After hearing this, Shang Xiucai was extremely moved, but without saying anything more, he took Gu Jinan and the others to the living room in the front yard.

In the living room, Chief Shang was already waiting with more than a dozen members of the Shang family. He was extremely happy to see Gu Jinan.

"Brother An is here." Chief Shang Li said, and said to the Shang family: "This is Wenyuan's apprentice, our first chief criminal in Tianfu County, Brother An of the Gu family."

"Chief, hello fellow Shang family members. I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long." Gu Jinan did not take Qiao, but Shang Xiucai took the lead and saluted the dozen or so Shang family members one by one.

His attitude was very good, and he was completely respectful from a junior to his elders. The Shang family was very satisfied, and even a little proud. They were the ones who had been saluted by the head of the mansion.

"Wen Yuan, you have done a good job as an apprentice, but you have given us the honor of Mr. Shang." An old man sitting on the right hand side of Mr. Shang praised Shang Xiucai.

But as soon as he finished the compliment, he asked about Gu Jinan's marriage.

"Brother An, you are already twenty years old. I heard that the marriage has not been decided yet. Why don't you get engaged yet? It is not good to get engaged when you are too old." The old man said worriedly.

The old man who spoke was one of the elders of the Shang family. He was older than Shangli. He was seventy-three years old this year and was the second eldest son. He was known as Mr. Shang Er.

Old Master Shang Er pointed to the man in his forties sitting next to him and said: "This is your fourth uncle of the Shang family. His family is engaged in business and has businesses in Jiangnan, Jianghuai, Zhongzhou and other places. His family has a Yao. Girl, younger than you, with a very good appearance and temperament. Seeing that you two are a good match, the old man will marry you today and arrange a marriage between your two families. If you think it is good, we will verbally settle the marriage. In a few days How about God let your parents come to propose marriage?"

Brother Cheng was stunned. He opened his mouth and stared at Old Man Shang Er. Are you okay, old man? Is my eldest brother your grandson? Where did you get the confidence to decide my eldest brother's marriage like an emperor? Did you borrow the courage from God? !

Qi Kangming and the others were also shocked. Mr. Shang Er was really honest and unceremonious. He started talking to matchmakers and he spoke so confidently.

Shang Li was stunned and looked at Mr. Shang Er: "Second brother, why did you suddenly say this?"

Before coming, he clearly told them not to mention Gu Jinan's marriage. Gu Jinan had already said that he should concentrate on studying for merit and would not talk about marriage in the past few years.

But he didn't expect that he would be tricked.

Old Master Shang Er said nonchalantly: "Lao Wu, at this age it is time to get married. I also want to take care of the case leader. Is it wrong to be a matchmaker with good intentions?"

There is a mistake, of course there is a mistake, why are you trying to be a matchmaker for Gu Jinan!

Shang Xiucai was already trembling with anger. Sure enough, he wanted to propose marriage to Brother An again, but you just said it, why were you talking about Shang Laosi's family?

Shang Laosi said he was a businessman, but many of his businesses were shady. In his early years, he made a fortune by selling prostitutes.

That's right, they are selling prostitutes, bringing those flower girls from Jiangnan who are over twenty-five years old, no longer in their prime or sick in health to Zhongzhou, where they sell themselves to make money.

The flower girl from the south of the Yangtze River was beautiful. Although she was already in her twenties and thirties, she was still very popular in Zhongzhou. Shang Laosi made a lot of money because of this. It was through this that she made a fortune and opened a shop.

However, Shang Laosi said that his family had stopped doing this business a long time ago, but Shang Xiucai heard some rumors that when Shang Laosi saw that this business was making money, he continued to let his servants do it, but he did not personally come forward. .

There is also the youngest daughter of Shang Laosi. Although she is recorded in the name of the first wife, there are rumors that the girl was born to a flower girl.

An Ge'er is a scholar with an innocent family background, and he is also the first chief criminal in Tianfu County. He has a bright future, but Shang Laosi dares to let him marry the daughter of a prostitute!

Shang Xiucai couldn't help it anymore and blurted out: "Get out of here, get out of my house!"

When Shang Laosi heard this, his face darkened. He didn't look at Shang Xiucai, but at Shang Er.

Mr. Shang Er slapped the table and cursed: "Wen Yuan, our Shang family is the most disciplined. The fourth brother is your clan brother. You talk to your clan brother like this? Hurry up and apologize!"

He also gave a pointed warning: "Don't think that you can become rampant just by training a disciple who is the chief prosecutor of the government. There are many chief prosecutors in Dachu, and it will take decades to see whether he can be successful."

Shang Xiucai sneered: "Even if An Ge'er is just a child in this life, it is impossible to marry Shang Laosi's youngest daughter. You know very well what his youngest daughter is. A fake legitimate daughter born from a prostitute also wants to say Give it to the children of a good family. If you think the youngest daughter of the fourth child is good, then tell her to give it to your grandson. Brother An will not take it!"

Since Shang Xiucai had no son, he was usually polite to the Shang family and would not easily conflict with the Shang family. However, Shang Laosi went too far and he had to break up.

Old Master Shang Er was trembling with anger. He didn't expect that Shang Wenyuan would dare to speak to him like this. He trembled and said: "Shuzi, I am your elder. If you dare to say such treasonous words, I will open an ancestral hall and impose family laws... "

Shang Xiucai interrupted Old Master Shang Er: "What's wrong with what I said? Didn't you always say that Shang Laosi's youngest daughter is good? Since she is good, what's wrong with the younger generation giving it to your grandson?"

Old Master Shang Er was choked for a moment, but when he realized what he was doing, he became even more angry, trembling and unable to speak.

"Shang Wenyuan, shut up!" Shang Laosi's face turned green. In front of more than a dozen of the most capable members of the Shang family, Shang Wenyuan dared to say that his youngest daughter was the daughter of a prostitute. He stamped his face on the ground.

"Shang Wenyuan, my second uncle is the most senior old man in the entire Shang family. You are a junior and a poor person, how can you talk to an elder like this? Aren't you afraid of angering the Shang family and not supporting your daughter in the future?! "

Oh, so what if his youngest daughter was born from a prostitute? It was better than Shang Yuanyuan. Shang Yuanyuan had no brothers to support her and was an orphan. If Shang Wenyuan wanted his daughter to live a better life, he had to flatter his clan members, otherwise Shang Yuanyuan would suffer the consequences when he died.

When Chief Shang heard this, he also slapped the table, pointed at Shang Laosi and said: "Shut up, Shang Laosi, what do you mean by this? Do you want to threaten your brothers of the same clan as soon as you come back?"

After all, Wen Yuan was also his nephew. Old Master Shang Er could rely on his elders if he wanted to, but he couldn't stand it when Shang Laosi humiliated Wen Yuan in person.

Gu Jin'an couldn't bear it anymore, so he looked at Shang Laosi and said: "Shang Tai'an is from Shangjia Village. He is the fourth eldest in the family. He is forty-six years old. When he travels outside, he uses the pseudonyms of Yao Da'an, Tao Wenqian, Brother Gan, etc. . My family has a grocery store in the county seat and a liquor store in Hukang County. It looks like a serious business, but secretly it is also selling prostitutes..."

"Shut up!" Shang Laosi was shocked, pointed at Gu Jinan and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? My family is doing serious business."

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