A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 83 Jiang Feng’s future wife

“Today I will share three pieces of information.

The first piece of information is about Shen Moli's future.

I know that you have always wanted to know about Shen Moli's future. But due to limited information, I can't write it down in detail. All I can say is that Shen Moli's future has been mentioned very implicitly in previous future letters. "

Seeing this piece of information, Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment.

"Has Shen Moli's future been mentioned in previous future letters?"

He immediately read through the previous fourteen future letters again. Except for the seventh future letter, which clearly mentioned the warning that Shen Moli would drown that day, the other letters did not mention Shen Moli.

But the problem is that the seventh future letter is from the past timeline. After her own intervention, Shen Moli did not drown, and the future has been changed.

Moreover, the purpose of the seventh letter is to save Shen Moli, which is not a subtle mention.

"Huh? A veiled reference?"

At this time, Jiang Feng also grasped the key point.

He re-read the previous letters, and finally, his eyes fell on the eighth future letter.

The eighth letter from the future mentions a mysterious person.

In the timeline of the eighth future letter, Xuezhu died on his eighteenth birthday.

Then, five years later, I got married.

But the eighth letter did not mention his wife's name.

I just want to say that getting along after marriage is not very smooth.

"So, will the woman I marry in the eighth timeline be Shen Moli?"

Most likely yes.

Jiang Feng fell silent.

Although that was the timeline of the eighth future letter, and now it is the fifteenth future letter, many things in the future have been changed.

But there are some things that haven't changed.

For example, the death of Xuezhu.

As for the future of his marriage to Shen Moli, judging from the meaning of this fifteenth future letter, it seems that it has not changed.

In the latest future, Xuezhu is still dead, and he is still married to Shen Moli.

The eighth letter mentioned that he and his wife "did not get along well after marriage." So, what will happen to his marriage to Shen Moli in the new future?

It is not mentioned in this fifteenth letter.

"It's probably not going well either."

As for why it didn't go well, it's unknown.

After a while.

Jiang Feng took a deep breath, calmed down, picked up his notebook and continued reading.

"Second piece of information: The total value of Jiangcheng Wanhe Real Estate's land at the intersection of Taiping Road and Yong'an Road is approximately one billion."

This piece of information is somewhat baffling.

My future self should know very well that currently I only have 350 million available funds.

He can't get this billion-dollar plot of land.

But Jiang Feng also knew that his future self would not talk nonsense.

Just like the wealth rankings mentioned inexplicably before, there is actually hidden stock information.

Jiang Feng picked up his phone, searched it, and then was stunned.

In the news, Wanhe Real Estate spent 500 million when it acquired this land two years ago.

"Has the value increased?"

Then, Jiang Feng noticed that with the rapid cooling of real estate in the past two years, Wanhe Real Estate, like Huatian Real Estate, also encountered capital turnover problems.

Moreover, Wanhe Real Estate has no other high-quality assets and cannot raise funds through financial products, so the funding problem broke out as early as a year ago.

According to relevant regulations on real estate development, land developers must develop the land within two years after acquiring it. If the land remains idle for more than two years, the state has the right to take back the land.

Now, the land owned by Wanhe Real Estate is almost two years old, but with the current financial situation of Wanhe Real Estate, there is no money to start construction.

Jiang Feng's eyes flickered.

"Wanhe Real Estate must be very anxious to sell this land now, right? But why hasn't any other real estate developer taken it over?"

Jiang Feng continued to browse the information on the Internet, trying to find key information.

"Huh? Is that the reason?"

The land of Wanhe Real Estate was originally a chemical factory, which is why it is so cheap.

A piece of land of the same size in Jiangcheng usually costs at least one billion, but when Wanhe acquired this land two years ago, it only cost half a billion, which was half the price.

However, a non-governmental environmental organization recently conducted soil environmental testing on the land and found that there are a large number of toxic chemicals.

Even if Wanhe has the money to build a building, it may be difficult to sell it.

Therefore, Wanhe Real Estate sold the land everywhere, and the price was as low as 200 million, but still no one cared.

“How is this toxic land worth a billion?”

Jiang Feng was also muttering in his heart.

However, he also knows very well that his future self will definitely not cheat him.

Although it may be limited by information, he could not say clearly.

But, since he said it was worth one billion, it must be worth one billion.

Gather your emotions, pick up your notebook, and continue reading.

Of the three messages today, one remains unread.

"The third piece of information: The assistant to the president who came to Hurricane Group today to apply for a job is a commercial spy. She will take advantage of the interview opportunity to plant a bug in Uncle Donghai's president's office."

Seeing this information, Jiang Feng's pupils shrank.

"Commercial espionage? Who sent it?"

It was not mentioned in future letters.

"Leave this matter to Uncle Donghai."

Jiang Feng yawned and felt a little sleepy.

Although today's information is rich, there is nothing particularly urgent.

Let's go to sleep first.

The next day.

When Jiang Feng woke up, Ye Banxia was lying on his chest, sleeping soundly.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Feng's mouth.

"This girl is quite cute when she sleeps."

Then, he quietly got up and went downstairs to make breakfast.

Not long after Jiang Feng got up, Ye Mei sneaked into Jiang Feng's room.

"Liar, didn't you say we slept in separate beds? It's obviously just one quilt."

However, Ye Banxia was neatly dressed in autumn clothes and long trousers.

There was no hormonal smell in the room either.

It seems that nothing 'dangerous' happened.

At this time, Shen Moli also came over, leaned against the door frame, and said calmly: "Although Jiang Feng is perverted, he is not crazy."

Ye Mei smiled awkwardly.

"Yes, Banxia is still young." At this time, Ye Mei suddenly remembered something and said: "Jasmine, aren't you worried about Jiang Feng and Sister Mo Lan? Sister Mo Lan is an adult, but Jiang Feng is not So many concerns.”

