Moore was destined to hit a wall today, because he was facing Enterprise, and Enterprise was in a bad mood!

Moore blew a whistle,"Hey, beautiful girl, let's go to the bar for a drink together."

Su Bai was furious, and when she was about to explode, Enterprise had already started. She threw the chopsticks casually and accurately pierced Moore's eyes.

Blood flowed down the bridge of his nose, and Moore rolled on the ground howling. The few rascals with dreadlocks behind him were frightened when they saw Enterprise's deep eyes.

Enterprise said in a cold tone,"Since you don't need your eyes, I'll help you.".

"Hey! Do you know who the boss behind our 3K group is? You are looking for death!"

Su Bai laughed,"Oh, who is the boss behind you? Tell me. See if you can scare me to death."

"We have gold behind us......"

A thug nearby covered his mouth with his hands and said,"Bob, are you crazy? How can you say an adult's name carelessly?"

"You two, don't leave if you dare. The police will be here soon."

Su Bai and Qiye looked at each other and laughed. What kind of society is this? The gangsters failed to blackmail and called the police? What's going on in Hawaii? Governor Nimitz, your territory has become like this, and you don't care about it?

Sure enough, a team of police rushed in.

"The Honolulu City Police Department is on duty."Immediately put your hands on your head and squat in the corner!"

A fat policeman with a sturdy waist and at least 0.1 tons holding a pistol shouted fiercely.

Su Bai glanced at the policeman and threw his gold card over casually,"Viscount Atlans is here, please be careful with your words."

The fat policeman was hit in the face by the gold card. He picked up the gold card angrily, his face pale. The Viscount is already a middle-class noble. Only the law enforcement team of the House of Nobles can deal with nobles. The police station can only enforce the law on civilians.

The fat policeman broke out in a cold sweat. Who is Viscount Atlans? He is a famous devil! He is a ruthless character who dares to drop nuclear bombs on tens of thousands of people. It is easier for him to kill himself than to crush an ant.

How did this old friend Moore get involved with such a ruthless character? The fat policeman handed the gold card to Su Bai and put on a flattering smile,"Lord Su Bai, why did you come here for a private visit? Please enjoy, I have something to do, I'll leave first"

"Wait, let's clean up these garbage together. People from the police station and 3K group, remember this, I will be in charge of this store from now on, so you better use your eyes."

Everyone dragged Moore, who had fainted, away. The restaurant owner, Fatty Zhang, knew that Su Bai was an amazing leader, so he quickly came up to say hello.

""Boss, I have an idea for you. I will invest in you and take 40% of the shares. I only want dividends and will not interfere with the management. Then you will be my subordinate store. Are you willing?" There is no reason for Fatty Zhang to be unwilling. Donghuang people open stores here and are often bullied by the police and the underworld. This young man named Su Bai has an oriental face and speaks Chinese so well. I think his ancestors have some relationship with Donghuang.

Fatty Zhang said flatteringly,"Lord Su Bai, I am a poor old man. I didn't hear how they called you just now, and I don't know your identity."

Enterprise showed a mischievous smile and coughed lightly,"Boss Zhang, listen carefully! The one in front of you is the world's number one commander! The first in collection rate, the first in strength list, the winner of the Ship Qi Hegemony Medal, the vice admiral of the Azure Alliance Navy, the title of Demon King, the great Viscount Atlans, Lord Su Bai!"

The muscles on Su Bai's face began to twitch involuntarily. Alice, you are kidding me, right? How can you introduce me like that?

After being stunned, Fatty Zhang finally understood the status of this adult. Although he didn't understand why a human being would be called the Demon King, this was the Viscount, a vice admiral of the navy! In the entire North Pacific Governor's District, there were only a few people with higher status than him.

Boss Zhang took the opportunity to propose that there was an Donghuang Guild in this area of Donghuang merchants, and hoped that Su Bai could be their backer.

Su Bai thought for a while,"How about this, I will send a specialist to discuss the specific details with you later. In short, it's on a voluntary basis. As long as you join me, you can hang up the logo of the Demon King Alliance. In Honolulu, there shouldn't be many people who dare to go against me."

After leaving the dumpling restaurant, Su Bai and Qiye took a walk along the coastal road.

"Dear, who do you think the big boss behind the scenes that little gangster is talking about is?"

"The answer is obvious, the Deputy Governor, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the North Pacific White Eagle Fleet, Admiral Kimmel. There will be no other person except him."

