A beggar without a household registration is a refugee, and the government will not care if he dies, but the neighbors are all good people with a household registration. If one of them dies, it will be a serious life case. If a relative makes trouble again, the government cannot ignore it.

Mrs. Lu told Mrs. Chen all this in a roundabout way, which frightened Mrs. Chen: "My God, how can it be like this? The people in Fucheng are too evil. I just want to do business, so they will If you want to cause trouble, a group of people who want to kill a thousand people, bah!"

The third grandma said: "What's so strange about this? When we first opened the tofu stall, you forgot that Lu Laosan came directly to our door to steal our recipes. If you want to open a shop in Fucheng, you have to think of these things You have to be extremely careful about things.”

Even if Futailou and the Qi family help them, they cannot take it lightly.

Gu Jinli nodded and said: "Third Grandma is right. I asked you to rewrite it so many times just to tell you that opening a shop is not that simple. It seems like a good thing, but if you are not careful, the good thing will happen." It turns into something bad.”

She admitted that she had the intention to embarrass Mrs. Chen on purpose, but more importantly, it was because Mrs. Chen really didn't do a good job and wanted to use this method to teach Mrs. Chen Zhang a lesson.

"What should we do?" Mrs. Chen asked anxiously: "You also know that the rich families in Fucheng sometimes eat fresh food. They may only eat one or a few bites of a plate of golden bean cakes, leaving most of the plate untouched. , it hurts to see it.”

The Chen family was extremely poor and had escaped famine. They felt very sorry for food and did not want to waste it at all.

Gu Jinli glanced at her: "You've been thinking about it for several days and you still haven't come up with a solution?"

Haven't you always boasted that you are smart? Why have you become stupid this time?

"Look what you said, you think my aunt is too smart. If I can think of a way, I'll be fooled." Mrs. Chen is a willing person. In order to make money, she begged Gu Jinli with a smile: "Xiaoyu, just do it Stop being so pretentious and give Auntie an idea quickly. Your family owns the majority of this shop and gets the largest share of the money earned. You have to get things straightened out quickly so that it can open."

Gu Jinli saw that Mrs. Chen had learned a lesson and wanted to stop being careless when opening a shop, so he said: "There are many ways. If there is too much bean dregs in the shop, you can make all the bean dregs into bean cakes and ask Shopkeeper Hu from Futai Building to pull the strings , sell the bean cakes at a low price to the carriage and horse shop. The carriage and horse shops are full of porters, doing hard work, but they are reluctant to eat them. The bean cakes have oil and water, and they are full of food, so they will be happy to buy them."

However, she reminded: "You must sign a deed with the owner of the carriage and horse shop, and sell them to the owner of the carriage and horse shop. Inspect the goods before buying. If there is no problem, the owner will sell it to the porters. If something goes wrong, , it is also the owner of the carriage and horse shop, we are not responsible."

"It can also be sold to Yahang. There are many servants in Yahang who are waiting to be sold. The daily rations of these servants are a lot of expenses. Yahang is happy to buy the leftover bean cakes from those customers at a low price. People eat.”

With a snap, Mrs. Chen clapped her hands together and clapped her palms together, and said happily: "Hey, Xiaoyu still has a way. If you say so, no matter how much tofu we make or how much bean dregs we make, it won't be enough to sell."

Tian Xiaohua admired Gu Jinli the most and was always listening carefully. After listening, she felt that Sister Xiaoyu was really awesome. She learned another trick and she would not make mistakes when opening her own shop in the future.

"Xiaoyu is right, this is indeed a way to make money and be safe." Mrs. Lu had long heard that the second girl of the Gu family could make money. She didn't quite believe it. But now after listening to her words, she really admired her. Then The rumors are true.

But the family's background was too poor. If she were an official girl, her father-in-law would risk his life to marry Brother Ming back home as his wife.

But the Gu family had just made a fortune, and the father-in-law wanted to marry Brother Ming to a lady from an official family, so he only wanted to marry his granddaughter to a child of the Gu family to connect the two families, but he never thought of marrying a daughter of the Gu family.

"Sister-in-law Xu, please take a look again. Is there anything else that needs to be changed?" Ms. Chen continued to ask, with a worried look on her face. If there is no problem, what excuse will Xiaoyu give her to rewrite?

Lu shook his head: "No more."

Mrs. Chen pointed to the account book again and said, "Where is the account book? Is there anything that needs to be changed?"

"No, the account books made by Dagui's siblings are excellent. They are simple and clear at a glance. They are much better than the account books made by my family." This is the first time Lu has seen such an accounting method. Every item is clearly listed. , you can understand it even if you watch it for the first time.

"This accounting method was taught by Xiaoyu. The account books used in our workshop all look like this. The lines are drawn in advance. I just write according to the lines drawn on it, but it takes a lot of advantage. ." Mrs. Chen took the opportunity to praise Gu Jinli. As soon as she finished the compliment, she looked at Gu Jinli and said, "Second Sister-in-law Xu said that all the problems are gone. You can get over it this time, right?"

Little girl, let’s see how you ask me to rewrite this time!

Gu Jinli raised his eyes, looked at Chen, and gave her a very nice smile.

Mrs. Chen trembled with fright, waved her hands and said, "Don't smile like that. Nothing good will happen every time you smile like that. It's scary."

Gu Jinli put away his smile and said, "No, I still have to rewrite it."

"Rewrite again, why?!" Mrs. Chen was furious, jumped up and rushed to Gu Jinli, raised the paper in her hand and said: "Look, Sister-in-law Xu Er has seen this. She is in charge of the family so much." Many people say it’s okay to make a living, why can’t you do it?”

Gu Jinli said calmly: "Have you changed Article 23? How can I deal with it if you haven't changed it? Go home quickly and we'll talk about it after you change it."

Then he pointed to the graffiti on those pieces of paper and said, "Make the paper cleaner. What should I think of those people who draw talismans with ghosts every time?"

Ms. Chen choked and had no words to refute, but after she was angry, she said again: "This is the last time. I have changed it this time. You have to give it to my aunt, or she will stop doing it."

She is not the top scorer in the examination, but she has to compete with several pieces of paper every day. Is it ridiculous?

Gu Jinli grinned: "It depends."

Three words, Chen almost exploded again.

Mrs. Lu quickly smiled and said: "Brother and sister, Xiaoyu is teasing you. After changing Article 23 and writing down the instructions on how to deal with the remaining bean cakes, we will definitely be able to pass."

Mrs. Lu knew that Mrs. Chen had a quick temper, and was afraid that she would rush home and rewrite, leaving her unable to give any hints. So she changed the subject and said, "Brother and sister-in-law, I'm really sorry about the matter of Ling girl. I'll do it for you." She apologizes to you..."

Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Chen said, "I almost forgot about it if you didn't mention it. If not, there's no need to compensate. Just beat her a few more times for me."

Then he said: "I'm not telling you, your girl Xu Ling is really too crazy. If you don't beat such a girl a few more times while she's at home to get rid of her bad temper, what will happen to her husband's house in the future? Yes. She will be divorced and returned to her parents’ home.”

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