Because of a few complaints in the western restaurant, Su Bai and Tirpitz suddenly found common ground with each other.

Su Bai also sighed that it was not that it was difficult for otakus and otakus to fall in love, but that poverty and ugliness were the only obstacles to love.

As long as you have money and good looks, even a notorious guy like himself can sit here and enjoy a happy time with the beautiful Miss Tirpitz.

After the two found a common topic, they got closer and closer. When they talked, they leaned forward, and the distance between them was inadvertently shortened.

At this time, the pianist in the restaurant began to play music, a song for Alice. Tirpitz frowned, walked over, and said a few words to him. The pianist's jaw almost dropped.

However, he still met the customer's request with a black face.

The pianist took a tragic breath and smashed his fingers on the keys.

After the music sounded, many diners' knives and forks fell to the ground. What kind of music is this!

Su Bai was also dumbfounded. Why does this thing sound so strange?

Tirpitz couldn't help laughing."This is a folk song from my hometown, the Little Crocodile Song. Commander, do you like it?"

"Not only do I like it, I can also sing it. Let me sing you a verse! Listen carefully."


" Su Bai could n't hold back his laughter. This song had been played countless times in the original world because the word schnappi was similar to shark skin. Of course he remembered the tune.

Su Bai's plastic German made Tirpitz happily pound the table.

"Commander, you are such an interesting person."

"Ahem, we still have a lot of time to spend together in the future, and I have a lot of interesting things to say."

The waiter finally couldn't help it and came over,"Sir, Madam, this is a high-end restaurant."

Su Bai took out his gold card and slapped it on the table with disdain,"I am a noble, and I eat in high-end restaurants."

The waiter's mouth twitched. It seems that he has met a rich second generation. His head hurts.

"However, this is an elegant place, please be restrained."

"Don't pretend to me, this is a cafeteria. If it weren't for a date, why would you come to this place to eat these insatiable foods?"

Tirpitz was almost crying with laughter.

"Su Bai, don't argue with the waiter, it's not easy for him either. Okay, let's go, let's pay the bill!"

The waiter wiped the sweat from his forehead and said,"My dears, you are finally leaving." After leaving the restaurant, Su Bai and Tirpitz laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten their waists.

"Su Bai, I find you to be a very interesting person. Today is my happiest day."

"I am very happy too, but you probably haven't eaten enough."

"Yeah, that steak is a lie."

"Western food is just for the atmosphere. If you want to eat well and be full, you still have to look at Donghuang cuisine. Look, there is a Donghuang Food Street in front, let's go and have a look!"

On the food street, the two found a Shandong dumpling restaurant and ordered a large plate of dumplings stuffed with pork and green onions.

When the fragrant dumplings were served, Su Bai's appetite was greatly stimulated. This is a real delicacy. What about eight-point or six-point steaks? They are just for fun. If you want to be full, you have to have solid dumplings.

Tirpitz frowned,"I don't know how to use chopsticks, what should I do?"

"Let me teach you!"

Tirpitz clumsily picked up the slippery dumplings with chopsticks, and failed several times, pouting in anger.

Su Bai quickly picked up the dumplings,"Forget it, I'll feed you." Just as Su Bai and Tirpitz were playing the feeding play, a girl next to them couldn't stand this blatant act of showing off their love.

"Mr. Su Bai, every time you come to the headquarters, you have a different female companion. You are really good at it."

It's Alanis again. Why is she always haunting me? This time, before Su Bai could fight back, Tirpitz spoke first.

"Miss Alanis? You have never been in love, have you?"


"Look at your face. You have acne due to the imbalance of yin and yang. What you should look for most is not Su Bai's trouble, but a man who is willing to care for you."

Elanis's lips trembled with anger, and she slammed the door and left. Why is it that every time she meets Su Bai, she will be very angry.

After eating the dumplings, the two took a walk along the coastal road, chatting casually, talking and laughing as they walked around the beach, and returned to the hotel.

This is a bit embarrassing, because the headquarters always arranges a suite for the commanders. As for whether you are willing to bring your wife or whoever you want to bring, that is your own business.

The ship girls that Su Bai had brought to the headquarters for a meeting were the six he had married.

But what about Tirpitz?

If we talk about a close relationship, they have already torn off that layer of window paper in a daze, but that was done without either of them realizing it.

