But the Queen's family is a military general, and a dead soldier cannot be so useless. Killing Zong Zhengya can still let her escape?

Gu Jinan said: "There is no need for the Duke of Yuan Dynasty to kill Zong Zhengya. Even if he wants to kill her, he should kill Zong Zhengya's eldest sister. She is the second child who has not entered the palace. It is stupid to bother to kill her."

He added: "Could it be that the Queen's family wanted to use Zong Zhengya's tragic death to bring shame on the Zong Zheng family? But it is unjustifiable to take such a big risk just because of this."

Qin Sanlang nodded: "So we suspect this is a trap, and that woman wants to plot against us."

But he couldn't figure out why Zong Zhengya wanted to plot against them?

Gu Jinli said: "We don't need to guess here. If it's a game, Zong Zhengya will definitely have a back-up move soon. Let's be on guard and just deal with it when the time comes."

They told Gu Jinan about this early in the morning because they wanted him to be more careful, for fear that Zong Zhengya wouldn't be able to plot against them and would attack Gu Jinan.

The eldest son, a promising eldest son, has always been the enemy's first target.

As soon as Gu Jinli finished speaking, Daqing came and handed Zong Zhengya's letter to Gu Jinli: "My little boss, Zong Zhengya's maid asked the slave to deliver it to the master."

Gu Jinli smiled and winked at Qin Sanlang: "It's for you, do you want to see it?"

Qin Sanlang shook his head, frowning and said: "If you don't look at it, don't touch it either. Just let Daqing read it to you. All wealthy families have some secret poisons. Once people touch it, they will be poisoned."

He couldn't let the little fish be in danger.

After hearing this, Daqing immediately took back the letter, bowed his head and admitted his mistake: "Master, my little master, this slave was careless."

Gu Jinli said: "Just pay attention next time, just read it."

Qin Sanlang disagreed and said: "I will be punished with twenty lashes."

This is a matter concerning the safety of the little fish and cannot be tolerated.

After speaking, he looked at Gu Jinli and signaled that she would not ask for mercy, so Gu Jinli could only shut up.

"Yes, I obey," Daqing said, and then began to read the letter.

This letter is very interesting. It is actually a nursery rhyme. After the nursery rhyme was written, there were only two words left: interview.

Gu Jinli was puzzled by what he saw and asked Qin Sanlang: "What kind of nursery rhyme is this?"

Qin Sanlang said: "It is a nursery rhyme that is widely circulated in the capital. It praises the first emperor of Chu. Therefore, all children of noble families must recite this nursery rhyme."

He also carried it.

Gu Jinli was shocked and said with some fear: "Does she know your identity? If you don't go to see her, will she report you?!"

She walked towards Qin Sanlang, held his hand and said, "Don't die."

Qin Sanlang looked at her worried face and felt warm in his heart. There was a joyful smile on his face. Xiaoyu cared about him.

Just when he was about to hug her, Gu Jinan's voice came: "I'm not blind yet."

Qin Sanlang hurriedly stopped his movements, but did not let go of Gu Jinli's hand. Instead, he held her hand, asked her to sit down, and said, "Don't worry, it's okay. I have never seen her before. She doesn't recognize her." My appearance. This letter should be a scam to me. As long as I don’t admit it, there’s nothing she can do.”

Gu Jinli felt relieved and said, "She must have known something to write you this letter. Who told her? This must be found out, otherwise you will still be in danger."

Qin Sanlang didn't want Gu Jinli to worry about these things and said, "Don't worry, even if she knows something, she can't threaten me unless she wants the nine clans of the Zongzheng family to be wiped out."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli understood immediately. He looked at the bronze medal in Gu Jinan's hand and said with a smile, "We have evidence in our hands, so we can threaten her."

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Well, Xiaoyu is so smart."

Gu Jinan couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Can you take it easy?"

Qin Sanlang smiled and said, "I'm engaged to Xiaoyu, so we can get closer."

Speaking of this, he learned it from Brother Luo Wu. Brother Luo Wu and his eldest sister also got the engagement letter first and then made the engagement ceremony.

After Xiaoyu agreed to marry him, he was so excited that he couldn't wait for Gu's family to return to the village. When he returned to the military station, he got a letter of engagement with Gu Dashan's fingerprints and name on it.

After returning to the military post, I took the opportunity to go home and asked my grandfather to write his fingerprints and names. Then he went to the county government office to register. He also took advantage of the time when he went to the Fucheng garrison camp to rush to the Fucheng government office to register.

Although he was very tired from running, he was very happy. In any case, it was finally justified.

And his move, like a knife, cut off Zong Zhengya's trust in Ning Ji, making Zong Zhengya begin to doubt Ning Ji's ability.

Gu Jinan was very dissatisfied with Qin Sanlang's words. You are engaged and have a letter of engagement, but I don't have a wife yet. You are teasing me in front of me. Who are you abusing?

Gu Jinan didn't want to stay here and be abused, so he said to Daqing: "Lead the way, I'll go meet her."

Gu Jinli smiled: "Brother, you are so poisonous."

It was impossible for Brother Qin to go to see Zong Zhengya, but she could go, but Gu Jinan would have the best effect.

Because Gu Jinan was on good terms with Guan Zhuo, if Zong Zhengya saw Gu Jinan, he would definitely be more shocked and angry than when he saw her.

Gu Jinan raised his eyebrows and said, "Is this considered poisonous? Then I will personally write to Brother Shangguan and tell him that her cousin who has not left the cabinet is in danger in He'an Mansion. Is this considered more poisonous?"

After hearing this, Gu Jinli was stunned, then laughed loudly, gave a thumbs up and said, "Poison, it's too poisonous."

If what happened last night was really Zong Zhengya's fault, then she must have done it without telling the adults of the two families. If Gu Jinan told Shangguan Zhuo about this, the Shangguan family and Zong Zheng family would explode.

After hearing this, Gu Jinan nodded reservedly: "That's too much praise."

After saying that, he followed Daqing and left.

Zong Zhengya had been waiting for Qin Sanlang, and was sure that he would not dare not come after receiving the letter.

But she never thought that the person who came was Gu Jinan, and the first words Gu Jinan said when he saw her were: "Miss Zongzheng, someone is a good friend of your cousin Shangguan Zhuo. I heard my sister told her brother-in-law that last night you You were in danger. When I heard about it, I was very anxious and immediately wrote to Brother Shangguan to tell him the news that you were in danger."

Then he smiled and said: "Don't worry, your cousin will come soon after receiving the letter. You can live here with peace of mind and wait until Brother Shangguan comes to pick you up."

He also said in a caring tone like a brother: "You are too filial. Even though you are rushing back to your hometown to serve your uncle and aunt, you can't ignore your own safety. After all, you are a girl who has not left the court. If something happens to you, It’s a matter of pain for a lifetime.”

Zong Zhengya was going crazy. He stood up immediately and asked in horror: "Have you written a letter to Cousin Zhuo?"

Gu Jinan smiled very kindly: "Yes, his cousin is in danger, how could I not tell him after I found out?"

He, Gu Jinan, was the best young man in Dafeng Village, Qingfu Town, Tianfu County. He was kind, upright, caring about his family, he valued love and justice, and was most sincere to his friends. How could he hide such a big event?

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