A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1041 Can’t run away

Erqing nodded: "Well, after the young master heard about you, he was worried that you would continue walking, so he asked the slave to change the roof of the mule cart. This mule cart does not have the word "Gu Family" on it, and the slave has a strange face, so it is not easy for outsiders to notice. , can send several young masters to the town safely."

"Second sister is so thoughtful." Brother Cheng turned around and waved to Gu Jinan and the others: "Brother, come quickly. Second sister asked Er Qing to see us off."

After hearing this, Gu Jin'an and the other five quickened their pace and soon got on the mule cart.

Gu Jinan raised the car curtain and asked Erqing: "Does Xiaoyu know about the affairs of He Daqian's family?"

Erqing said: "The young master already knows. Let me tell the young master that neither He Daqian nor his noble brother can escape. Don't worry."

Although the little boss didn't show up, he still did what he needed to do. He had already sent Feng Jin and others to arrest people, and He Daqian's noble brother also sent people to investigate.

I heard from the villagers that the noble brother will come to He Daqian's house to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. It's just a few days away from the Dragon Boat Festival. I think that man has already arrived in Tianfu County, so if everything goes well, he can be found in two days and lured to He Daqian's house. The hidden dangers that emerged were solved once and for all.

After hearing this, Gu Jinan felt relieved and let Erqing drive away.

On the road, they met many people carrying gifts and bringing girls to Dafeng Village, but they didn't recognize the Gu family's mule cart. Gu Jinan and the others arrived at Shangjia Village smoothly.

There are also many families in Shangjia Village who want to get married to Gu Jinan. They have been waiting for Gu Jinan to come to the village to visit Shang Xiucai, and they are all waiting at the intersection of Shangjia Village.

Gu Jinan and the others did not go to the village entrance. Ajiu led them around a large farmland and directly to Shang Xiucai's house.

Ah Jiu wiped the cold sweat from his head and said: "I have brought you back. You don't know how many people have come to Shangjia Village every day since the good news from He'an Prefecture was sent to Tianfu County. , I just want to see the master and ask him to arrange your marriage."

Once a teacher is always a father. The master can decide the marriage of his apprentice.

Gu Jinan smiled: "Don't worry, no one will dare to bother Master again in two days at most."

Ah Jiu is a smart person. When he heard this, he asked: "An Geer, what does this mean? Could it be that you did something?"

I also thought that they were late today, and I thought something happened to them, and the fact that Brother An said this should be related to what happened today.

Gu Jinan didn't hide it and told them about being blocked by a group of women.

Ah Jiu was shocked: "This is too bold. You just don't take your girl seriously."

Innocence is the most important thing in the world, and every girl will jump into a well if there is a gossip. These women actually brought their own girls to visit Gu Jinan in the next life, thinking that they would marry Gu Jinan if they threw themselves at her? When it doesn't work out in the end, it's my own girl who's going to suffer.


"Since they did it, no one can blame them for what they have ended up like now. As long as you are fine," Ah Jiu said.

When Gu Jinan heard Ajiu's words to defend him, he smiled. He did not talk about Mrs. Niu and the others anymore, but congratulated Ajiu: "I heard from Master that the date for Brother Jiu and Sister Taozi to get married has been decided. I will give it to Brother Ninth first. Congratulations, I will definitely give you a congratulatory gift on the happy day."

Ah Jiu and Tao Zi are both servants of Shang Xiucai's family. They are about the same age and have worked together for many years, so they have each other in their hearts. Shang Xiucai and Mr. Jiang decided to get married in August.

Speaking of this, Ah Jiu blushed and said with a smile: "Taozi and I are both servants. You are half the master of the Shang family. Just give us something casually. There is no need to give too good a gift."

The Gu family has always been generous with their actions, and Ah Jiu said this because he was afraid that the Gu family would spend money.

Gu Jinan smiled and said: "Brother Ninth has helped my family a lot. We all remember it. There is no need to be taboo about this. When the time comes, you and Sister Taozi can accept whatever my family gives us."

After hearing this, Ah Jiu felt extremely warm in her heart and took them to Shang Xiucai's study with a smile.

As soon as Gu Jinan saw Shang Xiucai, he immediately knelt down and saluted Shang Xiucai: "Apprentice, thank you Master for your great kindness in teaching me. Fortunately, I passed the imperial examination without disgrace."

Gu Dexing and Qi Kangming also knelt down and saluted Shang Xiucai: "Thank you very much, Mr. Shang, for teaching me and solving my doubts."

Without Shang Xiucai, let alone Qi Kangming, Gu Dexing would not have been able to pass the Tongsheng examination so quickly.

Although Gu Qingliang and Gu Qingtian had not passed the government examination, they had received Shang Xiucai's teachings, so they knelt down and thanked Shang Xiucai.

Shang Xiucai had been waiting in the study for a long time. He was very happy to see them. He helped them up and said, "Don't be like this. You can pass the exam because of your own ability. I just solved a few problems for you."

As he said that, he looked at Gu Jinan, his eyes filled with relief. He had indeed seen the right person. An Ge'er was a promising person. It was worthwhile to have a disciple like him in this life.

Then he asked: "You are late, but what happened?"

After hearing this, Gu Jinan told Mrs. Niu's story again.

After hearing this, Shang Xiucai nodded and said: "You have done a good job. In this way, within three days, women from all over the country will not dare to take their girls to Dafeng Village to pester you again."

However, what Shang Xiucai is most interested in is the village school: "You actually want to build a village school for the village. Yes, this is something that can make you famous."

Because of the incident involving the old Gu family, Gu Jinan's reputation has been somewhat affected. This impact will not stop here and will become more serious as he becomes more and more promising.

Therefore, establishing village schools was very helpful to his reputation.

Shang Xiucai asked Gu Jinan many questions about village studies. Gu Jinan told him in detail, and finally asked Shang Xiucai: "Master knows a lot of scholars, can you help find a gentleman? Shu Xiu gave a teacher in addition to the public land in the village. In addition to the share, my family will also give an extra twenty taels of silver and clothes for all seasons every year. The village society will build a courtyard specifically for my husband’s family to live in, and he can bring his family members to teach.”

Gu Jinan respects scholars and knows that many teachers live in poverty, so he is willing to give Shu Xiu an extra twenty taels of silver. This is not a big deal for the Gu family today.

Shang Xiucai said: "Sure, I will help you find a good gentleman."

"Thank you, Master." After Gu Jinan thanked Shang Xiucai, he stood up and said, "Master, let's go meet the guests. We can't keep the guests waiting for a long time."

Shang Xiucai was stunned, laughed, and said helplessly: "Originally, I wanted to turn them down, but these are all capable people in the Shang family. It's really hard to turn them down. Thank you for your hard work."

Ever since Gu Jinan passed the imperial examination, the elders of the Shang family came to visit him en masse and told him that they wanted to see Gu Jinan. It took him several days and rejection of many rude requests before he agreed to the elders' visit. .

Gu Jinan smiled and said: "What Master said, this is what I should do."

Since he worshiped Shang Xiucai as his disciple, the affairs of Shang Xiucai's family are his business, and he will take some responsibilities. If he is admitted to the government office but does not go to see the Shang family, Shang Xiucai's family will be in Shang Xiucai's family. It will definitely not be easy for Jiacun.

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