Gu Jinli smiled: "Even if you favor me, there's no need to praise me like this."

Even though she was thick-skinned, she would still blush if he was the one who complimented her.

Qin Sanlang said seriously: "It's not partiality, it's the sincere truth."

Xiaoyu was very smart to begin with. Despite her young age and being a girl, she seemed to know everything. She helped him a lot and saved him a lot of good things.

The village she bought next to the four Chi Road in Dachu contained a lot of grain, livestock, and ironware. Frankly speaking, a lot of these things were prepared for him.

Especially the kind of vermicelli made from sweet potatoes. He has eaten it before. After adding soybean oil and fried soybeans, it is really a delicious food that can satisfy hunger.

Not only was this thing cheap, but it was also delicious. If she sold it, it would definitely fetch a high price, but she hid it and said that if he needed it in the future, she would give it to him as military rations to prevent his men from starving to death.

She had been hiding this for three years. After all, she started preparing when she learned that he wanted revenge. Regardless of whether she liked him before preparing these things, he was very grateful.

In addition, she has been developing some drugs to treat trauma over the years. If it succeeds, it goes without saying that the biggest beneficiary will be him.

Although she was fierce, everything she did was good for him.

Qin Sanlang was grateful and distressed, and wanted to say something thank you, but he remembered what she had said, that always apologizing or saying thank you was too unfamiliar, so he gave up.

They are already an unmarried couple with a letter of engagement, so they should be more intimate and should not say any more polite words.

Thinking of the engagement, Qin Sanlang suddenly looked down at Gu Jinli, with excitement in his eyes, and said, "Xiaoyu, can we get married this year?"

Gu Jinli smiled: "Are you so anxious to get married?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, I'm very anxious."

He wanted to live with her and didn't want to be separated from her.

But Gu Jinli said: "This is impossible. Only the eldest sister will get married this year, and we will have to wait until next year at the earliest to get married."

The eldest sister and Brother Luo Wu are both older, and their marriage has been delayed for a long time. It is impossible for the two adults to delay it any longer. After the engagement ceremony, they will start to choose a date and prepare to get married by the end of the year.

So she has to wait until next year.

Qin Sanlang was a little disappointed when he heard this. He also knew that he was too anxious.

Gu Jinli raised his hand and poked his face, and said with a smile: "Don't be so sad. It's already the end of April, and it will be next year soon."

And she will be sixteen next year, so she can barely accept getting married. If she is asked to get married as soon as she has hair extensions, she will not be able to accept it.

Seeing that it was getting late, she began to urge him: "Go back to bed quickly, or my elder brother will say it again."

Gu Jinan would not stop them from coming and going, but he would keep a close eye on them. If Qin Sanlang was out for a long time, he would be angry.

They had to get up early to return to the village tomorrow, and Qin Sanlang didn't want her to get enough sleep, so he nodded and agreed.

But before leaving, he held her face in his hands, lowered his head and kissed her... Ever since his marriage proposal was successful, he fell in love with kissing her. He would kiss her whenever he got the chance. Gu Jinli resisted even though No strength at all.

But she never thought about resisting. She liked the feeling of him kissing her. It made her feel light and airy every time, as if her whole body was about to float.

"I'm in a daze again." Qin Sanlang laughed out loud. Every time he kissed her, she would be in a daze stupidly. It was so cute.

Gu Jinli became angry and pushed him: "Go away quickly. If you dare to talk to me again, I regret the marriage."

Qin Sanlang took her hand and squeezed it tightly: "No, you promise it for life. You can't go back on it."

Gu Jinli: "Oh, if you treat me badly, I can break up even if we get married."

Qin Sanlang looked at her and said firmly and seriously: "This day will never happen."

He will not let himself make mistakes and give her a reason to leave him.

Gu Jinli smiled: "Okay, okay, this day will never happen. You should leave quickly. I have to rush you every time."

