As night fell, Su Bai accompanied Enterprise to the top of Mount Atlans, where Enterprise awakened and overcame the tribulation.

"Alice, I have something to say for a few days. I always feel that you have become a different person since you awakened."

"It has changed in the first place. Haven't you tried it? Can a person be a girl twice?"

"Hey, you know that's not what I meant."

"Don't worry, I just can't suppress the power of destruction temporarily. I am still me, and I will always be the soft and cute Alice in front of you. Don't worry."

Su Bai looked at the aura of destruction and murderous eyes shrouded in Enterprise, and couldn't say a word for a long time. How can I not worry about you like this?

"Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. Tomorrow the headquarters will hold a meeting to commend the achievements of the heterochromatic grid. Who are you going to take with you?"

"You and Hood come with me, okay?"

"I won't go. I don't plan to appear in front of outsiders for the time being. Besides, I have been to the headquarters more than once. Take Tirpitz there. She hasn't been there yet. Take the opportunity yourself."

Is this the majesty of the queen? Su Bai said no more, just accompanied Enterprise to stand on the top of the mountain and look at the sea view in the distance.

After the heterochromatic task was completed, the blood moon disappeared, and the moon gradually returned to its original color. However, tonight, the moon gradually became bloody again.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Siren's attack should be in these days."

"It should be. When humans are most relaxed, that's when they attack. What better opportunity is there than a celebration banquet after a fierce battle?"

After the color grid, most commanders will give the ship girls a holiday, and many commanders even bought tickets to Atlantis, preparing to spend a lively Christmas on the beach in the southern hemisphere in the midsummer.

"It should be Christmas Day."

Su Bai smiled bitterly,"These bastards are really good at picking dates. They originally planned to hold a party on that day."

"The time when you least want the enemy to come is when they come. It's night, time to rest."

Su Bai only brought Tirpitz with him when he went to the headquarters for a meeting. The other wives had been to the headquarters before, so this time he should take Tirpitz to see it for himself.

The helicopter landed at the airport, and it was Alanis who had not been there for a long time to greet him. This arrogant girl always had a bad face when she saw Su Bai, and this time was no exception.

After all, Su Bai had sunk her brother Amon in a battle in public waters, and this time the synchronized heterochromatic event around the world had made a big splash again. It would be strange if Alanis could give him a good face.

Alanis saluted,

"Lord Demon, welcome to the headquarters"

"You're welcome, lead the way."

Elanis said as she walked,"I heard that among the medals given to you this time, there is a medal for the Nuclear Peace Guardian."

Su Bai responded calmly,"Someone has to go and break through the nameless island. Since others can't do it, I can only stand up."

Elanis was a little angry. Am I talking about this? She said mockingly,"My Lord Demon, those are tens of thousands of Sirens. You really have the guts to do it."

Su Bai smiled contemptuously,"You also know that there are tens of thousands of Siren warriors. Have you ever thought about how many humans they will kill when they fight in Hawaii? Dead Sirens are good Sirens. If you don't even understand this truth, then you should retire. It is a crime against the Azure Camp for a fool like you to serve in the army."

Elanis was furious. Every time she quarreled with Su Bai, she couldn't get any advantage. She glanced at Tirpitz and quickly changed the subject,"This is Miss Tirpitz, this should be the third ship girl you have occupied!"

Tirpitz replied indifferently:"It's not a seizure. Lord Su Bai pulled me out of the icy sea, so my service to him is the rule ordained by the gods, and you don't need to make irresponsible remarks."

Elanis was almost blinded by anger. It was always like this. This Su Bai didn't give him face, and the same was true for his ship girls.

Su Bai laughed,"Okay, stop staring at me all the time, Miss Elanis. I don't think I have ever offended you."

Yes, why do I always target him? Is it really because of his bad moral character? But among the nobles, there are many people with bad moral character. Su Bai is still good.

This time Su Bai stayed at the Shangri-La Hotel again. He and Tirpitz lived in the presidential suite.

This is the annual commendation meeting. In addition to Queen Elizabeth, the nominal leader of the Azure Camp, White Eagle Commander Roosevelt will also come to the scene to award medals to the heroes. Because the level of the meeting is very high, it is scheduled to be held the next day. Today is a leisure time for the commander and the ship girls.

Su Bai took Tirpitz out

"Tirpitz, you should stop wearing military uniform all day. When you are not fighting, you should change into casual clothes. Come on, I will take you to buy new clothes."

"Commander, what is this? Is this a date?"

"Yes, I formally invite you to go shopping with me"

"Then I refuse! I don't want to date someone who just raped me"

"This is an order!"

"Humph, I understand. As you command."

Although Tirpitz was a little reluctant, he still followed Su Bai out obediently. In the most prosperous commercial district of Honolulu, Su Bai took Tirpitz to a clothing store.

