A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1047 Pretending to be dead

Although An Geer has good intentions, some people in the Shang family may not appreciate it, and he does not want An Geer to be wronged.

As for the manpower provided by An Geer's family, Shang Xiucai knew about it, but didn't ask more.

If An Ge'er wants to be an official in the future, he must have some capable people under his command, otherwise he will suffer a big loss... Many peasants will die silently in office after becoming officials, because there is no one in their hands and they will be killed. Damn it.

After hearing this, Gu Jinan said hello, and the master and apprentice talked about other things.

Shangjia Village was very close to the town. A quarter of an hour later, they arrived at the town. They were afraid that the people in the town would cause trouble if they saw Gu Jinan, so they entered Ouyang's house through the back door.

In addition to Mr. Ouyang's servants, the person who opened the door was Sawazi.

Sawako came to town after delivering the gifts to the Shang family. Now he has finished delivering the gifts and is waiting for Gu Jinan: "Master, Mr. Shang."

Gu Jinan nodded and said to the servant of the Shang family: "Brother A Song, we are late. Mr. Ouyang is not angry, right?"

Asong smiled and said, "No, I am giving lessons to Master Zheng, Brother Wang, and Brother Fa. I won't see you until later."

Then he looked at Brother Cheng: "Master told me, if you come, go to the school."

"Hey, I'll go right away." Brother Cheng went to Fucheng and delayed his homework for two months, but he couldn't delay it anymore. After waving to Gu Jinan and the others, he trotted to the front yard school.

Asong took Gu Jinan and the others to the study and asked them to wait inside.

Mr. Ouyang is a very responsible person. Although he said that he could not stay to teach Brother Cheng forever, he never left Qingfu Town after he started teaching Brother Cheng and the others.

Gu Dewang was very resentful about this.

He didn't want to go to school. In order to avoid going to school, he asked Mr. Ouyang: "Sir, didn't you say that you would leave occasionally to travel, and wouldn't you stay here to teach us? It's been several months since the New Year, you Why don’t you leave?”

Mr. Ouyang raised his eyelids, looked at him and said, "I know you don't want to study. In order to help you become a talent, I decided not to leave and just keep an eye on you."

Gu Dewang was shocked at that time and almost cried. He said bitterly: "Sir, you misunderstood. The student did not not want to study, but he knew that he was not good at studying. He felt that no matter how many books he read, he would not be able to pass the exam. Only then did he I want you to do your own thing. You are a great scholar and belong to the world's students. Don't waste your time on us rotten trees."

I only like to make money. If you don’t travel, where will I have time to make money?

In a few years, when he gets older, he will marry a wife. His mother is so good at handling money. If he doesn't make money, his wife will not be able to buy a flower in the future.

Gu Dewang feels that as a man, he should have money, and he can use it to buy good things for his wife at any time. He cannot be like his father, who has to ask his mother for money first if he wants to buy something for his wife. Any other surprises?

Mr. Ouyang said: "You still know how to use the word rotten wood, then it is worth teaching."

Gu Dewang's face turned green and asked: "Sir, do you always do this on purpose?"

Mr. Ouyang didn't hide it at all: "Yes, I deliberately force you to study so that you have no time to make money."

Gu Dewang cried: "Sir, money is very important. If you don't make money, you won't even be able to eat meat. Besides, why don't you keep your word? You made an agreement earlier that you won't teach us all the time. You have to travel. What are you doing? Going back on your word is very dishonest!”

Then he said: "And why do you have to watch us study? My family only gives you a little money, and it's not even enough for your bottle of wine. I can't stand it anymore when you do such a loss-making business and you do it so wholeheartedly." !”

You can be more attentive. It's just a little practice. Just teach me casually. When it's time to go out and play, go out and play.

Mr. Ouyang looked at him and said, "It has nothing to do with money."

Mr. Ouyang sighed, you have misled me in my words.

Gu Dewang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly asked: "What does that have to do with? Tell me."

I'll change it right away so that you don't have to stay here to teach us.

Mr. Ouyang saw through his thoughts and smiled: "It's because if you don't pass the imperial examination, it will damage my reputation. I am also a famous person in Chu. If people know that my students can't even pass the imperial examination, Aren’t you going to be laughed at to death?”

"What? We still need to be admitted to the Jinshi!" Gu Dewang stood up from his chair in fright, and said sadly: "My mother just wanted us to be admitted to be a scholar, but you also raised us two levels, so we have to be admitted to the Jinshi!" "

Gu Dewang burst into tears, shouting that he had been fooled, so he felt like he was dead during class, lying on the table motionless.

When Brother Cheng came in, he saw this scene.

After saluting Mr. Ouyang and saying hello, he winked at Zheng Qing, sat back in his seat, poked Gu Dewang, and asked, "Brother Dewang, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Dewang said in a sullen voice: "Ignore me and let me die."

Brother Cheng smiled and didn't ask any more questions or worry. The second sister said that Brother Dewang was a fool. No matter how sad things happened, he would not die.

"Oh, then you can continue to lie down." Brother Cheng said, took out the homework he had done during this period, and handed it to Mr. Ouyang: "Sir, this is the homework done by the students. Please take a look."

Gu Dewang: "..."

You idiot, you even took leave to go to Fucheng and still did your homework. Why do you like reading so much?

Mr. Ouyang took the homework from Brother Cheng, took a rough look at it, and said, "Yes, these homeworks were given by your elder brother?"

Brother Cheng nodded: "Well, it's all from the eldest brother, but Uncle Shang will give guidance and help with corrections."

Mr. Ouyang is very satisfied. Gu Jinan is a pragmatic person. The homework given to Brother Cheng not only includes book knowledge, but also farming, business, taxation, and criminal law. It is very comprehensive.

"Go back and sit down. I will talk to you after I finish reading." Mr. Ouyang said, and glanced at Gu Dewang, who was pretending to be dead, as if to say, look at Brother Cheng, and then look at you? Useless things!

"Well, thank you, sir." Brother Cheng bowed and thanked Mr. Ouyang, then returned to his seat.

As soon as he sat down, Gu Dewang jumped up and said as if he was dead: "Old man, I want to drop out of school!"

Mr. Ouyang gave him a disgusted look: "You have been dead for a few days and you came up with such a stupid idea? I tell you, it's impossible. The students taught by Ouyang Hu actually dropped out of school with me and spread the word. How can you gain a foothold in Dachu? ? This is more embarrassing to me than if you fail to pass the exam."

If you want to drop out of school, there is no way.

After hearing this, Gu Dewang was almost furious. Why didn't Old Man Ouyang let him go?

"I can't pass the Jinshi examination at all. I will never pass it in this life. Don't count on me." Gu Dewang said ruthlessly.

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