The atmosphere was wrong.

The atmosphere at the table was wrong. Enterprise frowned. Why were Hood and Guanghui making faces? Why was Tirpitz trying to hold back his laughter?

Also, why were Irene and Akagi looking at him so strangely? What was wrong with these people?

Finally, Enterprise couldn't help it. She slowly put down her knife and fork,"Everyone, what happened to make your expressions so strange? Can you share it with us?"

Guanghui couldn't help it and laughed,"Alice, I didn't expect you to be so, ahem, so wild and uninhibited."

"Wild, what does this mean?"

Akagi couldn't stand it anymore and put down his chopsticks,"Miss Alice, you and the commander are free to do whatever you want, but Su Bai is the flag of the entire port area, you, well, you have to pay attention to the impact."

Enterprise was stunned, her face flushed, could it be, no way! I'm sure no one around came up

"I don't understand what you are talking about."The enterprise's voice trembled slightly.

"Under the moonlight, in the quiet jungle, the devil and the beauty, flying together. Is it clear enough?"

Poof! Su Bai spit out a mouthful of black tea, his old face was like a cooked shrimp, no way. Everyone knows about this?

"that......This matter."

Before Su Bai finished speaking, Enterprise regained his composure, and she interrupted Su Bai,"Who on earth spread this kind of false rumor? If you hear false news, don't stop it, but spread it. If there is a deviation, you must be responsible. What puzzles me most is that you guys actually believe it?"

Guanghui and others were speechless. You still don't admit it!

But looking at Enterprise's expression, it seems that there is no problem. Of course, they will not find that Enterprise's fists are clenched tightly under the table, and his hands are almost bleeding.

Su Bai also calmed down,"Yeah, it's really a boring rumor. What kind of person is your commander, don't you know?"

Akagi smiled like a flower,"Of course I know, our commander is a pervert who likes to rob other people's wives, get prisoners drunk and take them back to his room."

The muscles on Su Bai's face twitched,"Dear Mai, do you think of your husband like this?"

Enterprise ate a few mouthfuls of food hastily,"I'm full, I want to go out and relax."

Su Bai also quickly followed, leaving the others looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Hey, tell me, do they have that?"

"Yes, of course. But we must pretend that nothing has happened, understand?"

After hearing Guanghui's words, the others nodded in agreement. Yes, although this kind of thing is not a big deal, and Qiye is Su Bai's wife, it is not a glorious thing to spread it out.

"Alice, how come this happened?......"

"What's the matter? We were just watching the scenery together on the top of the mountain that day, what's the matter? Okay, Su Bai, don't worry, leave it to me. Are you still unsure about my work?"

Don't worry, of course I'm confident in your work, I'm just worried about the destructive power in you. Su Bai was speechless.

Enterprise called several officials and quickly found out the source of the"rumor". It was Richmond, who was determined to be a famous reporter for the White Eagle.

Enterprise returned to his office and gave an order expressionlessly,"Please invite Miss Richmond over. Remember, please come over."

Enterprise lowered her head and wrote. She recently began to like calligraphy. She used a brush to write some characters from Donghuang and Chongying, which could calm the destructive power in her body.

Unfortunately, she was obviously in a bad mood today and it was impossible for her to calm down. She wrote a Chinese character unhappily and blew it.

Richmond came in. She was really scared. She already knew that she was in trouble. Lingbo, the little angel, obviously did not keep the secret. In fact, it was not Lingbo's fault. She herself did not keep the secret.

If you want to keep a secret, you must start with yourself.

"Miss Enterprise, is there something you want me to do for you?¨「 ?"

"Oh, it’s no big deal. Do you know Chinese characters?"

"How many do you know?......"

With a light touch, the page with Chinese characters on it flew out and landed in front of Richmond.

Richmond subconsciously took the paper and saw a large black character, but she didn't recognize it.

"Do you know this word?"

"I, I don't know"

"What does Death mean in our English?"


"Yes, that's the word death."

""Miss Enterprise, what do you mean?" Richmond was panicking, and cold sweat was pouring down her forehead. Miss Enterprise's eyes seemed to be staring at her from a bottomless abyss.