Qin Sanlang laughed and did not stay any longer. He climbed out of the window and left, then turned around and helped her close the window.

Gu Jinli went to bed quickly, and after she lay down for a while, Qin Sanlang's footsteps sounded.

She covered herself with a quilt and murmured in a low voice: "You care about me so much, little brother Qin, you are finished."

She giggled as she said this, but she didn't even realize that she actually liked Qin Sanlang very much and would be happy with how good he was to her.

Early the next morning, the Gu family's house was bustling with activity, and Gu Jinxiu was particularly happy today because Luo Wu came to pick them up with the escort's mule cart.

Luo Wu had to go on an errand and left the city very early and returned to the county. He arrived before dawn today and is now eating breakfast cooked by Gu Jinxiu.

Gu Jinli also wanted to eat, but the third grandmother said: "It's getting late, so we can't miss the time to go back to the village. You guys can just eat pancakes. These pancakes are good and very delicious."

It's made of pure white flour, which was something I couldn't even think of before. It would be great if I could give you a handful of fried soybeans.

Gu Jinli knew that it was not easy to travel in ancient times, and everyone paid attention to starting at auspicious times, so he had no time to dislike it, so he ate the pancakes as soon as he grabbed them.

After eating, Third Grandpa greeted everyone: "Hurry up and get in the car. It is unlucky to rush on after Chen hour."

The people brought by Luo Wu had already moved all the salutes to the mule cart, and they could leave as long as people got on the cart.

After Gu Jinli and the others heard this, they immediately took some valuable things and got into the car.

Mr. Qi also came with his two sons to see him off. As soon as he saw the Gu family coming out, he handed over generous gifts and said with a smile, "I know you are going back to the village today, so I came here to see you off."

He then said with great regret: "I originally planned to hold a banquet for Brother Gu and his family today, but I didn't know it would be such an unfortunate coincidence. I will pick up the goods in person next month, and I will treat you as a host. Brother Gu will appreciate it." come."

Mr. Qi spoke to Gu Dashan sincerely.

But Gu Dashan had to rush on his way and had no time to talk to Mr. Qi. He just smiled and said, "We'll talk about it then. Please come here. We have to hurry up."

Mr. Qi was stunned, why did Gu Dashan speak so straightforwardly? Wasn't he very timid before? It's still scary to talk to a nobleman like him. Now not only is he not afraid, but he also wants to drive him away. Could it be that the girl from the Gu family came back and said something to Gu Dashan?

Mr. Qi was very worried and dragged Gu Dashan to prevent him from leaving.

Gu Jinan looked at him from the side and said, "Mr. Qi, our family is really about to leave. Please let go."

Then he said: "Don't worry, our business will be fine now."

He couldn't tell whether he would become pornographic in the future.

After hearing this, Mr. Qi let go of Gu Dashan's hand and said with a smile, "Someone is rude."

Then he bowed to Gu Dashan and said, "Brother Gu, have a good trip."

Qi Yun and Qi He also bowed to Gu Jinan and said goodbye.

Gu Dashan and the others no longer delayed, collected the Qi family's things, and after a few words with the servant who was looking after the house, got on the mule cart and set off back to the village.

When they left the city, the news that the emperor had killed the eldest prince's family, his in-laws' family, his maternal grandfather's family, and even many officials related to the eldest prince also spread to Jianghuai and Jiangnan.

Jiangnan and Jianghuai were in constant shock, and everyone was frightened. They did not expect that the emperor would be so ruthless, even killing his own son and grandson.

Everyone in the aristocratic family and the official family was in danger, and they began to sort out whether they had any old friends related to the eldest prince's old department?

If there is, you have to cut off your robe and renounce it immediately, but you can't let this matter get you involved.

I have been suffering from cold and fever for the past few days. I fainted so much yesterday that I couldn't bear it and fell asleep. Don’t worry about breaking the news, you can still withstand it, you can do it, I’ll work hard┗|`O′|┛Ouch~~

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