirpitz back to the room, and then he didn't remember anything.

Beer can't make you drunk, and you can't wake up after being drunk. These fermented malt juices made Su Bai's consciousness begin to blur, and his feet were also spinning.

Well, never mind, just go. If your heart is not here, how can you force someone to stay? What's the difference between that and robbery? Although Tirpitz is good, he is not my type.

Well, my wife is better. When Su Bai was in a daze, he felt a soft body lying beside him.

My dear wife, you are drunk too. Well, the long silver hair and tall figure should be Alice.

Oh, why are you hiding? We are already husband and wife, and it's not the first time. Really, you are still hiding. You can't hide anymore, just come to my mouth obediently....

Su Bai's head was dizzy. What happened last night? Yes, I remember. I held a banquet to see Tirpitz off last night. She should leave today.

Then, I sent Tirpitz back to her room.

Then, Enterprise's wife accompanied me to rest. It's strange. She was very shy last night. Haha, Alice, what happened to you last night?

Su Bai turned around and was dumbfounded on the spot.

It was not Enterprise who was here last night, but Tirpitz!

Yes, they look a bit similar, their figures are also very similar, and they both have long silver hair. Did I send Tirpitz to my room yesterday?

Su Bai carefully lifted the quilt, and a touch of bright red seemed to accuse him of his mistakes last night.

No, this is no longer a fault, this is a crime!

Su Bai was confused. Guanghui, you lied to me. Didn't you say that men can't do anything when they are drunk?

He didn't dare to face Tirpitz, but he had to face her because Tirpitz was awake.

This iron-blooded homegirl certainly knew what happened last night, and the tearing pain from her lower body made her feel even more painful.

She didn't know how to face Su Bai. Should she blame him? Drunken behavior should not be taken seriously. Should she not blame him? Then she would be in big trouble.

Tirpitz was filled with grief, tears welling up in his eyes, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Su Bai was completely panicked. With trembling hands, he grabbed the tissue on the bedside and went to help Tirpitz wipe away her tears.

""Yes, I'm sorry."

Tirpitz slapped him, leaving five fingerprints on Su Bai's face.

"You bastard! You despicable lecher!"

Tirpitz couldn't hold it in any longer, tears welled up in her eyes, she bit her lip and started to put on her clothes, but she didn't know where the buttons of her clothes had gone. After arbitrarily tidying up her clothes, Tirpitz looked at her embarrassed self in the mirror, her eyes went dark, and she fainted.

Su Bai caught Tirpitz and laid her flat on the bed. It was embarrassing! It was embarrassing in capital letters. How could she face this?

""Knock, knock, knock!" There was a knock on the door.

Su Bai quickly put on his clothes and opened the door nervously. It was Belfast.

The head maid took out an exquisite little box and handed it to Su Bai,"This is what Alice asked me to give you. It's the seventh ring of promise. You should know how to use it."

Su Bai was so ashamed that he almost crawled into the crack of the ground, humming with a mosquito.���The voice said,"Know......"

"There is one more thing, Commander, please lower your head a little."

Su Bai lowered his head in confusion, and Belfast slapped him in the face. Now there was a slap mark on each of his cheeks.

"This is a gift that Miss Hood asked me to give you. Please keep it. Miss Hood also asked me to tell you something."

"If you can't convince me, just sleep with me. Lord Su Bai is really capable. I admire you!"

Poof! Su Bai spat out a mouthful of blood. I really didn't mean it!

Su Bai tidied himself up and sat carefully on the edge of the bed. Finally, Tirpitz woke up and looked at Su Bai expressionlessly.

Su Bai quickly slid in front of Tirpitz and knelt on one knee. He took out the ring of oath from the small box,"Miss Tirpitz, what happened last night was a beautiful misunderstanding arranged by the gods. Since it was arranged by the gods, then you will marry me!"

Tirpitz was dumbfounded. There are such shameless people in the world!

"Get a girl drunk, sleep with her first and then propose to her, is this how you White Eagles propose? Sorry, I'm a very traditional girl, I can't accept this. Who do you think I am!"

Su Bai smiled awkwardly,"Ms. Tirpitz, I can swear to the gods that I definitely didn't do this on purpose."

"I know, and I don't want to blame you. If you did it on purpose, I would have killed you!"

Tirpitz grabbed Su Bai's collar and lifted him up,"My impression of you now is -200! You see clearly! Forget it, since you did it unintentionally, I can't blame you. I am your prisoner, and it is your right to treat me however you want. You are not the first person to defile prisoners. I want to go home!" Tirpitz stood up. It hurt so much. She endured the pain and walked out. She didn't want to stay in this place that made her completely ashamed for a minute.

