After an episode at the Governor's Mansion, Su Bai and Enterprise ended their vacation and returned to Atlans. At the Grand Fleet Base, Chief Architect Yang Ming came to report to Su Bai. At present, all projects are progressing smoothly, and technology and commercial output are also on track. Yang Ming also knew that the Siren was coming, and it was meaningless to build a city at this time, so he used the extra resources to build a defense system.

As for how to build it, he would not ask too much. Professional matters should be left to professionals.

Returning to the Demon King's Castle, the beautiful Enterprise returned to her mansion after being nourished by love. Along the way, many ship girls saw her and cast envious eyes.

Everyone knows that Commander Su Bai took a special leave for Miss Enterprise and took a plane to Hawaii for vacation.

How romantic is this? Are you jealous?

Many ship girls are jealous, including Hood, Glory, Akagi, and Kaga.

On the way back to his mansion, Su Bai heard the music in the style of the Sakura Empire coming from the courtyard where Akagi and Kaga lived. Are they the two of them?

Su Bai changed direction and walked towards the courtyard where the sisters Akagi and Kaga lived. Their courtyard is called Japanese-style Cottage, and it was built completely in the style of the Sakura Empire, so that the two of them would not be too lonely in this foreign country.

Su Bai walked into the courtyard. Akagi was blowing away the shakuhachi, while Kaga was practicing sword. Kaga's kendo is very superb, and it is said that she has reached the level of nine consecutive cuts.

However, why is there a murderous aura here?

Kaga drew her sword and swung it with a graceful and stretched movement. A wooden stake in front of her was instantly cut into nine pieces. It was indeed a nine-cut combo!

Akagi saw Su Bai and smiled.

"Good swordsmanship! What's so special about this sword?"

Kaga said expressionlessly,"This move is called"Severing Love", and it is said that it can cut off all the unfaithful people in the world."

Ahem, why does this sound so awkward?

"I am your husband, I am not an unfaithful person"

"Oh, do I have a husband? But my quilt has been cold for a month."

Su Bai showed an apologetic expression,"I'm sorry, I was busy leading the fleet to sea a while ago and ignored you. It's my fault."

Tears flowed from the corners of Kaga's eyes,"I knew that you married me at that time just because you felt sorry for me. Humph, you led the fleet to sea for training, then you looked for everyone when you were in the open sea, why didn't you come to me. After returning to the port, you even had time to violate Miss Tirpitz, but you ignored me."

Su Bai felt a headache, it's not my fault, there are always times when time can't be arranged, and some accidents happened on the day when it was originally your turn.

"Go away, I don't want to see you anymore"

"No! You are my wife, how can you kick me out!"

Su Bai rushed forward shamelessly and hugged Kaga tightly. A thought flashed through his mind. Seven wives were about to explode. How did those emperors manage thousands or even tens of thousands of concubines? Of course Su Bai would not understand, because he treated these ship girls as flesh and blood people, while those emperors only treated women as consumables. This was of course different.

If Su Bai followed this standard, he could do it. But the moment he saw Kaga's tears, his heart broke. If you don't have that ability, just stop here!

Akagi smiled mischievously, stood up, and put the shakuhachi on the table,"Aiyi, it seems that the commander will stay at your place tonight, I won't disturb you, goodbye!"

Kaga's face was as red as a cooked shrimp,"Sister! You make fun of me too, who asked you to leave, you all stay here! I'll cook tonight and make delicious food for you."

Kaga's character is relatively simple, her temper comes and goes quickly, and soon, she went to the kitchen to busy herself.

On the tatami, Su Bai and Akagi were the only ones kneeling opposite each other,"How was it, did you enjoy your vacation in Honolulu? I see that your complexion is a little strange, were you sucked dry by Alice?""

Poof! The tea in Su Bai's mouth sprayed out,"Hey, hey, what you said is so ugly, what do you mean by sucked dry, that's to help her suppress the power of destruction"

"Humph, everyone knows that Miss Alice is extremely powerful. Every time the commander comes out of her, he has to rest for at least a day."Akagi gently stroked the dark corners of Su Bai's eyes,"You should have a good rest tonight, and just chat with me and Kaga. Oh, no, I can't make the decision for her, maybe you still have to fight hard tonight."