"Have you ever thought about how you will die?"

"I didn't, I'm still young, I don't want to die. Miss Enterprise, you can't do this, you have no right to kill a ship girl. My status is indeed lower than yours, but you can't take human life lightly. Is it because I saw something I shouldn't have seen?"

"No, you still don't realize your mistake. You didn't see something you shouldn't have seen, but you made up a lie. Everything you said is fake news."

"No, I definitely saw it! This is a journalist's ethics, I won't talk nonsense."

Enterprise looked out the window,"Miss Richmond, you asked for retirement because you missed your hometown. The commander tried to keep you, but you were determined to leave, and finally embarked on the journey back to the White Eagle Country. Unfortunately, you met a psychopathic gunman on the road, so you died unfortunately, and this psychopathic gunman was soon killed by another psychopathic gunman. What do you think of this story?"

Richmond burst into tears,"No, this story is not funny at all."

"So are you talking about Fakenews?"

"yes......It's fake news, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said nonsense just to be famous." Richmond cried sadly,"I can't be a reporter anymore, I'm a liar."

Enterprise smiled and said,"On the contrary, from the moment you learned to lie, you have become a qualified White Eagle reporter."

Richmond was confused, then she understood what Enterprise meant, she was sad

"Miss Richmond, you can go now. By the way, do you know what to do?"

"I understand. I will publicly review and apologize to you and the commander at the next general meeting."

"No, you still don't understand. You should apologize for the truth of the matter and for the damaged honor of the port area."

Richmond felt her moral integrity shattered to the ground. She wiped away her tears and said,"Ms. Enterprise, can I leave now?"

"Wait, take it."

Enterprise raised her hand, and a bag of White Eagle gold coins flew over."Take it, it can be hush money or funeral expenses, it depends on your choice."

Richmond's legs went weak and she almost fell to the ground. She was really scared. I don't want to be a reporter anymore!

Su Bai found it unbelievable, is this the end of the matter? After Richmond tearfully apologized for her"rumor-mongering" behavior at the gathering of all the ship girls, no one mentioned the matter again.

As for the truth of the matter, it no longer matters.

In fact, no one cares about the truth of the matter.

Many times, people need the truth they want.

The ship girls felt that their moral integrity had fallen to the ground.

It turned out that the things that were widely circulated were just Miss Richmond's own nonsense.

You know what I mean!

Humph, it's ridiculous. To become famous, you actually joked about the reputation of the commander and Miss Enterprise. It's outrageous! Many ship girls began to distance themselves from the liar Richmond. This incident had a huge impact on the young Richmond, and made her have more ideas about how to be a good reporter.

Of course, Su Bai couldn't pay attention to the thoughts of every ship girl. There were 150 ship girls in the port area, how could he take care of them all.

Belfast walked in,"Commander, the oath rings for November and December have been delivered, please check them."

Su Bai's smile froze. Who said that having a harem is a blessing? For a liver emperor, too many wives are definitely a burden! If Tirpitz is included, I really don't need to rest. Seven days a week are all full.

"I don't want to think about these things before defeating the Sirens, so you should keep these things away."

Su Bai looked righteous, and if you didn't know him well, you would be fooled by him.

But Belfast was the head maid of the Demon King's Castle, and she knew everything that happened here. Hearing Su Bai's words, the royal head maid pursed her lips and tried to suppress a smile.

Su Bai felt a little hot on his face, so he had to change the subject,"By the way, have you booked the flight to Hawaii?"

"It's booked, Master Su Bai. But I want to remind you of one thing. If you only bring Miss Enterprise with you, I'm afraid the other ladies will have opinions."

"We are not going to travel, I am taking Alice to see a doctor!"

Su Bai took Alice to Hawaii for a vacation, and the operation of the port, leveling and expedition arrangements were all handed over to Irene.

The vampire signed orders one after another in the office and sent out fleets. After a busy morning, she lifted her long hair and looked at the busy scene on the beach.