"Hello, sir. Are you here to pick out clothes for your wife? Please come in."

"This lady is from the Iron Blood, right? Ah, judging from your appearance, you must be Miss Tirpitz!"

"Uh, yes, how do you know me?"

The waiter smiled,"That's called professionalism. I'm very familiar with the Ship Girls' illustrations. Commanders always like to come here to choose the Ship Girls they like.���Clothing"

"Then please recommend the best dress for Miss Tirpitz!"

"No need to choose, it must be this one."

The waiter knew Su Bai, of course. He took Su Bai and Tirpitz into the VIP room and opened the hidden closet.

"This dress was designed by an artist from the Kingdom of Sardinia. It is no longer a dress, but a work of art. Only a lady with the appearance and temperament of Ms. Tirpitz can match it. By the way, the name of this dress is"Iron Blood Ice Wind!"

Both Su Bai and Tirpitz were attracted by this dress.

After changing into the dress, Tirpitz walked out of the dressing room. Su Bai stood up excitedly.

What is suitable, what is perfect, this is perfect!

The scepter inlaid with rubies, the dress with pure white outside and pure red inside, has both the majesty of military uniforms and the charm of evening dresses. Moreover, Tirpitz actually has a hidden E cup, which Su Bai had never expected.

Tirpitz looked at herself in the mirror and was also stunned. Is this really herself? She rarely looks at herself so carefully. Am I really beautiful too?

""So beautiful!" Su Bai exclaimed,"Tirpitz, this dress is tailor-made for you. It's like the Ice Queen coming to the world.""

"Waiter, I bought it!"

"Lord Su Bai, this dress cannot be purchased with gold coins, it must be purchased with diamonds. Of course, since you are a noble, you can enjoy a 20% discount."

"Bought! Pack it up for me now! Oh, and give her two sets of clothes for daily wear, as well as high heels and jewelry!"

The waiter smiled happily. Lord Su Bai was indeed the richest commander in the entire Hong Kong area. He always spent a lot of money when shopping. Anyone who reported this big thick leg could make a lot of money. The commission for this order was more than half a year's salary.

Tirpitz said a little embarrassedly:"Lord Su Bai, don't spend money on me. I'm just a home girl who likes fan comics."

"Tirpitz, you know what? Before I became a commander, I was just a nerd who liked comics. This doesn't affect your normal life."

Tirpitz smiled,"Really?"

"Of course it's true. Have you forgotten the hundreds of fan fiction books I collected? Who would buy so many if they weren't otakus!" Tirpitz instantly forgot her troubles. She suddenly felt that this bastard commander was quite cute.

After leaving the clothing store, she went to buy cosmetics, perfumes, and bags. Tirpitz said,"No, there are too many," but she still happily accepted these things.

Finally, when Su Bai couldn't carry anything anymore, they felt a little hungry, so they went to a Michelin restaurant and ordered a French couple's meal.

The waiter asked politely,"Sir, how well done would you like your steak? I recommend five or seven."

"Medium rare"

"First, sir, but there is no medium-rare steak."

"I said six points���Six points, do I eat or do I eat? Go quickly."

The waiter bowed helplessly and asked Tirpitz,"Madam, where is your steak?"

"I don't like things that are too raw, I just want them to be medium rare."

The waiter looked very unhappy. Are you two here to make trouble? But the customer is God, so he had to satisfy the two's request.

After the waiter left, Tirpitz felt like laughing. She always felt happy to play pranks with her friends. She finally couldn't help laughing.

Su Bai also laughed. Miss Tirpitz was able to laugh, and he felt much better.

"Lord Su Bai, I find that you are not so cold-blooded and boring."

"Ahem, do I have such a bad image in your eyes?"

"Do you think it should be good? You didn't follow the procedure and forcibly took me back. First, you put me under house arrest, then you got me drunk and treated me as your wife. Should I thank you? Humph, you were holding me, but you were calling Alice's name. I was really angry."


"Don't say these three words. If you dare to say these three words again, I will definitely beat you up."

The waiter brought up the medium-rare and medium-rare steaks with a dark face, and then placed the various dishes one by one.

Su Bai actually didn't like this kind of formal Western food at all. It was so troublesome to eat. He wanted to complain, but with Tirpitz around, he held back.

"Oh, I really don't like sitting here and eating Western food. It feels so troublesome. In fact, I just want a big burrito with a big piece of smoked ham and lettuce, and ketchup on it. It's so satisfying to eat that way."

Tirpitz smiled embarrassedly,"Isn't that not very ladylike?"

"Who said that! That's true. I also liked this kind of food before I became a commander. It's called hand-pulled pancake in our hometown."

"Really? Commander, you won't dislike me?"

"Of course not, I just feel very friendly".

This is my mother: Naruto789

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