"Serious business?" Gu Jinan smiled: "You know exactly what kind of business your family is doing."

Shang Laosi was frightened when he heard this. What did Gu Jinan mean? Does he know that there is something wrong with his family's business?

Seeing that his expression changed, Gu Jinan did not hide it and said directly: "Your guess is absolutely right, so you'd better be honest and respect my master, otherwise I can't guarantee that you will have to squat anytime." Prison."

"Jail?" After hearing this, Shang Shiliu stood up in shock and asked Gu Jinan: "Brother An, what do you mean by this? Could it be that Shang Laosi has done something evil outside?"

Da Chu has a system of sitting together. If a clan member breaks the law, the whole clan may be seated together.

Shang Laosi hurriedly said: "Sixteen, don't listen to his nonsense. What I do outside is all clean and regular business, and I have never done anything evil."

"Really?" Gu Jinan smiled warmly and asked Shang Laosi: "People deliberately spread rumors to ruin the reputation of good women, and then deceive helpless women after they are abandoned by their husbands." Is being a prostitute a clean business?"

Shang Laosi was so scared that his legs were weak. Gu Jinan knew that he actually knew!

But how did he know? He did all these things out of town or asked local gangsters to do them. It is impossible for anyone in Tianfu County to know.

Gu Jinan knew these things because he knew that after he became the chief criminal officer of the government, someone from the Shang family would definitely try to take advantage of him. In order not to embarrass Shang Xiucai, he checked several thorns in the Shang family in advance, and found out something about each one.

Among these thorns, the one who did the most bad things was Shang Laosi.

Shang Laosi was really bold. He used this method to harm many good women in Jiangnan and Jianghuai, and turned good good women into prostitutes.

Shang Li was almost dizzy. He smashed a tea bowl with a clang and asked Shang Laosi angrily: "Fourth brother, is what Brother An said true? You really used tricks to harm a good woman, and made a good woman do it." whore?!"

This is a violation of criminal law. If Shang Laosi really does it, the entire Shang family will be imprisoned.

It was impossible for Shang Laosi to admit it. If he admitted it, his family would be ruined. He immediately denied it: "No, patriarch, don't listen to Gu Jinan's nonsense. I have never done such evil things. What I do outside is all serious." Business!"

Then he said: "Patriarch, in order to make a fortune in my early years, I did sell prostitutes, but the ones I sold were all over-the-year escorts in the building, so it's not illegal. I have really changed my mind, and I have stopped doing it a long time ago. These businesses are gone.”

Shang Laosi hurriedly explained to Chief Shang, then looked at Gu Jinan and said: "You are the head of the case in the Tangtang Mansion. You should know that you should not slander others. You must rely on evidence when you speak. If you don't have evidence, just talk nonsense." , it really shouldn’t be.”

After Shang Laosi lectured Gu Jin'an in an elder's tone, he said softly: "Gu Jishou, I don't have any bad intentions towards you. I just see that you are promising and want to marry my youngest daughter to you... Although she He was born to a servant, but it is recorded in the name of his head wife... If you are not happy, just pretend that I never said anything and let this matter pass."

The Gu family's soy products and seasonings and spices are all businesses that can earn a lot of money. Shang Laosi has long been jealous, but he has never been able to find a way to take away the Gu family's business.

This time I heard that after Gu Jinan was admitted to the government office, he immediately took action and hurried back to the village. He gave Mr. Shang Er three hundred taels of silver and asked him to help arrange the marriage between his youngest daughter and Gu Jinan.

As long as the marriage is settled, it will be easier for him to start the Gu family's business.

But he didn't expect Gu Jinan to be so terrible. Not only did he not agree, he also found out the evil things his family had done and exposed them.

Shang Laosi was afraid of going to jail, so he immediately gave in and said the marriage was over.

But Gu Jinan smiled. Now that he had told the matter, he would not let it go easily.

He didn't talk nonsense to Shang Laosi. He took out an envelope directly from his sleeve pocket and handed it to Shang Lichang: "Liangchang, let's take a look at it with all the elders."

"What is this? Bring it." Shang Laosi panicked and tried to grab it, but was kicked down by Gu Jinan.

With a bang, Shang Laosi fell to the ground. His expensive brocade clothes hung on the table legs and was torn open. His hand was poked by the gold jewelry he was wearing, which caused excruciating pain.

Shang Shiliu was relatively young. He quickly took the letter and handed it to Chief Shang Li: "Clan Chief, please hurry up and take a look."

Other Shang family members also hurriedly gathered around. Even Mr. Shang Er craned his neck to look here, fearing that what Shang Laosi said was true.

Chief Shang hurriedly took the envelope and opened it. Inside was a blood letter and a jade pendant belonging to a member of the Shang family.

Although the Shang family is in the countryside, their ancestors were also rich and noble. The ancestors were influenced by the madman style and loved to imitate the noble family and make a jade pendant.

Later, the Shang family became poor, but in order to prove their identity, some of the descendants who were seeking a living outside would ask the clan for the Shang family's crest to wear a jade pendant. While inheriting the legacy of their ancestors, when walking out or sending people home, You can also have a jade pendant as a certificate.

The fourth Shang family used to be poor, but after they got rich they wanted to show off their authority, so they went back to the village to get the Shang family's coat of arms and some jade pendants.

These jade pendants were all recorded in the clan, and it was done by Chief Shang himself. Therefore, he looked at the jade pendant for a moment and recognized that it was genuine. It was the jade pendant made by Shang Laosi with the Shang family's crest.

The blood letter was written by a woman named Lian Xin. It was only two pieces of paper and contained a few hundred words. It told how she was divorced by her husband's family due to unfounded rumors, how she was deceived by a widower from other places, and followed the widower home. Later, she was tortured and threatened with the reputation of her entire family, forcing her to become a prostitute and receive clients. The history of humiliation was written down.

I really cried every word.

When Chief Shang saw this blood letter, he almost went crazy. He grabbed Shang Laosi and beat him: "Beast, you beast, how can you do such a thing? You have harmed the entire Shang family!"

Shang Laosi said that he was doing business outside, and he was lucky enough to make a fortune and earn a lot of money. In the past 20 years, he had become the most popular in the village. Every time he returned to the village, he was surrounded by many Shang family members, even him. The head of the village also thought he had a lot of potential and gave him a lot of face.

How did they know that this beast was actually lying to them, and was doing some unscrupulous business outside. If this happens, the entire Shang family will not be able to escape!

Shang Laosi sat slumped on the ground, never expecting that Gu Jinan would have evidence in his hands, but he couldn't admit it, so he shouted: "Clan leader, second uncle, brothers of the same clan, this blood letter is fake, Gu Jinan is spitting blood, He wants to harm me, he wants to harm our entire Shang family!"

Gu Jinan smiled: "If I wanted to harm the Shang family, I would not give these evidence to the Shang family. I would send it directly to the Fucheng Yamen and hand it over to the prefect. Such a big case can bring a lot of credit to the prefect. It can also buy me a good reputation."

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