A Letter From The Future Every Day

Chapter 84 What if I’m pregnant?

At this time, the big boss behind the scenes was facing a little trouble.

No, it's big trouble.

Lu Ming is here again.

He was alone today without any subordinates.

"Jiang Feng, I have something I want to check with you," Lu Mingdao.

The whole class looked at Jiang Feng.

Including Li Zan, who just joined the class today.

He was confused.

Jiang Feng didn't say anything, stood up and left with Lu Ming.

"Let's talk in the police car," Lu Ming said.

"I don't like riding in the police car. Let's go to the playground. There's no one there now." Jiang Feng said calmly.

Lu Ming nodded.


Afterwards, the two came to the playground.

It has been snowing recently, and physical education classes in all classes have basically been suspended, so as Jiang Feng said, there is really no one on the playground.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Feng said calmly.

"I heard that you paid half a million yuan in compensation for Liu Dazhuang in your class?" Lu Mingdao.

"is it not OK?"

"Of course." Lu Ming paused, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and then said, "Where did you get the money?"

"Won the lottery." Jiang Feng looked at Lu Ming and said, "I'm telling you the truth. Someone won 200 million by buying Happy 8 some time ago, and someone else won 500 in that period, with a bonus of 2.5 million. That one I am the one who won 2.5 million."

"How did you guess the lottery numbers? And you bought 500 bets at once. As a high school student, your behavior is not very reasonable." Lu Mingdao.


Jiang Feng smiled.

"Officer Lu, you didn't interrogate the person who bought 50,000 yuan and won 200 million. Instead, you asked me about the guy who bought 500 yuan and won 2.5 million. Isn't that appropriate?"

Jiang Feng paused and then said: "There is nothing special about me buying this number. I just happened to see a man buying 50,000 lottery tickets at a time at the lottery station that day. I was so excited that I followed him and bought 500. Note the same number. If you have the authority to adjust the monitoring, you can see it in the monitoring of the lottery station."

"Okay. Maybe I'm thinking too much." Lu Mingdao.

Jiang Feng's mouth twitched.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back to the classroom first. Class will start soon." Jiang Feng said.


Just when Jiang Feng was about to leave, a four or five-year-old little loli ran over.


She ran to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming picked up the little Loli with a smile on his face: "Why are you running here? Didn't I tell you to wait for dad in the car?"

Jiang Feng was a little surprised.

"I thought this criminal police squadron leader only had a poker face, but he turns out to have such a gentle expression."

At this time, seeing Jiang Feng looking at him again, Lu Ming said again: "My daughter."

"Well, seeing as you are so busy every day, I thought you were single." Jiang Feng paused, then smiled and said, "Since you have a family, you should pay more attention to your wife and daughter."

He said this with a bit of ridicule.

Because he knew that Lu Ming had been investigating him recently.

This made him feel a little annoyed.

"My wife" Lu Ming paused and said calmly: "She was killed three years ago."

Jiang Feng:.

He vaguely felt that he had stepped on a minefield.

"I'm sorry." Jiang Feng said quickly.

Lu Ming put down his daughter and said, "Xiaoxiao, go play in the snow on the playground."

"Great, let's go play in the snow."

The little girl ran away.

After the little girl left, Lu Ming took another puff of cigarette and said calmly: "The murderer has not been caught until now."

He grabbed the railing around the playground with his right hand, his expression a little painful: "I'm a waste. I can't even find the murderer of my wife. How can I have the nerve to receive the 'Best Criminal Police Award in Jiangcheng'?"

"With today's criminal investigation methods, can anyone really complete a perfect crime without any traces of crime?" Jiang Feng said.

"I will never admit that it was a perfect crime, and I believe that one day, I will bring that man to justice. But..."

Lu Ming paused and then said calmly: "I have to admit that the other party's methods are indeed powerful. I have been investigating for three years, but I have gained nothing."

"So, you are targeting me?" Jiang Feng said.

Lu Ming was silent for a moment, and then said: "I don't deny it. Tanaka Guang's death seems to be just an accident, and there is no evidence to prove that you and Dugu Shuixian teamed up. But because of my wife's case, I was thinking, if that person is The person who killed my wife could completely eliminate all suspicion and murder Hikaru Tanaka. He had this ability. But at that time, I didn’t really doubt you. Because, three years ago, when my wife was killed , you are still young and it is unlikely that you can complete such a perfect crime."

He took another puff of cigarette and said calmly: "What really made me doubt you was your killing of Huang Qi. It was obviously a murder in public, but you couldn't be sentenced. I was thinking, if you really It was intentional homicide, then your method was very terrible. You induced Huang Qi to attack your stepmother, and then you took the opportunity to kill Huang Qi, and finally closed the case in "self-defense." If this was a premeditated murder, then... "

Lu Ming looked at Jiang Feng with sharp eyes: "You really may be the murderer of my wife. There are many murderers in this world, but there are only a few who can make precise calculations and achieve innocent crimes. "

"Okay. I finally know why you keep holding on to me." Jiang Feng paused and then said helplessly: "I'm very timid, okay. You said that I kill people, which is too flattering to me."

