In the deep sea about 200 nautical miles from the Mariana Trench, there is a giant deep-sea city.

This is the common center of several major countries of the Siren forces, and the location of the Sea Temple. Today, the leaders of the four major Siren forces, the Shark Kingdom, the Whale Kingdom, the Fantasy Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom, gathered here again.

This meeting was supported by the High Priest of the Sea Temple.

The participants of the Shark Kingdom include the Arbitrator Empres III, the Observer, the Pretender, the Tracker, the Ambusher, and others. The

Whale Kingdom includes the Devourer (Blue Whale), the Slayer (Killer Whale), the Crusher (Killer Whale), the Biter (Killer Whale), the Sweeper (Killer Whale), and others.

The Fantasy Kingdom includes the Dream Weaver (Jellyfish), the Gazer (Octopus), the Stalker (Squid), the Entangler (Giant Cuttlefish), the Defender (Sea Clam), and others. The

Dragon Kingdom includes the Demon Dragon King, the Mosasaur King, the Fish Dragon King, the Upper Dragon King, the Middle Dragon King, and others.

Some of these ocean giants have ferocious faces, and some look sweet. They all turned into human forms and gathered in the Sea Temple.

In addition to the High Priest Medusa, the Seven Seas Generals Garon, Surant, Krisula, Elzak, Io, Baian, and Kasa also attended the meeting.

In the Hall of Heroes of the Sea Temple, all the strong men of the deep sea gathered here. The Siren forces, or the forces under the command of the Sea God, all the leaders gathered here.

Medusa first told everyone about the attack on humans with the help of the heterochromatic grid.

"You can read the battle report for details. I will just give you a brief description of the situation. And there are a few points I want to remind you."

"First of all, this is a war between races, not a war between gods, so the gods will not participate in the war. Similarly, the seven generals under the command of the sea god will not participate in offensive operations. You must have a clear understanding of this."

"Now, please let Empres briefly explain to everyone why this operation failed so badly.

Empres stood up with a dark face,"This time it was indeed a terrible loss, there is no need to hide it. More than 100,000 soldiers were lost, countless warships, and the whereabouts of the leader-level general Purifier are unknown. It is very likely that he has fallen into the hands of humans."

"Humph, you Shark Nation always does things like this."

Medusa stopped the Dragon King from complaining,"Dragon, don't say such things. In order to hide our strength, only the power of the Shark Nation will appear in the human vision. This is the instruction of Lord Poseidon. If you have any objections, you can appeal to Lord Poseidon." The

Dragon King immediately shut up. The authority of Poseidon is definitely not something that he, a dragon, can challenge.


Medusa added,"Whether it is the war fifty years ago or this attack, the Shark Nation has done a good job. They are fighting against the entire human world with the power of one country."

Empres looked at Medusa gratefully, and continued,"I am not shirking responsibility, but the recent failures are all related to a young human. This person has repeatedly undermined our plans. Later, we captured him and brought him to Drew City, hoping to bring him under our command. Unfortunately, he escaped."

"Escaped?" The Dreamweaver Queen frowned.

"Yes, this person must be a powerful magician. Not only did he escape, but he also deduced from the development of Drew City that the Siren would counterattack the land. He had twice submitted reports to the human Governor Nimitz, but fortunately they were intercepted by the pretender."

"In the human country of Sakura, the observer and the executioner launched an assassination attempt against him, but unfortunately, it failed again. Moreover, the executioner's body was obtained by humans. Before the pretender escaped, the human commander had met with Governor Nimitz. Some things may not be hidden."The

Devourer pondered for a moment,"Empress, I don't mean to mock you, but I think you may take this human too seriously. He is just a small commander, and at most he can command a hundred or so warships. He will not have much impact on the overall war."

"No, you are wrong. There is one more thing. This human commander named Su Bai not only mobilized more than 100,000 mechanical mercenaries to attack our outpost, but also directly used nuclear bombs to turn the tide when the decisive battle was unfavorable."

"Nuclear bomb!"

"Is he the devil?"

"How could humans have such a vicious person? I can't believe it!"

All the sirens took a deep breath. You know, humans like to use morality to restrain their hands and feet. To dare to use a nuclear bomb in a war at the slightest disagreement at least shows that this is a ruthless character.

"Now you know who this person is, right? In the last war, we had a chance to gain the land of the continent, but humans produced Roosevelt and Stalin, which led to our failure. A hero who can call on all mankind is more important to them than a million troops."

The Queen of Dream Weavers frowned slightly,"I know this person, my spies on the shore have reported this person's information to me. He is now the most famous among the new commanders of mankind. But he is famous not because he is a hero, on the contrary, he is famous because he has ruined the lives of young people in the human race."

"He is called a raper, a tyrant, and the ultimate abuser. Can such a person be a hero of mankind?"