Enterprise frowned,"Then is it appropriate for you to confront him so openly?"

"It's appropriate. What's wrong with that? He's not the governor yet, just a deputy governor. As long as we make achievements in this Siren invasion, why should we be afraid of him? With the governor here, Kimmel has to keep his tail between his legs."

"It's strange, why are there no sounds from the Sirens? Do you think they will come over at Christmas?"

"Okay, don't dwell on these issues. I'm here with you on vacation, so let these damn things go to hell."

"Honey, you are here with me to see a doctor. If other people knew that we were on vacation alone, they would be angry."

"Okay, my Alice, don't think about those things, this is our time, let's go to the beach to see the night view."

There are not many lights in Hawaii at night, and the stars in the sky can be seen clearly.

Seeing this beautiful scene, Su Bai suddenly became very naughty,"The lights in the sky are all stars, and the lights on the sea are all enemies!"

"Hey, why are you stealing my lines?" Enterprise hugged Su Bai from behind,"It's great, there are only stars tonight, no enemies."

Su Bai enjoyed the softness on his back. It was a luxury to have such a little leisure time during the war. He pulled Enterprise over, held him in his arms, and kissed him gently.

At this moment, a strange sound came over. It turned out that a young couple was already kissing each other not far away.

The two smiled at each other and left. Just before leaving, they heard the young man say to his female companion,"Kelly, let's get married at the end of this year. We're going to have a lot of children!" Hearing the word

"children", Enterprise's face was covered with a shadow. Under the street light, the shadows of Su Bai and Enterprise were stretched very long.

Enterprise was silent for a long time, and finally said a sentence,"Su Bai, when the war is over, you should find a real human to marry, right?"

"Why do you think so?"

"When the war is over, you will definitely have a lot of territories and titles. Don't you need children to inherit them? Shipgirls can't give birth to children for humans."

Su Bai saw the black air rising from Enterprise's neck, and rushed forward without hesitation, looking at Enterprise's eyes of destruction,"Dear Alice, I swear to the gods now that I will only love you in my life and will not look for other women, please don't think too much."

""Hey, hey! Don't swear when you say that!"

Su Bai picked up Enterprise and said,"Let's go back to the hotel. I want to express my love to you with practical actions!" It was already daybreak, but Su Bai didn't want to get up. He had been busy for almost a year, and even the most hardworking person would not be able to bear it sometimes.

The sea breeze was so noisy and the waves were so wild last night. Su Bai and Enterprise, like a little wild cat, did not sleep all night. Su Bai felt a little sore in his waist. Last night's battle was much more tiring than the team's leveling.

Enterprise buried his head in Su Bai's chest and licked it gently.

"It's daybreak."

Su Bai was panicking. He wondered if she would come again.......Forgive me.

Enterprise stood up and looked at the sea view outside the window,"It's great, I feel that the power of destruction has been gradually mastered by me. If we spend a few more days here, maybe everything will be fine."

Maybe it will be fine, but I will definitely be eaten into pieces when I go back.

After taking a relaxing bubble bath, the two neatly dressed people checked out of the room and left the hotel.

Since they came to Honolulu, it seemed inappropriate not to go to the Governor's Mansion once, so they came to the Governor's Mansion to meet Nimitz.

The old man looked very good, and he personally poured black tea for Su Bai and Enterprise.

"In the cold winter, let's have a cup of warm black tea."

Cold? Not at all cold, this is the tropics, the temperature is around 20 to 30 degrees all year round.

Su Bai asked straightforwardly:"Governor, do you have any new news about the Sirens?"

"It's really strange that my intelligence department can't find any���As for the news about the Sirens, it was as if they had disappeared from the world. The teleportation array under the Solomon Sea that you mentioned last time, the divers went down to check it out and found it was completely damaged."

"Governor, I have a very bad feeling that we humans will suffer a great loss in this war."

"Oh, tell me what you think"

"There is a saying in Donghuang's Sun Tzu's Art of War: Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles. Unfortunately, we humans know too little about Sirens now, which is not knowing the enemy; some countries don't even know their own weight, and once the war starts, the result is self-evident."

Governor Nimitz frowned,"But I have tried my best to find out the whereabouts of Sirens. They are hiding too deep."

"Yes, many of us humans don't realize that this is a catastrophe. The prince of Xilan, a ghost clan, actually thought that these Sirens were nothing but rotten fish and shrimp. Xilan is 2,000 kilometers away from the nearest continent, and if it doesn't prepare in advance, once the war starts, this country will soon live in history books."

