A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1048 Who will survive who?

Gu Defa glanced at his brother and then looked away.

Brother is so stupid, haven’t you seen it yet? Mr. Ouyang, the more you don't learn, the more he will make you learn. To go against the old man is to make him happy.

Sure enough, Mr. Ouyang said with a smile: "If you can't pass the exam in your life, then you can take the exam forever."

Gu Dewang wanted to hit the wall after hearing this. This old man was too difficult to deal with.

After a while, he looked at Mr. Ouyang's old face, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm afraid you can't stay with me for the rest of your life at such an old age."

Mr. Ouyang was not to be outdone: "I'm in good health. The Ouyang family has always lived a long life. It's not a problem to live to be eighty. Just wait."

So you kid, if you want to outlast me, don’t study, just go ahead and dream!

After hearing this, Gu Dewang reached out and counted Mr. Ouyang's age. He was so surprised that he broke his voice: "There are still about twenty years left!"

Twenty years later, he will be almost forty. If his life was as short-lived as Gan Mingzi's father in the town, he would have been dead for several years.

He wanted to torture old man Ouyang to death, but now who is it?

Gu Dewang became desperate again and lay down on the table to pretend to be dead.

Brother Cheng watched the excitement for a while and finally understood why Gu Dewang was like this. He said to him: "Brother Dewang, just give up. Instead of insisting on fighting with Grandpa Ouyang, it is better to study hard and maybe study a few times." He will be able to pass the imperial examination in 2018. Look at Brother Dexing. Many people used to say that he would not be able to pass the imperial examination. Now, instead of being admitted as a boy student, he is very likely to be admitted as a scholar."

Gu Dewang covered his ears and pretended not to hear.

Brother Cheng added: "Besides, there is no conflict between studying and making money. Brother Dewang can study and make money at the same time."

Then he told Gu Dewang about Lu Bai's writing of storybooks to make money.

When Gu Dewang heard this, he almost jumped up in shock: "What, you can earn dozens of taels of silver from just one word?"

Brother Cheng nodded: "Well, if the story is good, there can be thirty taels. Although Brother Dewang can't write storybooks, Brother Dewang can do other businesses."

A living person can still choke to death by urinating. If you change the method, you can accomplish two important things at the same time.

After hearing this, Gu Dewang finally became happy and said to Mr. Ouyang: "Old man, I won't be stubborn with you anymore. Wait, when I make a lot of money, I will send you a car of ham so that you can eat as much as you like!"

Mr. Ouyang sneered and said: "You can continue to be stubborn, I just thought of a way to deal with you."

When Gu Dewang heard this, he was overjoyed. It was so dangerous. Fortunately, he woke up quickly, otherwise he would have been tortured to death by the old man.

He immediately took out his textbook, sat up straight, and began to pretend to study hard.

Mr. Ouyang glanced at him and said: "I owe you five days of homework. I will hand it in tomorrow. If you dare not to hand it in, the homework will be doubled. Tell your mother again and let her beat you twice, and then deduct your meat and vegetables. Let you No meat for a month.”

"I must pay, don't tell my mother!" Gu Dewang was hungry when he was fleeing. He likes to eat meat the most. If he doesn't eat meat for a month, he will go crazy.

Mr. Ouyang snorted coldly and ignored Gu Dewang, but the homework given today was the copying that Gu Dewang hated the most, and the one he wanted to copy was the Zhou Dynasty scholar's speech against the barbarians. Not only was the letter for criticizing the barbarians long, but it was also difficult to write. It had to be copied ten times. Plus the homework he owed could make him useless.

Gu Dewang wanted to die, but in order to eat meat, he had to work hard, and he didn't even dare to follow Gu Jinan and the others in the study.

Mr. Ouyang was satisfied to see that he was honest and went to the study to meet Gu Jinan and the others.

"Student, thank you, Mr. Ouyang. Thank you very much for Mr. Ouyang's guidance." When Gu Jinan and the other five saw Mr. Ouyang, they immediately knelt down and thanked him.

Although Mr. Ouyang is a great scholar, he is not pedantic at all. When he gave guidance to Gu Jinan and the others, he always gave guidance on places where they might be able to take the exam, so Gu Dexing was able to pass the Tongsheng exam.

Mr. Ouyang said: "I'm just giving you a few pointers. Ham has already taken credit for this. Get up quickly."

Mr. Ouyang did not ask Gu Jinan and the others about the government examination. They had already passed it. What else could they ask? Instead, he asked about their experiences in Fucheng: "I heard from Brother Cheng that you met some interesting students. I encountered a lot of interesting things, tell me about them. I’m always bored in Qingfu Town, and I haven’t heard anything new for a long time.”

In fact, this is not the case. The people in Qingfu Town are so gossipy. Every few days, people from all over the country come to the town to attend the market. They are all eloquent, comparable to the storytellers in Jiangnan. Mr. Ouyang can hear new things every day. knowledge.

Sometimes he would wear coarse linen clothes and carry a basket to buy farm goods and listen to people's opinions.

Gu Dewang disliked his hobby very much, saying that he had never seen such a nosy old man.

Then he gave me extra homework.

Why is this gossip? Obviously you are trying to understand the local customs, so don't talk nonsense if you don't know.

Seeing Mr. Ouyang's interest, Gu Jinan told him what he had seen in Fucheng.

Mr. Ouyang listened with great interest, laughed out loud several times, and sometimes even sighed with emotion.

However, he saw that Shang Xiucai seemed to have something to say. After listening to what he had seen for half an hour, he said to Gu Jinan and the others: "Go and take out the ham and slice it. Take the mixed wine and put it on ice in the well." , go to the kitchen to help prepare some dishes, I’m greedy, I need to eat early today.”

He doesn't have the rule of a gentleman to stay away from the kitchen. Instead, he thinks that men should learn to cook, otherwise if you get stuck on the road in the future, you won't even be able to light a fire to boil hot water.

"Yes." Gu Jinan and the others also saw that Shang Xiucai had something to say to Mr. Ouyang, so they left obediently without staying any longer.

After they left, Mr. Ouyang said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Shang Xiucai did not hesitate and said immediately: "I want to ask you something, sir, and I hope you will grant it."

Mr. Ouyang: "Don't do this. Let's talk about the matter first. I'll think about whether I can agree to it."

After listening to this, Shang Xiucai told what happened to the old Gu family, and then said: "Although it was the old Gu family who was wrong, Brother An and the others are juniors. Even if they are right, their reputation will be damaged. When he goes to the college entrance examination , someone will definitely use this matter to criticize him. I would like to ask sir to write a poem to help Brother An."

Mr. Ouyang is a well-known scholar in Chu, and his brother Ouyang Hong is even more powerful. Most literati admire their brothers. If Mr. Ouyang can write a poem to help Gu Jinan and clear his name, those who want to criticize him for being unfilial will People must not dare to act rashly again.

Mr. Ouyang did not agree immediately, but said: "The time has not come yet, let's wait until the time comes."

Shang Xiucai said anxiously: "Sir, I think this matter should be done sooner rather than later. You don't know how many people in Fucheng are criticizing Brother An. If you don't help him, his reputation will be even worse."

"The people in Fucheng's plot against Brother An was solved by the Gu family. Why are you anxious?" Mr. Ouyang said, "You can't rush this matter. There's no point in hurrying. Let's do this for now."

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