"Dear Queen of Dreamweaver, character, virtue and ability are not equal. Don't forget that in the last war, many human leaders also had terrible character."

"Well, I take it back. Dear Arbitrator, please tell us your conclusion."

"First of all, we will never win the war against humans easily, and everyone present must understand this. Secondly, this Su Bai has the potential to become a hero of mankind, so I suggest that we eliminate him at a specific location. And it is best not to use assassination methods, but to crush him on the battlefield. Destroying the heroes of mankind is the best blow to their morale."

"I understand. If the most recognized strongest person among the younger generation is easily defeated, the mentality of others will definitely explode, right?"

"My last suggestion is to let other countries be responsible for the strategy of the North Pacific Governor's District. They have already understood several main battleship types of our Shark Country, and it is not suitable to continue fighting here."

The Devourer sneered,"Let our Whale Country take on this task, it's just a Governor's District."

The Arbitrator did not bother with him.

The whales and sharks have been fighting on the seabed for hundreds of millions of years.

The hatred between the two sides began when the Leviathan whale and the megalodon fought for the king of the ocean.

After the rise of the Sea Emperor, peace emerged among the deep-sea tribes, but the great white shark and the killer whale continued the fight left by their predecessors.

The Arbitrator sneered at the Devourer and said, since you are stubborn and willing to go, then go.

Medusa saw that she had said almost everything, so she stood up and summarized.

"First of all, the time of the attack was originally planned to be Christmas Day, but I just thought that since the pretender has been exposed, the top leaders of the human race will definitely be prepared if they are not fools. An attack on Christmas Day will not be effective."

"The second is New Year's Day, which is only one week away from Christmas. People will still be very vigilant. If you attack at this time, you will still face alert humans."

"I suggest that we attack around February 1st. At this time, the human Donghuang Spring Festival is about to begin, and everyone is still immersed in the festive atmosphere. Their vigilance is very low. It is just the right time to attack."

All the strong men agreed with Medusa's analysis.

"The second point is the route of attack. Since the Sharks and Whales have exchanged combat zones, I will redistribute them."

"The Kingdom of Whales is responsible for the two major war zones of East Africa and the North Pacific."

"The Shark Kingdom is responsible for the two major war zones of West Africa and the Atlantic Ocean."

"The Fantasy Country is responsible for the two major war zones of Southern Africa and the South Pacific."

"The Dragon Kingdom is responsible for the two major war zones in northern Africa and the Indian Ocean."

"One more thing, don't touch the Northern Alliance, the Iron Blood Nation, and the Ghost Camp. We shouldn't be so stupid as to go to war with everyone at once. Let humanity itself split and disintegrate from within."

"The supreme glory of Lord Poseidon will bless us, everyone. Let us work together to take back the lost land!"

"The people of the sea will win!"


Su Bai is very confident. After many analyses, he judged that the Siren army would launch an attack on Christmas.

But there are still three weeks before Christmas, and we can't just sit there and do nothing. So, the great god issued another decree to open the battle area of Tassafarong in Chapter 7 and the battle area of the Commandor Sea in Chapter 8.

In addition to the regular main line drops, small boats such as Aoba, Kinugasa, Kamikaze, Mutsuki, and Kisaragi were added to the construction pool to trick a wave of mind cubes. In addition, a mysterious destroyer Lingbo was also added to the collection exchange and construction pool. This mysterious���As soon as the shipgirl appeared, the three great families officially became four.

This time, the reward experience of Chapter 8 is close to the public waters, but it is a copy that belongs to each commander, and there is no need to fight desperately in the public waters.

The purpose of doing this is very simple, that is, to improve the fleet strength of the commanders as soon as possible. If such favorable conditions are not grasped, then it is better to die.

After hearing this news, a liver emperor like Su Bai was naturally excited. Finally, there is time and place for Tirpitz to level up.

Chapter 7 was successfully cleared. With a super fleet of level 96, it is no longer a matter of feet to beat these maps. Just touch them and you can pass them.

Chapter 8 is also a complete crushing. Facing Maya, who is only level 86, Su Bai's fleet level is in an absolute advantage, and he can pass it casually. The remaining work is endless salvaging and leveling. Finally, after a week of crazy salvaging without rest, Maya was also salvaged, and the salvage work was successfully completed.

Su Bai's face was indeed dark enough. Among all the commanders who had obtained Maya, he had the most salvages, a full three thousand sorties. He could only laugh at himself. After all, he was here to level up, and salvaging ships was just a side job.

After the salvage was over, a grand banquet was naturally held to welcome these new ship girls to join.

As of December 10th, the first year of the Azure Calendar, a total of eight ship girls, including Lingbo, Kamikaze, Isuzu, Fengxiang, Abukuma, Nachi, Maya, and Richmond, had joined the fleet, and the number of fleet members increased to 158.