When Su Bai went out, he gave her the responsibility of the port alone, which made her feel trusted; taking the enterprise out alone made her feel a little sour. When can I have a holiday with Su Bai alone?

"Taking your wife to Hawaii on a trip under the pretext of seeing a doctor, be careful that the Disciplinary Committee will investigate you."

Qiyi fastened his seat belt, looked at Su Bai with a smile, and whispered in his ear.

Su Bai put his hand on hers,"¨. Why, you don't want to go?"

"Of course I do. Taking a break from time to time is also for better work."Of course,

Su Bai and Qiye didn't really go to the hospital. The level of hospitals in Hawaii is just so-so. Besides, Qiye wasn't really sick. She just couldn't control the destructive force in her body.

They went to the Oeo Rapids Canyon together to paddle a boat. Qiye, who had experienced countless storms, was happily drifting in this small stream, screaming without any image.

Koki Forest Park is located on a mountain 1,500 meters high. There are lush forests and many rare animals. A little monkey jumped out with a smile and snatched Alice's hat.

Alice's eyes flashed coldly. Someone actually dared to steal her things! She grabbed the little monkey and stared at it coldly.

The little monkey faced Alice's eyes of destruction and felt as if the whole world had collapsed. Its liver ruptured instantly in extreme fear.

Qiye seemed to feel that she was a little too nervous. She smiled apologetically and gently put the little monkey down.

""I'm sorry, little guy, go home."

The little monkey stumbled a few steps, fell headfirst on the side of the road, and died.

Su Bai's heart sank. Qiye just glanced at the little monkey accidentally, and the little monkey instinctively felt death and destruction and was directly scared to death. Is the power of this black mind cube so terrible?

Su Bai looked at Qiye with a gloomy face, and quickly grabbed her slender hand, passing his warmth to her,"Hey, don't worry, this little monkey must have been seriously ill, so he died inexplicably, don't worry too much."

Qiye's heart was blocked, how could I not care? I don't want to be a spokesperson for death and destruction!

The two no longer had the mind to play, and went down the mountain side by side, silent all the way.

Finally, Qiye said calmly:"Su Bai, I never regret using the black mind cube. If I were given a hundred chances to start over, I would still use it."

Su Bai held Qiye's hand tightly,"Don't think about these things, it's getting late, let's go eat!"

There are many Donghuang people who came from Donghuang Country to settle in Hawaii. They have their own community, and the catering industry here is also very developed. At Su Bai's recommendation, they chose a Chinese restaurant, which was a dumpling restaurant.

After ordering a seafood shrimp dumpling, a thick soup, and a few side dishes, Su Bai and Qiye sat down happily to eat.

The dishes were served quickly. Su Bai and Qiye first prayed to the gods, and then ate happily.

Qiye's chopsticks were still a bit clumsy. She wanted to pick up a dumpling, but she failed two or three times. Su Bai After seeing this, he held back his smile, picked up a dumpling, and brought it to her mouth.

After taking a bite, the delicious soup slowly melted in his mouth. The deliciousness of the dumplings and the love of his lover made this killer on the battlefield let go of everything and be as happy as a 19-year-old girl.

Unfortunately, there are always people who want to spoil the fun in this world. Several gangsters rushed in and smashed everything they caught. The gangster in the lead, with three rings in his nostrils and a small dreadlock, came to the cashier and spoke with a strong African accent,"Hey, Fatty Zhang, it's time to pay this month's protection fee." The chubby boss apologized with a smile,"Mr. Moore, please give me a few days. Isn't it the end of the month yet?"

"But I have no money now, FKU! Don't give me that, either give me the money or I'll smash the store!"

Enterprise frowned, she was in a really bad mood, she didn't want to eat anymore, she wanted to eat people.

She stood up slowly,"The one called More, I advise you to leave now, do you think there are no police here, or do you think Hawaii is a lawless place?"

More saw Enterprise standing up, his eyes flashed green. This girl is so beautiful, he has never seen such a beautiful girl, More had some thoughts in his heart that he shouldn't have.

Added mua: Naruto789

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