That’s right, not one woman, but a group of women.

These women ranged from white-haired old women to young children, and they all looked like wolves looking at flesh, their eyes glowing green.

A middle-aged woman asked them happily: "Are you the young men at the end of the village who have passed the government examination?"

He groaned again and frowned: "Why are there six people? Aren't there only three who passed the exam? Are those three of you Mr. Tong Sheng? Come forward and let us take a look."

Before Gu Jinan and the others could speak, another woman pointed at Gu Jinan and said, "You, you are Gu Jinan, the head of the case!"

While talking, he was still holding on to a young girl next to him. Looking at her appearance, as long as Gu Jinan dared to say yes, he would immediately bring the girl over to fight.

Gu Jinan: "..."

No, I'm not, you got the wrong person.

Another old woman said: "What are you asking? I heard that Chief Gu looks like a god. He is so good-looking. He must be Gu Jin'an. Hey, our whole night was not in vain. Sure enough, the Chief Gu looked like a fairy. The master is here."

I've been squatting here all night. You guys are so perseverant.

When the young girls heard this, they all looked at Gu Jinan. Each of them held a red and purple handkerchief in their hands, looking at him shyly with their red faces.

There was a bold fat girl who even winked at him and shouted sweetly: "Brother Gu~"

Gu Jinan: "..."

The breakfast I had just eaten suddenly no longer tasted good. I felt so panicked that I felt like vomiting.

Brother Cheng was also frightened, but he quickly stopped in front of his brother and whispered: "Brother, don't be afraid. If they dare to pounce, I will help you fight them off. I won't let them pounce on you." , I have a physical relationship with you and created a child."

Needless to say, these girls are from all over the country, and some of them are good-looking, but they are dressed up too scary, and he doesn't want a sister-in-law with a box of rouge on her face.

Gu Jinan was defended by his younger brother and felt that he should be moved, but he was speechless after hearing these words. Where did this kid learn such strong words? He also threw himself down, had skin-to-skin contact, and created a child. What do you know, you little brat?

Gu Qingliang and Gu Qingtian also stopped in front of Gu Jinan's three children and whispered: "You run first, and we will stop you."

Gu Jinan shook his head: "It's too late."

And they run away, what will they do?

Gu Qingliang and Gu Qingtian have also reached the age of marriage, and their families also have dividends from the workshop. They are popular candidates for husbands from all over the country. If they are attacked by these girls, he can guarantee that the families of these girls will definitely make trouble and marry into their families. So far.

Then they began to fight for property and money. Gu Jinan cried for them just thinking about it.

"What should we do?" Gu Qingliang asked.

Before Gu Jinan could answer, the woman couldn't wait any longer and asked, "Master, I heard that you haven't gotten married yet? What a coincidence..."

Before he finished speaking, an anxious woman rushed over with her girl: "Taoya, hurry up, run to Gu Jinan's arms, hug him, he is yours. If he dares not to marry you, we will The whole family will die in front of him!"

But the woman pushed too hard. She pushed Hutaoya directly to the ground, face-first, and fell into the mud.

Gu Jinan clicked his tongue. If he saw it correctly, there seemed to be a living earthworm on the mud.

The other women who reacted immediately dragged their girls forward and shouted: "The master of the crime belongs to my daughter, no one of you is allowed to rob him!"

"Quick, Furong, hurry up and pounce on me."

"Xiaoxiang, you idiot, what are you doing standing still? Hurry up and pounce!" Xu Xiaoxiang's mother shouted to her girl, and she also used dirty tricks to push down Liang Furong next to her with a bang.

Xu Xiaoxiang hurriedly rushed towards Gu Jinan, and the other girls also rushed towards Gu Jinan.

Liang Furong and Hu Taoya fell a step too late. They glanced at Gu Qingtian and the others, and finally pounced on Qi Kangming, who was the most beautiful.

I heard that there are three Tongsheng masters. If you can't get Gu Jinan, you have to get a Tongsheng master as a man, and you have to choose the good-looking one.

Gu Jinan felt a headache when he saw these girls rushing towards him like crazy cows, but he did not show any mercy and hit the round iron blocks one by one quickly and accurately.

Bang bang bang!

The round iron block hit the girls' knees, and the three girls running at the front fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Qi Kangming and others hurriedly took out the iron blocks hanging from the cloth bags at their waists and hit the girls who were rushing towards them. After a few bangs, several more fell down.

Brother Cheng rushed out and beat the women to the ground with a few moves. Only two grandmothers were stopped by him and said: "Grandma, you two, don't rush in, otherwise you will suffer."

The second sister specially asked Grandpa Qin to hit those iron blocks. They have four small points and it hurts when they are hit.

The two old devout women had seen a group of people knocked down and were quite scared. Seeing that Brother Cheng did not dare to beat them, they immediately became arrogant and shouted at the top of their lungs: "Hey, come here quickly, the master of the case is beating them up." Got it!"

Then he threatened: "You'd better let us go and let my granddaughter meet Mr. Gu, otherwise we will go to ten miles and eight villages to say that Mr. Gu is scornful of my granddaughter and wants to use force on my granddaughter!"

Brother Cheng was shocked: "How can you spit on someone? My eldest brother has never met your granddaughter!"

Besides, his eldest brother is very picky. With your granddaughter’s appearance, virtue, and manners, he would rather become a monk than marry her.

The woman who spoke brightened her eyes, stared at him and said, "What are you talking about? Big brother? Are you the younger brother of Chief Gu? Hey, Qiao'er, Qiao'er, come on, hurry up and hug him!"

This woman's husband's surname was Niu, known as Mrs. Niu, and she was a well-known poor family in Baihe Town. This time she brought two granddaughters. The youngest girl was her granddaughter. She wanted to catch all the Gu brothers.

After hearing this, the little girl named Qiao'er immediately ran towards Brother Cheng, but was knocked down by Gu Jinan with a piece of iron.

Gu Jinan had been practicing boxing and kicking for several years, and he used specially designed sharp iron pieces. The pretty girl's knees were swollen from the beating, and she lay on the ground crying: "Ooooooo, grandma, he hit me, he hit me I, it hurts so much, wuwuwu..."

When the woman saw this, she immediately spat and cursed: "A dignified crime boss actually beats someone up. Oh my god, how could you let such a vicious person become a crime boss?!"

After saying that, he sat down on the ground and started howling.

Gu Jinan is not soft-hearted at all. It's okay for him to be plotted against him, but these people even want to plot against Brother Cheng, so don't blame him for being cruel.

He sneered and said: "I advise you to be more honest. If you dare to make trouble again, it will not be a private matter, but you will be escorted to see the official."

He didn't run away, but allowed these people to rush over, just to grab evidence and get rid of him once and for all.

After hearing this, Mrs. Niu said angrily: "What are you talking about? You still want to drag us to see the official? Why?!"

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