A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1013 Return to the Village

"Thank you, Brother Gu, for taking care of me during this time. I can't thank you enough. Let's meet again in June for the hospital exam." Yao Youqian only found out today that the girl who worked for Lu Bai was Gu Jinan's sister. He was very grateful. , If it weren’t for the help of brother and sister Gu, Lu Bai would not be able to earn so much money even if he died.

Lu Bai was also ashamed and said: "In the past, I was ignorant and caused trouble to Brother Gu. Please forgive me for that."

He also wanted Gu Jinan to send a message to Gu Jinli to thank her, but thinking of the great defense between men and women, he changed his mind and said, "Brother Gu's family will bear this great kindness in my heart, and I will definitely repay it in the future."

After saying that, he bowed to Gu Jinan three times before giving up.

Gu Jinan smiled and said: "We are all from He'an Prefecture. In the future, if we become officials, we will be members of the township party. We should support each other. Don't say such kind words in the future."

But Lu Baiqiong was afraid. He knew how much Gu Jinli's kindness meant to his family. She had given his family a way to survive, so he still wrote down this kindness and thought about repaying it in the future.

"Okay, don't bow anymore. The sun has already set. Don't delay Brother Gu's family for dinner here. Let's leave quickly." Yao Youqian couldn't stand Lu Bai's slimy look the most, so he said Gu Jinan cupped his hands and said simply: "I'll see you in June, farewell."

After saying that, he dragged Lu Bai away.

Gu Jinli waited for them to leave before getting off the mule cart and said, "Brother, are they going back to their hometown too?"

Gu Jinan nodded: "Well, they have been delayed in Fucheng for a long time, and they have to go back quickly."

He looked at the mule cart again and asked, "You just slaughtered a few things and came back?"

It's not like her style.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "How is it possible? They killed half of the Qi family's shop. They have already sent them back to the village."

After hearing this, Gu Jinan breathed a sigh of relief. He no longer had to be bumped into by Qi Yun and Qi He when he went out.

He greeted Sawako and helped move things into the house.

As soon as Gu Jinli entered the door, he was caught by Mrs. Chen again: "Xiaoyu, hurry up and see if it works this time? I have changed it as you said. If it doesn't work, my aunt will die."

Gu Jinli looked it over and said, "It's okay, but it's still too rough. Let's redo it."

"Do it again!" Mrs. Chen became angry and shouted: "Little Yu girl, you just deliberately made things difficult for my aunt, right? You've done this twice, and you're still doing it?"

Gu Jinli picked his ears and said, "It's only been twice, what's there? Besides, why are you in a hurry? We will go back to the village tomorrow, and we have to postpone the matter of opening a shop in Fucheng."

After hearing this, Ms. Chen pulled Gu Jinli and said, "Little Yu girl, can we postpone our return for a day? Tomorrow, my aunt wants to go to the dental shop to buy someone, and she has already agreed with the grandmother, both Guan Ya and Private Ya will give her people to us. Ready."

Mrs. Chen especially likes to go shopping. This buyer can look at the rows of servants over and over again. If he is not satisfied with the look, he can snort a few times and say: "What are they all?" Crooked melons and cracked dates? Is there no good stuff? Are you fooling the country people? Hurry up and get a good batch for me!"

Look at it, listen to it, think about it, just that scene can make people die.

So Mrs. Chen wanted to go to Yahang to show off her power before going back.

But Gu Jinli said: "Don't worry about buying people, I will let people buy them for you."

"What? You won't let me buy people!" Chen was furious. She was not allowed to do such a prestigious thing. How can it be so?

"Little Yu girl, my aunt decided to open the shop, and she will be in charge of it from now on. I should buy the servants." Mrs. Chen said, "If aunt doesn't go and buy the servants in person, those servants will not listen to my aunt in the future." What should I do?"

Gu Jinli said: "If I don't listen to you, I'll just sell it."

How can a master not deal with disobedient servants?

After hearing this, Mrs. Chen became even more anxious: "Xiaoyu, this really doesn't work. Let's go back a day later and let my aunt go to the dental shop to buy some people. We have already agreed with the dental grandmother that it is not good if we don't go."

Gu Jinli knew what Mr. Chen had in mind. He just wanted to show off his authority and enjoy the feeling of being the master, but: "It takes a scholar to choose people. If you don't choose well, it will harm the shop. Don't get involved in this matter." Come on, I won’t cut off your manpower when the shop opens.”

After Gu Jinli finished speaking, he ignored Chen and went back to the house to change clothes.

Mrs. Chen had nothing to do with Gu Jinli, so she could only leave with a dissatisfied look on her face.

That night, after everyone had dinner, they talked about returning to the village tomorrow and rested early.

Gu Jinli didn't go to sleep soon. Qin Sanlang found her and told You Xi what he had found out about the Cen family pharmacy.

"Sure enough, the Cen's Drug Store has another mystery. You Xi found the pattern you mentioned under the lantern base. This is a rubbing." Qin Sanlang handed a piece of paper with the pattern of a cauldron to Gu Jinli: "There are people patrolling the Cen's Drug Store. The people on patrol were very skilled, and it took Yu Xi two nights to tap out the pattern."

Gu Jinli took the paper, looked at the cauldron pattern on it, and said with a smile: "It is indeed Shilu Medicine Store."

Seeing her smiling and not seeming worried, Qin Sanlang felt relieved and asked, "Is there really no problem? This is the closest the medicine store has ever faced to you."

Gu Jinli raised his head, looked at him with a smile, and asked, "Why, are you worried about me?"

Qin Sanlang hugged her, nodded and said, "Well, I'm afraid you'll get into trouble, and I can't be by your side to protect you."

Gu Jinli's smile became a little brighter, and he poked his face and said, "Don't worry, it's hard to say whether Shilu Medicine Store is a trouble or not. Even if it is a trouble, Yuanzi Medicine Store will take care of it. I will only be responsible for making medicine."

In fact, she was a little worried, just because she didn't know who was in charge of Shilu Medicine Store now?

If there were another head who had no friendship with Yuanzi Medicine Store, there would definitely be a fight between Shilu Medicine Store and Yuanzi Medicine Store.

"Have you ever heard that the death furnace medicine can be used before?" Gu Jinli asked Qin Sanlang: "Do you know anything about them? How much do you know?"

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "I don't know much."

Although many medicinal materials are used in the military, Chushen Medicine Company is currently supplying medicinal materials to the army. Shilu Medicine Company is rarely heard of.

Qin Sanlang: "I heard from grandpa that Shilu Medicine Store was very famous in the previous dynasty, but after the establishment of Da Chu, Shilu Medicine Store slowly disappeared from everyone's sight."

After listening to this, Gu Jinli already knew who opened the Shilu Medicine Store based on what Old Doctor Wu had told her: "This Shilu Medicine Store should be a joint venture between major aristocratic families, specifically for the control of medicinal materials."

The name of Shilu Medicine Shop is too obvious, so it’s hard for others not to think twice about it.

"I just don't know who is in charge of Shilu Medicine Store now? It must not be the Zongzheng family."

I just slapped Zong Zhengya in the face. If Zong Zheng is really the head of the family, it would not be good.

However, she smiled and said: "No matter, since the Min Dong family is taking care of it, I don't have to worry."

Qin Sanlang looked at her relaxed and shrewd smile and laughed: "Xiaoyu is still smart. He thought of this situation early and made preparations."

Gu Jinli hummed proudly: "Of course, my intelligence is not a guarantee."

Qin Sanlang looked at her proud little look, and his heart was full of joy. He followed her example, poked her face gently, and said, "Well, our little fish is the smartest, no one else can compare to it."

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