A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1007 The eternal handle

After hearing what Gu Jinan said, Zong Zhengya almost couldn't help but call for the shadow guards to kill Gu Jinan.

But Gu Jinan smiled and said: "Looking at the fierce look in his eyes, does he have murderous intentions? But can you kill me? If it were me, my sister, my sister-in-law, my family, my relatives, including my servants and the villagers, , even the animals in the village died in vain, and the fact that you made a fake bronze medal and pretended to be a dead soldier of the Yuan Kingdom to assassinate yourself will be made public!"

Gu Jinan smiled very gracefully and handsomely, but what he said made Zong Zhengya want to kill him immediately: "When the time comes, all the nine clans of your Zong Zheng family will die."

As he spoke, he took out a bronze medal from the Yuan Kingdom and shook it, making Zong Zhengya dizzy and almost fainted.

"Second girl!" Aunt Zong hurriedly supported Zong Zhengya who was about to fall down. She looked at her worriedly, but she was actually a little dissatisfied in her heart.

She had advised the second girl not to listen to that gentleman's words earlier. Things like predicting the future were unbelievable. If she made a mistake once, she would be doomed.

Look at this time, it was not a mistake, putting the second girl and the Zongzheng family into a critical situation for the nine clans.

Zong Zhengya pushed Aunt Zong away, straightened her back, stood proudly, looked at Gu Jinan and asked, "What do you want?"

Gu Jinan said: "I should be the one who asked this question, what do you want?!"

Then he said: "My family is living a good life. I didn't recruit you or mess with you. You suddenly came here to make such a fuss. If I hadn't known that the Shangguan family and the Zongzheng family had no history of hidden diseases, I would have thought you were crazy." ?Is this what a girl should do?"

Although Xiaoyu is skinny, he has always been very measured in doing things. If Xiaoyu dares to be like Zong Zhengya, then he will definitely not be able to help but strangle her to death.

This Zong Zhengya is so capable of causing trouble that she has dragged all nine of her clans into a pit of fire.

Zong Zhengya was speechless by Gu Jinan and could only stare at him angrily: "Say your conditions. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it."

This is an admission of defeat, and I just want this matter to turn around.

However, Gu Jinan said: "I am not you, and I will not make any threatening conditions. As long as you leave before tomorrow evening, treat it as if you have never been here, and you are not allowed to cause trouble for Xiaoyu and Sanlang in the future. This matter will be over. otherwise……"

He shook the bronze medal of the Yuan Kingdom in his hand and said, "This bronze medal will appear in the Yuan Kingdom."

Zong Zhengya felt weak at his feet and glared at Gu Jinan: "You actually want to threaten me for the rest of your life!"

Such a vicious heart, and he said he wouldn't make threatening conditions, but he was clearly doing something to threaten her for the rest of her life!

Gu Jinan said: "There is a huge disparity in strength between our two families, and you are a vicious person. For the safety of my family, I must hold your hand in my hand, and this hand was also handed over by you. My family does not need to use it in vain."

Look, this isn't his family's fault, she has to blame herself.

After saying that, under Zong Zhengya's murderous gaze, he stretched out his hand towards her and said, "Bring the five thousand taels you owe Xiaoyu."

Zong Zhengya was stunned. At this time, this bastard still had time to ask her for money?

But Gu Jinan asked seriously, as if he would be in a hurry if she didn't give him the five thousand taels of silver.

Zong Zhengya had no choice but to call out to Aunt Zong: "Give him five thousand taels of silver notes."

This feeling of being threatened, but unable to take revenge, and having to pay the other party, really made Zong Zhengya's life worse than death!

Aunt Zong quickly came over with the banknote and handed it to Gu Jinan: "Here."

Gu Jinan took it and counted it. After confirming that it was correct, he said: "I have news here about you. Do you want to buy it? It's only ten thousand taels."

Conscientious price.

Zong Zhengya is about to vomit blood. How come the Gu family members are all so virtuous? All fell into the eyes of money!

But Gu Jinan said: "If you don't buy it, you may regret it for the rest of your life."

Zong Zhengya has finally seen what Gu Jinan is capable of. He is an extremely smart and capable person. Moreover, she heard from her cousin that Gu Jinan disdains lying. What if she doesn't buy this news and really regrets it for the rest of her life?

Zong Zhengya had no choice but to ask Grandma Zong to get 10,000 taels of silver notes and hand them to Gu Jinan.

Gu Jinan took it and said first: "As expected of a first-class aristocratic family, they are rich."

Then he said: "The news is that I did not write to tell Brother Shangguan that you are here, so you can leave with peace of mind and pretend that nothing has happened."

This was a face he gave to the Shangguan family. No matter what, Shangguan Zhuo was his friend.

Zong Zhengya was very surprised to hear that Gu Jinan did not write a letter to tell Cousin Zhuo, so she would not be punished after returning.

However, Gu Jinan warned: "Just this once, if you dare to take any action, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Zong Zhengya looked at Gu Jinan's retreating back, thinking about what happened today, and became more and more angry... She was actually countered by Gu Jinan!

It was clearly well planned, but why did it end up like this?

And about Gu Jinan...

The gentleman didn't tell her what achievements Gu Jinan would have in the future. He said that she would be punished by God if she leaked too many secrets.

But looking at Gu Jin'an, he is definitely not an ordinary person, and he will definitely have great potential in the future.

With a promising brother and a man's love, can she still be able to fight against the daughter of the Gu family? Even if she survives the fight, she herself will suffer heavy losses.

Daqing was afraid that Zong Zhengya's people would assassinate Gu Jinan, so he escorted him all the way back home.

Gu Jinli and Qin Sanlang were still waiting in his yard. When they saw him coming back, they hurriedly greeted him and asked, "How is it? Is it solved?"

Gu Jinan nodded: "Well, it's settled. As long as she doesn't act stupid, she can rest easy."

Then he told them how he dealt with Zong Zhengya.

"She only thought about how to make this situation more realistic, but she forgot that the things she did would become the knife that killed her." Gu Jinan sighed: "I really don't know whether to call her smart or stupid?"

Gu Jinli took the opportunity to flatter her: "My eldest brother is smart and can quickly discover her flaws and counterattack her."

Gu Jinan is really smart. He is quick-witted, thinks quickly and thinks differently from others. About Zong Zhengya, Gu Jinan thought of a countermeasure almost as soon as she finished talking about it.

Gu Jinan happily accepted the flattery and gave the fifteen thousand taels of silver notes to Gu Jinli: "Take it."

Gu Jinli only took five thousand taels, and gave the remaining ten thousand taels to Gu Jinan: "This is what the eldest brother earned, so he deserves to keep it."

Gu Jinan is getting older and needs money when traveling outside, so he can't live without money.

Gu Jinan thought for a moment, accepted the 10,000 taels of silver note without refusing, and saw Brother Cheng almost drooling as he watched, and gave him a silver note with a smile: "You also have a share, but you can't spend it arbitrarily. , one year later, I will check the silver in your hand, only a lot, not a little."

Brother Cheng's face fell: "Then I don't want it."

"No." Gu Jin'an used Lu Bai's matter to teach Brother Cheng: "When you are old, you can't just study, you have to learn how to make money, otherwise you will be a waste who only eats at home in the future. Do you want to be a waste?"

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