"I also hope I'm wrong."

After saying that, Lu Ming took another deep drag on the cigarette, then stubbed out the remaining cigarette and threw it into the trash can.

Then, he waved to the little loli playing in the snow in the playground, smiled and said: "Xiaoxiao, let's go."

"Okay, Dad!"

The little loli is very obedient.

Afterwards, Lu Ming took his daughter's hand and left.

At least Lu Ming and his daughter disappeared from sight before Jiang Feng looked back.

He sighed.

"It seems that Lu Ming still hasn't ruled me out as a suspect. Speaking of which,"

Jiang Feng thought of something.

"There have been several bizarre murder cases in Jiangcheng in the past year, especially several suicide cases, which are extremely strange. Some time ago, a girl from Class 5 next door was incited to commit suicide. This case has been solved by Lu Ming. The suspect behind the scenes is Jiangcheng Mental Illness. A doctor at the hospital. But I heard from Xia He that he was only involved in this one case, and his committing methods were not clever, so he was quickly detected by Lu Ming. But there are still no clues to the previous bizarre suicide cases. , these cases appear to be suicides, but they are most likely homicides disguised as suicides."

Jiang Feng's eyes were cold.

"Are these cases related to the murderer who killed Lu Ming's wife? If they are related, that is to say, the murderer is still living in Jiangcheng arrogantly after killing Lu Ming's wife three years ago?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng felt a little numb.

After a while, Jiang Feng gathered his emotions and returned to the classroom.

The students in the class looked at Jiang Feng with a slightly frightened look.

After all, this is the third time the police have come to the school to investigate Jiang Feng.

The first two investigations involved homicides.

Many people are thinking: "Will Jiang Feng kill someone again?"

Jiang Feng didn't want to explain. After entering the classroom, he sat directly in his seat.

There are no mock exams this week, it's self-study time.

After Jiang Feng sat down, Li Zan, who was sitting in front of him, turned his head and said, "Jiang Feng, are you really a murderer?"

He just heard about Jiang Feng's murder last week.


"Are not you afraid?"

"Nonsense, that must be scary, but I can't just watch him hurt my family." Jiang Feng said calmly.

Li Zan nodded.

He paused and suddenly said: "After you kill someone, what do the people around you think of you?"

"You saw it just now, everyone is afraid of me." Jiang Feng said with a smile.

"Where is Ye Mei?" Li Zan asked again.

Jiang Feng glanced at Ye Mei who was sitting in front, pondered for a moment, and then said: "She hasn't changed much towards me. But..."

He paused and smiled bitterly: "Ye Mei's mother didn't like me very much in the first place, but now she has even more objections to me."

"I won't change my mind either. To me, whether you kill someone or not, you are still my childhood friend and good friend."

Jiang Feng rolled his eyes and said, "You're going to grow up when you're young, you're just an egg."

Li Zan smiled.


He suddenly remembered something, and then said: "When you went out just now, the squad leader of Class 5 came to see you."

"Wang Xin?"

Jiang Feng's eyes flickered.

For a while, he has been acting with Wang Xin.

But we haven’t seen each other much recently.

"What's wrong with her?" Jiang Feng asked.

Li Zan shook his head: "I don't know."

At this time, Wang Xin's figure appeared again at the door of Class 6's classroom.

Seeing Jiang Feng in the class, Wang Xin walked over directly.

"Jiang Feng, can you come here?" Wang Xin said with a serious expression.

Jiang Feng didn't say anything, then stood up and left with Wang Xin.

Then, the two also came to the playground.

The river breeze made me sweat slightly.

"Today I got to know the playground."

He calmed down, then looked at Wang Xin and said, "Wang Xin, what's wrong?"

"My sister came back from Yanjing last night. When I was looking for something for her, I found an abortion surgery signature form in her bag." Wang Xin said.

"No. You don't think I did it, do you?"

Wang Xin didn't say anything. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket and clicked on the photo album.

"I secretly photographed it."

After speaking, Wang Xin handed the phone to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng took a look.

He was stunned for a moment.

The name written in the signature column of this family member is: Mo Lan.

Moreover, looking at the handwriting, it seems that it is indeed Mo Lan's handwriting.

Jiang Feng was a little confused.

"Why was Mo Lan the one who signed the abortion surgery for your sister? Are they relatives?"

"No. But there is no strict review on this. With your ID card, as long as it proves that you are the person, you can sign your name. As for the relationship, you can say whatever you want, there is no way to check this aspect."

"But Teacher Mo Lan is a woman. The child in your sister's belly cannot be hers, right?"

"I didn't say it was Teacher Mo Lan's child. But since Teacher Mo Lan signed the contract, she should know some inside information." Wang Xin paused, looked at Jiang Feng, and said: "Looking at your reaction, it seems that I don’t know about this at all.”