Su Bai felt Akagi's concern, and a trace of warmth emerged in his heart. This Sakura woman who looked very sickly, became gentle and considerate after marrying him, like an older sister, and there was no sign of sickness at all.

That's right, there are no sickly girls in this world, they are all trained by the ruthless life.

Kaga came over with a wooden tray, and she put the tray down,"My husband, this is my homemade sushi roll, please try it."

Su Bai picked up a seafood sushi. Hmm, it tastes really good!

Without saying anything, he pulled Kaga into his arms and fed her half a piece of sushi mouth to mouth.

Akagi suddenly felt that the tea had a little more lemon flavor. She was obviously her sister, but seeing this scene still made her feel a little sour.

"Ahem, you two, I'm still alive."

Su Bai also pulled Chicheng over and hugged her left and right. Yu Meiren and Junzilan, a pair of good sisters, were both in Su Bai's arms at this time.

"Su Bai is a pervert!"

"How can I call it a sex scene when I am intimate with my own wife? Come on, Mai, I will feed you one too!"

The three of them laughed and played like this, and soon it was getting late. They put away the tableware, made some tea, and enjoyed this quiet time.

"so good!"

"���Jumping into the sea from the Nagato with my sister is like entering a devil's den. My innocence will be ruined and my life will be miserable."

"Haha, my sister, aren't you in a devil's den now? Have you kept your innocence?"

Kaga thought so too, she was really angry! She twisted Su Bai hard with hatred, and Su Bai rushed forward in pain and pressed Akagi under her again.

At some point, the red candles had gone out and the room darkened.

Under the blood moon, birds were singing, insects were chirping, what a beautiful night!...

After a night, Su Bai couldn't get up anymore. Didn't we agree to just chat? Oh my old waist, if this goes on, I'm afraid I'll be in trouble before the Sirens attack.

Akagi and Kaga lazily lay in his arms, enjoying this rare reunion. They all knew that the Sirens' attack was inevitable, and in this cruel war, no one was safe from death.

No matter if there is tomorrow or not, let's enjoy today first.


Su Bai was reviewing documents in the office, and Irene was by his side. During the days he was away, Irene managed the entire fleet in an orderly manner, and all the work items were compiled into a book and handed over to Su Bai.

Su Bai was flipping through the documents one by one.

"What's going on?" Su Bai pointed to a Christmas budget.

"Oh, many ship girls are complaining, saying that they have worked hard for a whole year, and it is terrible if they can't take a break on such a big holiday as Christmas."

Su Bai was furious,"What nonsense are you talking about, is this the time to play? What if the Siren launches an attack on Christmas Eve? Who will be responsible for this. How could you approve such a ridiculous thing?"

Irene was not angry,"Su Bai, I think we should still prepare. The Siren must have a way to keep an eye on us. There are so many people on Atlans Island, how many people are on the move every day? It is difficult to prevent spies. If we are facing a great enemy here and don't even prepare for Christmas, guess what the Siren will think?"

Su Bai certainly understood that in this case, the Siren would of course know that he had calculated their attack time.

If the Siren commander was rational enough, he would choose another time to attack. Since ancient times, there are only thieves who do thieves for a thousand days, how can you guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Pretending to prepare for the festival, but actually leaving enough troops on duty for combat readiness, it is easier to lure the Siren fleet out.

Good idea!

"Dear Irene, you are my lucky star. You are simply a female Zhuge"

"Pig brother? You are the pig."

"Hey, I'm talking about Zhuge Kongming, a famous wise man in Donghuang history!"

Irene smiled, but soon turned stern,"Humph, you just use me as a tool. In someone's heart, Alice is his beloved; Hood is the softest part of his heart; Akagi and Kaga sisters satisfy his sense of conquest; Glory is a gentle little sister; Tirpitz is a hot and fresh feeling; only I, a yellow-faced woman, am just a tool!"

"Who said that! My Irene is the most beautiful and intelligent woman, she must���You will be dominated by low-level negative emotions like jealousy, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. Irene is just a poor child who is not loved by anyone."

"I will love you, tonight, tonight I will go to your place"

"No! I can't wait any longer, I want it now."

Su Bai was about to cry, did you guys make an appointment to let me die here?

"But this is an office!"

"Delaying tactics don't work with me. You men really like forbidden romances in the office, don't you? Today I will satisfy your dirty and immoral desires."