Shen Moli was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly: "I am not Jiang Feng's girlfriend, and I can't interfere with his personal affairs. However, I think that this kind of thing you said will not happen. My sister is more serious, She loves face and calls herself a serious person. She will not have a relationship with Jiang Feng, who is almost ten years younger than her. Because this will destroy the persona she presents as a 'serious woman' in front of me and make her I can’t hold my head up.”

"That's right. It's hard to imagine that Teacher Mo Lan is having an affair with Jiang Feng." Ye Mei smiled.

At this time, Ye Banxia woke up in a daze.

She looked at Ye Mei, and then said: "Sister? Why are you? Have I been sleeping with you all night?"

Ye Mei rolled her eyes and said, "Yes."

"Hey, it's really troublesome to have a sister who is obsessed with girls." Ye Banxia yawned.

Ye Mei was slightly darkened, but said nothing.

Soon after, Li Zan also got up.

"Just in time, breakfast is ready, let's eat." Jiang Feng said with a smile.

After breakfast, Li Donghai's car also drove over.

He will take Li Zan to school today to go through the transfer procedures.

"Shall I take you to school together?" Li Donghai asked.

"No need." Jiang Feng paused, then smiled and said, "I ride an electric bike. It's convenient to get home from school."

Shen Moli and Ye Mei also wanted to ride electric bicycles by themselves. Li Donghai did not force them and left with Li Zan.

Soon after, Shen Moli and Ye Mei also rode away.

Jiang Feng dragged him to the end.

After everyone left, he called Dugu Shuixian and told her two things.

First, acquire the land parcel of Wanhe Real Estate located at the intersection of Taiping Road and Yongan Road.

Second, the assistant to the president who came for the interview today is a commercial spy, and we are trying to find out who is behind it.

Dugu Shuixian had great doubts about Jiang Feng's two orders.

She knew the land owned by Wanhe Real Estate.

After all, she was not only responsible for the public relations of Huatian Hospital, but also the public relations of the entire Huatian Group, including Huatian Real Estate.

This job also allowed Dugu Shuixian to learn a lot of business insider information.

For example, the land owned by Wanhe Real Estate is poisonous land.

All major real estate developers know this.

That's why no one wants to take over.

Take it over rashly

"Even if we take it over, we don't have the money to develop it. The agreement signed with the government will be two years old in one month. If construction doesn't start within this month, the land will be taken back by the government. Where is Jiang Feng? What are you thinking about?"

However, although she was very suspicious, Dugu Narcissus did not object.

Because none of Jiang Feng's previous business operations had failed.

"But how did he know about this commercial spy?"

Someone did come to interview the president's assistant today, but how did Jiang Feng know that the other person was a commercial spy?

After hanging up Jiang Feng's phone with suspicion, Dugu Shuixian immediately contacted Li Donghai.

It is not convenient for her to come forward now, so Li Donghai is responsible for the specific execution.

Li Donghai was as confused as she was about Dugu Shuixian's instructions.

"Mr. Li, this is what our big boss wants. Just follow the big boss's wishes." Dugu Shuixian said directly.

This is the first time she has publicly admitted in front of Li Donghai that there is a boss behind her.

She paused and then said: "This may be the test that the big boss will give you. If you pass the test, you may not have to wait three months to end the probation period and officially become the president of Hurricane Group."

Li Donghai immediately said: "I will work hard!"

Later, Li Donghai called Li's mother.

Let her take Li Zan to the school to go through the transfer procedures, while he is going to work.

Li's mother did not dare to delay Li Donghai's work and agreed immediately.

After all, such a high-paying job is not something you can find easily.

The interview for the assistant to the president is in the afternoon.

Li Donghai first made an equity transfer with Qin Tian, ​​which is commonly known as paying with one hand and delivering with the other.

After that, Li Donghai contacted Wanhe Real Estate non-stop.

After some bargaining, he successfully reduced the acquisition amount to 180 million.

It was 20 million lower than Jiang Feng's preset acquisition price of 200 million.

I have to say that Li Donghai does have some abilities.

After signing the acquisition contract, Li Donghai hurried back to the company to prepare for an interview with his assistant.

In fact, Li Donghai and Dugu Narcissus had the same feelings about commercial espionage, and they both found it a bit incredible.

The other party hasn't come for the interview yet. How come the boss behind the scenes already knows that the other party is a commercial espionage?

He deliberately installed micro-monitors in his office.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, a woman in her thirties came to Li Donghai's office.

This person's name is He Feiyan, who used to be a secretary to the board of directors in a listed company. She has very good academic qualifications, qualifications and work experience.

During the conversation with the other party, Li Donghai also admitted that the other party was very capable.

He has also recently interviewed several assistants.

Without question, this was the best assistant he had ever interviewed.

"Such an excellent person comes to a start-up company like ours to work as a commercial spy? Who is so generous? Did the big boss make a mistake?"

For the first time, Li Donghai questioned the mysterious behind-the-scenes boss he had always admired.

At this time, Li Donghai's cell phone rang.

He took the opportunity to leave the office.

After coming outside, Li Donghai immediately turned on his mobile phone monitoring.

The woman named He Feiyan made no movement at first and seemed to be carefully observing Li Donghai's office.

She didn't notice Li Donghai's micro-monitor hidden in the corner.

Soon, He Feiyan stood up and placed a micro bug in a very hidden corner of the office.

Seeing this scene, Li Donghai's expression was extremely shocked.

He was not shocked that He Feiyan secretly planted a bug in his office, but he was shocked that his boss behind the scenes knew about this in advance!

"Oh my God, what terrifying intelligence resources does our big boss behind the scenes have?"

He wants to know more and more who the big boss is behind the scenes.

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