So he was able to hide it and tell the Shang family first, really for the sake of the Shang family.

And when he found out that Shang Laosi was doing these hookups outside, he was also frightened. He just wanted to find out the background of the assassins of the Shang family. When he went to visit the Shang family, he had a good reason to refuse the marriage proposal from the Shang family. Unexpectedly, he found out such a big case. He was really helpless.

Shang Shiliu had already bowed to Gu Jinan and thanked him: "Brother An, Uncle Shiliu, thank you. You have saved the entire Shang family."

The other Shang family members were not stupid. Seeing that Shang Laosi had done such evil things, they did not dare to associate with him anymore and immediately thanked Gu Jinan.

Finally, I begged him: "Brother An, this is related to the life and death of the entire Shang family. Please keep it secret first. Don't let it out. Wait until the Shang family has discussed it."

Da Chu's clan is very powerful. When scandals occur in many villages, ancestral halls are quietly opened to deal with those who have done evil things without reporting them to the official. The Shang family prefers this approach.

Gu Jinan frowned when he heard this, looked at Shang Lichang, and said: "Lichang, this kind of thing cannot be hidden. Only by righteousness and righteousness can we survive."

Chief Shang Li was still confused and was shocked when he heard this. He knew that Gu Jinan was right, but: "If we destroy relatives for justice, the reputation of the Shang family will be ruined."

However, solving it quietly can preserve the reputation of the Shang family and make everyone pretend that this matter never happened.

Shang Xiucai was also shocked by this, but he knew he couldn't hide it, so he immediately said to Shang Lichang: "Uncle, is reputation more important or the lives of the whole clan? When others find out, our Shang family will not only If your reputation is gone, your life will be lost.”

After hearing this, Shang Laosi stood up and rushed over, trying to snatch the blood letter and jade pendant, but was knocked down by Gu Jinan again.

With a bang, Gu Jinan stepped on Shang Laosi's back and said, "Stop wasting your energy, you're done."

"Gu Jinan, I have no enmity with you, why are you trying to harm me?!" Shang Lao stared at Gu Jinan with tears in his eyes: "Aren't you afraid of retribution if you do this?!"

This retribution actually refers to the revenge of the Shang Laosi family.

Gu Jinan smiled: "I have broken up with you today. Even if I let you go, will you think of ways to get revenge after you go back? Since you can take revenge no matter what, why should I let you go? Isn't it better to just bring you to justice? good."

Shang Laosi is a very poisonous snake for being able to do such a thing of deceiving a good woman into prostitution. If you can kill the poisonous snake, you should kill it and let the poisonous snake go. Only fools do this.

Gu Jinan is not a fool, he is smart.

Shang Laosi choked. Indeed, he is a vengeful person. As long as he can escape safely this time, he will make the Gu family pay the price. But he is still smart. After seeing that his mind was exposed, he began to pretend to be pitiful and treat Shang Lichang. Said: "Uncle Patriarch, my nephew is really wronged. You can't listen to outsiders' words and harm your nephew."

He cried again and said: "The ancestral teachings of the Shang family are that the Shang family must not help outsiders murder the Shang family's children. You must always make the decision for me."

The implication is that Gu Jinan is an outsider. If Chief Shang Li listens to Gu Jinan's words, he will be violating the ancestral teachings and helping outsiders deal with him.

Shang Li is getting older and has been soft-hearted in recent years, but since he is the head of the village and clan leader, he is not an idiot. Seeing that Shang Laosi was still quibbling, he picked up a tea bowl and threw it at Shang Laosi.

With a bang, Shang Laosi's arm was hit so painfully that he screamed.

Shang Lichang scolded: "You beast, you still dare to quibble about something with evidence. Do you really think that the tribe is vegetarian? Whether these evidences are true or false, you can find out by asking the tribe members to check... No need to investigate, just arrest your sons and your wives and give them a beating, and they will reveal the evil things you have done!"

After Shang Laosi made money, he began to imitate the wealthy master and lived a life of three wives and four concubines. Many of his concubines were maidens, and even the current wife was not a good one.

Shang Laosi knew what kind of virtue his family members were, and he felt panicked after hearing this, but he still argued: "Uncle Patriarch, I am a descendant of the Shang family, you always have to trust me."

Gu Jinan had to rush to the town to meet Mr. Ouyang, and did not have time to waste too much time on Shang Laosi. Seeing that Shang Laosi refused to admit it, he took out a booklet and handed it to Chief Shang: "Chief, Mr. Shang, This is the list of good women Shang Si has harmed over the years, as well as the location of his private kiln. As long as you ask the Shang family to check these places, you can get any evidence."

When the Chief Shang heard this, he immediately took the book and saw that there were many names written densely on it, and some also wrote about the tragedy he had suffered. His eyesight went dark and he fell back.

Gu Jinan quickly grabbed Shang Lichang, supported him, and said to Brother Cheng: "Quickly take out the smelly medicine and let the Lichang smell it."

Brother Cheng immediately untied a bag from Gu Jinan's waist and took out a bottle of stinky medicine. After opening it, he put it on the tip of Shang Lichang's nose and let Shang Lichang sniff it. Shang Lichang woke up from the smell.

Shang Li was breathing heavily, with a pale face, and pointed at Shang Laosi and cursed: "Beast, you beast... The evidence is conclusive, what else do you have to say?"

After Mr. Shang Li scolded him, he shed tears. The reputation of his Shang family for generations had been ruined by a beast like this.

Shang Laosi heard Gu Jinan's words and looked at the booklet again. He was completely frightened and looked at Gu Jinan like a monster: "Who are you? How can a country boy have the ability to investigate these things? You Where are the manpower coming from?!”

Gu Jinan said: "You don't have to worry about where I can get the manpower, as long as I know you are going to finish."

His family has been buying and training people in the past few years. They trained Feng Jin and others to have a group of servants with scouting skills. Sanlang also raised a group of people. They wanted to have some thorns in the Chashang family. , that's a piece of cake.

Then he smiled and said: "This is because you are unlucky. Originally, I just wanted to check out some of the thorns in the Shang family so that these thorns could no longer trouble my master. But you have to come to my door and force me into marriage. You are scolding my master again, if I let you go again, will I still be a human being?"

Gu Jinan's words not only made Shang Laosi despair, but also made the rest of the Shang family wake up. They hurriedly said to Shang Xiucai: "Wen Yuan, don't get me wrong, we are not Shang Laosi. We have never done anything because of your family. There is no reason to think otherwise.”

Old Master Shang Er also hurriedly said: "Wen Yuan, although I am strict with you and occasionally say bad things, I don't have any bad intentions towards your family. I just want to spur you on so that you can take the imperial examination or take concubines again." Just a son."

Then he pointed at Shang Laosi and said: "I brought you Laosi today because he was deceived by him. Otherwise, how could I bring such a beast into your house?"

After saying this, Gu Jinan sneered in a disgraceful way: "Ha!"

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