After Su Bai returned to Atlantis Island, he immediately summoned all members of the Grand Fleet for an emergency meeting.

He was afraid that the news about the Sirens would spread in advance, but now there is no need to hide it..

"Brothers, let me tell you straight, the Siren's attack from the different-colored grid this time is just a test, and their large-scale attack will come soon! They will definitely launch an attack by Christmas at the latest!"

Everyone started to be shocked when they heard the news. What's going on? The Siren dared to attack humans?

Su Bai stopped the discussion,"I'm not exaggerating. I once had a chance to enter an underwater city of the Siren. There are at least millions of fishmen living in this city. How many cities like this are there in the sea? Their strength is at least not worse than that of a certain camp of the human race."

"We are not preparing for a big event."920" we are preparing for a faction war. Do you understand?"

Su Bai introduced his experiences in Siren City and his own attack on EX-3.

At this time, the commanders of the fleet realized the seriousness of the problem.

Nonsense, the Demon King has already destroyed tens of thousands of Siren troops. If these guys don't focus on attacking here, it will be a big joke.

"Now, I will assign tasks. Yang Ming, you should suspend the construction of the city and put all the resources of the fleet into the construction of the defense system. I can confirm that Atlans Island will be the focus of the Siren's attack."

"There are only two things for others to do. First, go out and level up like crazy. Second, spread all this information today, including the Ghost Camp and the Scarlet Camp! When facing the Sirens, we are all part of the human race! This is a racial war between humans and sirens!"

Yes, a racial war, this is a very heavy and terrible thing. If humans win a big victory, they will naturally be able to drive the Sirens back to the bottom of the sea; if humans win a small victory or a small defeat, the worst that can happen is the loss of some territory and interests; but if humans lose a big defeat, it will be a catastrophe.

Su Bai did not dare to neglect it. He returned to the Demon King's Castle and continued to convene meetings of his ship girls.

Su Bai announced the difficulties he would face in the future and distributed all the titles he had obtained. Enterprise, Hood, Glory, Irene and other four people received the title of Baron; other royal knights and knight titles were also distributed.

"Now I plan to form a mobile fleet, which will be mainly responsible for fighting in the open sea; other warships will form a defense fleet, responsible for the defense of the large fleet base."

Su Bai strictly selects members of the mobile fleet according to the strength of each ship girl. Super strong men like Enterprise and Hood are naturally needless to say.

What is more hesitant is how large the mobile fleet should be. Su Bai thought about it again and again, and finally set the standard that the survivability must be good enough. In the case of unfavorable combat in the open sea, it must be able to retreat to Atlantis Island and rely on the island for defense.

The entire Atlantis Island is in operation.

The news that the Sirens are about to invade also spread on the world forum. Most people regarded this matter as the nonsense of the Demon King Su Bai. Of course, there are also serious preparations.

Governor Nimitz naturally took it seriously, but the report he submitted to the Alliance Nobles and the White Eagle Congress was thrown into the trash by the noble congressmen.

"Haha, Sirens are invading, you are so bold! Those sirens were beaten to just a few small fish 50 years ago, what kind of waves can they make now? This is just a trick of the navy to get military funds, don't pay attention to it."

"Haha, Mr. Speaker is right. These veteran soldiers are willing to use any means to get money. Why don't you say it's an alien invasion?"

"Never mind them. I heard that Elmo Manor has received a new batch of goods recently. Let's go there to have some fun."

"Great idea, go today!"...

Just like that, the intelligence that Su Bai had risked his life to get back was thrown away as waste paper by the gentlemen of the Congress and the House of Peers.

The two governor-general districts of the Sakura Empire, under the strong suggestion of General Yamamoto, still strengthened their garrison.

After all, General Yamamoto took out half of the body of the Siren killer, and he issued a military order that if the Sirens did not launch a large-scale attack within three months, he would commit seppuku to apologize.

Having said that, everyone naturally had to respect General Yamamoto.

The Iron Blood Kingdom did not comment on the news. They strengthened some garrisons, but did not take it too seriously.

Not only did the Iris Kingdom not take the matter seriously, it also found an opera troupe to adapt the matter into an opera to mock Su Bai's fuss.

Sardinia? Sorry, this matter did not even enter their discussion process. The official who received the intelligence casually threw the information into the wastebasket. After a while, he picked up the ball of paper again. It would be a waste not to adapt such a good story into a poem....

The Northern Alliance, their coastline is close to the Arctic Circle, there is no place to land here, so they confidently strengthened their land defense.

Donghuang Kingdom? Oh, they don't have a navy? Excuse me.

As for the other small countries, forget it, it doesn't matter whether they are prepared or not, let's prepare for Christmas.

In the ghost camp, Su Bai went to Ghost Island in person to ask for an audience with Princess Youlan in order to attract their attention.

With Princess Youlan was Galar, the eldest prince of Xilan Kingdom of the Ghost Alliance. After listening to Su Bai's story, Galar laughed.

"Mr. Su Bai, I know you have a crush on Princess Youlan. I guess you want to do something to get close to the princess. I must admit that you tell a good story."

Su Bai almost couldn't hold back his anger. Fifty years of peace is really too long. It's so long that many people have forgotten how cruel war is and how terrible racial war is.

Even a world war is far worse than this racial war.

Su Bai looked at Prince Galar coldly,"Your Highness, I will give you two sayings from my hometown. The cicada knows it before the golden wind blows, and the death is unknown before the conspiracy." After Su Bai finished speaking, he turned away. Some people don't know when they are about to die. Who can save them?

Xilan is located 2.52,000 kilometers east of the Atlantis continent and consists of two large islands in the north and south. Such an island country surrounded by the sea should be prepared for war, and Prince Galar's behavior is destined to destroy this country and the clan. Princess Youlan chased out, and she quickly caught up with Su Bai,"Su Bai, I will do a good job of defense. By the way, is Youyouzi doing well over there?"

"She is fine."

Princess Youlan stuffed a small box into Su Bai's hand,"I can't protect her, please take good care of her. This is a small gift from me, her old master, for her birthday is coming soon."

Su Bai accepted the box and prepared to leave.

Princess Youlan looked at Su Bai's background and shouted,"If I can't hold on, will the Demon King come to save me?"

Su Bai didn't look back and continued to move forward,"Just send me a message when you can't hold on, we are friends!".

Added by: Naruto789

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