If we talk about a distant relationship, Tirpitz's favorability towards him has just reached 0 until today.

"Well, I'll take a shower first."

Su Bai went into the bathroom first.

Tirpitz was a little curious. It was well known that this man was lustful, so why was he so polite?

After a while, Su Bai finished his shower and went into his room. He comforted his little brother in his heart,"Don't be anxious, you will get it eventually, why are you anxious!"

Tirpitz walked into the bathroom, took off her clothes, and looked at her perfect curves in the mirror. She bit her lip. Men are really strange creatures.

Tirpitz soaked in the bathtub, enjoying the comfort brought by the warm water. Maybe staying here is really a good choice.

Tirpitz changed into pajamas. He saw Su Bai hiding in the small room and found it funny, so she also went into the small room and jumped onto the bed.

Tirpitz smiled with curved eyebrows,"Su Bai, what kind of wine do you need tonight?"

"Ahem, well, drinking will delay things. We still have to attend the commendation ceremony tomorrow, so go to bed early."

Tirpitz stopped teasing Su Bai and lay down beside Su Bai, as obedient as a Persian cat, and rested quietly.

Unfortunately, she slept well. Su Bai was full of yang energy all night, and only slept for a while in the second half of the night.

The morning light dispelled the night, and the birds began to sing pleasant morning songs in the sky. Su Bai woke up and found that Tirpitz had slept in his arms without any image last night.

Su Bai got up and changed his clothes. Today was a very important moment. He would definitely be promoted, but he didn't know how much benefit he could get for his ship girls.

Tirpitz also changed into a formal military uniform and accompanied Su Bai to the conference hall of the Governor's Mansion.

On the way, they met many commanders from other ports.

Heinrich of Guadalcanal, a German-born White Eagle, is also a super master who has recently emerged as the fourth on the strength list. When he saw Su Bai, he came up and greeted him enthusiastically,"Hi, Mr. Su Bai! I haven't had time to thank you for helping me last time. And your guide, without it, I can't pass EX-2"

"Mr. Heinrich, you are too polite. With the strength of your fleet, you can only open up new land a few more times. This little thing is not worth mentioning."

Heinrich took out an exquisite jewelry box from his pocket," This little thing is for Mr. Su Bai and Miss Tirpitz."

Heinrich glanced at Su Bai's slightly dark circles under his eyes,"Mr. Demon King, although beautiful women are good, you must learn to be restrained!"

After saying this, Heinrich smiled slightly and left quickly.

Wait, you come back to me, I was innocent last night!

At the beginning of the commendation meeting, Governor Nimitz gave a speech in person. He praised Su Bai's achievements generously and praised the commanders who were active in this event.

Of course, he also expressed regret for those salted fish.

"Young men, you are all young, you like to have fun, you like beautiful women, I can understand all of this, I was young once too."

The audience burst into laughter

"At the beginning of this year, you were 300 people, but now, there are only more than 260 left. No matter what you want to do, strength is the foundation of your foothold in this world. This time, the alien grid and Su Bai broke through the nameless island, and you all escaped. If the enemies of the alien grid really landed, how many of you would be able to sit here alive?"

Nimitz sighed lightly,"Young man, don't lie there and enjoy when you should be fighting the most, otherwise you will regret it."

The whole audience was silent, and those guys who usually played as insignificant people lowered their heads involuntarily. Yes, I survived this time by luck, but what about next time? I'll have such good luck every time.

In the end, Su Bai was awarded the title of Viscount, and his military rank was promoted to Vice Admiral of the Navy. At the same time, he was also given the titles of four subordinate landless barons and a large number of royal knights and knights. More than a dozen other commanders with outstanding military exploits were conferred the title of baron.

The Queen personally awarded Su Bai the title. Governor Nimitz awarded Su Bai three medals: Nuclear Peace Guardian, Heterogeneous Pioneer, and Heterogeneous Conqueror. Other commanders who passed EX-2 also received the Heterogeneous Conqueror Medal.

Finally, Su Bai spoke on behalf of the commanders.

When Su Bai came on stage, he was a little speechless. What was going on? The White Eagle in this time and space also liked to do this.

Su Bai had no choice but to go on stage,"Your Majesty, Governor Nimitz, and colleagues. I was surprised to be asked to be the representative of this commander. For some well-known reasons, my reputation has always been bad."

