A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1035 Don’t panic, we are all innocent

Gu Jin'an sneered: "Just because you openly plotted to kill a person with fame and honor, this is a serious crime. According to the criminal law of Dachu, the whole family will be punished."

The whole family was tortured!

The women present were shocked and hurriedly begged: "Please forgive me, the head of the case. We know we were wrong. Don't drag us to see the officials."

They just want their daughter to knock down Gu Jinan, have a skin-to-skin kiss with Gu Jinan, and then the whole family will make a fuss and force Gu Jinan to marry their daughter. They really don't have any bad intentions, they are all honest and good citizens. .

"Shut up, you cowards, what are you asking for? He doesn't dare to drag us to see the official." Mrs. Niu said with a smile: "A person with fame cares about reputation the most, and he still has to take the college entrance examination. How dare he do it at this time?" There will be an official incident."

Mrs. Niu is indeed a well-known old shrew in Baihe Town. At this time, she still wants to attack Gu Jinan. She said to her two granddaughters: "Qiao'er, Qiao'er, hurry up and attack their brothers."

The Gu family is rich, and as long as they pounce on one of their brothers, three generations of her family will not have to worry.

After hearing this, Niu Qiaoer and Niu Qiaoer endured the severe pain in their knees and moved to Gu Jinan's side crying.

Gu Jinan was convinced and didn't bother to watch them move at a snail's pace here. With two swish sounds, he hit two iron blocks and hit their sisters' knees.

Bang bang, the Niu sisters immediately fell to the ground, crying loudly.

"It hurts, wuwuwu, grandma, our leg is broken!" Niu Qiao'er cried and asked her grandma for help: "Grandma, what should I do?"

"What should we do? Ha, since Chief Gu has hurt your sisters, he will naturally support you for the rest of his life." Mrs. Niu's words were extremely shameless.

After hearing this, the other women's eyes lit up, they rubbed their painful knees, and they also thought about asking the Gu family to compensate.

Hutaoya's mother reacted the fastest and immediately started crying. She patted the soil on the ground and said, "Oh, it hurts me so much. My legs and feet are broken. My family relies on me to support them, and they don't even have a thousand people." Two compensations, this matter is not over!"

Hutao Ya was shocked and looked at her mother...Mom, what, why do you want money? Don’t you want someone?

Seeing this, Liang Furong's mother imitated her and began to cry: "My legs are broken, my legs are broken. Chief Gu broke our legs. Pay for it. If you don't pay, marry my Furong, or my whole family will Just die at the entrance of your Dafeng Village!"

Gu Jinan didn't move, just watched them howl.

While these women were howling happily, a group of people hurriedly ran towards them on the path behind them. They were people from Dafeng Village, headed by Village Chief He.

Village Chief He walked quickly, dragging his cane and rushed to Gu Jinan. He looked Gu Jinan up and down and asked tremblingly: "Brother An, you haven't been taken advantage of by them, have you?"

Gu Jinan: "...Junior is fine."

Brother Cheng almost laughed out loud. The village chief regarded his eldest brother as a girl.

After hearing this, Village Chief He put down his worries. He pointed the crutch in his hand at the group of women and said: "Those from Lianghe Village, those from Songzigou, those from Yushu Village, those from Hujiaji... Okay, okay, one of you You are so brave. Our village has long said that outsiders are not allowed to enter the village and are not allowed to bring girls to pester Tongsheng. You are just relying on your relatives in our Dafeng Village to plot against our village. Master...just wait for me, I'm not done with you!"

Village Chief He was going crazy. These shrews had more crooked ideas than a hair. Even though their village had every precaution, they still let them take advantage of it and block Gu Jinan.

When he heard that Feng Lian and Xiao Tuan had come to report the news, he was so frightened that he almost choked to death on the half-eaten eggs. He hurriedly beat the gong and called for someone to rush here.

"Brother An, how are you doing, Brother An?" Gu Dashan was busy in the workshop. After hearing the news, he hurriedly hurried over. When he saw Gu Jinan, he rushed over and asked, "You didn't suffer any loss, did you?"

It was actually similar to what Village Chief He asked.

Gu Jinan smiled and shook his head: "Dad, my son is fine. We knocked them down with iron blocks before they even rushed over."

Gu Dashan breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay. If you are really attacked, your life will be ruined."

His promising son must be matched with a girl of good character and upright family tradition, and he cannot be entangled with these shameless shackles.

Gu Dashan loved Gu Jinan very much. In addition to hoping that he would be admitted to the imperial examination, he also hoped that he could marry a lovely girl and live a happy life. Seeing these women so shamelessly trying to harm his son, he was angry. He had to say to Village Chief He: "Village Chief, you must give my family justice, otherwise my family will not agree."

"We don't agree either!" The third grandpa and the third grandma came with Qin Gu Luotian's family, pointing to the group of women sitting on the ground crying and said: "These women are so evil-hearted, they will do it in broad daylight If they dare to do such entangled things, we won’t give up if the village chief doesn’t deal with them.”

Mrs. Chen was also very angry. She finally waited until Gu Dexing was successful and was looking at a rich girl for him. These poor ghosts wanted to harm Brother Xing. She put her hands on her hips and cursed: "I'm telling you, even if your family If the girl is pregnant and gives birth to a son, there is no way she can use her son to enter our Gu family!"

When Gu Dexing heard this, his face turned red and he was afraid that the words would spread to the countryside and cause misunderstandings, so he quickly corrected him: "Second Aunt, they didn't meet us, we are all innocent."

Mrs. Chen waved her hand and said: "Second Aunt knows that I am afraid that these shameless people will continue to harm you, so I have made it clear to them in advance and let them know not to let them in on their stomachs!"

Ms. Cui also came. After seeing Gu Jinan, she said to the women: "My family is the same. If you don't have a serious girl who has been favored by a matchmaker or an elder, my family doesn't want her."

When Ms. Cui heard that Gu Jinan and the others were blocked by a group of women, she was so anxious that she burst into tears. She was afraid that if one of them did something wrong, Brother An would be ruined by this incident.

Gu Jinan smiled and comforted Ms. Cui: "Mom, don't cry. My son can solve this little thing."

Village Chief He was shocked when he heard Cui's words. Cui was the most soft-spoken person and usually didn't even say much. Today, she actually said such words, which showed that she was very angry.

This matter must be dealt with, otherwise the He family will suffer.

Mrs. Niu was extremely fierce. Seeing that Village Chief He and the others were coming, she was not afraid at all. After hearing what Cui and the others said, she even raised her voice and said: "If you want to marry my Qiao'er or Qiao'er, your family is just dreaming. The old lady tells you. , your two sons not only want to marry my two granddaughters, but also pay for their medical expenses!"

She pointed at her two granddaughters and said: "Look at how they beat up my Qiao'er and Qiao'er. We won't be able to finish it unless we pay a thousand taels in compensation. After paying the money, let's talk about the marriage, otherwise the old lady and her whole family will go to Tianfu County to badmouth them." The reputation of your two sons made the government take advantage of Gu Jinan's reputation and let him go home to farm."

After hearing this, Mrs. Cui was so angry that she almost fainted.

Gu Jinan's face turned dark and he was completely irritated. What he couldn't stand the most was outsiders bullying his family. Mrs. Niu had touched his skin.

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