"I really don't know at all."


Wang Xin sighed: "I thought you would know something."

"Well, the child in your sister's belly is most likely to be Sun Ze's, shouldn't it? He is your sister's husband." Jiang Feng said again.

Wang Xin shook his head: "No. My sister said that Sun Ze is infertile and was born without sperm."

Jiang Feng:.

His eyes flickered.

"I wonder if this is related to Sister Mo Lan's guilt towards Wang Wei?"

After gathering his emotions, Jiang Feng looked at Wang Wei and said, "Wang Xin, how much do you know about your sister and Sister Mo Lan?"

Wang Xin shook his head: "I don't know. My sister rarely talks about things in college."

"Looking at the signing time of this abortion operation, it seems to be four or five years ago. Why do you care about this?" Jiang Feng said.

"Because my sister started to have abnormal brains four or five years ago." Wang Xin said calmly.

Jiang Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

"It seems that not only does she think Wang Wei is crazy, but her own sister also thinks so."

After a while, Jiang Feng said, "I'll look for an opportunity to ask Sister Mo Lan."


"Thank you first. I'm not sure if I can ask. I can only say that I will try my best." Jiang Feng said.

Just at this time, Mo Lan passed by.

"Isn't there already class? What are you two doing here?" Mo Lan said.

"give it to you."

Wang Xin left after finishing speaking.

Mo Lan came to Jiang Feng.

"Jiang Feng, were you confessing your love just now? Who confessed to whom?" Mo Lan joked.

"How can two people confess their feelings when they don't call each other?"

Jiang Feng paused and then said: "Her sister Wang Wei has returned to Jiangcheng again. Last week, Wang Wei asked Liu Dazhuang out, and Sun Ze found out. That despicable guy tricked Liu Dazhuang, causing Liu Dazhuang to drop out of school. Wang Wei Xin was worried that something like this would happen again, so she came to discuss it with me."

"That's it." Mo Lan didn't say anything.

At this time, Jiang Feng suddenly said: "Sister Mo Lan, was Wang Wei like this before? She obviously likes Sun Ze, but she dates other men."

"It wasn't like this when I was in college." Mo Lan said lightly.

"Then why is she like this now?" Jiang Feng asked again.

Mo Lan said nothing.

After a moment, she said: "I had some stimulation in the past, which made me mentally unstable."

"Is it because of Wang Wei's previous miscarriage?" Jiang Feng asked again.

Mo Lan's face changed slightly.

"How did you know?"

"Wang Xin told me that she accidentally saw the abortion surgery signature form in Wang Wei's bag. It has been four or five years, but she has kept it. It seems that she still has not passed that hurdle."

Jiang Feng paused, looked at Mo Lan, and said, "Wang Xin said that your signature is on the abortion surgery signature sheet."

Mo Lan was silent.

After a long time, she sighed: "I signed it on her behalf. Generally, when adults undergo abortion surgery, they can sign by themselves. But Wang Wei had an accident at that time and could not hold the pen with both hands, so I signed it. "

But whose child Wang Wei was pregnant with and what accident happened, Mo Lan did not want to say more.

Jiang Feng did not continue to ask.

However, when he thought about Wang Wei's miscarriage, he would subconsciously think about Mo Lan's pregnancy.

Except that the sixth future letter mentioned that Mo Lan still insisted on giving birth to a child after suffering from cancer.

Subsequent letters from the future did not mention the child again.

"Has the birth control pill worked?"

Thinking of the child who had no chance to come into the world, Jiang Feng also felt a little regretful.

At this time, Mo Lan asked again: "What are you thinking about again?"

"It's nothing." Jiang Feng smiled, then looked at Mo Lan and said, "I was just thinking that if you hadn't taken birth control pills at that time, maybe you would have been pregnant. However, even if you were pregnant, you would definitely have had an abortion."

Mo Lan was silent.

She took birth control pills but still got pregnant.

After a while, Mo Lan said: "What if, I mean what if, I didn't take birth control pills, got pregnant, and then decided to have an abortion. Would you be reluctant to let go of that child?"

"I know I can't afford this responsibility now, but sure enough, I still have some regrets. I feel very sorry for the child. He obviously didn't do anything wrong but he couldn't get the chance to come into this world."

Jiang Feng paused and smiled bitterly: "Obviously it was us who made the mistake, but it was the child who was punished. He is obviously innocent."

Mo Lan continued to remain silent.

"Sister Mo Lan, there is no point in hypothesizing. Even if you were really pregnant before, you would have been killed by the birth control pill. So, don't think so much. I'm going back to the classroom first." At this time, Jiang Feng said again.

"Yeah. Go ahead." Mo Lan said.

After Jiang Feng left, Mo Lan still stood there with a confused expression.

"Is the child innocent?"

She had already decided to have an abortion but began to waver again.

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