Su Bai understood that if Tirpitz walked out of this door, he would lose her forever.

There was no need to think about whether to save face or Tirpitz! Su Bai pounced on her and hugged her from behind.

"I'm sorry, I admit that I'm shameless and lowly, I just want your body, just give in to me, okay?"

Tirpitz turned around and looked at Su Bai with both anger and amusement,"¨. How can there be such a commander? You are a demon king, how shameless."

Su Bai took out Tirpitz's connecting flight ticket from his pocket and tore it up directly,"Tirpitz, you can't leave anymore, stay."

Tirpitz was speechless. What kind of person is this? But looking at Su Bai's cautious and cunning appearance, she really couldn't get angry. Alas, maybe this is the punishment of the gods.

"You can stay, but I will never accept your proposal! I'll wait until you make me feel touched and fall in love with you."

Su Bai finally felt relieved. As long as you are willing to stay, everything will be fine.

Tirpitz was finally slept with.

Although she was still a little angry, she had already lost her virginity to this bastard. Where else could she go? Now, except Su Bai, who else would treat her as a treasure? Even if she returned to the Iron Blood, where could she go? Speaking of which, although Su Bai was shameless, he was still very good to her.

After making a fuss for most of the day, it was time for lunch in the restaurant. Yesterday was Miss Tirpitz's farewell party, and today was her welcome ceremony to join the fleet. The ups and downs of life are so exciting.

Tirpitz became the 150th ship girl to join the fleet.

Su Bai gave an impassioned welcome speech on the stage. At this time, he had just broken through the hidden map of the heterochromatic grid EX-3, and he was in high spirits. However, the two slap marks on his face greatly reduced his image.

When Su Bai was speaking impassionedly on the stage, the ship girls below were whispering.

"Hey, have you heard? The commander has proposed to Miss Tirpitz."


"It's true. I was responsible for picking up the bed sheets they changed at noon. There were bloodstains on them."

"Wow, this is so exciting"

"Yes, yes, I heard that there was a lot of noise last night, and many people heard it."

Su Bai's face was still burning when he walked down from the stage. What kind of rumors had spread? Was there really such a big noise last night? Su Bai sat back in his seat. The six wives looked at him with a smile, which made him even more embarrassed.

"I didn't expect that the seventh one is actually an iron-blooded sister. Commander, you are quite capable. You have collected all the ship girls from the four major naval powers. By the way, do you like the morning gift?"

(Zhao Zhaohao)

"Ahem, I like it. I like everything that Hood’s wife gives me."

Hood smiled and pushed another small box over."I know you are busy and don’t have time to prepare a gift. I prepared this for you. You can send it yourself.""

"Uh, thank you."

Akagi Kaga looked at the handprints on both sides of Su Bai's face and couldn't help laughing. As the two of them laughed, everyone at the table was amused, and the air was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Belfast saw Tirpitz still hiding in the corner and walked over,"Mrs. Tirpitz, you can't sit here anymore. This is the seat for prisoners of war. Please follow me."

After saying goodbye to Elena and the Purifier, Tirpitz followed Belfast to Su Bai's dining table.

"This is the seat for the Demon King and his wives. You will sit here from now on."

"I don't want to, I haven't decided to marry him yet."Tirpitz protested in a low voice.

Enterprise raised his head, looking at Tirpitz with a sharp gaze,"I told you to sit here, just sit here, do you still need me to invite you?"

Enterprise's black eyes full of destructive aura scared Tirpitz so much that she almost couldn't stand. She smiled awkwardly and sat down carefully at the corner of the table. It was too scary. Ever since Enterprise completed her awakening, her every word and action made people feel fear involuntarily. Especially her eyes, which did not show any human emotions. At first glance, they seemed as deep as the abyss. How could Tirpitz dare to look her in the eye.

As Tirpitz sat down at this table, all the ship girls were in an uproar. It seemed that the rumors were true!

Miss Tirpitz, no, Mrs. Tirpitz will be the seventh lucky person to obtain the oath.

""Tirpitz, can you tell me your real name?" Su Bai said with a smile. He wanted to find some topics to break the awkward atmosphere. After all, it's a bit overwhelming for seven women to stare at you without eating.

Tirpitz curled his lips and said,"I dare not contradict the big sister of the enterprise, so I dare not contradict you.""Huh, I'll tell you when I'm in a good mood.".......

This is my mother: Naruto789

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