A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 1049 Mrs. Xu Er gives money

Mr. Ouyang didn't want to talk more about Gu Jinan, so he interrupted and said, "Besides this matter, what are you worried about?"

Shang Xiucai was stunned and said with a wry smile: "You have always seen it."

Mr. Ouyang nodded: "Go ahead."

After hearing this, Shang Xiucai could only tell what happened to Shang Laosi: "This matter should be settled, but once it is made public, the reputation of the Shang family will definitely be affected, and people will make complaints about it within a hundred years. "

Country people love to gossip. No matter whether your family encounters good or bad things, as long as it can cause a sensation, it will be passed down from generation to generation.

Eventually it will become a rural legend, and a hundred years from now some old people will still mention it: "Hey, that Shang family did something evil so many years ago."

Then when people who hear it see the Shang family, they will cast curious or disdainful glances, and the impact is far-reaching.

Mr. Ouyang was very talkative this time. He took out a pen and paper, wrote two letters, stamped his personal seal, and handed it to Shang Xiucai: "Send it to County Magistrate Zheng and the Ancient Magistrate. They will handle this case quietly." , will not spread in He'an Mansion."

There are many ways for the government to handle cases. If you want to avoid causing a sensation, it is very simple. Instead of going to court, you can directly interrogate the case in prison, and then order the jailer not to tell anyone about the case. When the case is settled and the adults are promoted with credit, outsiders still don’t know about the case.

Moreover, the fourth family lives out of town all year round and does not come back once a year. There are very few people in Qingfu Town who know him. Even if he does not come back in the future, others will not suspect anything.

Shang Xiucai was so pleasantly surprised that he stood up and saluted Mr. Ouyang solemnly before accepting the two letters.

When Erqing drove the mule cart back to the village entrance, he happened to encounter the Xu family's mule cart.

Mrs. Lu followed Mr. Xu's order and got up before dawn. As soon as the city gate opened, she came with generous gifts to apologize to Gu Jin'an's family and Gu Dagui's family. But something happened in Dafeng Village today. Her family's two mule carts were blocked at the entrance of the village and could not enter.

He Dayuan took the He family to arrest He Daqian. The person guarding the village entrance was He Datian, who was of the same generation.

He Datian stopped the steward of the Xu family and said: "The village chief has been ordered by the county magistrate. In order to allow Mr. Gu to prepare for the hospital examination with peace of mind, outsiders are not allowed to enter the village during this period. Please go back."

Steward Xu was stunned and asked quickly: "Is this what the county magistrate meant?"

He Datian nodded: "Yes, it is the words of the county magistrate himself. If you don't believe it, go to the Yamen to find the county magistrate."

The name of the county magistrate is much more useful than that of the village chief. He sent away many visitors this morning. When those people heard that it was the order of the county magistrate, they were so scared that they didn't dare to behave any more and left quickly.

Manager Da Xu was very good at doing things. He took out a piece of silver and said to He Datian: "We are from the Xu family in the county. The young master and Mr. Gu are good friends. Yesterday, the Gu family were guests at Xu's shop, but there were some misunderstandings." , The second wife of my family came here specifically to apologize today, and I hope that it would be convenient for my brother to go into the village and inform him."

He Datian's eyes widened when he saw the ingot of silver. He swallowed and refused: "There's no need for the silver. I'll let someone inform you. Just wait."

He Datian used to work as a laborer in other places. Hearing that life in the village was better, he quit his job and returned to his hometown, planning to grow medicinal materials. Today was the first time I was assigned to guard the village entrance. Although I was greedy for money, I was afraid that the Gu family would misunderstand me as greedy after receiving the money, so I didn't dare to accept the money even if I saw it.

"Haozi, go to the end of the village to find Wang Yongfu, tell him what's going on here, and say that the wife of the Xu family in the county is here and wants to visit the village."

"Uncle Datian, is there someone going to the Gu family?" Erqing stopped the mule cart and asked He Datian.

He Datian nodded: "Well, the second wife of the Xu family in the county is here to visit. You are the newly purchased maid of the Gu family."

Erqing nodded: "Yes, this slave is here to serve the little master."

After hearing this, He Datian was overjoyed and did not dare to neglect Erqing and told the story about the Xu family.

When Mrs. Lu heard this in the mule cart, she lifted the curtain and smiled at Erqing: "But Miss Erqing? It'll be great to see you. Can you ask the villagers to be accommodating and let us in? What happened yesterday?" You also know that if I don’t go in and apologize, the elders in the family will blame me.”

Erqing said: "Okay, my servant will take you in."

Xu Zhaoming and Gu Jinan are good friends, and Mr. Xu is also a good man, so the little boss said they can be friends.

"Uncle Datian, that is indeed the second wife of the Xu family. The Xu family helped the little boss in the county. The eldest young master said that if the Xu family comes to the village, just let them in directly." Er Qing is a man who knows how to handle things. He also said: "You have worked hard guarding the entrance to the village. As long as the money comes from the right source, there is no harm in accepting it."

The little boss said that the money delivered to the door should not be wasted, and the villagers who guarded the village entrance also helped her family to stop people, so they must give some benefits to the villagers.

Manager Da Xu was very wise and handed over the ingot of silver: "Brother, please accept it."

He Datian was still shocked. He didn't expect that guarding the village entrance could do such a good thing. He looked at the nephews guarding the village entrance and saw that they had accepted the money. If they don't accept it, the clansmen who guard the entrance to the village will have something to say.

"Haozi, remove the fence and let the Xu family's mule cart come in." He Datian said, pointing to the people who were guarding the roadside and preparing to rush with them: "Don't come over here, wait for the first examination of the case." When I am a scholar, I will treat you to a flowing table."

After hearing this, those people still refused to agree. They rushed over with congratulatory gifts and their own girls, and said with a smile: "Brother He, you have already let the Xu family in, so it doesn't matter if you let us in."

He Datian had a headache, this country woman was so difficult to deal with, and they wouldn't leave even after he talked until their mouths were dry.

He Datian did not let them in and moved the county magistrate out, but those women would not listen and wanted to rush in together when the Xu family's mule cart entered the village.

Erqing moved Luo Wu out: "Leader Luo is in the village today. If you force your way in, he will take you all to jail."

After hearing this, the women froze in fright, while the girls who came with their mothers cried. It was so embarrassing. How could any older girl personally come to another village to pester a man?

But in order to get close to the rich husband, the family dragged them here forcefully.

Those women were very angry because they could not enter the village. When they saw their daughters crying, they immediately beat and scolded them: "You're crying, who are you doing this for? It's not because of you, a loser!"

Erqing sneered, is it really for his own girl? I think I want my family to live a good life with nothing to gain.

If he really loved his daughter, he wouldn't care so much about his daughter's reputation that he would drag his daughter to pester a man in broad daylight.

The Lu family had two daughters. She couldn't see these girls being beaten, so she said to her roommate, Aunt Lu, "Go tell them, if any family is willing to take the girls away immediately and promise not to bring the girls here again to embarrass them, the Xu family will give them Their family has ten taels of silver."

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