The banquet to welcome the ship girls to join has formed a fixed pattern. This was suggested by the Belfast maid. Whenever a new chapter map is opened or a new batch of constructions is released, everyone will gather together to join the fleet and hold a welcome banquet. At the banquet, in addition to the traditional food and wine, singing and dancing performances, and speeches by leaders, there was also a talent show by a newly joined ship girl.

Speaking of which, this can be regarded as a way for veterans to teach new recruits.

Except for Richmond, all the shipgirls who joined this time were from the Sakura Empire. They simply put together a group show and collectively danced a traditional Sakura Empire dance,"Gujo Dance." In order to make the number of people even, they simply pulled Richmond in.

The eight young and beautiful shipgirls wore traditional Sakura Empire costumes and danced to the melodious music, which was still very interesting. And the blonde and blue-eyed White Eagle girl Richmond also put on a kimono and dressed up as a Sakura Empire girl, making her the most dazzling star on the stage.

As the dance and music progressed, more and more Sakura Empire shipgirls spontaneously walked onto the stage and danced with their dance steps.

More and more shipgirls joined this event. In the end, all the shipgirls, staff and even Su Bai joined in.

The performance of the welcome dinner this time was a complete success, which the organizer Belfast himself did not expect.

The banquet lasted until very late, and everyone had a great time. Of course, the expedition team was still salvaging supplies at sea.

They can take a day off or change shifts, but the expedition will never stop.

Su Bai came out of the banquet hall and walked towards Mount Atlans alone. At this time every night, the company would blow the wind on the top of the mountain, and this time was no exception.

"My dear, you are here."

Su Bai looked at the aura of destruction on the enterprise and the eyes as terrifying as the abyss, and always felt terrified.

"Alice, I'm a little worried about you. I always feel that you are not awakening at all, you are just darkening."

"Dear, you are right, this is the darkening. There are two types of awakening, one is the regular awakening, and the other is the extraordinary awakening, which is the darkening."

"I shouldn't have given you that damn Rubik's Cube."

"If you don't give me 790, will you give it to your Hu Dejiang? Her strength is not as good as mine. If you give it to her, maybe she has completely turned evil and fallen into chaos. What will you do then?"

"Can't we just not use this damn thing?"

"It's okay not to use it, but when the Sirens come, please go and talk to them and ask them to be gentler. Do you think it's okay?"

Su Bai was speechless. He knew it was impossible.

"I care about you."

"Really? Then you can do one thing to help me alleviate the erosion of the destructive force."

"Whatever you need me to do, I'm willing to do it!"

"Kiss me!"

Uh, is this okay? Su Bai took Qiye into his arms without hesitation and kissed him affectionately.

After a long time, their lips parted.

"Sure enough, I feel much better. It seems that the power of love is enough to make the power of destruction retreat. But you haven't come to see me for two weeks."


"I don't want to be sorry, I just want you"

"Okay, then I'll carry you back to the castle."

Qiye slowly shook his head,"There's a small forest next to it, it's very quiet, I'm too lazy to walk."

No way, it's so exciting, this is in the wild. Su Bai looked at the black air rising on Qiye's face, and he didn't dare to neglect it anymore. He picked up Qiye and rushed into the small forest next to him....

The blood moon in the sky is not a beautiful sight, but in the quiet night, the sound of insects and waves still adds a bit of vitality to the world.

Enterprise's face became white with a bright red, and the black air completely faded. The two of them were lying on their clothes. After all, Atlans Island is in the subtropics. It's not too cold in December, but the sea breeze is still very strong.

Su Bai hurriedly helped Enterprise put on her clothes. It's too exaggerated. They actually did such a thing on the top of the mountain. It would be troublesome if they were seen by others.

Su Bai took Enterprise's hand and went down the mountain together. He didn't notice that in the grass in the woods, there was a stunned ship girl hiding. It was Richmond who had just joined the fleet.

The scene just now was too exciting for this girl who aspired to be a reporter when she grew up. She was just hiding here to see what the big sister Enterprise was doing on the top of the mountain.

When the commander and Enterprise fell on the grass in the forest, she was too late to leave, and she didn't dare to move at all, for fear of breaking their good deeds and causing trouble. The corporate boss is an extremely terrifying existence.

Richmond was completely confused. Oh my God, the legend of the lustful commander turned out to be true! What should I do? Forget it. I can't tell anyone about this. Well, as for Angel Lingbo, maybe I can share it. Oh, it's so uncomfortable to keep a secret alone.

Angel Lingbo was also stunned after hearing this secret. Oh my God, this secret is too scary! I must keep this secret, but Sister Shigure should not tell anyone nonsense, right?......

So, three days later, everyone in Hong Kong knew that something strange happened on the top of Mount Atlans one night.

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