·· ·Request flowers·· ···

The voices below started to boo,"Who said that! Lord Demon King is the light of the human race!"

Su Bai took a look and saw it was Aimeier."Fuck you! You are the one who always opposes me and now you want to put me on the fire."

Su Bai smiled slightly,"Actually, I don't have any ambitions. I just want a territory of my own and live a shameless life with my beloved ship girl."

There was laughter from everyone below, and everyone expressed disbelief,"Come on, you can stay in Solomon for half a month, who are you trying to fool with these words?"

Su Bai waved his hand to stop everyone's laughter,"I know you don't believe it, and I don't want to explain more. Why do I want to be a hard worker? Because I know that our enemies are not only in the open, but also in the dark."

"The Siren hidden in the deep sea; the Crimson Camp and the Ghost Camp eyeing the Azure Camp. With these guys around, how dare I slack off?"

"I don't have much to say, and no one likes to drink poisonous chicken soup. I will encourage everyone with a saying of Huo Qubing, a famous general in Donghuang history. How can I have a family if the Huns are not destroyed?"

Applause rang out.

Su Bai continued,"Okay, this seems to be poisonous chicken soup, so let me put it another way. The dirtier the soul, the more powerful strength it needs to support it. If brothers really want to be a happy and ridiculous nobleman and enjoy the good life in their own manor. Then there is only one way, to become strong and defeat those enemies who stand in our way! I'm done, thank you!"

Su Bai walked off the stage, thunderous applause continued.

......... 0...

Of course, many senior military officers and government officials sitting in the front row were speechless about Su Bai's shameless remarks.

Yes, that's the truth, but can you say it openly in public? This bastard will never be allowed to speak on stage again. After the commendation meeting, Su Bai brought Tirpitz to the Governor's Mansion and asked to see Nimitz.

Looking at the back of the Governor's Secretary leaving, Su Bai felt that his eyes just now were very strange.

Tirpitz whispered in Su Bai's ear,"Commander, this person is very hostile to you, I can see that."

Su Bai nodded and took Tirpitz into the Governor's Mansion. Nimitz enthusiastically asked Su Bai to sit down, and personally poured tea for Su Bai and Tirpitz.

"Young man, Christmas is coming soon. How are you going to spend it? Are you going to your own territory for vacation?"

Su Bai's viscounty is in a county town in the royal province of Quebec, which is a famous holiday and ski resort.

"Governor, you are kidding me. The Sirens are about to attack me. I don't have the energy to take a vacation."

"Siren? Didn't you defeat their tentative attack hidden in the activity this time? Where did the Siren come from?"

Su Bai's face changed drastically, and he stood up directly,"Governor, I reported the situation to you twice in confidential letters, and you also replied to me. Did you forget it!"

Nimitz's face also changed. He didn't receive any confidential letters at all. Nimitz immediately understood that there was a traitor, and this traitor was his secretary.

"Nick!"Nimitz roared loudly. A lieutenant colonel officer ran in quickly.

"You take the military police immediately and bring back my secretary Vince. If he dares to resist, just shoot him!"

Su Bai smiled bitterly and shook his head. It was probably too late. The look that Secretary Vince gave him just now showed that he knew that as long as he saw the governor, he would be exposed.

Such a latent spy would react very quickly. He would either run away or commit suicide. How could he be caught?

Nimitz sat down angrily and picked up the teacup to drink tea. Su Bai quickly knocked over the teacup, and the tea spilled on the floor, sizzling and white smoke rising. Although I don't know what kind of poison it is, it must be poisoned.

"Governor, I guess Vince must have known that the matter was about to be exposed, so he poisoned him and then escaped."

Nimitz lay dejectedly in the chair. His most trusted secretary turned out to be a spy for Siren. This was a huge blow to him.

"Su Bai, you have made great contributions in this activity. Tell me, what do you want?"

"Governor, you know me, I am greedy and lustful, you can give me whatever you want."

Nimitz smiled,"Young man, although you act unorthodox, I know you are not such a person.

Let me give you a reward of 50,000 units of diamonds, and then give you four subordinates the baronial titles, ten temple knights or royal knights, and twenty knightly titles, you can take them back and divide them up yourself.

" Su Bai said goodbye to Nimitz.

He saw the gendarmerie in action all over the street.

Of course, he also knew that this was just a symbolic action.

If the Siren cadres were so incompetent

, they would have drowned in the sea.

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