Nimitz was a little surprised,"Su Bai, you are the only one here who has been to the city of Sirens, are they really so powerful?"

"Yes, I am very sure! Their underwater city has at least 5 million people. An underwater city with a population of 5 million people is hidden under the feet of humans. It is terrifying to imagine."

"Besides, how can humans influence the deep sea? The maximum diving depth of our submersible is only 400 meters. In this war, humans are already in a very dangerous situation."

Nimitz agreed with Su Bai's opinion,"Let me write a letter to Congress, and this time I will write it in the most severe tone. By the way, can you write about your experience in the underwater city?"

"Okay, for the sake of humanity, I don't care."

"Okay, I'll write the report in a few days!"

Just as the two were discussing, the secretary came in and whispered something in Nimitz's ear.

"Kimmel? Please let him in."

Vice Governor Kimmel, three-star general, viscount. He always has a neat and clean big back hair to cover up his bald head due to excessive indulgence. He looks very capable, but you can never tell what he is thinking from his eyes.

"Governor, I have something to report to you. Oh, Su Bai, you are here too, that's just right, this matter is related to you."

Su Bai stood up and saluted,"Greetings, General Kimmel!"

"You are welcome. Today, something happened on Donghuang Street in Honolulu. It is not a big deal, but it is not a small deal either. It is said that two gangsters pretended to be Viscount Su Bai, collected protection fees there, and injured a young man."

Su Bai sneered in his heart. This Jin Meier is quite good at complaining. He first suppressed me with words, and then forced me to use a ladder. If you admit that someone pretended to be you, then your protection of the shops on this street will not be established.

Su Bai will certainly not be fooled. Face is worthless in front of the inside.

"Kimmel will���, I think there may be some problems with the report you received. I was at the scene of this incident, so let me tell you about it."

Su Bai cleared his throat and told his two superiors the whole story. Nimitz showed a surprised expression, and Kimmel's face was a little ugly. What's wrong with this kid? Are young people so disrespectful?

Nimitz asked in a deep voice:"Su Bai, tell me, is it true that you want to invest in protecting Donghuang Street?"

"Of course, my ancestors are from Donghuang, and it happens that I have this opportunity to reach a cooperation intention with the bosses of Donghuang Street. This is a good thing. By the way, Governor, I am going to formally apply for an investment project to the Honolulu City Hall next Monday. Please say a few good words for me."

"Of course it's no problem to help you"

"Wait!" Kimmel was very unhappy. Is this putting your claws in my pocket?

"Lord Su Bai, I remember that the Azure Code stipulates that soldiers are not allowed to engage in commercial activities."

"Viscount Kimmel, I think you haven't read enough of the Azure Code. Above this one, there is a special clause, but it does not apply to nobles. I am Viscount Atlans. According to the regulations, I can invest in business as long as it does not exceed a certain amount. A mere Donghuang Street should not exceed the limit, right?"

"I remember that street is not Mr. Kimmel's private property, right? If it is, then I will naturally not invest. I will respect your rights."

Kimmel wanted to curse. He also wanted to invest, but these guys from Donghuang were stubborn and always wanted to protect their broken plaque and refused to form a joint venture with him. How did Su Bai convince these guys?

In fact, Su Bai's willingness to cooperate was thanks to him. Kimmel originally wanted to rely on these bastards to suppress the bosses of Donghuang Street, and then he would appear as a savior and obtain the cooperation rights at a very low price.

Unfortunately, man proposes, God disposes. After all, those bastards were a group of rubbish who only knew how to take drugs and commit crimes. They were incompetent and soon leaked Kimmel's name..

As a result, the bosses of Donghuang Street hated Jin Meier so much that how could they cooperate with him again?

Just at this time, Su Bai appeared. With his familiar Donghuang face and timely kindness, Su Bai easily won the cooperation of the bosses of Donghuang Street.

What is this? It is roughly equivalent to Jin Meier getting a beautiful woman drunk and taking off her clothes. Then he left for a while and Su Bai had sex with the beautiful woman.

If Jin Meier could not hate Su Bai, he would be a saint reborn. Jin Meier is certainly not a saint, he is a villain. He could not find a reason to refute Su Bai, so he could only leave in disappointment, but this grudge was formed.

Added by: Naruto789

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