"I'm not, I don't, I really......"

As Su Bai was explaining, Irene's coat had been thrown on the desk, and her slender and exquisite curves were already displayed in front of Su Bai.

How could he bear this! Su Bai picked up Irene and they rolled onto the sofa.

·· ·Request flowers·· ·········

"Come on, I've locked the door!"......

However, there are always people who don't know what's good for them. Just as Su Bai and Irene were about to take off, there was a light click from the keyhole, and the head maid Belfast walked in.

"Lord Ailin, this is the document you need to review this afternoon......."

Belfast was dumbfounded. What was going on? The bedroom was upstairs. How could the fun be so exciting?

After all, Belfast was not the little girl like Richmond who had never seen the world. She bowed generously and said,"Lady Irene, have you seen Lord Su Bai? He should be back soon. I won't disturb you."

After saying this, Belfast left with a red face.

She deliberately didn't tell them that Su Bai was in the room, just to tell them that she would keep the secret.

Of course, Su Bai and Irene understood what she meant.

Irene blushed. It was so embarrassing! It was rare to have a wild game, but she was caught by someone. It was her first time walking on the road at night and she encountered a ghost.

Su Bai wanted to get up embarrassedly, but Irene hugged him tightly.

"You're not going anywhere until you feed me!"......

When Su Bai returned to his bedroom, he was completely dizzy. Ah, I am going to die.

This was really going to die. For the first time, he felt that marrying so many wives was a burden. He returned to his bedroom and fell on the bed with a plop, causing a scream.

Ah, it turned out to be Tirpitz. No, why are you in my room?


"What are you looking at? You gave me the key yourself and told me I could look at the books here. I didn't sneak in."

Tirpitz looked at Su Bai with an unpleasant expression,"Hey, Commander, what's wrong with you? Were you attacked by the Sirens?"

"Much scarier than the Sirens......Tirpitz, I'll just hide here for a while. I'll lie down for a while, and you continue reading. By the way, which book are you reading?"

Tirpitz blushed and hid the album behind her back. It was too embarrassing. She was reading Tirpitz's imprisonment play, and the protagonist was the devil Su Bai. If he found out about this, how would she live?

But Tirpitz didn't notice that there was a mirror at the head of the bed, and Su Bai had already seen the album in Tirpitz's hand.

"Hey, you, a sultry otaku, are actually a pervert who can reach orgasm while reading your own book."

Tirpitz blushed. Ah! I've been discovered, I'm going to kill him to silence him! Tirpitz sat directly on Su Bai and pinched him hard,"I told you not to talk nonsense!"

Su Bai coughed,"If you keep pinching me, I'll really die."

"Ah, I'm sorry, Commander, are you okay?"

"Come lie down with me for a while and chat"

"No, I'm not your wife."

"Tirpitz, if you have a more suitable partner, you can choose to marry him. I won't object."

Su Bai said this nonsense after crying these days. But to Tirpitz, this is simply a big joke!

You arrested me, locked me up, made me drunk, took away my innocence, and tore up my ticket home. Now you want me to marry someone else. Is this what a human being says?

Tirpitz's hands were shaking, and she slapped him.

Su Bai's face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Hey, you northern otaku, are you being unreasonable? Don't you want to be my wife?"

Tirpitz kept hitting Su Bai. How could there be such a bastard?

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. I shouldn't have said such nonsense. When I choose an auspicious day, I will definitely marry you."

"I do not want!"

"Then you marry someone else."

"I don’t want it either!"

"Hey, my lady, what do you want?"

"What do I want? I want your life!"

Tirpitz pounced on him and bit Su Bai's chest hard, then whispered in his ear,"I will drain you completely and turn you into a mummy!"

Wait, what kind of logic is this!

Tirpitz bit Su Bai's ear,"This is what I learned from the picture book, do you like it? It was so unfair last time, I don't remember anything except the pain. This time, you have to leave me a good memory."

Su Bai's earlobe was surrounded by moisture, and his whole body was numb. Which bastard drew this picture book? He really, really understands men!......

On December 19, the first year of the Azure Calendar, Su Bai died of excessive indulgence.......

Haha, of course Su Bai didn't really die, but he was completely wilted, this time there really wasn't a drop left!

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